D&D 5E The Dungeon Dudes Notch Up Another Million Dollar Kickstarter

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The latest entry to the Million Dollar TTRPG Kickstarter Club is Monsters of Drakkenheim from the Dungeon Dudes. The 5E monster book with D&D Beyond support passed the million dollar mark with just a day to go.

This is the Dungeon Dude's third entry in the chart, the others being Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Drakkenheim in September 2022, and Dungeons of Drakkenheim in August 2021. The Dungeon Dudes work closely with Ghostfire Gaming, who have been involved in several million dollar Kickstarters as primary creators or as partners.

Monsters of Drakkenheim is the first ever Kickstarter to include D&D Beyond support from Wizards of the Coast. The book includes 150+ eldritch-horror themed monsters, with plenty of miniatures, dice, accessories, pins, and other add-ons.

The campaign ends today (Thursday 25th April).

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Give it 5 years and the number who don’t will be much smaller.

With 5,5 I’ll switch over to it. Mainly because I’m at a point in my life where I want less physical stuff taking up room.

I’ll probably get the core 3 in physical book and double diol for digital versions but any other books will be DDB only.

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