The official EN World puppy/doggo thread

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Staff member
Each of our parade of Border Collies since 1986 has had a unique method of waking you up/asking for attention. Some are similar, but none have been identical.


Staff member
If there was ever a breed I'd expect to find their own ruddy way of doing things, BC are it.
The most effective: one used to come running into my room as fast as she could (she had to round a corner to enter) and slam her front paws into the side of my mattress.

The funniest: one used to come up to the edge of my bed and go “huff”. I’d reach out, scratch ears, and roll back over. So she’d try again, from a few inches farther back, “huff”. Again, I’d reach farther out, scratch ears, and roll back over. So she’d try again, from a few inches farther back, “huff”. Again, I’d reach even farther out, scratch ears, and roll back over. This cycle would repeat, with her backing up farther and barking louder, and me reaching farther out until I was reaching- unsuccessfully- with my leg and she was barking at full volume.

LaTia J

D&D Community Manager
@LaTia J we have an Official Doggo Thread. Donchaknow.

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