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The Official Welcome Thread - Version 2.0

Roman Virtue

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Ello Gubna!

It been so long since I registered for this forum that I forgot I did (just tried to create an account and... Oops! :heh: ). Oh well, still checking the threads out, promise to post if I have something intelligent to say, and especially when I don't ;) !

Anyway, I've been playing for a loong time now, I've played D&D, Rifts, Palladium, TMNT, Champions, Heroes Unlimited, Classic Marvel, James Bond, D6 Star Wars, Shadowrun, and I've GM'ed (DM'ed, Storytold, whatever) Vampire: TM, Werewolf: TA, Mage: TA and most everything (except Changeling) from the WoD, D6 and D20 Star Wars, DC Heroes, Marvel SAGA, and Cyberpunk. Most my games go on for at least one month, several have gone into the 'years', and for the WoD, we measured our time by decades (well, only one and some change, but still...).

There are still other games I own, but have yet to get around to playing (D20 Modern, Nephilem, Ars Magica, Heroes Unlimited, and I think I'm leaving one out (I've got 'sometimmers', cuz' sometimes I remember stuff and sometimes I don't).

Currently, I'm GM'ing M&M (one of the 'years' games) and once Star Wars Saga comes out, I'm really looking forward to getting back into that! And even though I claimed to be 'over it' I'm getting into a nostalgic mode and may spring it on my players before too long!

Other than all that stuff, I'm married, a proud parent, have a job a despise (but at least I'm working, huh?) and have been gaming with my group since Junior year of HS (Been gaming since Freshamn year though), a loong time ago in a galaxy far. far away! I have been to collage, taken computer graphics, psychology, philosophy, other computer classes and managment courses (Though I stoped going before I got any degrees).

That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure I'll see you all around the boards here! Ubtill next time


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The enchanter sends his greetings.

Greetings all! I heard about this place from a good friend. I look forward to exploring the site!


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An official welcome thread? I feel I should rebel already!


Well now that's done perhaps some chat about roleplay?

D&D player for about the last 20 years almost since Basic D&D. I'm now playing 3.5 and have a list of gripes probably longer than the accounts figures for Wizards of the Cash.

Basically I'd love to write my own 4th Ed but trying to do this solo would be crazy and I doubt the end result would be what people would consider D&D ("no magic missile??? NO MAGIC MISSILE!!!!" etc).

So basically I'll be lurking mostly so as not to upset people :)


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Seeking game players

Just joined EN World. Seeking game players in South Jersey, especially Illuminati & Avalon Hill Wizards. Also, open to other games as well, card, board, RPG. If you have interest, please respond. Thank you.


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New Here


Where to start?
I've gamed for many years under many different systems, including a few that I created when I got bored with everything else. I'm a very creative person with a fairly short attention span ;)

Just over two years ago, I completed my first novel. I sent it in to a publisher and was promptly rejected. I trashed the manuscript and started over, only to discover that the publisher that I had sent it to never published anything like what I had sent 'em. Ah, well!

My second novel was thrilling to work on. It was my own creation; a post-apocalyptic high fantasy adventure featuring a female main character and a unique system of magic. I found a likely publisher, and sent it in thinking "at least these people get back to authors quickly...if I'm rejected, I can send it out again soon". I was accepted! Yay!

Well, I'm a gamer through and through, and while I was writing this second novel, I wanted to make sure that the rules that governed the world and magic stayed consistent. I kept up a second document where I had everything written in game terms. My husband loved it and wanted to playtest it, and thus my RPG, "Gieden" was born. I sent it to the same publisher that accepted the novel, pitched it as a tie-in, and WHAMO, success!

Since then I've had two shorter works accepted, I've started working on supplements, and I've begun work on yet another game, this one a collaborative effort. I've had no further rejections. Needless to say, I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to officially call myself an author, and look forward to holding the first copy of my own work in my hands. I want to branch out and try as many new things as possible, and am considering doing a graphic novel next.

I have never had very good luck at forums. I always end up getting attacked, and never on the merits of my posts. If I say that I'm published, people run down my publisher. If I welcome someone to check out my MySpace page, someone jumps in with their opinion on my appearance. If I mention my experience fighting (martial arts, fencing), someone makes a snide remark about my gender. Bleh. I hope none of that happens here.

Anyway, all of that said (and it's a lot...I guess being a writer shows :D ) I'm a die-hard 2nd Ed fan who has tacked on so many house rules that it's gotten ridiculous. I also really like Mage, and I play Vampire, Changeling, Deliria, and Shadowrun on occasion. I have three kids, two dogs, four cats, and a snake.

Now you all know far too much about me. :uhoh:

So, "Hello!"


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New to the game

This is my first attempt to post, I've played D&D for years but this is my first time in this format. Looking forward to joining a group.


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