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The Official Welcome Thread - Version 2.0

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First Post

Lurker and first time poster here. I've been reading on the boards for quite a while, and finally decided to join. I've recently breeched from 2nd Edition into 3.5 (major step), and started running my own 3.5 game, which is a trip, let me tell you.

I'm posting just to say hello, and to get rid of that little message at the top of my screen. *lol*

Hope to maybe get more involved around here, possibly.

- Dischord

Welcome Discord. 3.5 is my preference in game systems. 4e remains to be decided on.

Welcome Wintergypsy. Try the PbP?

Welcome Cerulean_Wings. Many tips and shared stories can be found here by DMs

Welcome thorsroar. Hope you locate him. There are many other things here also to be found.

Welcome Kida. 3.0, 3.5 and 4.o can all be found here.

Welcome knightsyde. Lots and lots and lots and even more info and stuff can be found here.

So many new faces!

Welcome totallyoutofmymind. And a week later- how is your experience with DnD going?

Welcome metalbear. Are there any college supported groups at your college? The college I went to supplied money / resources / space for certain clubs. Maybe yours does also.

Welcome thelettuceman. 4e will arrive when WoTC is ready. I also have the problem of rarely finishing a project because I want to work on the next one and the next one and etc...

Welcome Sulerin. ah....yup

Welcome berkowow. 4e is a-coming.

Welcome grimaldi. Welcome fellow 30 something. I have some experience with using projectors. The biggest problem I had was the light / darkness issues. oh- and don't confuse the permanent markers vs the overhead markers.

So many new people..... not sure if I can get caught up welcoming everyone new! Missed one last person.

Welcome torcano. Many answers can be found here and many more questions also.


First Post
A newbie from China. :D

:D Hi everybody, I am new to here. In China the DnD games is getting popular. I have bought the core books of 3e (Chinese version), but still not familiar with them. I know now the 4e will be established soon. Seems I have a long way to catch up. :)

I am curious and very interested in reading the materials about DnD, have been so many times I feel I would follow the modules into the whole amazing fantasy world. That's so nice. :)

I am 24yo, living in Beijing, China, a graduate school student of computer science. My best wishes to you all. :)


First Post

The little text at the top of the page accused me, in a very polite way, of being a dirty lurker, so I have decided to discredit that accusation and post earlier than I anticipated. With that, hello. I'm known around the internets by the monicker "Iavas", "Iavas87", or "Iavas Neldelas" depending on the username specifications on any particular site. I'm most interested in the Planescape campaign setting and thus can be found quite often around the Planewalker site. Indeed, I signed up to these boards for Shemmy's Storyhours and have yet to look around thoroughly outside of them. Given my rather flighty and alternating interests, I'll get around to it eventually. 'til then, all the best.


First Post
Hey. New to the site. I'm a GM and a player. I'm just looking for some additional resources to make things better. Glad to be here.


First Post
Hi back at you... a little help please


I have recently returned to the world of RPG gaming after a VERY long absence (like from back in the 1980's). The world has moved on it seems while I have been hiding under my rock and there are a plethora of changes going on as we speak.

This all being well and good for the industry but it poses me with something of a problem.

I am looking to build worlds you see. Not just planets, but cities, countries, people places the 'whole shebang'. I am looking at using the wonderful programs that have/are being created by the likes of ProFantasy, Twin Rose and the RPGexplorer guys though and there in lies the problem. What to use?

I would appreciate some advice on this from any and all who would like to give their opinion. Specifically I need a system (or group of compatible systems) that can do the following:
1. Generate Characters for 3.5 D&D, d20 Modern, Past, Future, Arcana
2. I need Mapping fascilities THAT LOOK GOOD as well as being functional and reasonably intuitive
3. I need campaign building, monitoring, recording
4. I need City,Town,Building Generation from Deepest Dungeon to modern corporate tower and maybe even space travelling structures
5. I would like (and in this modern day and age it aught to already be in place) for the things to look good. (not like stick drawings on a BBC Acorn)

I know these things are out there, just would like peoples opinions and advice on where to start.

Many Thanks


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