The OGL -- Just What's Going On?

D&D fandom is in uproar again about purported upcoming changes to the Open Gaming License, and rumours are flooding social media regarding WotC's intentions to 'de-authorize' the existing Open Gaming License in favour of a new one. What's the OGL? The Open Gaming License is a share-a-like license created by D&D owner WotC about 20 years ago so that third parties could create material...

D&D fandom is in uproar again about purported upcoming changes to the Open Gaming License, and rumours are flooding social media regarding WotC's intentions to 'de-authorize' the existing Open Gaming License in favour of a new one.


What's the OGL?
The Open Gaming License is a share-a-like license created by D&D owner WotC about 20 years ago so that third parties could create material compatible with the then-3E D&D game. This allowed smaller publishers to ensure the game was supported with products which WotC could not make themselves, driving sales of the core rulebooks. D&D 5E's rules are also released under that very same license, which is why you see hundreds of 5E-compatible products on Kickstarter from massive projects like the 5E-powered The One Ring, down to small adventures and supplements. It has been widely believed for two decades that this license is irrevocable (and, indeed, WotC itself believed that -- see below), but it appears that WotC is now attempting to revoke it.

A Quick Recap
A few weeks ago, WotC made a short statement regarding the OGL, followed later by a more in-depth announcement covering revised terms, royalties, and annual revenue reporting.

At the same time, at the end of December, a number of hastily arranged meetings with 'key' third party creators under a strict NDA agreement were set up with WotC's licensing department in order to share the company's plans regarding licensing of D&D going forward (disclaimer -- while WotC also reached out to me, we were unable to schedule a meeting over the busy Christmas period, so I am not party to that information).

A New Rumour Emerges
This all came to a head yesterday when the Roll For Combat YouTube channel released what they said was a leak of the upcoming OGL from multiple trusted but anonymous sources within WotC.

This leak claims the following. Note -- it is impossible to verify these claims at this time.
  • There will be TWO OGL's -- an OCG: Commercial and an OGL: Non-Commercial.
  • The original OGL will become unauthorized. This hinges on the wording of s9 of the current OGL:
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

While the license does indeed grand a 'perpetual' right to use the Open Gaming Content referenced, it appears that WotC currently believes that it can render a version of the license unauthorized. The license itself makes no reference to authorization or the lack thereof, nor does it define any methods of authorization or deauthorization, other than in that line. So this entire thing hinges on that one word, 'authorized' in the original OGL.

RollForCombat posted the following summary -- it is unclear whether this is their own paraphrasing, or that of their anonymous source, or indeed the actual document (although tonally it doesn't sound like it):

"This agreement is, along with the OGL: Non-Commercial, an update to the previously available OGL 1.0(a), which is no longer an authorized license agreement. We can modify or terminate this agreement for any reason whatsoever, provided We give thirty (30) days’ notice. We will provide notice of any such changes by posting the revisions on Our website, and by making public announcements through Our social media channels."

"You own the new and original content You create. You agree to give Us a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sub-licensable, royalty-free license to use that content for any purpose."

"You waive any right to sue over Our decision on these issues. We’re aware that, if We somehow stretch Our decision of what is or is not objectionable under these clauses too far, We will receive community pushback and bad PR, and We’re more than open to being convinced that We made a wrong decision. But nobody gets to use the threat of a lawsuit as part of an attempt to convince Us."

The ability for WotC to use your Open Gaming Content is not new; the company could do that under the old OGL also; it has rarely exercised that right, though it did reuse a couple of third party monsters in a 3E rulebook.

iO9 Gets A Copy
However, Linda Codega over at Gizmodo/iO9 got hold of a copy of the current draft of the OGL 1.1.
  • It's long. It's ten times the length of the current OGL, at 9,000 words.
  • No bigots. It prohibits NFTs and bigoted content.
  • Print/PDF only. It also prohibits apps and video games. And pantomimes, apparently. The wording says "including but not limited to things like videos, virtual tabletops or VTT campaigns, computer games, novels, apps, graphics novels, music, songs, dances, and pantomimes."
  • Deauthorizes the previous OGL. The license states that the OGL 1.0a is "no longer an authorized license agreement".
  • It’s soon! Pressingly, the draft also indicates that publishers who wish to sell SRD-based content on or after January 13th (which is just 8 days away!) have only one option: agree to the OGL: Commercial. That gives companies very little time to evaluate the license or make any necessary changes.
  • Clear OGL declarations. The new license contains other restrictions which effectively prohibit companies from identifying their OGC via a separate System Reference Document (which is what games like Pathfinder do); instead the reader must be alerted to Open Gaming Content within the product itself.
  • Royalties. As previously noted, creators who make over $750K will need to pay royalties to WotC. WotC does indicate that it might reach out to succesful creators for a more 'custom (and mutially beneficial) licensing arrangement). Creators are divided into three tiers - under $50K, $50K-$750K, and $750K+. The royalty is 20% or 25% of 'qualifying revenue', which is revenue in excess of $750K. The term used is revenue, not profit.
  • They want you to use Kickstarter. Kickstarter -- their 'preferred' platform -- attracts the lower 20% royalty, and non-Kickstarter crowdfuders attract 25%. It's interesting that WotC even has a preferred crowdfunding platform, let alone that they are trying to influence creators to use it over its competitors like Backerkit, IndieGoGo, Gamefound, and the like.
  • New logo. An identifying badge will be required on products which use the new OGL, and creators will need to send WotC a copy of their product.
The document itself comments that “the Open Game License was always intended to allow the community to help grow D&D and expand it creatively. It wasn’t intended to subsidize major competitors, especially now that PDF is by far the most common form of distribution.” That sounds like it is talking about companies such as Paizo.

Community Reaction
Social media has exploded, with a lot of very negative pushback regarding this news.

Many people have weighed in with their interpretations of s9 (above), both lawyers and non-lawyers. There seems to be little agreement in that area right now. If the above rumous is true, then WotC's current leadership clearly believes that previous iterations of the OGL can be 'de-authorized'. It's interesting to note that previous WotC administrations believed otherwise, and said as much in their own official OGL FAQ:

7. Can't Wizards of the Coast change the License in a way that I wouldn't like?

Yes, it could. However, the License already defines what will happen to content that has been previously distributed using an earlier version, in Section 9. As a result, even if Wizards made a change you disagreed with, you could continue to use an earlier, acceptable version at your option. In other words, there's no reason for Wizards to ever make a change that the community of people using the Open Gaming License would object to, because the community would just ignore the change anyway.

OGL architect Ryan Dancey also appears to have felt otherwise. In an article right here on EN World he said:

I also had the goal that the release of the SRD would ensure that D&D in a format that I felt was true to its legacy could never be removed from the market by capricious decisions by its owners.

Of course, many game systems are released using that license: Pathfinder, Fate, Open d6, WOIN, and many, many more -- many of them have nothing at all to do with D&D and simply use the license as a useful tool for enabling third-party content creators; while Pathfinder is, of course, the industry's largest OGL game and published by Paizo, the industry's second largest TTRPG comapmny after WotC itself. If the original OGL were somehow to become invalid, all these games would be affected.

There are other bits to the current rumour -- a 30 day notice period during which WotC can change the license any way they wish, and a waiver over the right to sue the company.

It's hard to get a clear picture of what's going on right now. I haven't seen the new OGL, and other than a handul of 'key' creators, it seems like very few have. WotC did indicate that it would be unveiled very soon.

Is it an OGL?
While it may be called "Open Gaming License v1.1", if the above is true, this isn't really an update to the OGL, it's an entirely new license. Ryan Dancey, architect of the original OGL. and who runs the Open Gaming Foundation, defines open gaming licenses as --
1. Game Rules and materials that use those rules that can be freely copied, modified and distributed.​
2. A system for ensuring that material contributed to the Open Gaming community will remain Open and cannot be made Closed once contributed.​
By these definitions, it appears that the new OGL is not actually an open gaming license, and has more in common with the Game System License WotC used for D&D 4th Edition.

So, What Now?
Now, we wait and see. Many eyes will be on the bigger players -- Paizo, Kobold Press, Green Ronin, etc. -- to see what action they take. As yet, none of these have commented publicly except for Green Ronin's Chris Pramas who told Gizmodo that they had not yet seen the new license, but they do not believe there is "any benefit to switching to the new one as described.” As for Paizo, Gizmodo says "Paizo Inc., publisher of the Pathfinder RPG, one of D&D’s largest competitors, declined to comment on the changes for this article, stating that the rules update was a complicated and ongoing situation."

Will these companies go along with it? Will they ignore it? Will they challenge it? We'll have to wait and see!

7 days is not enough time for even a small publisher to overhaul its entire product line to comply with new rules, let along a large one like Paizo. I have to assume there is an allowed time period to do this, otherwise it's practically impossible to do. It does seem that -- if proven enforceable -- the de-athorization of the existing OGL would drive many companies out of business, especially those which produce or lean heavily on electronic apps and the like.

It also remains to be seen how WotC goes about the task of persuading creators to use its new license -- will it tempt them with a carrot (such as access to the D&D Beyond platform), or try to force them with a stick (such as threat of legal action)? And how will the TTRPG community react, because this goes far beyond just D&D.

It sounds like we'll hear something more solid imminently.

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The EN World kitten
Okay, I think maybe this not something you're really interested hearing lol. Anyway discussion over, returning to OGL.
I'm honestly not sure why you'd say that, given that I thought I was replying very thoughtfully and forthrightly to your posts. Without saying things like "lol" at the end.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Mod Note:

In another thread, I warned folks against going down angry ratholes. That rathole was about who sold better when.

Lo and behold, folks decided to try to re-litigate the issue here, instead.

That was a bad decision. Please stop arguing about who sold more when in threads about the upcoming OGL release. It isn't constructive or terribly relevant to these threads.


aka Ian Eller
Well, they played that close to the vest at the time.
I remember it the same way you do, but the blog speaks for itself.
Here, we really do not know. We do not really know the terms of the licence on offer and I certainly do not know how well resourced the players are and what their sticking points are. I do not believe it is a slam dunk for WoTC though.
That's fair. And maybe I am being cynical and the big player will take a stand (assuming one is necessary). But in my heart of hearts I feel that WotC is going to win this one.


The EN World kitten
lol... you think I am causing trouble by saying "We don't know for sure and we both can point to evidence that contradicts each other"

I have offered to walk away with "Agree to disagree" but I will keep going if you want to.
I don't think you're causing trouble. We don't know for sure; I'm just pointing out that the best data we do have says Pathfinder outsold 4E, taking context into account. We can agree to disagree on the significance of that, but not on the existence of the information itself.

what about the data of Employees that worked for both that said it is an internet missunderstanding?
I addressed that above, pointing out their lack of specificity and context.

EDIT: I didn't see the mod notice until after posting this.

1) thinks the new rules will be that much better and widely adopted by the customer base that 3rd parties will want to work from them

Like, I think most of the 1D&D changes are technically improvements, but I dunno if there's even one single change in 1D&D that we've see so far that's like a "killer change", i.e. so good I wouldn't play 5E without it. Almost all the changes are 0.5 steps forward, 0.25 steps back, and 0.1 steps to the side-type tweaks or ones that are both good and bad like the spell list and "everyone prepares" deals.

Looking at boards I'm not seeing like, wild enthusiasm, either.

Which actually surprises me a little bit. Plenty of time yet but...
2) 3rd parties will need to be using 1.1 in order to get their material listed on DNDBeyond
Yeah if that turns out to be a thing. I'm really skeptical WotC is going to open the floodgates to stuff going on D&D Beyond though.

I mean one approach for a lot of companies would be simply to split into two companies (even if their employees cross over a ton)- one signs the OGL 1.1 and makes OGL 1.1 material, the other doesn't. You could probably even licence material FROM the OGL 1.0a company TO the OGL 1.1 company (though perhaps not vice-versa). You might even be able to get a Hollywood style tax write-down on that!
3) 3rd parties will need to be using 1.1 in order to use their materials with the new DND Beyond VTT
Kind of interesting they haven't said more about this. Maybe they're briefing people on this extensively behind NDAs though.


Further to this, what's REALLY WEIRD is them doing it NOW, in early 2023, when the VTT and any changes to Beyond are essentially speculative and certainly at the very least many months away, perhaps even years away.


I remember it the same way you do, but the blog speaks for itself.

That's fair. And maybe I am being cynical and the big player will take a stand (assuming one is necessary). But in my heart of hearts I feel that WotC is going to win this one.
I would point out that any attempt to deauthorise exiting OGC content would be an existential threat to Paizo, they would have to fight it.
After that, I do not know, we do not really know the terms being offered, the resources of the players involved, their philosophical positioning nor really anything else. Time will tell us something.


I'm beginning to get the feeling that WotC intentionally leaked this to start OGL hysteria, then low and behold when the actual unOpen OGL 1.1 is finally released and 'heh heh' the OGL 1.0a is only revoked if you want to make content for the new bigger brighter D&D 6E (yes, it's 6E, don;t kid yourselves) it won't be as big of a PR debacle and will be more acceptable.



Like, I think most of the 1D&D changes are technically improvements, but I dunno if there's even one single change in 1D&D that we've see so far that's like a "killer change", i.e. so good I wouldn't play 5E without it. Almost all the changes are 0.5 steps forward, 0.25 steps back, and 0.1 steps to the side-type tweaks or ones that are both good and bad like the spell list and "everyone prepares" deals.
I am a little more positive about the 1D&D changes but largely agree, there are steps back even if the rules are more consistent and tighter.
Looking at boards I'm not seeing like, wild enthusiasm, either.
Which actually surprises me a little bit. Plenty of time yet but...

Yeah if that turns out to be a thing. I'm really skeptical WotC is going to open the floodgates to stuff going on D&D Beyond though.
I think that D&DBeyond has technical issues with this but that they will have to open a DMsGuild like market on it if they want the VTT to be a killer app. And solve the issue of making the third party market items usable on the VTT.

I mean one approach for a lot of companies would be simply to split into two companies (even if their employees cross over a ton)- one signs the OGL 1.1 and makes OGL 1.1 material, the other doesn't. You could probably even licence material FROM the OGL 1.0a company TO the OGL 1.1 company (though perhaps not vice-versa). You might even be able to get a Hollywood style tax write-down on that!

Kind of interesting they haven't said more about this. Maybe they're briefing people on this extensively behind NDAs though.
I could see this happening.

Further to this, what's REALLY WEIRD is them doing it NOW, in early 2023, when the VTT and any changes to Beyond are essentially speculative and certainly at the very least many months away, perhaps even years away.
No, now is the time to do this. One of the problems with the 4e release is that they left all of this until the release to resolve and most third parties balked when they felt there was a gun to their head.

They are better off resolving this now and getting agreement if they can rather than letting it overshadow the launch.
If the get an amicable agreement with the big players most of the storm and angst will have blown over in a year.

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