The Play By Post FAQ: Last Updated 11/16/03


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Question not answered above...

Regarding "mature" material, such as the Book of Vile Darkness or the Book of Erotic Fantasy, if handled in a tasteful and a respectful manner, what is the baseline acceptable "rating" for the boards here? IE, should it be kept to PG-13? Is R acceptable? NC-17 if handled appropriately?

Thanks in advance.


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crazy_monkey1956 said:
Question not answered above...
Regarding "mature" material, such as the Book of Vile Darkness or the Book of Erotic Fantasy, if handled in a tasteful and a respectful manner, what is the baseline acceptable "rating" for the boards here? IE, should it be kept to PG-13? Is R acceptable? NC-17 if handled appropriately?
Thanks in advance.
Nobody answered this, so I will. I think I read somewhere to use the 'grandmother rule' when in doubt. If you don't think its appropriate to say in front of your grandmother, you probably shouldn't post it. The idea is that people of all ages and cultures should be able to participate on the boards without being uncomfortable with the material.

My Question: [/]My siblings and I like D&D, but are new to it and don't think we're ready to play on the boards with everyone else. Can I use the boards to host a small game for us, or should we not exclude other interested players?
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I just now read the first post in this thread, if you can believe that! Great stuff in there, guys! Thanks!

And, btw, I am the guy who likes gnomes!! I'd be thrilled if someone would run an all-gnome game!


Jerrand, it's there in the Playing the Game Forum. When you find it again, and you will, just look for the "Thread Tools" pull-down menu near the top of the page, and click on Subscribe to This Thread. Then, the way you get to your subscribed threads is by clicking on "Settings."
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First Post
How do I get a room set up?

From what I have read, so far, am I to infer the room do not have built in random resolution/"digital dice"?

Both questions answered, nevermind.

Peace & Light
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First Post
I am interested in hosting a game here. I've done so before in another forum (now defunct), but not at this site. I already have about six players, all non-EN-World members who would join. I would also open the game up to some other participants.

In the past I had some side threads next to the main game thread, for each player to post stuff about their character and schedule. I also had a rules interpretation thread for the DM, and other game notes and schedules.

How does this work... do I get one thread, or do I get a folder for multiple threads? I'd be willing to chip in a fair donation if that's what it took to use the extra bandwidth you would provide.

Thank you,



First Post
How does this work... do I get one thread, or do I get a folder for multiple threads? I'd be willing to chip in a fair donation if that's what it took to use the extra bandwidth you would provide.

Thank you,


I think if you want a simply START it yourself.
There is no dice roller or says you roll for the players and they simply inform you of their actions.
I personally am looking into Glittercom to coordinate all map/dice/chatter considerations....except it has very little instruction included...but looks promising.
I suggest you hold player meetings in a net meeting voice fashion rather than by post....much faster.
Hope any of that helps....if i am wrong an admin will jump right in and scold me I guess.

Peace & Light (and happy gaming)


First Post
would it be ok to make a room here to host a pbp game along with using skype for my own group that is unavailable to meet in person?

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