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The Psionicle, Part X


Continuation of the Psionicle game.


The party has finally reached the library that they've been headed for since Shardorn told them of what she believed laid within - a piece of the Psionicle.

Since arriving, the party has encountered only a single weasel.

They have managed to make their way through the library, and find the door that Shardorn spoke of - a heavy adamantine door, with a layer of iron over it, and a symbol of a screaming skull with an elborate 'K' embossed in it.

Having since discovered how to open the door, Jansson has had the rest of the party back away, and after manifesting a few defensive powers on himself, has placed an everburning torch into the skull's mouth.


As Jansson puts the torch into the skull's mouth, there is a slight rumbling sound that seems to emanate from the door. A little dust falls from the ceiling of the hallway, but nothing so large that it would cause any harm or impede movement. As the rumbling continues, the torch turns to dust, the door slowly rises up into the ceiling. After several long moments, the door is completely gone.

Beyond, you can see a hallway. It appears to be much like the hallway you're currently in - but there are a few differences that are quite obvious. The floor shines slightly, as though it has been cleaned constantly; there is no trace of dust on it, starting from where the door was and for as far ahead as you can see. The walls look a little smoother than they are out here, as though they've been worn down by something being rubbed on them for a long time.


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Heh now that was a bit lame... I mean this big stuff about defending a priceless item and it just requires some item magical in nature? Haha, after we see what's guarding it inside I'll decide if this guy should have hired someone more suited for the task or not! But for now let's advance, treasure and spoils await!

And Ruth picks up shield and sword and advances into the hallway.


First Post

"Well, at least not every man-jack adventurer might think to identify the properties of the door."

Osius takes a lead position once again.


First Post
I think I have to agree with Ruth on this one. That was just a little too easy. Let's see when this door leads."

Narok takes the central position, easy reach for healing those who need it.


"You don't expect people who are looking for parts of the Psionicle to carry magic items, now do you?"
Syld gets next to Narok to be easily reachable if he happens to need healing.


Into the hallway...

Ruth boldly leads the way into the reaches of the hallway, the rest of the group following behind.

As you go, you can hear faint voices, which seem to be coming from further along; you can't, however, make anything out.

After a few moments, you reach the end of the hallway. The room at the end is quite large, and is filled with bookshelves, each heavily laden with books. The floor and the walls have the same appearance of being well-cleaned and well-scrubbed. The bookshelves, as well, seem to sparkle. From the far end of the room, you can see a faint purple object, glittering... as you adjust to the light in the room provided by torches set every dozen feet or so on the walls, you can see that there is a gem sitting in an alcove, on top of a large purple-colored pedestal, very similar to the ones you have seen in the Thri-kreen caverns and the yuan-ti encampment. Around the alcove, much clearer than anywhere else you have seen thus far, is writing in the script that you've seen throughout the library.

Standing in front of the alcove, however, are two very bizarre figures. One seems to be little more than a shadow, and his form seems to be a little hazy. He wears a cloak, and an elaborate mask rests where is face should be. The other is a human, dressed in fairly archaic clothing, though his most striking feature is his hair - which is a soft blue color, and seems to have been arranged into spikes. They appear to be conversing with one another, and the blue-haired one is facing away from you.

"...through!" The man with the blue hair says. "The amount of power I had to draw on..." His accent is slightly familiar, though not familiar enough for you to place it.

He throws his hands up, and turns as though to walk away from the masked figure... but he stops in his tracks the instant he sees you.

He gapes for a small moment, but he then seems to recover. "Who the hell are you, and how the hell did you get in here!" He says in a loud voice.


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Animus says nothing, but ponders the two different individuals. "I wonder why there are two, instead of one, I thought there was only one guardian..."


"That is true." The blue-haired stranger says in response to Syld's comment. "However, I asked you first. Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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