D&D (2024) The rapier problem

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then you have a problem with shortsword/scimitar.

why should they stay at 1d6 as they have both finesse and light properties?

also dagger is too strong with d4 with it being simple weapon and having light, finesse and thrown properties.

better is to boost str based weapons.
Why is that a shortswod and scimitar problem? It's precisely why they would all be 1d6, so someone can choose what they want for flavour.

the base damage die needs to be bigger for STR only weapons as they are not as versatile that they can be used by both stats.
Maybe, but personally I'd like to see more done with Str in general. A big part of the reason Dex is so powerful is because it also helps out with initiative, AC, one of the most useful saving throws, and Stealth, which is one of the most useful skills. If you're not a Str-focused melee warrior, Str is near useless - but every PC can benefit a lot from a high Dex. If Str had more utility and out of combat uses, the balance would even up a lot.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
I think a couple of weapon properties ‘defensive’ and ‘weak guard’ or something similar which respectively endow +1 and -1 AC to certain weapons while wielding them would help balance out the whole weapons table a fair bit, you want that higher d8 rapier damage? sure but you’re taking a -1 to your defences at the same time, or go with the d6 shortsword/scimitar that’s weaker but safer, just add a few more pros/cons decisions to the weapons (and armour) selections.

A "saber" that's d8 slashing and finesse would add some weapon choice for today's rapier users.

It's fine that the rapier does more damage than a short sword, since the short sword is meant for dual wielders.


Maybe, but personally I'd like to see more done with Str in general. A big part of the reason Dex is so powerful is because it also helps out with initiative, AC, one of the most useful saving throws, and Stealth, which is one of the most useful skills. If you're not a Str-focused melee warrior, Str is near useless - but every PC can benefit a lot from a high Dex. If Str had more utility and out of combat uses, the balance would even up a lot.
delete CON, merge CON mechanics into STR


Why is that a shortswod and scimitar problem? It's precisely why they would all be 1d6, so someone can choose what they want for flavour.
because you now have d6 finesse weapons with and without light trait, and that light trait has to cost something(usually a smaller damage die)

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The fix is obvious. Stop trying to maximize your damage output.
What about 5E weapons is so compelling that you'd want it preserved?

They're not a terribly good simulation of how weapons work in the real world. They're not particularly balanced against each other. And the melee capabilities of each class aren't always evenly distributed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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