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The Romance of the River Kingdoms


Redclaw said:
Do the races (specifically Tlaxu for me) have any racial ability bonuses or penalties? I could find that on the pdf.

My thoughts about the claw-stick center around the details of the weapon. Is it a light weapon (and thus open to weapon finesse)? How much damage does it do? Is it piercing or slashing? Any details you can give would be great.
Off to the side of the races and culture page is the link to the pdf for creating a character of the given races.


But quick answers. Racial ability adjustments: None.
One-handed weapon. (not light)
1d2 damage. 18-20/x2. Slashing.

Clawstick. This is a wooden staff set with claws,
teeth and other small sharp items (commonly taken
from fallen foes). The clawstick causes painful tearing
wounds, allowing the user to add +1 damage against
unarmoured enemies. Any armour, including natural
armour, denies the user this bonus.

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Dr Simon said:
Blackrat: LOL! One question - do you see him more as protecting beauty or as destroying ugliness? Or somewhere in between?
Probably more of the first at start and MAYBE falling to the "Murdering ugly people" type later. But I think best would be somewhere between, closer to the first.

Dr Simon

Redclaw said:
Thanks. I had found the link, but the big gap after the flavor stuff left me thinking that was it for some reason. That'll teach me not to look at the number of pages in the file.

1d2 damage doesn't sound like much, I think that some of the Ura file wasn't written over for that table. Actually, a few of those stats look screwy to me. All of the 'claw' weapons ought to have the same critical modifier. Since they are tearing, slashing type weapons, assume that they all have 18-20/x2 and not the x3 fort he long-claw (this is more a piercing type of crit. modifier).

Assume 1d6 damage for the short-claw and 1d8 for the long-claw instead, that sounds more like a suitable amount!

You could do a light version of the same that causes 1d4 damage - the main factor, after all, is the length of the piece of wood that you use.

I think the rules for the klai dagger are rather complex, too. Gah! Looks like I'll be doing some more editing!

Dr Simon

Blackrat said:
Probably more of the first at start and MAYBE falling to the "Murdering ugly people" type later. But I think best would be somewhere between, closer to the first.

One option is that we could come up with a Champion variant for you to play:

However, going from straight SRD Paladin:

Paladin of Beauty
Claiming inspiration from Immortals such as Lady Moon Jasmine (dreams), Yash-Yabha (daydreams and dawn light), Banarjahab (construction), Tyannah (romantic love) and various other Immortals connected with the Nine Arts of civilisation, creative processes or physical attraction, the Paladin of Beauty seeks to defend all that makes the soul swell with delight by its mere existence.
To create a thing of beauty, or to care for things that are beautiful, shows how mortals can aspire to the creative ability of the Immortals. To destroy such things wantonly is a sin against all that is right and good, it is to deny the Divine and it is an act associated with the evil spirits of the Underwater Darkness World.
The Paladin of Beauty realises that sometimes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that true beauty sometimes comes from within (and other cliches). They will not hold it against a person for having a mis-shapen appearance if that person has a good soul. Whilst a slug or a plain of volcanic ash may not be lovely to look at, there is a still a savage or alien beauty to them, and they are the works of the Immortals.
A Paladin of Beauty may not be quite so magnanimous. Some may have very personal definitions of what is beautiful, and may seek to impose those views on others rather than simply defend them.

Add Perform to class skills (beauty is art, art is beauty etc.). The class already has Craft and Profession which could also be used for various

1st level:
Replace Aura of Good with Aura of Style. A Paladin of Beauty always remains well-groomed; even if dropped into a dung heap he will emerge clean and smelling fresh. (Su)

Replace Smite Evil with Smite Defiler. As Smite Good, but it works against individuals whom them Paladin of Beauty knows to have willfully caused malicious damage to a person or item. This would exclude, for example, a construction worker demolishing a house as part of his job, but would include somebody who smashed a sculpture for no reason.

Sense Defiler. As the Detect Evil, except that 'defiler' is defined as somebody who has committed an act of vandalism or wanton destruction in the past 24 hours

Looking at the other paladin abilities, they probably don't need much modification, based on the idea that disease, undead and injury are all considered to be against the natural order and therefore things of ugliness. Maybe the Aura of Courage ought to be modified, but perhaps not. The paladin's un-natural beauty is inspiring to those around him.

Dr Simon

Characters so far

So, players and character ideas so far, I have:

Hafrogman: Dirt; human monk
Blackrat: Seng Hua Shu; human paladin of beauty
Shayuri: Nai-nek-chai (species as yet undecided). Sorcerer or rogue.
Rolling Man: Salsham'ai druid or shaman
Redclaw: Xielt; tlaxu ranger
Walking Dad: Growling Ape; baboon nai-nek-chai spontaneous druid, avenger variant.
Passing Maniac: Ying Taramaya; human bard

Human racial types:
Nekuu - these are the most Oriental in appearance, and the most numerous. In Imperial society they are usually considered to be lower caste, noble workers of the soil etc. (which means that if you look a bit nekuuese you find it hard to advance to a position of authority).
Ashara - tall, coffee-skinned, slightly androgynous (think Egyptian wall paintings). Long been in positions of power.
Anhoi - originally from the Anhoi River region. Tendency towards round faces and dark curly hair. No social prejudice against them.
Dron - from the western Empire. Dron have bright orange skin, blue eyes and blond hair. Dron born from mixed marriages always seem to have full Dronish characteristics.
Atala - green skinned. Quite rare, mainly found in coastal areas. Thought to have originated from a land long sunk beneath the waves.
Thell - from a small valley kingdom in the farn north-east. Somewhat Scandinavian in appearance. Twins are common.
Others - Vaartans from the Khazarate of Vaarta to the west are lighter skinned with fair or dark hair. Visitors from the far continent of Fallen Sun have varying shades of dark skin.
All human types can, of course, intermix and most people have a mix of characteristics.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
That smite defiler seems pretty weak compared to smite evil. It seems too loosely defined. May I suggest something like "Smite Foul" and just say it affects certain monster types (aberration, undead and maybe one more, perhaps ooze or vermin)

Stats: http://invisiblecastle.com/stats/view/16445/
Name: Seng Hua Shu (Three peach-flowers in the moonlight)
Class: Paladin of Beauty
Race: Human (Ashara)
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 170
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Skin: Coffee

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Level: 1        XP: ???
BAB: 1          HP: 27 (1d10+2+14+1)
Grapple: 3      Dmg Red: None
Speed: 30       Spell Res: None
Init: 1         
ACP: -4         

                   Base  Armor  Shld  Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10     4      2    1                      17
Touch: 11              Flatfooted: 16 

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      2     2           4
Ref:                       0     1           1
Will:                      0     1           1

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical
White Lotus (scimitar)    4       1d6+2     18-20/x2


Aura of Style, Bump Uglies 1/day, Detect Uglies,

Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Quick Draw

Skills: Points: 2x4+4=12
Max Ranks: 4/2         Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Diplomacy                4     2           6
Craft (Calligraphy)      4     0           4
Perform (Poetry)         4     2           6

Equipment:         cost (Y)   Weight

scimitar             1500        4
Large wood shield     700       10
Chainshirt          10000       25
backpack              200        2
Traveller's outfit      F        5
courtier's outfit    3000        6
jewelry              5000        1
bedroll                10        5
signet ring           500        x
waterskin             100        4
scroll case           100      0.5
Trail rations x 4     200        4
Ink-vial              800        x
Ink-pen                10        x
paper x 5             200        x
Flint & Steel         100        x
candle x 5              5        x
Sealing Wax           100        1
Whetstone               2        1
Pouch                 100      0.5
5 silver Y           1000        x
3 blue Y              300        x 
3 Red Y                60        x
13 Green Y             13        x      
                    22627       69
Here's what I have in mind visually: http://www.koei.com/launch/dw5/chara_img/chara_popup_15.jpg
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Walking Dad

First Post
I will take the baboon nai-nek-chai.

[sblock=Growling Ape]
Name: Growling Ape
Race: Nai-nek-chai (Baboon)
Class: spontanous druid, swift hunter variant

HPs: 24
XPs: 0

Str: 12 (4 pt)
Dex: 14 (6 pt)
Con: 14 (6 pt)
Int: 10 (4 pt, -2 racial)
Wis: 16 (6 pt, +2 racial)
Cha: 10 (2pt)

Bodily able and wise but no very friendly demeanor :)

BAB: +0
AC: 15, Touch: 15, Flat Footed: 13
Fort: +4
Refl: +2
Will: +5
Move: 30'
Init: +2
Listen/Spot: +7
Loads: Light: 0-43 / Medium 44 - 86 / Heavy 87 - 130
[SBLOCK=Racial Traits]
- +2 Wis, -2 Int. Nai-nek-chai are creatures of instinct, not intellect. Nai-nek-chai base speed is 30 feet.
- Medium: As medium-sized creatures (in their humanoid form) nai-nek-chai g
bonuses or penalties based upon their size. Shapechanger: All nai-nek-chai are Humanoid with the Shapechanger subtype. Animal Blood: Although Humanoid, nai-nek-chai are also considered to have the Animal Type for the purposes of spells and effects. For example, a nai-nek-chai could be affected by both a charm person and a charm animal spell.
- Low Light Vision.
- Animal Form: A nai-nek-chai may assume the shape of one species of Small or Tiny Animal. To do so is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A nai-nek-chai may assume animal form a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Constitution bonus. He may remain in this form indefinitely, and may return to human form in the same fashion (this does not count towards the number of changes per day).
Any armour or clothing worn at the time of transformation simply falls off. Magical worn items may remain, at the GM’s discretion. In animal form, the nai-nek-chai’s mental ability scores are unchanged. He keeps any skills that he has (although it may not be possible to use some in the new form). He gains a modifier to his physical ability scores depending upon the animal form taken (See Table: Animal Forms below). He may also gain any modes of locomotion that the new form has, and any racial skill bonuses. The change in size will affect armour class, attack rolls, Hide and grapple checks. In animal form a nai-nek-chai gains any extraordinary abilities of the animal form and any attack forms (and is automatically proficient in their use). Where the creature has a single attack form, the nai-nek chai applies 1.5x his Strength bonus to damage. Where an animal form has secondary attacks these are made at –5 to the attack roll and x1/2 Strength modifier to damage. A nai-nek-chai may learn the Multiattack feat to reduce this penalty and may also learn feats such as Weapon Focus and apply the effects to his natural attacks. A nai-nek-chai is also eligible to learn Improved Natural Attack, Ability Focus and other applicable ‘monster’ feats. Improved Natural Armour, if taken, applies only to the nai-nek-chai’s animal form.

Club -- +1 To Hit, 1d6 Damage (x2)
Sling -- +2 To Hit, 1d4 Damage ( x2)

Class Features:
AC Bonus
Animal Companion (waiting for ape on level 4)
Favoured Enemy (human)
Fast Movement (30 ft. base speed)
Track Feat (Bonus)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy

Concentration: +6 (4 ranks, +2 Con)
Listen: +7 (4 ranks, +3 Wis)
Spot: +7 (4 ranks, +3 Wis)
Survival: +9 (4 ranks, +3 Wis +2 nature sense)

Common, ?

Bonus: Track
1. Medium Animal Form

4/Day Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
3/Day Level 1: Goodberry, Shillelagh, Summon Nature's Ally I.

[SBLOCK=Baboon Traits]
Str: 16 (4 pt, +4 animal)
Dex: 18 (6 pt, +4 animal)
Con: 16 (6 pt, +2 animal)
Int: 10 (4 pt, -2 racial)
Wis: 16 (6 pt, +2 racial)
Cha: 10 (2pt)

BAB: +0
AC: 17, Touch: 17, Flat Footed: 13
Fort: +5
Refl: +4
Will: +5
Move: 30', cimb 30'
Init: +4
Listen/Spot: +7
Loads: Light: 0-76 / Medium 77 - 153 / Heavy 154 - 230[/sblock]
Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Quarterstaff               -Y    4lb
Dagger                   200Y    1lb

Fish Hook                 10Y    -lb
Flint and Steel          100Y    -lb
Pouch, Belt (2)          200Y    1lb
Rations, Trail (4 days)  200Y    4lb
Scrolls x2 (CLW)        5000Y    -lb
Waterskin                100Y    4lb
Peasant's Outfit           -Y    -lb

Thanks to Dirt ;)
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Dr Simon said:
Smite Foul sounds good to me.
So aberration, undead and ooze? Would detect evil then perhaps be changed to detect undead? They're same level spells and have pretty similar effects.

Voidrunner's Codex

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