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D&D General The Satanic Panic never really died?

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Staff member
“Hey everybody! Get a load of this concerned mother’s sincerely held religious beliefs! Guess she didn’t get the memo that the 1980s are over HA HA!”

Sincerely held religious beliefs are fine, so long as they don't contradict objective reality. Belief that D&D teaches you actual spellcraft and satanic rituals is not about religion.


Or maybe you should, so as to enlighten the "enlightened".
I did purchase the books for young readers Wizards recently published (the "Choose Your Own Stories" series as well as the Young Adventurers' Guides) so they have access to the material. That said, I also purchase a lot of Christian fiction and religious-themed books. I try to provide balance in the collection.
But since I'm not going to host a "roleplaying games are wicked" program to accompany a potential D&D program, I can't claim the same balance. And knowing it's a hot button issue to me (having grown up during the Satanic Panic), I know I can't be impartial in those programs.


Expert Long Rester
I would argue that we are ruling the world.
As my friend had an employee a few years ago who said he called D&D players nerds when he was in school. My friend replied. "You know what we're called now? Your boss."
Bah I am still unable to Rage and become resistant to fire damage in real life.

If Satan is powering my Bear Totem he's doing a piss poor job of it.


I did purchase the books for young readers Wizards recently published (the "Choose Your Own Stories" series as well as the Young Adventurers' Guides) so they have access to the material. That said, I also purchase a lot of Christian fiction and religious-themed books. I try to provide balance in the collection.
But since I'm not going to host a "roleplaying games are wicked" program to accompany a potential D&D program, I can't claim the same balance. And knowing it's a hot button issue to me (having grown up during the Satanic Panic), I know I can't be impartial in those programs.

Then run a sci-fi game instead :p How about Star Trek?

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