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The Scars Run Deep (Updated - 3/29/2004)

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First Post
dag nab...figures I would pick a name that someone in a fake fantasy world already had, I always have the worst luck for that...

but Ruined is right...as time goes the two will be very different I assure you...especially if the one in your campaign has a "Sir" in front of his name hehe.


A few slight changes made to Silas' first session above, clarifying his family name and that of his sister. For reference:

Silas Loralian - One of our protagonists
Illyana Loralian - Silas' sister (deceased)
Brigham Loralian - Their father

I intend to have the next section of Silas' (mis)adventures up today. And soon, you'll meet the other two members of our intrepid group.


Silas – 22nd of Taner, yr. 144 AV

Silas gently blew across the parchment before him, drying the fresh ink. After a few minutes, he lifted it from the table for inspection. He brought it beside a similar document to compare the stamp at the bottom. It will have to do.

A few special touches to make the writ appear worn and it should be complete. This was a lesson Martin had taught him. Penmanship was only half of the work of a good forgery; making it look real was in many cases more important. This document needed to look as if it had been carried on the road for a few months. It needed to look as worn as Silas felt. His eyes played over some of the script for one last time.

"… the capture of one Martin Shale, known brigand and cutpurse most foul. Per this writ, he shall be remanded into custody of local authorities and any possessions shall be given to the bearer of this writ."


The watch captain squinted at the words on the writ, trying to disguise his lack of skill with the written word. His scrutiny would have made a lesser man sweat, but Silas took it in stride and played his role. Morian was another new city to him, but he hoped it would be the last in this endeavor. His coins were quickly dwindling in number.

“So, you’re a… bounty hunter?” The captain screwed up his face as if he had tasted something bitter with the last words.

“Yes,” Silas said, lying with conviction. “I intend to find this Shale before he flees town. Your assistance would be appreciated.”

The captain looked over the document again for a few moments, and then set it upon his desk.

“What kind of assistance?”

“Once I locate him, I would need a few men. I can take him down, but since I’ll be turning him over to you, it will work better this way.” Silas stared holes in the captain’s eyes, waiting for his answer. “I suppose I could take this to a Magistrate, someone who I can work with…”

“No, no,” the captain interrupted. Silas could see that the captain plainly didn’t want him going to his superiors. The captain pondered for a moment, then rolled the parchment and tied it off.

“Do your searching. Should you find your man, then return here. I will take this,” he said waving the parchment, “and see about getting you some assistance.”

It wasn’t exactly what Silas wanted, but it was better than nothing. Now he had to trust that his forgery would pass under someone else’s careful eye. He still had time to find Shale on his own. The guards would be a good backup plan, should he need them. Silas rose from his seat.

“Fair enough.”

The captain regarded him, once again with that sour look on his face.

“Good hunting.”


The market ward of Morian was not much larger than the one in Aolvnir, but a good deal more impressive. New Venir traded extensively with Shelzar, and it could be seen in the exotic silks and spices that certain merchants offered. Silas wandered about the market, looking for one particular item – Martin Shale.

Martin’s betrayal was not completely unexpected. Silas knew deep down that was the reason he had demanded to keep half of the merchandise that night. The next day when he went to the arranged meeting place, he found a group of Dragoons waiting for an elf of his description. He had barely escaped from their clutches, but he knew that he would have a hard time staying hidden in Aolvnir.

He had asked around and learned that Martin had made his sale and left town on his profits. Silas had the distinct feeling that he had sold his name along with the merchandise for an extra reward. Silas would never let this slight go; especially not from someone he had considered a friend. And the timing with Illyana’s death made matters all the worse. Chasing Martin across Lageni and New Venir had proven a welcome distraction.

It wasn’t long before he spotted his prey. Martin hadn’t taken precautions to disguise his appearance. He still wore his hair long and blonde with his high hairline. His clothes were of a similar color and variety with what he wore in Aolvnir. If Silas didn’t know of the haste in which he had fled other cities, he would believe Martin arrogant in his carelessness.

Silas allowed distance between himself and Martin before he followed. He didn’t want to confront him in the open marketplace. If he could follow him to his current quarters, that would be ideal. Martin stopped at a booth and sorted through some small knives and daggers. Silas found a nearby silk merchant, and tried to ignore the man’s unctuous bartering as he waited and watched.

“Hello Silas.” An unfamiliar voice greeted him from behind. Someone had walked upon him without his notice, although he could still see Martin ahead of him. Slowly he turned to his right and looked up at the calm face of a half-orc male. He was close enough to have put a blade in Silas, but he did not feel any such weapon. Irritated that someone had interrupted his tracking, he turned back to watch Martin.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“No, we haven’t. But I know of you and your friend, Shale.”

“He’s not quite what I would call a friend. Not anymore.”

A bit of humor crept into the half-orc’s voice.

“That’s what I heard. And that’s why I’d like to talk with you.”

“Well I’m a bit busy at the moment…”

“Shale’s not leaving any time soon. And besides, I can tell you where he’s sleeping at night.”

Without looking, Silas could sense that the half-orc had stepped away. Damn. This intrigued him, but he didn’t want to let Martin slip through his grasp. He looked at Shale, and then glanced back at the figure moving through the market. Silas grumbled and followed the stranger through the streets of Morian.
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
Well Sir is a bit of a misnomer on my part concerning our Silas, but even so, I do think there is a GREAT deal of difference between your Silas and the one in Hollowfaust.


First Post
That would be my bad...I was a slack player and got my info to the great Ruined one a little late(Due to me forwarding the email with the info to myself instead of my DM and not noticing for a while hehe)


Sorry about that Duncan. You and Silas had the right of it. I had went ahead and replaced the name, but there weren't any Find and Replace tools available. Should have looked over it better.

It's fixed now. May Illyana rest in peace.

And hey, glad you've joined us.


There should be at least one update this weekend. I'll be visiting family and such, but that usually provides free time to work on things.

Also, the other two characters will be playing through their intro sessions, so we'll be campaigning shortly. Sweet. =)

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