• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Shadows

Walking Dad

First Post

"I would like to hear the debrief before making recruiting talks, sir." He looks at the others. What do they think about this? Nearly get killed and gaining a job offer in return can change someone.

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"I agree with Smith, You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine. You probably know at LEAST as much about what happened there as any of us, so why don't you tell us what the hell's going on?"


First Post
Angelina seems nearly as shocked by the agent's words as she was by the monster...albeit not nearly as frightened.

"Is...wait, no...they're right. Go ahead and talk."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
OOC: Posting is going to be erratic at best for the next couple weeks. The exam is in two weeks and now's my last chance to really prep for it. I'll look into updating at the weekend ;).


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Very well. But first I must inform you that what I'm about to say is highly confidential. Convening this conversation to anyone unauthorised is considered treason. If everyone has understood I'll continue." Agent Ford seems to recite from memory and it is obvious he has held that little speech more than once. He takes a small device from his pocket and lays it down on the table. Pressing a button red lights begin blinking on the edge of the device.

He sits down and continues. "There are things in the world that general populace are unaware of and it is better that way. You saw the thing and can imagine what would be the reaction of the world if people suddenly became aware that the creatures of legends were true. In lack of better term, we shall call it a Werewolf for now, for that is what the press would call it. One of the confidential mandates of NID is to protect the world of things that should remain unknown."

He looks at you all and sees the disbelief which brings a sort of wry smile on his face. "I know what you are thinking, that humans are intelligent beings and should be allowed to know the truth. But that's not the case. Individuals are intelligent and reasonable. That's why I'm talking to you, but humans are animals, driven by base instincts and the truth would drive world in chaos. We need individuals to keep it hidden."

Walking Dad

First Post

"So, you are some kind of Men In Black? And you tell us that werewolves are real? What next, vampires? Zombies? Cthulhu?" DJ responds, seeming a bit enraged.


"So the Men in Black want to recruit us for Werewolf Hunting, eh? Heh, you know, after this many years, I didn't think anything could surprise me anymore."

Jericho shook his head, Chuckling "Funniest part is that I actually freakin believe you. I saw that thing, up close and WAY too personal, shot it right in the damned throat, barely slowed it down. Guess calling it a werewolf works just as well for me as saying it's a 'mutated, bullet-proof bear'."

He continued chuckling, forcing the others to wonder if he'd lost his sanity "SO, you want to sign us up, eh? Tell ya what, I don't look too good in a suit, so that'd be a kinda deal breaker for me, it aint required is it?" He threw a glance at the other two that seemed to say 'why not, how could this get any weirder?'


First Post
Angelina listens with strained credulity, but her reaction is similar to Jericho's. She'd seen what she'd seen. The name wasn't important.

But it still rankled. Who was it that decided what should and shouldn't be known? Who claimed that authority?

"What are the terms of this...job offer?" she asks abruptly. "What's expected from us, and what are you offering, exactly?" Angie pauses then adds, "And what happens if we say no?"

Walking Dad

First Post

"Very good question. What about our families, friends and peers? Can we have a kind normal life while protecting the world from the unexpected?" DJ starts to calm down a bit. Was this some kind of weird test? he thinks.

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