* Pa'avu starts combat down 10 HP.
Light: 2N has a Torch which sheds
bright light out to 5 squares. Beyond that radius is
dim light out to 1 square and
Partial Concealment. Beyond that is darkness and
Total Concealment.
Yellow Squares are
Acidic Mire (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A square of acidic mire is difficult terrain for creatures. They sink into the mire, acid clinging to flesh and clothing. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of acidic mire takes ongoing 5 acid damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Steps are Difficult Terrain.
Ochre Jellies (Level 3 Elite Brute x 2) 102 HP, AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14
Jelly Spitters (Level 3 Minion Controllers x 5) 1 HP, AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 15
Second Nation 2N (Level 3 Standard NA x 1) 47 HP, AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14, Speed 4,
Trait: If Adjacent to an ally gain +1 PB to All Defenses.
Only 1 Move Action Per Turn.
WIN CONDITION - Either get 2N to any of red squares OPQR-1 or defeat all enemies.
LOSS CONDITION - 2N is reduced to 0 HP, at which time, the group will scatter with grave injuries (which will need to be Healed immediately), emerging on the streets above and make an enormous spectacle which Imperial Forces will hone in on.
Chanvati & Minotaurs (S) & 2N 19
Jelly Spitters (M) 17
Pa'avu 14
Hazard 13
Ochre Jelly 7
BB 6
At the sound of screams, PA'AVU immediately turns away from her stare-down with the "seer" to witness the dissolved flesh of the woman's arm. The sight triggers memories of frequently being sent cave-mushroom-hunting with her peers - the adults being far too massive to fit in the narrow tunnels. They rarely but disastrously encountered creatures such these in the depths. More than once, young Pa'avu was one of two or three survivors of such encounters, usually with her leading the others to safety.
* (No Action) Monster Knowledge Check (Nature): Ochre Jelly: r(11) + 4 = 15
* (No Action) Monster Knowledge Check (Nature): Ochre Jelly Minions: r(9) + 4 = 13
Ochre Jelly & Jelly Spitter (Med DC): Large natural beast (blind, ooze), acid, blindsight 10, unaligned.
As chaos breaks out once again, CHANVATI processes the threats around them and barks out orders.
"Sahtree, break through that wall! Make us an exit to safety! Then defend our comrades from harm!"
Then he pulls a sunrod from his satchel and lights it, illuminating the chamber in bright blue light. He binds the ochre jelly to his telekinetic control, and flings it across the chamber into the jelly spitter in the doorway, obliterating the latter into a smudge of goo and partially blocking the opening between chambers with the bulk of the ochre jelly.
* Free Action (Battle Harness): Draw sunrod and ignite it.
* Standard Action: Living Missile vs OJ1 (in C17), r(18) +7 = 25 vs 16 Fort. Hit. OJ1 is immobilized (SE).
* Minor Action: Living Missile Attack vs M in I15. Before the attack, slide OJ1 to H15, r(12) +7 = 19 vs 13 Reflex. Hit for r(4,3) +5 = 12 damage. M in I15 is destroyed or prone and split (if it has that ability). OJ1 takes half damage (6) and is prone and immobilized (SE) in H15.
A volley of acid erupts from the JELLY SPITTERS. Chanvati's psionic defenses and agility protects him, but Hazard and the bundle of terrified humanity that is The 2nd Nation refugees find themselves desperately dodging the flying goop and, unfortunately, ending up in the Acidic Mire as a result!
M (G18)
* Standard Action: Spit (R10) vs 2N Ref; r(18) +6 = 24. Hit for 3 acid damage and 2N slides to F14. In Acidic Mire at start of next turn (5 OG Acid and Slowed <SE>).
Spit (standard, at-will) ✦ Acid
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3 acid damage, and the target slides 2 squares.
M (L15)
* Standard Action: Spit (R10) vs H Ref; r(13) +6 = 19. Hit for 3 acid damage and H slides to F12. In Acidic Mire at start of next turn (5 OG Acid and Slowed <SE>).
M (H9)
* Standard Action: Spit (R10) vs C Ref; r(8) +6 = 14. Miss.
M (A18)
* Standard Action: Spit (R10) vs C Ref; r(4) +6 = 10. Miss.
PA'AVU takes a quick moment to solidify her thoughts and muscles before bursting into action. First, she races at full tilt toward the wall, next to one of the spitters, as her gosb'tar indicated. She feels a slight current from her new badge and sees a normally attentive foe miss its opportunity to attack her.
Having satisfactorily knocked a passageway through the stone, she turns toward a larger foe threatening her wards. Lifting Velmech'ti above her head, she charges forward once again, her blade gleaming with power to spare, her throat howling with its own energy. As she slices into her gelatinous opponent, she calls out to Hazard to attend to the smaller foe she left guarding their exit.
Then, all she can do is prepare for the expected onslaught.
* Minor Action: Stone's Endurance (Enc): Resist 5 All UEoMNT
* Standard Action: Terrain Stunt to knock hole through wall: Athletics Skill Check (Powerful Athlete applies): Move from D13 to H10); r(18,14) + 11 = 29,25 vs. 21 DC Success; Close Blast 3 [I11, I12, I13, J11, J12, J13, K11, K12, K13]; Effect: open door [H10, H11] spaces in brackets = difficult terrain
- Minor Action: Vanguard Daily: when you make a charge attack (see following action): hit = all allies w/in 10 squares = +1 ATK rolls USoMNT
- Free Action (AP) for Standard Action: Howling Strike as charge (from H10 to H13): r(8) + 10 = 18 vs. 15 AC Hit; Damage: r(2) + r(4) + r(8/Vanguard) + 5 = 19 damage
Pa'avu: 33/43 HP, 11/11 Surges remaining, 1 AP remaining
Hazard: 58 HP - 3 - 5(OG) = 50/58 HP; 5 Ongoing Acid, Slowed (save ends)
HAZARD gives a yelp of pain at the acidic spray which slides him into yet more acid. Preparing to attack his attacker, instead he follows the instructions from his Beloved Friend to attack another instead. He understands his mission is to get the weaker ones out. The acid clinging to his feet does not allow him his usual charge, but this yellow thing is close enough. Emboldened by the closeness of one of his new horned friends, he attacks the squishy thing with gusto. Its squishing is accomplished with an unsatisfying ease. Hazard looks up alertly for more instructions.
* Move Action: F12 to F11 (exit difficult terrain)
* Standard Action: Charge at M(H9): move 2 squares: from F11 to G9, ATK: r(11) + 8 + 1(charge) + 1 (Pa'avu's Vanguard)= 21 vs 17 AC; damage: r(4) + 9 (w/in 2 of Bjorkus/E11) = 13 ... but ... minion. Slain!
Save vs OG, Slowed = 10 phewf!
50/58 HP, 11/11 Surges left
The OCHRE JELLIES move inexorably toward tasty morsels to absorb into their oozey oozitude. Acidic bludgeons rise up and slam into Pa'avu, Chavanti, and the terrified collective of the The 2nd Nation as reflexive cries of pain marry to the sizzle of clothes, armor, protective magics, and stray exposed flesh.
* Move Action: Stand up from Prone.
* Standard Action: Slam vs P AC; r(15) +8 = 23. Hit. r(3, 4) +1 = 8 (-5 DR) = 3 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Slam (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 1 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
* Free Action (Action Point for Standard Action): Slam vs 2N AC; r(2) Miss.
Save vs Immobilized: r(20 +2 = 22. Success.
* Move Action:
Ooze Squeeze to G17.
While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than half speed, it doesn't take the -5 penalty to attack rolls, and it doesn't grant combat advantage for squeezing.
* Standard Action: Charge to D14 and Slam vs C AC; r(16) +8 +1 (charge) = 25. Hit. r(6, 1) +1 = 8 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
As the second ochre jelly oozes across the tunnel floor with uncanny speed and slams its bulk into Chanvati, the Psion responds with a blast of psychic force and recalls Pa'avu to his succor. The Goliath rushes in, slashing her greatsword into the threatening mass.
* Vengeance Is Mine: Immediate Reaction: Trigger: An enemy hits you (OJ2 Slam attack). Chanvati makes a basic attack Mind Thrust vs OJ2, r(15) +7 +1 = 23 vs 15 AC. Hit for r(8) +5 = 13 damage. Pa'avu moves from H13 to E12, avoiding Acidic Mire but opening herself to OA from OJ1 and makes MBA vs OJ2, r(7) +9 = 16 vs 15 AC. Hit for r(10) +5 = 15 damage. OJ2 takes 28 HP damage.
* OJ1 Slam vs P AC; r(4) Miss.
* Free Action (Action Point for Standard Action): Slam vs 2N AC; r(12) +8 = 20. Hit. r(3, 2) +1 = 6 acid damage (already afflicted with ongoing 5 acid damage).
The day's emotions having built to a breaking point, BITA-BOUSSEH can stand it no longer. The infernal might that is her birthright boils forth from her in pure rage, which she directs with a glower and pointed finger at the nearest enemy threatening her comrades.The ochre jelly ripples back in waves from the onslaught.
"Do something, Chanvati!" she yells and makes her way to the Goliath-sized hole Pa'avu punched through the wall.
"Hold tight, everyone," Chanvati calls out, "this will be a bumpy ride."
* Standard Action: Infernal Glower vs OJ2, r(17) +6 +1 (Vanguard) = 24 vs 14 Will. Hit for 4 HP damage and she slides OJ2 D14 to D16.
* Move Action: Move C11 to H11.
* Free Action: Dialogue. The Minotaur Stalwarts and 2nd Nation delay until after Chanvati's turn.
OJ1 77/102
OJ2 70/102
Stinging from the drops of acid hurled by the Jellies, CHANVATI nevertheless maintains his equilibrium, exhaling slowly as he raises his glowing crystal staff. Space folds in on itself across half the chamber, catching both ochre jellies, Pa'avu, and the members of the 2nd Nation struggling to emerge from the acidic mire within its collapse.
The center of the chamber is clear, Chanvati's allies teleported into the adjacent room and the ochre jellies flung haphazardly towards the far wall. The psion smiles and lashes out with a second unhinging of space, this time atomizing one of the jelly spitters and ravaging the ochre jelly nearest their escape.
"Run, everyone, while we can!" he calls out, moving and buoying his spirits with the efficacy of his attacks.
* Begins turn: takes 5 OG acid damage, HP 20/33.
* Free Action: Staff of the War Mage Daily Power to increase size of burst by 1.
* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble centered on square F14, area burst 2. Attack vs OJ2 (D16), r(11) +7 +1 (Vanguard) = 19 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs OJ1 (H15), r(13) +7 +1 = 21 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs. 2N (F14), r(14) +7 +1 = 22 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs P (E12), r(11) +7 +1 = 19 vs 18 Fort. Hit. Damage = r(2) +5 = 7 HP damage to all. Teleport OJ2 to F18. Teleport OJ1 to C18. Teleport 2N to J11 (in DT). Teleport P to I14.
* Free Action (AP for Standard Action): Dimensional Scramble (AUG 2) centered on square F18. Attack vs OJ2 (F18), r(11) +7 +1 = 19 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs M (G18), r(16) +7 +1 = 24 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Damage = r(6,1) +5 = 12 HP damage to both. Kills M (G18). Bloodies OJ2, teleports OJ2 to D18.
Split ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The ochre jelly becomes bloodied.
Effect (No Action): The jelly splits into two creatures, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects on the original ochre jelly do not apply to the second one.
* Move Action: Move C12 to H10.
* Minor Action: Inspiring Word on self for Surge (8) +r(5) = 13 HP.
* End Turn: Save vs OG 5 acid damage. r(7). Fail. 33/33 HPs, 6/7 Surges, 1/3 PPs, 1 AP.
The members of THE 2ND NATION reel as they disappear out of the acidic mire and appear just beyond the wall savaged by the Goliath. Several members bend over and retch. Others cheer their deliverance--prematurely, surely. They begin to pick their way carefully over the fallen masonry towards safety, potent acid still clinging painfully to their clothing.
* Start of turn: Take 5 OG acid damage. 26/47 HPs.
* Move Action: J11 to J9 (DT counts as 2 squares).
* End of turn: Save vs OG acid damage. r(9). Fail.
Bita-Bousseh's STALWARTS follow the orders she barks at them, Bjorkus heading out through the broken wall, across the fallen masonry, and charging the Jelly Spitter that still threatens their allies. Like the bull that is his heritage, Bjorkus lowers his head, catching the jelly upon his horns as he splatters it into a liquid mass with his battleaxe. Aesterion and Minerion move close to the barrister, taking up defensive positions to protect their master.
* Move Action, E11 to J12 (1 square is DT).
* Standard Action to Charge M (L15), r(13) +8 +1 (Charge) +1 (Vanguard) = 23 vs 17 AC. Hit. Killed.
Aesterion and Minerion
* Move Actions, D11 to H12 and B11 to G11.
* Standard Action: Aid Defense to Bita-Bousseh, +4 to all defenses UEoSNT (+2 from Phalanx for Master while B-B is adjacent to at least 1 Stalwart)
As it flows further into the room, a volley of acid erupts from the lone JELLY SPITTER, sending Pa'avu into the Acidic Mire as a result!
M (A18)
* Move Action: A18 to D14
* Standard Action: Spit (R10) vs P Ref; r(13) +6 = 19. Hit for 3 (-5 DR) = 0 acid damage and P slides to G13. In Acidic Mire at start of next turn 5 OG Acid and Slowed <SE>.
PA'AVU's slide from the Spitter ends in the acid pool, and she shakes the sweat from her head. Determined to put a stop to this nonsense, the goliath pulls her feet out of the sticky yellow goo with determination and removes one of her javelins. If the Jelly Spitter were able to see, it would witness her stone skin glittering with protective power, shielding Pa'avu from damage yet again. She tries to keep her gaze steady on the closer foe, but her attention is distracted by the mitosis of the Ochre Jellies not ... quite ... far away ... enough. Her javelin sails past without touching the Spitter. Pa'avu breathes a sigh and shakes her head again. She feels Velmech'ti's energy to itself as its glow diminishes. As the acid melts from her feet, she feels her mobility returning and stands ready to her foe's next attack.
* Start of Turn: Vanguard weapon +1 ATK to allies ends; takes 5 Ongoing Acid Damage - 5 Resist All (StEn); Slowed (SE)
* Move Action (Slowed): Move out of Acid: from G13 to F14
* Minor Action: take out 1 Javelin
* Standard Action (RBA): throw Javelin at Jelly Spitter (D14): r(3) + 7 vs 17 AC Miss
* End of Turn: Stone's Endurance 5 Resist All ends; Save vs Ongoing Acid Damage/Slowed: 16 - Ends
Pa'avu: 28/43 HP; 11/11 Surges; 1 AP remaining (0 for this encounter)
Seeing his Beloved Friend stranded alone fighting the squishy yellow monsters, HAZARD abandons his post - now crowded with other defenders - and rushes the closest foe. Once again he finds it easy to smoosh and protect Her. He quickly shakes whatever sticks to his fur and looks up at his BF, panting, wagging his tail, and hoping for more satisfying - and less painful - foe. He would take a bite or a blade and something made of meat over this foul sticky liquid any time!
* Standard Action: Charge to D13 and Bite on Jelly Spitter (D14): r(10) + 8 + 1 (Charge) = 19 vs. 17 AC Hit (& squish)
Hazard: 50/58 HP, 11/11 Surges left
The near mindless OCHRE JELLIES sploosh and undulate on sheer instinct toward Pa'avu and Hazard, battering them with acidic bludgeons.
* Standard Action: Charge to E15 & Slam vs H AC; r(7) +8 (+1) = 16. Hit. r(3, 6) +1 = 10 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
* Move Action:
Flowing Form; Shift from D18 to G14.
* Standard Action: Slam vs P AC; r(16) +8 +2 (CA) = 26. Hit. r(5, 2) +1 = 8 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
* Move Action:
Flowing Form; Shift from E18 to G15.
* Standard Action: Slam vs P AC; r(3) +8 +2 (CA) = 13. Miss.
Delaying in the recently-opened "doorway," BITA-BOUSSEH calls out to her comrades, "Continue on to safety, friends! We will be shortly behind!" Through force of will made palpable, she menaces the large ochre jelly once again, but the creature's primitive mind is as slippery as its form.
* Standard Action: Infernal Glower vs OJ1 (E15), r(3) +6 = 9 vs 14 Will. Miss.
Regarding the mass of earthy yellow jellies surrounding his slave, CHANVATI thinks, "This will not do." The psion shields Pa'avu from his uncanny folding of space, but otherwise assaults the material field in the vicinity, scattering two of the oozes, at least, across the chamber.
* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble (AUG 1), centered on square F15. Attack vs. OJ1 (E15) (augmented by Adept's Insight), r(16) +7 +1 (no PPs remainings) = 24 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs O3 (G14), r(18) +7 = 25 vs 16 Fort. Hit. Attack vs O4 (G15), r(1) = automiss. Damage = r(4) +5 = 9 HP damage to OJ1 and O3. OJ1 teleported to E18. O3 teleported to F17.
ROUND 3 (after Chanvati's move above)
OJ1 61/102
OJ3 16
OJ4 25
THE 2ND NATION heeds the words of the barrister, hustling for all its worth, turning the corner and ascending the steps in the direction of safety.
* Move Action: (Run) Move J9 to L8.
BJORKUS and MINERION launch themselves into the fray against the remaining ooze beside Pa'avu, swinging their mighty battleaxes with gusto. This is the kind of action they signed up for.
AESTERION remains where he is stationed, guarding his mistress from any threat.
Bjorkus & Minerion
* Standard Action: Bjorkus charges K14 to H14 (within 3 sq of B-B). Axe Attack r(13) +8 +1 + 22 vs 15 AC. Hit for 5 damage, and O4 is marked UEoSNT.
* Move Action: Minerion moves H12 to G14 (within 3 sq of B-B).
* Standard Action: Minerion Axe Attack vs O4, r(6) +7 = 13 vs 15 AC. Miss.
* Standard Action: Aid Defense. Bita-Bousseh gains +2 to all defenses UEoSNT.
As the acid from the attack by one of the smaller Jellies continues to eat into PA'AVU's flesh, she breathes deeply into her l'pahb'gin, seeking and finding much-needed healing. As she raises Velmech'ti to attempt to deliver a blow to its gelatinous partner, there is a faint sound of hardening sand as the tears in the goliath's flesh heal significantly. Perhaps it is because so much energy is focused on this that her blow merely slides off the Jelly's surface. However, as she carefully steps back to leave room for her hound to attack, she smiles as she notices more vigor in her feet.
* Takes 5 Ongoing Acid Damage (20 - 5 = 15 HP), Slowed
* Minor Action (Enc): Iron Resurgence: lose 1 surge, spend 2 surges (15 + 20 = 35 HP), 5 THP
* Standard Action (Enc): Thunder Howl vs O4: r(5) + 9 = 14 vs. 15 AC Miss
* Move Action: Shift to E13
* Save vs. Ongoing Acid Damage/Slowed: 18 Success Pa'avu: 35/43 HP (5 THP), 8/11 Surges left, no longer Slowed/Ongoing Damage
HAZARD uses his Beloved's example to ignore the acid biting into his flesh and struggles to leap forward to attack Her foe. While this one is not as squishy as the others, he enjoys leaving it almost squashed. Until - that is - he stops ... and feels the lingering feeling of acidic pain. He glances imploringly at his Beloved, but his help comes from another source, her Human. Looking in His direction, the hound can feel the acid evaporate and his feet free once more. He gives a sharp excited bark in thanks.
* Takes 5 Ongoing Acid Damage (40 - 5 = 35 HP), Slowed
* Standard Action: Charge ATK vs. O4: move 2 squares to F14, r(8) + 8 + 1 (Charge) = 17 vs 15 AC; Damage: r(9) + 9 (w/in 2 sq of ally) = 18 HP
* Save vs. Ongoing Acid Damage/Slowed: 1st) 1 Fail; 2nd) (w/Chanvati's Broach of No Regrets Daily Power): 15 + 2 = 17 Success!! Hazard: 35/58 HP, 11/11 Surges left
The near mindless OCHRE JELLIES sploosh and undulate on sheer instinct, charging and battering the pair of Pa'avu and Hazard with acidic pseudopods while Bjorkus locks down the third in mortal combat.
* Standard Action: Charge from E18 to E15 and Slam vs P AC; r(15) +8 +1 (charge) = 24. Hit. r(3, 3) +1 = 7 - 5 THP = 2 acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
* Standard Action: Charge to F15 and Slam vs H AC; r(16) +8 +1 (charge) = 25. Hit. r(5, 5) +1 = 11 acid damage (BLOODIED) and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
* Standard Action: Slam vs M (Bjorkus in H14 due to Marked) AC; r(7) +8 = 15. Miss.
OJ1 61/102
OJ3 16
OJ4 2 (Marked)
BITA-BOUSSEH struggles to see how to focus her Infernal Glower on the Jelly threatening both of her fighting Stalwarts but can't... quite ... get there. Instead, she turns to the one next to it: she can see more directly over that dog's head. There! Administering her punishment to the Jelly and sliding away from her boys and their fellow combatants, she calls, "To me! Let's get out of here!"
* Standard Action: Infernal Glower on OJ3: ATK: r(9) + 6 = 15 vs 14 Will: Hit, 4 Damage; slide from F15 to F17.
* Move Action (Enc): Lawyer's Dodge: shift 3 squares and can shift thru difficult terrain UEoBBNT : shifts from H11 to I8.
* Free Action: Verbalize
Taking in the rank odor of burnt clothing, fur, and flesh, CHANVATI realizes the barrister is correct. They must flee or die here! "Run," he admonishes the Minotaurs, "I will help free our path!" And then he attempts to scramble space once again. One jelly implodes, but two are unaffected by his attack. He must be tiring. They need to escape here quickly.
* Standard Action: Dimensional Scramble centered on square F16. Attack vs OJ1 (E15), r(6) +7 = 13 vs 16 Fort. Miss. Attack vs OJ3 (F17), r(8) +7 = 15 vs 16 Fort. Miss. Attack vs OJ4 (G15), r(9) +7 = 16 vs 16 Fort. Hit for r(6) +5 = 11 HP damage. Destroyed.
The Members of the 2ND NATION continue their mad scramble to safety, cries of hope now mingled with those of fear and despair.
* Move Action: Run from L8 to P8.
Heeding their mistress's orders once again, the three STALWART Minotaurs follow her from the chamber, leaving the Goliath and her hound to guard their retreat.
* Double Move Action: to I9, J9, J8 to protect Bita-Bouseh in fighting retreat.
Now that most of PA'AVU's friends and allies (and the weaklings) have been able to leave the field, it is time for herself and her hound to do the same. She reaches down into her l'pahb'gin for the best strategy for accomplishing this, finds it, then makes a low scream that reverberates through her armor and into the Jelly threatening them. Then she gingerly shifts between her opponent and her hound to better position herself in maneuvering their escape. The goliath suddenly brings Velmech'ti up slicing through the Jelly's flesh, pushing it just far enough for them to escape. Limping as she begins her escape, she calls out for Hazard to follow.
* Take 5 Ongoing Acid Damage: [35 -2] - 5 OG = 28 HP
* Minor Action (Enc): Screaming Armor vs OJ1: - 2 ATK UEoPNT
* Standard Action: Pressing Strike on OJ1: a) Shift from E13 to D15; b) ATK: r(9) + 9 = 18 vs. 15 AC Hit; Damage: r(10) + 5 = 15; c) Push OJ1 from E15 to D15
TRIGGER OJ1 - SPLIT (23 HP apiece)
Split ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The ochre jelly becomes bloodied.
Effect (No Action): The jelly splits into two creatures, each with hit points equal to one-half its current hit points. Effects on the original ochre jelly do not apply to the second one.
* Move Action: Run (Slowed): from G15 to I12 or I13.
* Save vs. Ongoing/Slowed: 4 Fail Pa'avu: 28/43 HP, 8/11 Surges Remaining, 5 Ongoing Acid Damage/Slowed (SE)
HAZARD needs no more encouragement to follow his Beloved away from these things, struggling to hurtle (slowly!) to her and beyond. As he carefully steps through pieces of broken stone - his Beloved's work! - he gives a great shake, whatever sticky stuff left flying off. He looks back at Her and gives a bark of encouragement, prepared to defend Her if She needs him.
* Takes 5 Ongoing Acid Damage: [35 - 11] - 5 OG = 19 HP
* Move: Run (Slowed): from F14 to J12 or J13
* Move: Run (Slowed): to J10 or J11
* Save vs. Ongoing/Slowed: 17 Success Hazard: 19/58 HP; 11/11 Surges remaining.
@darkbard and
@Nephis , the (now 3 after SPLIT) remaining Oozes would be able to get to Pa'avu and Hazard via Flowing Form and Charge. With Screaming Armor -2 Hit, +2 for CA (Run), +1 for Charge, I hit once out of the 3 times; Pa'avu takes (3, 2) +1 = 6 acid damage (she is already afflicted with OG 5 acid).
You've done the necessary work to resolve the encounter as 2nd Nation is nearly out of the tunnels and you're more or less out of danger (and still have Second Wind). Just take that 6 and an extra 5 (11 total) on Pa'avu for Short Rest Healing Surge usage.