The Slave and Her Sovereign

2/10 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/3 Advantages available)

<Empress Scheherezade's Journal>

Day 10

Something has changed.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but things feel...different. I feel less scared. I feel more in control. I feel...bolder...I feel...bigger...or something like it.

I remember looking into the terrible dragon's eyes and expecting terror to overwhelm me. But it did not come. I didn't know what to make of that then and I still do not now.

Pa'avu has taken me on walks throughout the city in its entirety. I go in costume so the people do not know who I am. While Pa'avu and Chanvatis' status and the Wardenguard of Rietka and Yazdan bring celebrity upon them, hiding my identity lets my interactions be true to what the layfolk typically experience. Its been interesting.

I've noticed that each day, we seem to find ourselves taking a route that allows close proximity to The Congress of Savagery. I also notice that Pa'avu always bears some distraction about her...some kind of sadness or momentarily being lost in thought? Today I decided I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to ask about it.

And so I did...

Do you misdirect her or subtly deceive her...or do you indulge her? (1)

If you do the latter, do you then give her a lesson about the situation? (2)

If you do the latter of (1), she will absolutely demand that you confront the situation head-on, much as you just did on the mountain. Do you rebuff her (perhaps with another lesson) or do you agree? (3) If the latter, then decide how you're going to resolve the situation (as above in post #440) and, after you resolve the resolution phase and the journal of (1) and possibly (2), we'll cut to that with the Empress by your side.


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“Merchant,” I asked the slight man, not much larger than myself, “what troubles Pa’avu about this place? Why do we pass by here day after day, but always Pa’avu leads us back away from the arena?”

The Wardenguard were far enough out of earshot that I expected he would speak freely, and he did not fail to oblige. The man is very clever, and, though I do not read his true motives, he makes a very compelling case when he wishes to. I do believe I have much to learn from him, if only to recognize the guileful ways of those who might try to control me in the future.

He addressed me by my title and reminded me that, as Empress, it is my right to demand whatever I wish to know of my subjects, even those not born of Empire. But that I exhibit remarkable restraint in not overplaying that hand. Nevertheless, there is an important lesson in the reticence of the Half-giant, that each person is Emperor of their own inner life, even the humble slave, and the wise ruler learns to respect the secrets of those close to her. At least when they concern the inner life, matters of pride and respect. To seek circumventing that Imperial Self by asking indirectly of another is a breach of trust. The wisest rulers, he says, learn to place their trust in their friends, their advisors, their people, and, ultimately, themselves, as well, for to do without trust is to take on all the responsibilities of the world upon oneself, and that leads to madness and grand egotism.

Thus, Chanvati urged me to approach Pa’avu directly, to make my inquiry but respect her secrecy if she so requested. And I did. Pa’avu told me that she had important, unfinished business in helping one of her own people, my Gladiator Champion, Gae’al, who once commanded my arena for the people and will once again. That she had put this business on hold while serving as my tutor. But that she would very much like to speak with Gae’al at the earliest possible opportunity.

I think I learned the Merchant’s lesson well, for I told the Half-Giant that she should speak with Gae’al and that I would respect her need for privacy in this matter. The ways of the Goliaths are beyond me, anyway.

* Chanvati makes a Primary Skill Diplomacy check to persuade the Empress that her wishes can be indulged but that Pa’avu’s needs also must be taken into consideration, her privacy respected, r10+16=26 vs 22 Moderate DC. Success.

When we all arrived in the entrance hall of The Congress of Savagery, I gave Pa'avu an encouraging smile before sitting in the chair prepared for me. I was hoping to receive one back from her (or a facsimile of one - since she rarely shows any extreme emotion), but she merely nodded solemnly to me, to Chanvati, and to the barrister, then patted her Hound on the head and gave a nod in my direction. When Hazard had circled me a couple of times before settling on the floor, head resting heavily but comfortingly on my feet, she turned and walked up the three steps leading to my Champion's office (such as it is). The Merchant sat beside me, alert, and the Legate's sister leaned against the wall, arms folded across her chest. The Wardenguard elected to wait out of doors, should there be any trouble.

At first I could hear only a murmur of the voices of both Half-Giants, back and forth. Then voices began to rise a bit. I looked at my two companions to see their reactions: they remained alert and watchful, but not overly concerned. The Hound raised his head off my feet but otherwise did not move: he is trained well. Petting his soft but massive head, I strained to listen, but any word I could catch was undoubtedly giantish. I heard something that sounded like "vanch"* several times, always spoken by the voice I recognized to be Pa'avu's, followed by an answering murmur. Each "vanch" sounded more and more frustrated.

Finally Pa'avu's patience had obviously reached its limit. I know she has great respect for my Champion and considers her a mentor or "muhk'lin." She has taught me two giantish words: 'muhk'lin" (which she says means a combination of teacher, mentor, and big sister) and "t'lehb'ka" (which she says means one who has much to learn ... or student). I think I could now hear her voice using both of these words with some urgency and anger in her deep gravelly voice. Initially, Gae'al's voice seemed similarly urgent and angry, but gradually her voice became softer and softer, until all I could hear from her were short murmuring grunts which I think were affirmative: "hmmh, hmmh, hmmh" following each angry sentence from Pa'avu.

I looked over at the Merchant, and his eyebrows were raised in mild surprise. He shared a glance with my former Advisor, and she gave him a kind of shrug as if to say "who can know with Half-Giants?" At least, that is my interpretation of their silent exchange.

A very short time later, Pa'avu came back out to us. After kneeling beside Hazard and burying her face in his fur for a long time, she looked up at her ... "gosb'tar" ... and said, "She has agreed. It shall be done."

* I later asked Pa'avu what "vanch" means in giantish, and - after waiting a long time (in silence, as usual), she finally answered me, first correcting my pronunciation ("g'van'ch"), then - again pausing a moment - said that it means (more or less) "trusting in community" or "being part of community" or "all are one in stone." She doesn't say much, but her definitions of ideas seem to float meaning about the actual words said. Very curious.

* We will be usibg 1 Advantage to refresh Pa'avu's Intimidate Skill Training Bonus, and then

* Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Intimidate check to forcefully show Gae'al that her actions in allowing the curse to continue are dangerous and that Pa'avu must now take on the role of "alpha" or "mentor" to make Gae'al do what she must for the sake of goliaths: r12+13=25 vs. 22 Moderate DC. Success

From here we hope to bring in K'Goren (the blind seer of the Iron Gorgon Tribe) to enact a ritual wherein Chanvati, Pa'avu, and Gae'al will enter the Chronotope to challenge and defeat Gormandt and Grimtail and revise the continuity of our timeline with Gae'al as victor, thus erasing her desperate measures resulting from her shame and resulting in subsequent curse.
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<We cut to a cavernous chamber with vaulted ceiling deep in the bowels of the Congress of Savagery. Impressive bas reliefs of battle scenes, gladiatorial bouts, and heroes wrestling great monsters adorn the otherwise bare, stone walls. Several dim candles flicker in votive dishes to provide light. Thick, blue plumes of incense rise from a censer. A great four-poster bed with diaphonous curtains predominates. That, and the giant form of Gae'al reclining upon it. Around her, the smaller forms of Chanvati and K'Goren, the blind and deaf Iron Gorgon Tribe Goliath Runecarver, chisel sigils into the chamber's floor. Pa'avu paces nervously about.>

<<Now, our preparations are complete, your real work begins,>> projects K'Goren into the mind of the Psion, and he ushers Pa'avu within the circle of sigils, hastening to join her.

<<Perturbations of the Chronotope never come without cost. I hope you accept this. Sit and dream,>> she commands, and Chanvati and Pa'avu take up cross-legged positions flanking Gae'al's great bed. They close their eyes dutifully.

K'Goren begins chanting arcane words. The sigils carved in the stone floor flare to life as sizzling points of blue-white light in a circle encapsulating the two heroes and the psychologically broken Gae'al within its compass.

Inside Chanvati's mind--or outside; it is hard to tell--a riot of chaos. Blurred images flickering like a shuffled pack of cards. Helix-ing tunnels criss-crossing one another in a dense tangle.

On the bed, Gae'al's eyes roll about spasmodically beneath her heavy lids. She gives a mighty groan.

Okay, what we're doing here is returning to address the final step in the Assuage Gae'al's Burden Skill Challenge--"The only way to get the final success is to lift the curse. An actual Ritual (if she would accept it)...destroying the one who cursed her...entering her dreams and felling Gormandt & Grimtail; but that last would have implications for the temporal continuity of your world"--by pursuing the last of these three options for easing her guilt, entering Gae'al's dreams and the Chronotope to undo her defeat, her subsequent shame, and the actions she took to bring the curse upon herself in trafficking with an agent of Nerull, the Reaver (hopefully!).

Per our discussion with @Manbearcat , mechanically, this step is undertaken by first "pay[ing] 1/10 of-level item in Coin (900 gp) for auto-success to activate that Enter the Chronotope Ritual. This would be an Arcana Ritual for Chanvati to make an Arcana check w/ +2 circumstance bonus for K'Goren's help. I'm thinking some fiction like the below and then a spread of results:

The world shimmers around you as the lattice of space and time warp in a reconfiguration you propose. The Chronotope is an alien representation of a world and its events...and there is always a cost for instantiation and meddling...

Arcana Check Result
10–19 Team PC takes -2 to Initiative and -2 Defenses in rd 1
20–29 Both Teams take -2 Defenses in rd 1
30–39 Team Monster takes -2 to Initiative and -2 Defenses in rd 1
40 or higher Team Monster takes -2 to Initiative and -2 Defenses in rd 1 and you subtly control the Chronotope. An ally of yours instantiates briefly (Rd 1) to aid your cause and then disappears from this reconfigured reality.

Then we'd play out the combat w/ G&G and their gang in the Chronotope surreal-ified Congress of Savagery to determine the fate of things. Afterwards, we'd land on some interesting alternation of continuity where G&G don't defeat Gae'al and claim the CoS."

Chanvati pays 900 gp and makes a Primary Skill Arcana check for this Ritual, r4+16+2 K'Goren's aid=22. Not a great start! (But not terrible, either...)

4/10 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/2 Advantages available). 1 Advantage just used to Refresh Intimidate Skill Training Bonus.

<Scheherezade's Journal continued...>

I looked at the faces of all collected while they entered the strangest state. It was akin to...sleep...maybe? But they were blurry if I was looking at them all through glazed glass?

Goal: Assuage Gae'al's burden.
4/4 Successes but pending the outcome of events in the Chronotope.


Here is level 11 Gae'al (hat tip @darkbard )

Okay, here's my draft of Gae'al, using the Solar Knight as a base + some switched-out powers from other L11 Large Elites, plus tweaking:

Gae’al, Champion of the Congress of Savagery Level 11 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Large natural humanoid (goliath) XP 1200
HP 220; Bloodied 110 Initiative +7
AC 27, Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 23 Perception+9
Speed 8 Normal vision
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Champion’s Retribution ✦ Aura 2
If an enemy marked by Gae’al willingly leaves the aura, the enemy provokes an opportunity attack from her.

Half-giant Stride
Gae’al ignores difficult terrain.

Resilience of Earth
When Gae’al starts her turn, she can attempt a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. On a save, the effect ends.

An enemy cannot enter Gae’al’s space by any means.

Threatening Reach
Gae’al can make opportunity attacks against creatures within 2 squares of her.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Halberd (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 10 damage, and the target is marked until the end of Gae’al’s next turn. If the target is already marked by Gae’al, the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

(⚔) Shield Smash & Haft Strike ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 11 damage.

Diamondskin Volley ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d8 + 9 damage, and the target falls prone.
Miss: Half damage.

Minor Actions
Furious Bellow (thunder) ✦ At-Will 1/round
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Will
Hit: The target is deafened and grants combat advantage (save ends).

Triggered Actions
Stone’s Defense ✦ Encounter
Trigger: Gae’al takes damage.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Gae’al gains Resist 10 to all damage until the end of her next turn.

Triumphant Cry ✦ At-Will
Trigger: Gae’al scores a critical hit or reduces a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points.
Effect (Free Action): Gae’al or an ally within 20 squares can make an at-will attack.

Skills Athletics +15, Insight +9, Intimidate +14
Str 21 (+10) Dex 10 (+5) Wis 8 (+4)
Con 14 (+7) Int 16 (+8) Cha 18 (+9)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Giant
Equipment: heavy shield, scale hauberk, halberd.


* Any PC who hits 0 HP in this conflicts "poofs" from the Chronotope and goes back into the continuity of normal time in the material world. Death isn't at stake here for the PCs. What is at stake is the cemented fiction within the material world and Gae'al's future.

* Chronotope Feedback: All characters take -2 Defenses UtEoRound1.

* WIN CON: Defeat Gormandt & Grimtail with Gael'al 1 HP+ remaining. If Gael'al falls to 0 HP, the conflict is lost. Gael'al falls into the depths of despair and becomes an agent of Nerrul to exact her revenge upon G&G!..and becoming an enemy for the PCs!

* Illumination (Full)

* Tentacle Grates Swarm (Hazard) Level 11 Obstacle XP 600
Tentacles reach hungrily through the grates, pulling prospective prey toward an unseen maw

Hazard: The tentacles come out of a 2 x 2 grate which is Difficult Terrain. They activate when something moves into their Reach 1 or space.

Initiative +6

Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an Opportunity Attack (as below) the first time a character comes within 2 squares of the grates and then rolls initiative. Henceforth, the Tentacle Grates Swarm makes an attack against any creature it can reach.


Swarm AttackAura 2
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 8 damage, and the swarm can slide it 1 square as a free action.

Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature within Reach 2
Attack: +14 vs. Fort
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 22)

✦ Dungeoneering DC 19 (Move): An adjacent character to its Reach 2 can toss the Tentacle Grates Swarm food so it will not activate against them or their allies UtEoYNT or Sustain Minor
✦ A character can attack the Tentacle Grates (AC 25, F 22/R 24/W 23; hp 40). Resist half damage against melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 against area and close attacks. When reduced to 0 hit points, the Tentacle Grates dies, ending the hazard.

* Purple Squares are Poisonous Mire (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A square of poisonous mire is difficult terrain for creatures. They sink into the mire, muck clinging to flesh and clothing. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in a square of poisonous mire takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).

* All squares of the 2 x Vertical Timber Obstacles are Blocking Terrain. They can be Stunted with via Athletics or Arcana:


Requirement: (Adjacent) Athletics or (R5) Arcana (Psionic Force or Teleportation) vs Med DC.
Target: CB3 (creatures in the blast) from one square of blocking terrain or CB1 (creatures in burst) from one square of blocking terrain.
Attack: +14 vs. Fort
Hit: 3d8 +5 damage and slide the target 3 squares.
Miss: Half damage and slide the target 1 square.
Effect: The Blocking Terrain becomes Difficult Terrain

* All squares adjacent to the arena’s inner wall are Spear Hedges (Hindering Terrain). Effect: A creature that starts its turn in a spike hedge square takes 10 damage is slowed until the end of its turn.

* A/B Grate/Stairs and Large Grate S-V/17-20 are Challenging Terrain: Difficult Terrain and Move Action requires Med DC Acrobatics or Athletics or fall prone.

* Gang Sniper x 6 (Medium, Bladeling, Artillery, Minion) = HP 1, AC 22, Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 20

* Gang Mauler x 6 (Medium, Bladeling, Brute, Minion) = HP 1, AC 22, Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 22

* Gormandt (Large, Bladeling, Controller, Elite) = HP 232, AC 25, Fortitude 26, Reflex 20, Will 23

* Grimtail (Large, Natural Beast, Brute, Elite) = HP 280, AC 23, Fortitude 25, Reflex 21, Will 23

* Place C, H, P, and G (4 squares) in any squares of B or C and roll initiative!


26 Gang Sniper (S)
24 Pa'avu (P) r14 +10
19 Hazard (H) r12 +7
18 Chanvati (C) r7 +11; Loan from the Past roll is 17
18 Gormandt (GO)
17 Grimtail (GT)
15 Gang Mauler (M)
10 Gae'al (GA) r3 +7
9 Tentacle Grate Swarm



Pa'avu's Monster Knowledge Checks (No Action):

  • Nature vs Gang Sniper, r8+13=21. Passed Medium DC.
  • Nature vs Gang Mauler, r7+13=20. Passed Medium DC.
  • Nature vs Gormandt, r17+13=30. Passed Hard DC.
  • Nature vs Grimtail, r1+13=14. Fails Medium DC. No further info.

Gang Sniper x 6
Medium natural humanoid (bladeling)
Level 11 Artillery Perception+10
Speed 6
Keywords: psychic, weapon


(⚔) Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.

(➶) Crossbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 10 damage, or 12 damage if the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

Triggered Actions
Dying Breath Salvo (psychic)
Trigger: The sniper drops to 0 hit points.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 7 psychic damage, and the target takes -2 defenses (save ends).


Gang Mauler x 6
Medium natural humanoid (bladeling)
Level 11 Brute Perception+7
Speed 6
Keywords: weapon

(⚔) Barbed Rush (weapon)At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 12 damage, or 14 damage if the target is in Gormandt's or Grimtail's Aura.


Large natural humanoid (bladeling)
Level 11 Elite Controller XP 1200
HP 232; Bloodied 116 Initiative +6
AC 25, Fortitude 26, Reflex 20, Will 23 Perception+14
Speed 7 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Vicious ✦ Aura 2
Enemies take a -2 penalty to attack rolls while in the aura.

Threatening Reach
Gormandt can make opportunity attacks against enemies within 4 squares of him.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Hook & Chain ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + 9 damage, and Gormandt pulls the target up to 3 squares and grabs the target (escape DC 19).

Flay the Weak (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in the blast); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, or 2d6 + 10 against a creature grabbed by Gormandt, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).

Minor Actions
Come Get Some (charm, psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 psychic damage, and if the target does not end its next turn adjacent to Gormandt, the target takes 15 psychic damage.

Triggered Actions
Body Shield ✦ At-Will
Trigger: An enemy hits Gormandt while he has a creature grabbed.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by Gormandt); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The triggering enemy's attack hits the grabbed creature instead of Gormandt.

Athletics +15


Looming Tail (poison) ✦ Aura 2
Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of its next turn. If the enemy is bloodied, it also takes 5 poison damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Tail (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: Grimtail uses Tail twice.

Poison Spray ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d10 + 3 damage, and the target is weakened and slowed until the end of Grimtail's next turn. A bloodied target is instead weakened and slowed (save ends both).

Athletics +11

From a fractured, swirling ooze, the Chronotope suddenly snaps into place with an audible sound; like a reverberating gong or the splashdown of a rock onto water and the rippling from the epicenter. The heroes barely have time to get their bearings before the sound and fury of a fusilade of crossbow bolts is loosed upon them as Gormandt's GANG SNIPERS play their role in this instantiation of events past.

"You found your courage Gae'al," shouts Gormandt. "I will forever cherish the memory of your bloodied corpse at my feet..."

Gormandt's chain clanks from one hand as it unravels. A gnarly, connected hook encrusted with blood and gore appears in his other meaty paw. A fetid, toothy grin takes his face in full.

S (L23)

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(4) +18 = 22; Miss.

(➶) Crossbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 10 damage, or 12 damage if the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

S (N21)

* Move: 1 sq to M20.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(17) +18 = 35; Hit. 10 damage to GA

S (M17)

* Move: 4 sq to I16 (adjacent to blocking terrain; Cover/LoS).

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(11) +18 = 29; Hit. 12 damage to GA

S (T8)

* Move: 5 sq to Q4 (staying 3 sq away from Tentacle hazard).

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs C's AC: r(10) +18 = 28; Hit. 10 damage to C.

S (T5)

* Move: 6 sq to N4 (staying 3 sq away from Tentacle hazard).

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs C's AC: r(5) +18 = 23; Hit (due to -2 defenses from Chronotop Feedback). 10 damage to C.

S (K8)

* Move: 4 sq to J12 (adjacent to blocking terrain; Cover/LoS).

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(18) +18 = 36; Hit. 12 damage to GA. GA TRIGGERS STONE'S ENDURANCE ✦ ENCOUNTER; Trigger: Gae’al takes damage. Effect (Free Action): Gae’al gains Resist 10 to all damage until the end of her next turn. 12 damage reduced to 2.

As Gae'al draws the last of the volley of bolts from Gormandt's Snipers, she can hold off her l'pabh'gin no longer. Reflexively, her lithoderms harden into their familiar protective shield.

LOCATION: L23, M20, I16, Q4, N4, J12
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 24 damage to GA. 20 damage to C.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: I16 and J12 adjacent to blocking terrain and potentially have Cover or prevent LoS.

PA’AVU quickly strategizes her first actions of this combat by thinking through what she assumes will be her gos’btar’s initial moves, plus—of course—what will be most effective. So much rides on the result, and she can feel her adrenaline race through her veins. Taking a deep breath, the goliath channels that energy through her l’pahb’gin and into her stoneblessed skin, feeling it harden protectively.

Stepping forward with assurance, avoiding some of the lurking footsoldiers working with these vile bladelings, she gets into position and bursts forward at Gormandt, hoping to do at least as much damage to him as he has done to her mentor. Her howling charge straight in his direction causes him to snap his head at her in slight surprise. She feels slightly larger than she did the last time she did battle: is this what surprises him?

Despite feeling slightly nauseous by this move into the past, Pa’avu is still hoping they will be able to get the upperhand with early strikes. With a large sweep of Velmech’ti, she slices deeply into the tough hide of both Gormandt and his Scorpion steed, knocking the bladeling on his … posterior …

Cocking her head, she listens to a telepathic message from her gosb’tar. With a grim smile and a slight nod, the goliath slips around the beast to better shove him away from his rider, widening their separation. Once again, Velmech'ti proves a useful and powerful tool to do so.

* Minor: One With the Earth (At-Will, Rechargeable 6): P gains Resist 10 ALL UEoPNT

* Move: 5 squares from C20 to H17, avoiding OAs

* Standard: Howling Strike as Charge (using Vanguard Sword): move 6 squares to N17 (Badge of Berserker negates OAs on charge attacks due to Threatening Reach); ATK M2 vs. GO: r14+17+1 Charge +2 Cunning Stalker -2 Aura = 32 vs. AC 23 (25-2)/Hit; Damage: r5+9+ r4 + r4 (VW) = 22

* AP: Mountain Sweep (Enc): ATK M2 vs. GO: r19+17+2 CS -2 Aura = 36 vs AC 23/Hit; Damage: r2,10+12=24 Damage to GO; ATK M2 vs. GT: r10+17+2 CS = 29 vs AC 21 (23-2)/Hit; Damage: r3,1+12=16 Damage to GT; Stonehide Action: +2 bonus to AC UEoPNT

*No Action: Wolf’s Bound (Enc): Trigger: hit with Melee: Effect: knock Primary Target (GO) prone and shift up to 3 squares (2) to P15; ATK: creature other than Primary (GT): r14+17+2 CS = 33 vs AC 21/Hit; Damage: r9,9+2=20 Damage to GT, and GT pushed 2 squares to M15 & takes -2 penalty to attack rolls UEoPNT

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 46 Damage to GO; 36 Damage to GT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Resist 10 ALL UEoPNT (OWtE); -2 All Defenses Rd1; +2 AC UEoPNT (Stonehide)

HAZARD delays until after Chanvati

The Psion shakes his head ruefully: did he learn nothing in the battle at the palace gates? Keeping his companions close at hand is vital to his manipulation of space to their advantage!

Regardless, CHANVATI orders Hazard to "waaaait, boy!" and then psionically connects the space between them to a distant point in the arena, near the far timber blockade. He steps through, calling, "okay, boy" behind him, and Hazard follows.

At the far side, he remanifests, takes the slimmest of moments to reorient his senses, and then binds the enormous Grimtail to his telekinetic control, sliding the scorpion over the hapless form of one of the Bladeling maulers, whose death cries are muffled under the arachnid's weighty bulk. Chanvati continues his telekinetic manipulation of the scorpion and directs it within reach of the ominous grate (all too well he remembers the looming tentacles from their earlier fights in the arena!).

Then, with his last reserve of psionic force for now, he scrambles spacetime in the vicinity of two Bladelings near the larger blockade, their bodies folded in upon themselves in a way defying all logic and reason.

* Move: Dimensional Shortcut R20 to T13

* Free: C to U12, H to S14

* Standard: Living Missile R10 vs GT, r18+15+2 Cunning Stalker=35 vs 23 F (Chronotope debuff). Hit. GT Immobilized (SE)

* Minor: LM Attack, Slide GT 5 sq to P10; Secondary ATK vs MO12, r17+15=32 vs 18 R (debuff). Hit. r5,1+7=13 damage, M KILLED, 1/2 damage (6) to GT & GT falls prone. TRIGGERS: Tentacle Grate Swarm OA vs GT, r2+14=16 vs 23 F (debuff). Miss. Rolls initiative: 9

* AP: Dimensional Scramble ABu1 w/in 10, K11. ATK vs SJ12, r8+15+2 CS=25 v 21 F (debuff.) Hit. ATK vs MK10, r11+15+2 CS=28 v 22 F (debuff). Hit. SJ12 & MK10 KILLED.

LOCATION: C in U12, H in S14, GT in P10
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: GT Immobilized (SE), prone, in activated swarm
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -2 defenses Chronotope
PP: 9/9

Little by little, the Goliath's Hound is becoming somewhat inured to strangeness in travel. But right now? Poor HAZARD is confused and bewildered by the sensation of the Chronotope, the weird tunnel he just followed his Beloved's companion through. Thankfully, a good shake of his entire body--head especially--clears things up a bit. That, and the sight of his Beloved not too far away.

Seeing the giant Scorpion thrown through the air and those weird blade creatures folded up into nothingness feels like a return to normality, and the Hound leaps into action, making a beeline toward the beast once it lands nearby. As he leaps to attack the beast, however, his teeth cannot quite sink into its hide.

Hazard makes a confused whine as the air around him seems to shimmer for a moment. When it returns to "normal," the Hound finds himself back in his leap, this time his teeth sinking in. Once again he shakes his head to bring himself back to himself. This action--with the carapace caught in his powerful jaws--tears a piece off the beast.

The scent of his enemy's blood strongly in his nostrils does the trick: he is back in control, and he will bedevil his foe until it no longer threatens those it is his duty and pleasure to protect. And Hazard will not think about what just happened.

* Move: from S14 to Q11

* Standard: Bedeviling Assault (Daily) Melee: r4+16=20 vs. AC 21 (23-2)/Miss; TRIGGERS CHANVATI'S Loan from the Past (No Action): replace Hazard's attack roll with 17: r17+16=33 vs. AC 21/Hit; Damage: r2,6,3+10=21 Damage to GT; effect: UEotE, once per round when an ally hits the target (GT) with a melee attack, H can make a MBA with CA against GT as free action.

* Minor: Savage Protector: effect: gains +2 AC, cannot use Bite, gains Snarl & Snap and Harrier.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Bedeviling Assault effect
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -2 All Defenses Rd1; +2 AC SP
SURGES: 11/11

GORMANDT explodes from one knee back to his feet, a menacing growl accompanying the rebuke of Pa'avu's assault.

Ironically, he proclaims loudly in Gae'al's direction "you'll let your lackeys do your work for you I see! You're a giant in name only...come face me feeble pretender!"

When the massive bladeling flings the business end of his hook & chain at Pa'avu, she trivially evades it and steps on the wretched muder-device for a moment. She sneers at Gormandt before stepping off of it to let it retract wildly. He barely catches it before it embeds itself into his forearm.

"Oh the beautiful, bad intent in your eyes." Looking beyond Pa'avu for a moment; "I think I'm in love, Grimtail."

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Minor: Come Get Some (charm, psychic, R20) vs GA's Will: r(17) +14 = 31. Hit. r(4, 8) = 12- 10 = 2 psychic damage, and if the target does not end its next turn adjacent to Gormandt, the target takes 15 psychic damage.

* Standard: Hook & Chain (M4) vs P's AC: r(3) +16 = 19. Miss.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 2 psychic damage to GA
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: if GA does not end its next turn adjacent to Gormandt, GA takes 15 psychic damage.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -2 All Defenses Rd1

The mighty scorpion GRIMTAIL is caught in the swarm of tentacles. Its legs finally underneath it and steady, the beast flings its tail wildly, creating a shower of poison as the throng of rubbery appendages pull the massive arachnid toward their grate!

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Standard: Poison Spray (CBu3; enemies) vs H and TG's Fort: r(3, 14) +14 -2 ATK UtEoPNT = 15, 26. Miss H, Hit TG. r(7, 3, 1, 7) +3 +5 (swarm) = 26 poison damage to TG and TG weakened and slowed UtEoGTNT. TG BLOODIED.

Looming Tail (poison) ✦ Aura 2
Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of its next turn. If the enemy is bloodied, it also takes 5 poison damage.

Poison Spray ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d10 + 3 damage, and the target is weakened and slowed until the end of Grimtail's next turn. A bloodied target is instead weakened and slowed (save ends both).

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Immobilized r(19) +2; Succeeds. 8 damage from Tentacle Grate Hazard Swarm Attack and slides 1 sq to P9. Grimtail = Purple Square until out of Tentacle Hazard.

LOCATION: P9 (Purple Square)
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 24 poison damage to TG (BLOODIED)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: TG is weakened and slowed until the end of Grimtail's next turn. A bloodied target is instead weakened and slowed (save ends both), H is in Looming Tail Aura (2).
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -2 All Defenses Rd1, -2 ATKs UEoPNT, in TG Hazard and Swarm Attack aura, Poison Spray on cooldown.

Intent on pleasing Master Gormandt, the first GANG MAULER rushes the mighty Gae'al with wild abandon. After a precise halberd chop leaves it cleaved in twain, the rest of the Maulers think differently.

One wades carefully nearer Gae'al, hesitant...defensively.

The other pair rush Hazard who is engaged with their mighty scorpion ally! The fierce hound growls and barks as its beset by multiple enemies.

M (E22)

* Standard: Charge to C19 and Barbed Rush vs GA's AC; TRIGGER OPPORTUNITY ATTACK (THREATENING REACH); GA's Halberd vs M's AC; r(11) +16 = 27. Hit. Dead.

(⚔) Barbed Rush (weapon)At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 12 damage, or 14 damage if the target is in Gormandt's or Grimtail's Aura.

M (G19)

* Move: 1 sq to F18

* Standard: Total Defense; The creature gains a +2 bonus to all defenses UtSoMNT.

M (J19)

* Move: 6 sq to O13.

* Standard: Charge to Q12 (M1) and Barbed Rush vs H's AC: r(13) +16 +1 (charge) = 30; Hit. 14 damage to H (in GT's aura 2).

M (K6)

* Move: 5 sq to K11.

* Standard: Charge to P11 (M1) and Barbed Rush vs H's AC: r(9) +16 +1 (charge) = 26; Hit. 14 damage to H (in GT's aura 2).

LOCATION: F18, Q12, P11
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 28 damage to H.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: M (E22) SLAIN. F18 +2 defenses UtSoMNT. -2 defenses R1.

It is one thing for Gormandt to taunt her. But GAE'AL will brook no such humiliation of the one she once called padawan. With a fire raging in the pit of her belly, the Halfgiant takes several steps forward, then leaps over the Bladeling standing, slawckjawed, in her way. It is all the warriorborn can do to feebly raise her weapon in defense, as if the merest breeze to Gae'al's soaring form. She continues forward, carefully dodging the Bladeling by the wooden blockade, then pulls up short.

"You want some of this, Butter Knife," she bellows at Gormandt. "You GOT some of this." She flexes and a barrage of diamond lithoderms explode from her form, flaying the two minions before her and cutting into Gormandt's steely flesh.

Then she begins a final charge to close the distance between herself and her goal. But Gormadt is quicker than she bargained for; his spiked chain whips out and lashes around her waist, pulling her close in to him. Close enough to smell his rank, fetid breath as he pants from the exertion. Though the blades cut and slice, her hardened form saves her from the worst of his ravages. And she retaliates in kind, a glancing blow with the side of her halberd against his head, surely catching his full attention.

* Move: 8 sq to K19, including Jump over M F18 (Athletics check with running start, r13+15=28/5=5 feet cleared). TRIGGERS OA from M F18, Barbed Rush, r14+16=30 vs 25 AC (debuff). Hit. 12 damage - Resist 10 All = 2 damage to GA.

* Minor: Furious Bellow R10 vs GO, r4+14=18 vs 21 Will (debuff). Miss.

* Standard: Diamondskin Volley CBl 5 L-P/19-22; ATK vs S L23, r11+14=25 vs 21 Fort (debuff). Hit. ATK vs S M20, r15+14=29 vs 21 Fort (debuff). Hit. ATK vs GO, r11+14=25 vs 24 Fort (debuff). Hit. Damage=r8,6,3,2+9=28 damage & knocked prone. S L23 & S M20 KILLED. TRIGGER S (M2) DYING BREATH SALVO VS GA'S WILL: r(9) +14 = 23. Hit. 7-10 = 0 psychic damage and GA takes -2 defenses (SE).

Triggered Actions
Dying Breath Salvo (psychic)
Trigger: The sniper drops to 0 hit points.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 7 psychic damage, and the target takes -2 defenses (save ends).

With its dying breath, the GANG SNIPER tosses a pouch of glittering, psychic agents from the desert badlands into the air. Gae'al, having seen far worse in her days, barely acknowledges the psychic bomb.

* AP: Charge 4 sq K19 to O19, TRIGGERS OA from GO, Hook & Chain vs GA, r12+16=28 vs 23 AC (debuff x 2). Hit. r5,4,4+9=22 -10 Resist All=12 damage & GA pulled to O19 and grabbed. Halberd vs GO, r15+16+1+2 CA -2 (Vicious Aura) =32 vs 23 AC (debuff). Hit. r6,7+10=23 damage & GO Marked by GA UEoGANT.

* Ends turn: next to GO, Stone's Endurance expires. Saving Throw vs -2 defenses; r(12) +2 = 14. Succeeds.

DAMAGE: 51 damage to GO, S L23 & S M20 KILLED, 14 damage to GA
CURRENT HP: 182/220
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Grabbed by GA (DC 19), Diamondskin Volley on cooldown

The probing, pulling, squeezing appendages of the TENTACLE GRATE SWARM encoil the mighty scorpion, pincers, legs, abdomen, tail; all...but the massive tail pulls free and delivers its nearly lethal payload!

* Starts Turn: Bloodied. 5 poison damage from Looming Tail Aura (2).

* Standard: TGS Attacks (M2) GT's Fort: r(17) +14 = 31. Hit. r(3, 5) +7 = 15/2 (weakened) = 7 damage and GT is grabbed (Escape DC 22).

* Ends Turn: Saving Throw vs weakened; r(12) Succeeds.

DAMAGE: 7 damage to GT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Looming Tail Aura (2)

GO 135/232 Marked by GA UEoGANT, prone.
GT 202/280 -2 ATKs UEoPNT, in TG Hazard and grabbed (DC 22)
TG 11/40 Looming Tail Aura (2)



Gormandt's GANG SNIPERS carefully pick their way across the arena's pocked, bloody floor, finding cover to level their crossbows at Gae'al's mighty form!

S (I16)

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(15) +18 = 33; Hit. 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

S (Q4)

* Move: 6 sq (evading TGS aura) to U9 (next to blocking terrain).

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(10) +18 = 28; Hit. 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

S (N4)

* Move: 6 sq to K9.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(1) +18 +2 (CA) = Miss.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 24 damage to GA
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: I16 and U9 adjacent to blocking terrain and potentially have Cover or prevent LoS.

PA'AVU studies Gae'al's situation for a heartbeat, then cracks her neck and prepares to do battle with their common foe. She snarls the words "get out of there!" to her mentor as she rushes up to the huge bladeling warrior and slams his head hard with the side of Velmech'ti. Once assured that Gae'al has broken free of Gormandt's grasp and backed far enough away, the Stoneblessed goliath kicks Gormandt's face for good measure.

Then, taking advantage of his struggle to stand, she presses her advantage by relentlessly pushing him with her booted feet and slamming him again with her trusty sword. When she has maneuvered her body into a more strategic position, she stops to catch her breath and survey her handiwork. She grimly smiles, seeing that the bladeling is now considerably more battered and bruised.

"Gosb'tar," she growls out, "it is your turn to do your worst!"

* Starts turn, rolls to recharge One with the Earth: r6, recharges

* Move: Howl of the Alpha Wolf (enc) CBU5 on Gae'al: Slide GA 2 sq to M17 (TRIGGERS GA NO LONGER GRABBED BY GO), P Shifts 3 sq to R18 (no OA)

* Standard: Thunderhooves Rage (Daily) M2 vs GO: r6+17+2 CS -2 Aura = 23 vs 25 AC/Miss. TRIGGERS: Stone of Power Daily Free Action: Trigger: P misses an enemy w/Melee weapon ATK. Effect: reroll the ATK roll: r8+17+2 CS -2 Aura = 25 vs 25 AC/Hit!! Damage: r4,8,9+9=30 Damage to GO/BLOODIED. Effect: P enters the Rage of the Thunderhooves: until the rage ends, P can move through 1 or 2 enemies' spaces during each of P's turns. When P moves through an enemy's space, P's next ATK against that enemy during the same turn deals 1[W] extra damage.

* Free Action: Thunderborn Wrath CBU1: Trigger: once per round when P's ATK bloodies an enemy. Target: each enemy in burst. Effect: each enemy adjacent to P takes +3 Thunder Damage (equal to P's Con Modifier): +3 thunder damage to GO.

* Minor: Rain of Hammers Ki Focus Daily Power: Make an At-Will ATK against an enemy that P has already hit with an ATK during this turn: Pressing Strike M2 vs. GO: Effect: before the attack P shifts 2 sq (can be through enemy's space/cannot end there): shift 2 sq to R20 via Q19 (no OA). ATK: r10+17+2 CS -2 Aura = 27 vs. 25 AC/Hit; D: r5+9+2 GoB +r2 (Raging) +r9 (THR) =27 Damage to GO, and GO is pushed 1 sq to P21.

LOCATION: P: R20; GA: M17; GO: P21
DAMAGE: 60 Damage to GO (BLOODIED)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Resist 10 ALL ends; OWtE recharges; -2 ATKs (GO Aura 2); +2 AC from Stonehide Action ends; Thunderhooves Rage; -2 All Defenses ends

<<That's it, Pa'avu, bully him like you did that Ogre Mage in the fighting pit beneath Nakry's manor house! Won me fifty gold that day!>> the Psion thinks into the Goliath's mind as he dodges missiles directed his way.

From his vantage near the wooden blockade, CHANVATI surveys the battlefield. How best to "do his worst," to help erase Gae’al’s shame, and to inflict what is deserved upon this bastard of a Bladeling? The thought immediately strikes him: Genga’s Forking Maneuver on the Painted Plains of Pylo!

“You have this,” he reassures himself, a flood of confidence washing over him, undoing the duress created by the bolts of Gormandt’s gang of snipers.

He raises the glowing Psistaff, gripping it tightly in his clutch. Two shimmering telekinetic hands manifest to grasp both Grimtail and Gormandt, lifting each several inches off the arena floor as they’re held tight, Gormandt struggling on his back like some great flounder taken from the sea. Keep them separated! That’s how!

With his foes immobilized for the moment, the Psion advances towards the scrum between the Goliaths and the massive Bladeling, the better to exercise control and leadership across the whole battlefield.

* Free Action: Send Thoughts to P (color only)

* Minor: Inspiring Word on Self: gain Surge (16) + r6,4,5=31 HP.

* Standard: Force Grasp AUG2 R10 (one or two creatures), ATK vs GT, r13+15=28 vs 25 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs GO, r20. CRIT. r2,3+7=12 damage to GT & Immobilized, 23 damage to GO & Immobilized, both UEoCNT.

* Move: 4 sq to Q15.

DAMAGE: 12 to GT, 23 to GO
PPS: 7/9

HAZARD narrows his eyes at the monstrous beast and its dangerous tail, growling. His canine instincts recognize the lure being cast his way but the stalwart Hound will not abandon his post as Savage Protector to his Beloved's Companion.

Instead, he snaps at one of the two blade-people threatening him and snaps its ... neck? The adrenaline of his attack flows through his body, reenergizing him. He backs one step closer toward his ward and snarls a challenge to any who might attempt to attack and bares his teeth.

* Standard: Snap & Snarl M1 vs. M Q12: r19+16=35 vs. 22 AC/Hit, M Q12 KILLED

* Free Action: Furious Comeback (enc.): Trigger: H's ATK damages an enemy; Effect: spend 1 healing surge & regain 22 HP

* Move: Shift 1 square to Q12.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Bedeviling Assault effect vs. GT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: +2AC SP; no longer in GT's Aura 2
SURGES: 10/11

Translation of Hazard's "canine instincts" in his own words:

Ruff, ruff, ruff!!! Rowlr!! .... Ruff!! Hmnfffh. Hmnffh. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Roworowl!!! Grrrrr.!!

GORMANDT, undaunted by the odds now stacked against him, roars defiantly in the direction of Gae'al. When his challenge goes unanswered, he resorts to wild abandon, his chain whirling above his head and lashing out with bad intentions.

When the dust settles, his foes are up close and personal.

Pa'avu, ensnared by chain, feels the stink of Gormand't hot breath as he leans in, all teeth, blood, barbs, and menace in her face; "just the way I like it..."

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Minor: Come Get Some (charm, psychic, R20) vs GA's Will: r(1) +14 = AUTO-MISS.

* Standard: Hook & Chain (M4) vs GA's AC: r(13) +16= 29. Hit. r(5, 5, 4) +9 = 23 damage and Gormandt pulls GA up to 3 squares to O19 and grabs GA (escape DC 19).

* Action Point for Standard: Hook & Chain (M4) vs P's AC: r(17) +16 -2 (marked by GA) = 33. Hit. r(1, 4, 6) +9 = 20 damage and Gormandt pulls P up to 3 squares to Q20 and grabs P (escape DC 19); TRIGGERS GA NO LONGER GRABBED.

LOCATION: P21, GA to O19, P to Q20
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 23 damage to GA, 20 damage to P
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by GA UEoGANT, Immobilized UEoCNT, Action Point exhausted

The mighty scorpion GRIMTAIL is caught in the swarm of tentacles. Its legs finally underneath it and steady, the beast flings its tail wildly, creating a shower of poison as the throng of rubbery appendages pull the massive arachnid toward their grate. The poisonous tail does its nasty work, forcing the tentacles to retreat into the bowels of the arena!

* Start of Turn: Poison Spray Recharge; r(3) Fails.

* Standard: Double Attack (Tail; M2) vs TGS's AC x 2: r(3, 11) +16 = 19, 27; Hit x 1. r(4, 5, 2, 6) +6 = 23/2 = 11 poison damage. TGS HAZARD SLAIN. TRIGGERS GT NO LONGER GRABBED BY TGS.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Tail (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: Grimtail uses Tail twice.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 11 poison damage to TG (SLAIN)

With Master Gormandt so tied up in his goliath-laden melee, no instructions come to the GANG MAULER. No matter. Instincts bred from a decade of badlands raids and ruthless skirmishes in the pits take over.

Belwildered, the Mauler who engages Chanvati finds his own movements oddly slow...his hands out of step with his feet...seeming distortions of coordination and timing. The Time-bending Psion escapes unscathed.

Having fought many a vicious four-legger in the wild, the other Mauler is fearless as it engages Hazard and wildly swings its barbed body and weaponry in attempt to to land a killing blow...when the canine's jaws still snap and its growls still come, the Mauler senses his own impending doom upon him...

M (F18)

* Move: 6 sq to L15

* Standard: Charge to P15 and Barbed Rush vs C's AC: r(3) +16 +1 (charge) = 20; Miss.

M (P11)

* Move: Shift 1 sq to P12

* Standard: Barbed Rush vs H's AC: r(10) +16 = 26; Hit. 12 damage to H.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 12 damage to H.

GAE'AL watches in horror as Gormandt releases her, whips out his chain to reel in Pa'avu, and then whispers his heinous taunt. Rage fills her. She maneuvers behind the Bladeling, the better to strike him down. She rears her halberd back and slashes! But, no! NO! The Bladeling senses her tactic and ducks at the last moment. Her halberd slashes across Pa'avu's hide hauberk, cutting deep but not a fatal blow.

"Gormandt will pay dearly for this," the gladiator master assures herself.

* Starts turn: Rolls to Recharge Diamonskin Volley, r3. Fails to Recharge.

* Move: Shift 1 sqare to N20 (flanking with P, still in Vicious Aura).

* Standard: Halberd vs GO, r17+16+2 CA -2 Aura=33 vs 25 AC. Hit. TRIGGERS GO Body Shield (Immediate Interrupt), ATK r17+14=31 vs GA 24 Fortitude. Hit, The triggering enemy's attack hits the grabbed creature instead of Gormandt. Damage to P, r3,8+10=21, eschews Mark.

* Ends turn: Mark on GO expires.

DAMAGE: 21 to P
CURRENT HP: 133/220
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: In Vicious Aura, Flanking GO with P

GO 52/232 Immobilized UEoCNT
GT 190/280 Immobilized UEoCNT



Gormandt's GANG SNIPERS carefully pick their way across the arena's pocked, bloody floor, finding cover to level their crossbows at Gae'al's mighty form!

S (I16)

* Move: 4 sq to G15.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(8) +18 = 26; Miss

S (U9)

* Move: Shift 1 sq to V9.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(15) +18 = 33; Hit. 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

S (K9)

* Move: 3 sq to K12.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(18) +18 = 36; Hit. 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain. GA BLOODIED.

LOCATION: G15, V9, K12
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: All 3 adjacent to blocking terrain and potentially have Cover or prevent LoS.

Natural athlete that she is, PA'AVU easily uses the momentum from Gormandt's swinging her around to kick away from him and break his grab. His cowardly use of her body as his shield--and its subsequent absorption of blows intended for him--phase her not at all. This is the ring of the Arena, after all. The flowing of blood is what happens here. It is what you do with that pain and cost that matters. Giving Gae'al a bloody grin, she calls out to her mentor, "Let's finish this qr'k'li qr'xaq off!!"

She pushes through his space, thus establishing dominance over him, and carves beautiful designs into his barbed flesh with a flurry of blows and the edge of her trusty Velmech'ti. When she is finished with her artistry, she gives him a final shove to keep him off balance for the killing blow which will surely come soon.

(qr'k'li qr'xaq: an extremely insulting Giantish slur implying combatant is a dirty coward)

* Starts her turn grabbed by Gormandt (DC 19) and in his Vicious Aura 2

* Move: Escape Grab: Athletics check: r17+16=33 vs 19 DC/Success, and Pa'avu Shifts 1 square to Q19

* Minor: One with the Earth: Resist 10 ALL UEoPNT

* Standard: Pressing Strike M2 vs Gormandt: Effect: P Shifts 2 squares to Q20 (via P20/THR effect); ATK: r18+17+2 CA -2 Vicious Aura = 35 vs 25 AC/Hit; D: r9+9+2 GoB + r4 Raging + r5 THR = 29, and GO is Pushed 0 squares

* No Action: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows M2 (enc): Trigger: P hits with an attack during her turn; Effect: GO takes damage equal to 2 + P's Con Mod (3) = +5, and GO cannot shift USoPNT; TOTAL OF 34 DAMAGE TO GO.

DAMAGE: 34 Damage to GO
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Resist 10 ALL UEoPNT (OwtE)/ OwtE on Cool Down
SURGES: 10/12

"Sahtree," the Psion's clear tenor voice rings out above the noise of the fracas as he witnesses her furious assault upon the gigantic Bladeling, "you are truly a force of nature!" CHANVATI'S rousing words flood Pa'avu with a rush of invigorating pride that salves her wounds, renews her vigor.

Chanvati raises the Psistaff to ward off any attack from the Bladeling Mauler. "Now, finish him, Gae'al!" he exhorts, and the great Goliath is only too happy to oblige. Taking full advantage of Pa'avu's flurry of devastating blows against Gormandt, then her final shove, Gae'al sweeps her halberd in a wide arc, separating the suddenly vulnerable Bladeling's head from his body in one, mighty cut.

Gae'al roars out a Triumphant Cry and charges across the arena floor to menace Grimtail with her halberd.

Meanwhile, Chanvati manipulates spacetime around him, disappearing in a shimmering haze as his form is occluded from his enemies' minds.

* Move: Rousing Words (Minor) on P, P spends 2 Surges and regains 48 HP

* Standard: Direct the Strike R5 (no OA due to Staff Expertise) on GA, GA makes MBA on GO, Halberd r18+16+2 CA -2 Aura=34 vs 25 AC. Hit. r5, 4+10=19 damage. GO KILLED. TRIGGERS GA Triumphant Cry (Free): Effect: Gae’al or an ally within 20 squares can make an at-will attack. GA Charges 8 sq to N12, Halberd M2 vs GT, r1=AUTOMISS.

* Minor: Mind Shroud, Slowed + Superior Cover UEoCNT

* Ends turn: Immobilize on GO & GT ends

LOCATION: Q15, GA in N12
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Immobilize on GO & GT ends
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Slowed + Superior Cover UEoCNT

HAZARD narrows his canine eyes at the barbed soldier who just struck him, snarling menacingly. The soldier's black eyes seem to widen in alarm. In the next instant, the Hound leaps forward and snaps its neck, felling it instantly.

Almost before the body hits the ground, Hazard is on the move. First, he turns toward the wall of felled trees nearest to him. He remembers sticks flying out of there and past him to strike his Beloved's large Friend--the kind of sticks his Beloved has been teaching him are not for fun games of chase. He quickly gallops over there, to stand near this other barbed creature, one with a flying stick thing it uses to throw the dangerous sticks. Growling, the Hound dares him to try to throw them again.

* Starts turn out of GT's Looming Tail Aura 2 (effect will end with Hazard's turn)

* Standard: Snap & Snarl M1 vs. M P12: r 18+16=34 vs. 22 AC. Hit & M P12 KILLED.

* Move: 6 sq to V8 (avoiding OAs)

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Bedeviling Assault effect vs. GT UEoE
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Looming Tail Aura 2 ends; +2 AC SP
SURGES: 10/11

GRIMTAIL is a beast first and last. Singular purpose; hunt, feed, dominate, proliferate. With the massive Bladeling gone, its only prospects for any of that is to kill what is in front of it. With that in mind, it strikes at Gae'al over...and over...and over...intent upon laying her low.

* Start of Turn: Poison Spray Recharge; r(5) Succeeds.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to O10.

* Standard: Double Attack (Tail; M2) vs GA's AC x 2: r(11, 10) +16 = 27, 26; Hit x 1. r(3, 4, 3, 1) +6 = 17 poison damage and GA takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).

Standard Actions
(⚔) Tail (poison) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: Grimtail uses Tail twice.

* Action Point for Standard: Double Attack (Tail; M2) vs GA's AC x 2: r(1, 20) +16 = Automiss, CRIT. r(6 x 4) +6 = 30 poison damage.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 47 poison damage to GA
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: GA takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both) and BLOODIED in Lashing Tail Aura (2)

Gormandt's death is irrelevant to the remaining GANG MAULER. There is always someone out there bigger, meaner, and more dangerous than you. Always someone new to lead the gang..."perhaps me..." the Mauler thinks.

Chanvati, reading the Mauler's mind as his psionic shields foil the bladeling's attack, says "...perhaps not."

The Mauler's perplexed, horrified look brings a smirk to the merchant-psion's face.

M (P15)

* Standard: Barbed Rush vs H's AC: r(9) +16 = 25; Miss (due to Mind Shroud Superior Cover).


With the gigantic scorpion called Grimtail thrusting with its poison-barbed tail and bearing down upon her, GAE'AL finds herself immersed in a noxious cloud of burning fumes. The Goliath smashes out with her shield, pulverizing the Bladeling Sniper by the blockade. With its dying breath, however, it utilizes its final munition, detonating a charge of glittering psychic agents that bedevils her senses. Between that and the coughing fit induced by Grimtail's poison, Gae'al finds herself unable to muster any offense or much defense. She is in dire straits, indeed!

* Starts turn: In Looming Tail Aura; Resilience of Earth, Save vs Tail poison OG 5 poison + -2 ATK, r4+2=6. Fails. Takes 5 poison damage Looming Tail. Takes 5 OG poison damage Tail. Rolls to Recharge Diamondskin Volley, r2. Fails to Recharge

* Standard: Shield Smash & Haft Strike M2, ATK vs S K12, r8+16-2=22 vs 22 AC. Hit. S K12 KILLED. TRIGGERS Dying Breath Salvo CBU2 vs GA, r10+14=24 vs 21 Will (debuffed). Hit. GA takes 7 psychic damage & -2 defenses (SE). ATK vs GT, r1=AUTOMISS.

* Ends turn: Save vs Dying Breath Salvo, r6+2=8. Fails. Save vs Tail poison OG poison damage & ATK debuff, r5+2=7. Fails.

DAMAGE: S K12 KILLED, 10 poison + 7 psychic damage to GA
CURRENT HP: 45/220
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: In Looming Tail Aura, -2 ATK, -4 defenses, 5 OG poison damage (+ possible 5 poison damage from Looming Tail)

GT 190/280



The lone, unaccosted GANG SNIPER (again!) carefully picks their way across the arena's pocked, bloody floor, finding cover to level their crossbows at Gae'al's mighty form!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, the other Sniper tries to back away from the terrifying canine, only to bump into the huge obstacle it was taking cover behind. Backed into a corner, the bladeling shakily pulls its (very unused!) short sword from its sheathe and feebly swats at the menacing doggo!

S (G15)

* Move: 3 sq to H12.

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(13) +18 = 31; 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

S (V9)

* Move: Shift 1 sq to U9.

* Free: Drop Crossbow.

* Minor: Draw Short Sword.

* Standard: Short Sword (M1) vs H's AC: r(8) +16 = 24; Miss.

(⚔) Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 8 damage.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 12 damage to GA
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Both adjacent to blocking terrain and potentially have Cover or prevent LoS.

PA'AVU's surge of triumphant energy at Gormandt's demise is deflated by the subsequent and numerous attacks on her mentor by his allies. Aware that she is stepping into graver damage--that beast is the largest scorpion she has ever set eyes on--she nevertheless moves resolutely forward, past Chanvati and his opponent, seeking her best point of entry into the skirmish with the beast.

Finding it, the Stoneblessed goliath lifts Velmech'ti high and calls out to her companions, "I will make a weakness for you to exploit! Mark me well!"

Then Pa'avu charges at Grimtail, avoiding its spiked and poisonous tail, howling her challenge to it, and striking deeply into its carapace.

"It's your turn now, monster: taste your blood on our steel!"

* Starts turn, rolls to recharge One with the Earth: r4, fails to recharge.

* Move: 6 squares to R14.

* Minor: Vanguard Weapon Daily Power: use this power when P makes a Charge attack: if P hits w/charge attack, allies w/in 10 of P gain +1 ATK rolls & gain P's Charisma bonus to damage (+0) USoPNT.

* Standard: Howling Wolf as Charge attack: M2 vs. GT: r4+17+1 Charge +2 CA = 24 vs 23 AC/Hit; D: r6+9+ r3+ r8 VW +2 GoB= 28 Damage to GT

* No Action: Iron Wolf Charge (Enc) CBU2: Trigger: P hits enemy with Charge Attack; Effect: That enemy takes 1d6 extra damage (r5), and P makes the following attack: each enemy in burst (only GT): r6+14+2 CA=22 vs. 23 Will/Miss. +5 Damage to Grimtail

DAMAGE: 33 Damage to GT
CONDITIONS: Allies w/in 10 (GA, C, & H) gain +1 to ATK rolls USoPNT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Resist 10 All ends (OwtE); OwtE on Cool Down
SURGES: 10/11

Though the Bladeling mauler threatens, CHANVATI knows such peons are beneath his concern, especially wreathed in psionic protection as he is. Nevertheless, as the psion remanifests his telekinetic hands to squeeze and immobilize his foes, he targets the Bladeling as well as the giant scorpion in melee with his Goliath allies. The mauler explodes in a sick popping sound, and Grimtail fares not much better, squeezed with great force and held fast in telekinetic energy.

"Take heart, Gae'al," Chanvati calls out. "See how your allies give of themselves to aid in your righteous vengeance!" His orange sash glows mystically, and Gae'al seems rejuvenated as she sees Pa'avu's mighty blows against their shared enemy.

Chanvati moves delicately through the saves of spacetime, which resumes its normal course when his advance is done.

* Starts turn: Slowed & Superior Cover

* Standard: Force Grasp AUG2 R10 (1 or 2 creatures), ATK vs M, r9+15 +1 (Vanguard) =25 vs 24 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs GT, r20=CRIT. M KILLED, 16+7 +1 (Vanguard) =23 force damage to GT BLOODIED & GT Immobilized UEoCNT

* Minor: Healer's Sash Daily Utility, Effect: Close burst 5 (you and one ally in burst, or two allies in burst). One of the targets loses a healing surge, and then the other target regains hit points equal to their healing surge value. P loses a Surge & GA regains HP = Surge value (55).

* Move: 2 sq (Slowed) to R13

* Ends turn: Slowed & Superior Cover expire

DAMAGE: M KILLED, 23 force damage to GT, BLOODIED
PP: 5/9

Tired of the blade-man and his antics, HAZARD decides that he wants to take possession of the danger stick throwing thing. He reaches down to grab it and so that he can snap it in two.

Or at least he tries to do so. He just wants the blade-man to stop throwing sticks at his Beloved and her Friends. As he reaches down, he finds the hand of the blade-man is already there, picking it back up. Snarling, the Hound snaps at his foe, at the thing in its hands, and, ultimately,--grabbing both the thing and the blade-man's arm with his teeth--he thrashes them both in his powerful jaws, hoping to break them. After an ominous <crack>, the warrior goes limp, and Hazard drops both damaged objects to the floor.

Satisfied, he rushes over to--finally--fight alongside his Beloved.

* Standard: Snarl & Snap M1 vs S U9: r13+16+1 Vanguard Weapon Bonus = 30 vs 22 AC/Hit: S U9 KILLED

* Move: 6 squares to P8

CONDITIONS: Bedeviling Assault (now known as Pack Attack!) effect vs GT UEotE
CURRENT HPs: 61/89

Surrounded by enemies, GRIMTAIL hoists its massive tail on-high and a terrible spray of purple, contact venom is unleashed upon Gae'al and Hazard, sapping the strength from their limbs.

* Standard: ᗕ Poison Spray (CBu3; enemies) vs GA, P, H Fort: r(15, 10, 12) + 14 = 29, 24, 26. Hit GA and H, Miss P. r(3, 7, 9. 3) +3 = 25 poison damage, and GA and H (BLOODIED) are both weakened and slowed (save ends both); BOTH BLOODIED.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 25 poison damage to GA and H.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: GA and H weakened and slowed (save ends both) and both BLOODIED in Lashing Tail Aura (2)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: AP exhausted, Poison Spray on cooldown, Immobilized UtEoCNT.

Her senses assaulted and befuddled by a host of irritants--desert-tech munitions, contact poison, the noxious cloud surrounding the scorpion--it is all GAE'AL can do to fight off the weakness besetting her limbs and get off a mighty swing of her halberd against Grimtail. It feels good to cut into the creature's carapace so, and she gives her head a mighty shake to clear it of the worst of the Bladeling's dying breath salvo.

* Starts turn: Resilience of Earth, Rolls to Save vs Poison Spray (Weakened & Slowed SE), r17+2=19. Saves. Rolls to Recharge Diamondskin Volley, r4. Fails. -2 defenses (SE, Dying Breath Salvo), -2 defenses & 5 poison damage (Looming Tail Aura), 5 OG poison damage & -2 ATK (SE, Tail Poison)

* Standard: Halberd M2 vs GT, r8+16-2 Tail Poison +2 CA=24 vs 23 AC. Hit. r8,6+10=24 damage & GT Marked UEoGANT

* Ends turn: Save vs Dying Breath Salvo, r17+2=19. Saves. Save vs Tail Poison, r3+2=5. Fails.

DAMAGE: 24 to GT
CURRENT HP: 65/220
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Looming Tail Aura (-2 defenses, 5 poison damage), Tail Poison (-2 ATK, 5 OG poison damage), Diamondskin Volley on cooldown

GT 110/280 Immobilized UEoCNT, marked by GA UEoGANT



The lone, unaccosted GANG SNIPER quickly reloads and leans its shoulder into its crossbow for a stable firing platform. <Plink> goes the bolt toward the mighty Gae'al!

S (H12)

* Standard: Crossbow (R15) vs GA's AC: r(8) +18 = 26; Hits (due to -2 defenses). 12 damage to GA as the sniper is adjacent to blocking terrain.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 12 damage to GA
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Adjacent to blocking terrain and potentially have Cover or prevent LoS.

PA'AVU takes a quick moment to praise and comfort her Hound with a low growl and a sweep of his fur. After all, in this space, they only need to keep fighting until they are no able to. Here, only Gae'al needs to survive.

So, the Stoneblessed goliath shifts around Hazard, preparing her self mentally and emotionally to push through the gigantic scorpion's space. <Why is it always poison?> Nevertheless, push through her opponent's space she does, making room with Velmech'ti's sharp edges: cut ... slice ... shove ... pierce. She is emboldened to hear Hazard's reactionary attack on Grimtail--their tactical games have begun to have practical results!-- and only slightly distracted by the tail looming above them, a tail that has already struck both her Companion and her Mentor.

Reaching out to Gae'al, Pa'avu says in giantish, "Use my Iron Resurgence as a gift from our beloved and revered K’mniich and finish this thing." The smaller watches the Champion of the Congress of Savagery delve deeply into her own l'pahb'gin, some of her wounds beginning to visibly close up and her skin take on a protective shimmer. They smile at each other with fierce determination. "Here we go," Gae'al says.

* Starts turn, rolls to recharge One with the Earth: r4, fails to recharge; in Looming Tail Aura2 (-2 All Defenses UEoPNT)

* Move: Shift 1 square from P9 to O8

* Standard: Pressing Strike M2 vs GT: Effect: shifts to squares through GT's space during shift: from O8 to M10 via N9; ATK: r17+17+2 CA = 36 vs 23 AC/Hit; D: r10+9+2 GoB +r1 Raging +1 Sigil of Companionship +r9 THR = 32 Damage to GT

* TRIGGERS: Hazard's Pack Attack! MBA vs GT: Snarl & Snap M1: r8+16+2 CA=26 vs 23 AC/Hit; D: r3,6+10+1 SoC = 20/2 = 10 Damage to GT, and GT is Marked by Hazard UEoHNT

* Iron Resurgence M2 (Enc) on GA: Gae'al loses a surge, spends a surge, regains HPs + THP: 55 HPs & 27 THP

DAMAGE: 42 Damage to GT
CONDITIONS: GA regains 55 HPs + 27 THP; GT Marked by Hazard UEoHNT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: OwtE on Cool Down; Flanking w/Hazard (SoC), in Looming Tail Aura2 UEoPNT
SURGES: 9/11

Seeing his companions swarming the gigantic scorpion, CHANVATI knows they can soon finish this. And both redeem Gae'al's honor and achieve her vengeance at once. The Psion steps forward and, supercharging his assault with a flood of psionic energy, manifests two more telekinetic hands. The sniper lurking near the blockade has its life crushed from it, much as did its kindred Bladeling mauler. For a moment, two hands seem to superimpose their grasp upon Grimtail as the Chronotope shimmers from the deluge of psionic force. When this timescape settles itself, Grimtail is still clutched within Chanvati's telekinetic projection, held fast as before.

* Move: 1 square to R12

* Standard: Force Grasp AUG 2 R10 (1 or 2 creatures), ATK vs S, r2+15+2 Cunning Stalker=19 vs 23 Fortitude. Miss. TRIGGERS Heroic Effort (No Action), Trigger: You miss with an attack or fail a saving throw. Effect: You gain a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or the saving throw. 19+4=23 vs 23 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs GT + Adept's Insight AUG 1 (Free Action, r3+1=+4 to ensuing roll), r6+15+4 AI=25 vs 25 Fortitude. Hit. r3,2+7=12 damage to GT & GT Immobilized UEoCNT, S KILLED.


Alright, that's a wrap. Calling it @darkbard @Nephis . Everything but Grimtail is down and he's nearly down and there is no threat to lose this conflict.

When you guys get a chance, please compose a short vignette as to how this whole thing resolves. How the timeline now reorients itself with this subversion of the prior one. I'll use that to compose a Nerull-based complication to the new timeline because of your subverting his domain and foiling his designs on Death and Time as it pertains to Gae'al, Gormandt, and the Congress of Savagery.

Going to do XP and Loot here so you guys can fold in and update characters with your vignette post:


* 1200 x 2 + 600 + 150 x 12 = 4800 - 1200 (Gae'al) - 600 (Hazard) = 3000/2 = 1500 apiece.

* Assuage Gae'al's Burden (C1, level 13 SC) = 800/2 = 400 apiece.


* 1 x art object worth 2500 coin.

* 1 x magic item of level 12 or lower.

* 1600 coin.
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The final moments of battle against Grimtail, their sole remaining foe, are a sad testament to the humiliation Gae'al once faced at the hands--and pedipalps and stinger--of these enemies. Encircled by four adversaries, the great scorpion shuffles and lunges, sprays its poison and darts its stinger forward, but the outcome is inevitable. It is almost a relief when Gae'al shouts to her comrades to shift away to one side and then unleashes a volley of diamond-hard lithoderms from her skin to flay the beast where is stands.

As Grimtail collapses, its carapace a shredded mess, Gae'al turns to face Pa'avu.

"You have my eternal thanks for this, Suur Sodalain.* Perhaps now..." Gae'al begins, but then the Chronotope bends and distorts, our heroes whisked away in a spiralling vortex of light that stretches and elongates into a kaleidoscope of strings that dance and cascade about each other with dizzying speed.

- - -

Chanvati's eyes flutter open. He sits crosslegged on the tiled floor of Gae'al chamber, votive candles flickering and the heavy plumes of incense winding serpentwise throughout. Pa'avu's eyes flip open, shining with gratification. K'Gorlan clucks her tongue once in amusement. Gae'al wakes, confused.

"My friends, excuse me, I slept as if succcumbing to the wounds of the battlefield. Strange dreams. Fading dreams. But am I late for my duties in the arena?"

She rises from the bed, pushes aside the curtains, and notices Scheherezade for the first time.

"Forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty." Gae'al bends to one knee. "I know not what comes over me."

- - -

*Great Warrior in Giantish

It is clear from Gae'al's reaction that she has no memory of the previous timeline, of her brutal defeat by Gormandt and Grimtail, or of her subsequent actions in dealing with a priest of Nerull that brought upon her the great shame. Chanvati and Pa'avu, however, have full recollection of both timelines, the current and what had transpired between Gae'al and the Bladeling champion in the former.

Chanvati comes back slightly altered from his experiences interacting with the Chronotope in so brazen a fashion; he has attained the following Alternative Reward (L12):

Focused Static Level 2+ Uncommon​

You learn to project your thoughts to scramble your enemies' minds.

Lvl 2-520 gp
Lvl 12-13,000 gp

Secret of the Way
Power ✦ Daily (Free Action)
Trigger: You score a critical hit against an enemy by using a psionic power.
Effect: That enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Level 12: That enemy takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

Some time after the events in Gae'al bedchamber (and dreams), Scheherezade rewards the two heroes for their efforts on behalf of Gae'al; though she does not know specifics, she does recognize that they put themselves at great risk to aid a friend in need. She bestows upon each of them 8 platinum coins (the coinage of sovereigns, dontcha know!) and to Pa'avu, a statuette carved from dragonglass, woth 2500 gp. (Dragonglass has the peculiar property of unstable appearance; each viewer sees within its seemingly-shifting rainbow form an icon unique to that individual. Pa'avu sees a mighty Goliath warrior astride a mountain peak.)

Hazard spends 3 Surges to heal to full, now 7/11 Surges remaining.

Pa'avu spends 2 Surges to heal to full, now 7/11 Surges remaining.

Chanvati is already at full health, with 6/7 Surges remaining.

I believe the PCs have reached a Milestone since their last Extended Rest and so have an AP each remaining?

PCs are currently at 29,900/32,000 for L12.

Deep in the dark bowels of an otherworldly, unhallow domain, a roiling miasma swirls around the spectral form of a skittering behemoth.

Still wearing the horrible injuries in unlife as it did in life, Grimtail undergoes wretched transformation; elongating, splintering, molting, oozing as shadowstuff.

"Rise Nightwalker," a terrible voice as old as the world slithers from somewhere. "Become my Shadowcrawler. If they will subvert my designs on Time and on Death...then you will steal the lives of their by one..."

COMPLICATION FROM SUBVERTING THE TEMPORAL CONTINUITY: Nerull claims Grimtail's soul and changes the creature, enlists it into the dread God's employ. Offscreen, I'll assassinate vulnerable, established NPCs from our game on failed Primary Skill Checks now and again until you put a stop to this.

4/10 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/2 Advantages available)
Goal: Elevate and maximize the young Empress' capacity of rulership (first 6 successes) and convince her to establish a new political order in Bantouk with a counterbalancing Senate (last 4 successes).

Scheherezade's Journal>

Day 12

I am puzzled.

Something strange happened at the Congresss of Savagery. Something more than is being communicated to me. Everyone is so very tight-lipped. Like they're protecting me from something?

I can't stand it!

Now and again, I'm witnessing strange events that I can't tell if it is real or if it is my mind playing tricks on me:

* My shadow seems to behave abnormally, seeming to very briefly defy natural law as I know it.

* The sound of the fire in the hearth isn't...quite its backwards?

* I know that Tawny Eagles can bear a resemblance to one another. But on the evening after the events at the Congress I was sky-gazing on my balcony. I saw one take flight from its perch on my balcony snatched a tree snake and flew off. I looked back to where it perched prior. By the Gods, I swear I saw another of its exact like take flight in another direction!

I have exhausted my resources in the royal library looking for fables or such events on record. What I can find strikes me as fantasy or just...too...odd.

I will ask them tomorrow and they will give me an answer.

<and so she does>

Scheherezade is committed. If you tell her true and explain the event or give it historical context (possibly putting her in danger...but maybe danger she could manage?), its at the MEDIUM DC.

If you try to beg her off the subject or bluff her in some way (or something like this), its at the HARD DC.

What do you do?
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Today I approached the Goliath Pa'avu about these strange occurrences. I told her about the weird visions I've been having, my shadow, the fire, the doubled eagle in the tree. This started only after whatever you and the merchant did in the Congress of Savagery, I pointed out. I know something strange happened that day. I am not a child, and I do not need protection. What I need more than anything is knowledge if I am to rule as I desire. The Half-giant wrinkled her brow and brought me to speak with Chanvati.

The merchant was dining in his estate with the barrister, my former advisor. It shames me to think that she once counseled against the very betrayers who solicited and succumbed to the madness that almost destroyed our realm. And that I repaid her wisdom by casting her out. Will her presence always be a reminder to me of my folly?

Chanvati welcomed me to partake of the delicacies served at House Audaseie. Humble fare of roasted fowl and leeks, jellied crayfish, figs, dates, almonds, and wine. Still, enough for basic sustenance, I suppose.

I repeated my questions to the merchant, who exchanged glances with Pa'avu. I knew they were conspiring to keep something from me!

He addressed me by my title and asked if I knew the Fables of Genga, a work, presumably of fiction, in which I was tutored at the age of eight, tales of heroism and fantastical journeys, outrageous creatures and hair-raising danger. Not fiction at all, claimed he! Indeed, the appearance of one of my ancestors, Emperor Makara, who bestowed upon Genga the title of "Rose of the Desert," should suffice as evidence of the truth of Genga's exploits, for his journals corroborate several of her more startling escapades. What was I doing in the royal library if not reading the journals and letters of my forebearers?

He asked me to cast my memory back to Chapter Forty-Two, in which Genga traveled back in time to fight and slay a devil on the day of its ascension to full Pit Fiend status in service to Asmodeus, ruler of the Nine Hells. This demon, Vretavorlax, had insinuated itself into the court of the Emir of Itirilmish, much as the Caiphon-worshippers had done in my own court. Unfortunately, the Emir was a man with little care for his responsibilities as ruler, instead whiling away his days with wine and a hundred fawning courtesans. And so he was caught unawares when one of these courtesans revealed himself to be Vretavorlax in disguise, and the wine the Emir had just consumed poisoned with an agent so foul no magic or healing power could save his life.

Thus, Genga enacted a powerful ritual to travel back in time, defeating Vretavorlax before he ever assumed such power, undoing the chain of events that led to the Emir's death, and returned to her own time to find the Emir hale and safe, his life never cut short, though still a feckless fop.

What has this to do with my visions, I pressed.

The merchant explained that, similarly to Genga, he and Pa'avu had traveled something he called the Chronotope, back in time to save my Gladiator Champion from a terrible defeat she suffered, one that tempted her to bring shame upon herself in trying to reverse it. Where Gae'al had failed, he and Pa'avu succeeded, and they returned to our time having erased her pain and suffering. However, such alterations of time always come with a price, he said, and he fears that the "ripples" I experienced may be the result of their tampering.

And so now I know the truth, he told me. That sometimes secrets must be held, even from an Empress for a time, when an individual's soul is at stake. But also that Gae'al has no recollection of these events, nor does anyone else, for they literally have never happened for us! Yet the fact that I am experiencing these ripples is clear proof of my Imperial destiny, the power of my blood and lineage, for there can be no other explanation for why I should be able to see "across timelines, if only in part," as he put it. And also by practicing patience and respecting Gae'al and Pa'avu's requests for privacy, in the long run I learned a most esoteric piece of knowledge, that pertaining to an alternate timeline to our own! I think I understand what Chanvati meant by all this, but I shall need to ponder it further.

Chanvati is making a Primary Skill History check to draw a parallel between the strange events partially witnessed by Scheherezade and the time travel of Genga, intersecting with Scheherezade's own family history in contrast with the ancient ruler of the now-fallen Emirate of Itirilmish, r15+16=31 vs 22 Moderate DC. Success. I'm also invoking Master Tectuktitlay’s Imparted Wisdom Consumable (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: You rely upon Master Tectuktitlay’s Imparted Wisdom to make a Knowledge Primary Skill Check and succeed. Effect: Gain 1 extra success in the Skill Challenge, for it was on the subject of the Fall of Itirilmish that Chanvati and Tectuktitlay spoke.
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6/10 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/2 Advantages available)
Goal: Elevate and maximize the young Empress' capacity of rulership (first 6 successes) resolved. Remaining...
Goal: ...and convince her to establish a new political order in Bantouk with a counterbalancing Senate (last 4 successes).

We'll exit from our "point of view of the Empress' journaling" paradigm and cut to live, intermittent moments of parley over the coming few days.

The next day, Chanvati and Pa'avu find the Empress on the palace's vast back lawn engaging in sport akin to field hockey. She shoulder-checks an unsuspecting member of the opposing team to the ground, and the game is stalled while the noble family's youth is attended to. As Scheherezade's takes water and persimmon, they, perhaps surprisingly, note that Bita-Bousseh tutors the child on philosophy of law.

As the pair arrive on-scene, the Wardenguard in tow as always, a recitation of a famous magistrate ruling on a pivotal case that changed the face of Bantouk jurisprudence forevermore. The rather conservative royal scrunches up her young face at the temerity of the magistrate.

Do you take this moment to broach the subject of radical political order reorganization? If so, I'm using the HARD DC I have.

Do you hold off and let the game of field hockey play out and perhaps use the game itself as a metaphor and strategic vector for your goals? If so MEDIUM DC.

If something else, if its akin to the first, then its HARD DC and if akin to the second, then MEDIUM DC.
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Stepping in here temporarily again in role of amanuensis to @Nephis.

As Bita-Bousseh perorates on historical jurisprudence during the injury time out, PA'AVU meets the eyes of the young Empress. The Goliath does not smile or roll her eyes, but if a blank look could express those displays, this one would.

The game resumes and is a hard-fought match. Post-injury, the opposing team deploys a new strategy, isolating the Empress when she has control of the ball, utilizing several of their larger players to block, harass, and otherwise frustrate the Empress's attempts to muscle through and build upon her team's lead. Scheherezade simmers. It is almost as if she quavers with some pent-up force begging for release.

But the opponents have a sound strategy, and the final score yields in their favor, 5-4.

After the match, Pa'avu approaches the pouting Empress.

"We should have won, Pa'avu! I was dominating the field! But then the other team began to bully me. Why didn't my teammates retaliate? We would have won!"

The Half-giant is silent for a moment.

"In my younger days, before I ... came to Bantouk ... I, too, played at sports with other youths. I was strong, stronger than the others. And I was quick, too. But my team was never the greatest. It wasn't until I learned how to use my gifts to support and assist my teammates that we began to win, and then win regularly we did.

"You are a talented athlete, J'zadah.* No one can or would deny it. But until you learn to use your skills--your physical might, your sense of the field, your anticipation of the play before you--your team will never be as strong as it can be."

* A Giantish word for princess. Pa'avu used this in addressing the Empress before.

Pa'avu is making a Primary Skill Athletics check here, building on her shared experience as an athlete (in her case, as a stoneball player, if you recall) to explain team strategy to Scheherezade. Obviously, this is using the game as a metaphor to get her thinking about the power potential of a unified group as opposed to that of the individual alone. r10+16=26 vs 22 Moderate DC. Success.

7/10 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/2 Advantages available)
Goal: ...and convince her to establish a new political order in Bantouk with a counterbalancing Senate (last 4 successes).

Sovelis coordinates a large hustle and bustle in the young royal's chambers. A mixture of tailors and seamstresses take measurements, present designs or show actual dresses to Scheherezade. So preoccupied by the actual content of the evening's affair, reciting various lines with honed affectation, she's mostly indifferent to the costuming happening all around her.

Yarney and Hook, the children's fantasy tale of a pair of anthropomorphic weaving implements trying to navigate the dangers and hijinx of a vast sewing kit, is being put on in the open-air playhouse for the upper crust called The Ampitheatre.

Do you guys take this opportunity to point out how the various members responsible for design and implementation of her wear can work in concert and summon order from seeming chaos? She isn't particularly interested in this and its completely not registering, so it would be HARD DC.

Or do you go with her to the play itself and relate how the tale of the plucky Yarney and Hook, who navigate an array of challenges together via teamwork which counterbalances each other's very idiosyncratic approaches to tasks and adversity, applies to your goals? If so, she's all in; MEDIUM DC.

However, your presence with her in the such a public place...well, that might bring danger to the Empress in the form of C&P's terrible enemies...

Voidrunner's Codex

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