The Slave and Her Sovereign

Complexity 5 SC, Level 14 (DCs 15/21/30)
Staged Goals:
1) (4 successes) Locate and ingress into the subterranean bowels of the earth where Vezzuvu's volatile magma chambers threaten Bantouk and the Duchess of Cinder Lairs. Upon 3rd success, trigger combat against the gatekeepers (for 4th success).
2/12 Successes (4 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/5 Secondary Skill Available/6 Advantages available)

Seethewater River.

The shaft beneath the ancient cathedral winds into the stone like a Remorhaz had hewn it centuries upon centuries ago...perhaps it did. Regardless, it empties out on an earthen landing that serves as small shore to the raging, roiling, heat-filled river.

Upstream it rushes away from the lair of some ancient beast who has called this place home for much of Bantouk's records, ash and molten bio-material precipitating downward from the domain at speed. Accompanying the rush of superheated water is the dichotomy of a cold wind, though no fog, and the palpable feeling of mournful sorrow.

Downstream it empties out into a lake; The Boil. Somehow the waters maintain their liquid form despite the supernatural temperatures. What lies there are Vezzuvu's guardians, no doubt.

Which way do you trek; upstream (HARD DC), downstream (MEDIUM DC)?

How do you manage the tempestuous, hazard-fraught waters? If you Fail, you find yourself in your follow-on encounter in fraught circumstances; 1 PC is down 1 HS worth of HPs and the other takes -2 Initiative.

If you want to make a Secondary Skill lore check to buff your move and inform your decision about what awaits you, make it at the LOW DC as per normal. However, if you want to step that up to MEDIUM DC (and risk a -2 forward on failure), I'll give you the encounter budget you face and you can take +2 to the Monster Knowledge check in the coming conflict. History for upstream, Arcana for downstream.
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Standing on the narrow shore, CHANVATI seems lost in thought. "Gosb'tar, are you okay?" asks Pa'avu with concern.

"I've seen this river," replies the Psion.

"That cannot be, gosb'tar. We have not been here. Unless you mean as a child, before I entered your House's service?"

"No, Pa'avu," the Psion replies after a time. "I do not mean that I have been here physically. I mean I have visited this river in my studies, during my time at Xerxes's examining ancient history. This place was once pivotal to the ancients who inhabited Bantouk. This way," he gestures right, to the river's frothing, churning downstream, "lies the Scoria Parition, the last front in the battle against the Salamander Empire that once threatened to rise up and devour the city in its burning flames and molten death. The Barrenguard defeated them, though at great cost."

"Upstream," Chanvati gestures to the source of the seething river and eerie, frigid airflow, "is a place of great sadness. It is known as Wyrmsorrow. It is said that the rulers of Bantouk would appease a great dragon that resided deep beneath the city, offering up one of their own every ten years in tribute. The last known sacrifice was hundreds of years ago: a mother and her swaddling infant. Something went amiss after ... the offering. Her grief, perhaps, was too great, her rage too fiery. And so it is said that the dragon commanded no tribute after that day. Yet something ... malevolent, and powerful beyond words ... lingers still."

"Friends, the Duchess of Cinders will no doubt expect us to take the downstream route, for Bantouk's forces already once routed the Salamanders, Vezzuvian allies. She would expect whatever lurks still upstream to be ... guardian enough. Let us foil her expectations, be bloody, be bold, be resolute! Let us struggle against the flow in every meaning of the word and demonstrate our prowess!"

Rietka and Yazdan exchange skeptical looks. Pa'avu seems inspired to "straighten" the uncanny legacy of ritual slaughter. Hazard wags his tail, eager for a swim.

"It is said," Chanvati adds, "that those who face a dragon with purpose and determination in their hearts cannot be stopped by mere natural effects, for the supernatural force of such a spirit supersedes bald nature. Use that purpose, and the safeguard of my ritual, to see you through this test.

The heroes plunge into the torrent, Chanvati's ritual protection warding them from the worst of its ravages. Nevertheless, the heat against their skin, permeating their clothes, is immense, and the current is akin to battling a hurricane head on, but in liquid form. Almost immediately, Chanvati feels himself being pulled downstream and under and so activates his magic bracers, infusing his limbs with unnatural strength and vigor. Beside him, Pa'avu struggles to aid her trusty hound--and even The Wardenguard--in this riverine challenge. Recognizing that without the Pa'avu's strength they stand no chance of surmounting the current, the Psion reaches out with his mind, funneling psionic energy into the Goliath's body, unleashing a torrent of ki to act upon those gigantic muscles with which to pull their allies along with her mighty, one-armed stroke.

First, we're making a Secondary Skill check to inform our decision:

Chanvati makes a Secondary Skill History check vs Upstream, r14+19=35 vs 21 Moderate DC. Success. Chanvati makes a Secondary Skill Arcana check vs Downstream, r10+19=29 vs 21 Moderate DC. Success.

Per @Manbearcat :

Fiction: Centuries or longer ago, the royal family or the state religion (or perhaps both) commissioned decadal tribute to the Adult Dragon that laired beneath the cathedral. There once was a waterfall that fed directly into its lair, merging with Seethewater River at its apex. They would cast their tribute from that perch, placating the dragon (and perhaps as importantly, the deity Mavi-ishiq), for another ten years.

However, the last recorded tribute was a mother...a mother with her babe swaddled in her arms. So great was the grief of her loss, so tremendous her rage in death, that she remained restless in undeath because of it...fortified by her enmity and her eternal task of looking for her lost babe as her mind was taken by the madness of undeath.

The dragon never emerged from its lair again...perhaps destroyed or turned by the mother and her curse.

Mechanics: Encounter Budget 3500 (Deathbringer Dracolich Solo) + 700 (Wailing Banshee Standard) + 1400 (2 x Hazards). Level +4 Encounter.

Alternative Win Cons:

1) Relieve Her Burden: Find the Mother's Babe (Multiple locations on the map might have it, interact with each until you locate) + Religion Medium DC once she is Bloodied and she and her child pass on. The Mother will be given an exemption by her deity to aid you in your battle against the Duchess of Cinders.

2) Enter the Chronotope and Rewrite the Timeline: Nested, intracombat SC to go back in time the day before the last tribute and either (a) destroy the dragon as it was in life or (b) route it (Intimidate Hard DC while Bloodied). If you perform the latter, the Dragon will still be alive today and will come aid you in the battle against the Duchess of Cinders.

However, altering the timeline always comes with consequences...

Fiction: A long lost Salamander Empire, servants of Vezzuvu, the scourge of the underworld, once rose up against Bantouk from beneath. They were barely routed in that age...perhaps not this time...

Mechanics: Encounter Budget 1400 (2 x Salamander Whip Standard; Soldiers) + 1400 (2 x Salamander Sparkbow Standards; Artillery) + 875 (5 x Fire Elemental Minions: Controllers) + 700 (Hazard). Level +2.25 encounter.

We are making a Group Primary Skill Athletics Check against the Hard DC (utilizing our intricate houserules for Group Skill checks) to navigate the roiling, forceful waters of the Seethewater. Chanvati further aids Pa'avu's check through use of Adept's Insight, r2+1=+3 to her roll.

Chanvati, r15+14 with Bracers of Mental Might (Encounter Augment) +2 SS=31 vs 30 Hard DC. Success.
Hazard, r3+15+2 SS=20 vs 30 Hard DC. Fail.
Pa'avu, r10+17+2 SS +3 Adept's Insight=32 vs 30 Hard DC. Success.
The Wardenguard, r5+10+2 SS=17 vs 30 Hard DC. Fail.

2/4 Successes in Group skill check=Succeeds in overall check. Whew! I was sure The Wardenguard were trained in Athletics before we conferred and made this decision. Nope! Acrobatics instead!

Staged Goals:
1) (4 successes) Locate and ingress into the subterranean bowels of the earth where Vezzuvu's volatile magma chambers threaten Bantouk and the Duchess of Cinder Lairs. Upon 3rd success, trigger combat against the gatekeepers (for 4th success).
3/12 Successes (3 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/4 Secondary Skill Available/6 Advantages available)

NOTE: Players unavailable for this week. GM out of town for following week so updates/interactions will be infrequent for coming weeks.

Light spills into the cavern from the luminous Seethewater River and permeates the back right (characters PoV) of the cavern due to a mass that gives off stupendous light.

The stench of corruption, decay, loss and longing pervades the air.

The filthy water promises cover but unnatural defilement.

Something very large unfurls...stirring in the murk just beyond the sanctuary of the light.

A soft wail reverberates off the acoustics-amplifying walls as a spectral, phasing silhouette sways like a discordant pendulum.

* SPECIAL: Choose one of the two SCs directly below to engage with or choose neither.

* Relieve Her Burden (Skill Challenge Level 12, Complexity 1, DCs 14/20, 1 Secondary Skill @ Minor Action, Resolve 2 Actions Below):

1) Find the Mother's Babe: One of locations B2, P2, W5 on the map are bonepiles which will possess the infant's bones. Interact (Minor Action; adjacent) with each until you locate the bones.

2) Come into the Light (Religion Check, Standard Action, Ranged 5, Medium DC 20) once Wailing Banshee is Bloodied and she and her child pass on. You and all allies in a CBu3 attacks gain the Radiance keyword UtEoYNT and The Mother (Wailing Banshee) will be given an exemption by her deity to aid you in your battle against the Duchess of Cinders.

* Enter the Chronotope and Alter the Past (Skill Challenge Level 12, Complexity 1, DCs 14/20, 1 Secondary Skill @ Minor Action, Resolve 2 Actions Below):

1) Map the Temporal and Spatial Realm (Move Action; Prerequisite made as part of a Move Action after 20 unique squares are traversed by the character): History DC 20

2) Enter the Chronotope (Standard Action - Close Burst 5; Allies): Arcana (Timebender) DC 20

Special: Enter this place in the past where the the mother and child have not perished and the dragon has therefore not succumbed to The Wasting Curse of the Wailing Banshee's rage and despair. Either (a) slay the dragon to ensure the creature has not aged/gained in power and is gone from the present timeline or (b) route the dragon (Intimidate Hard DC while Bloodied) and it will come aid you in the battle against the Duchess of Cinders but it still be alive today in the present timeline.

Consequence: There is always a consequence for effing with the matter the course you choose.

* Ossuary (Hazard) Level 12 Large Lurker XP 700 (sq LM/12-13)
The ossuary avalanches, unleashing a wave of bones.

A character enters an ossuary square (difficult terrain) or starts its turn adjacent to the ossuary

Opportunity Action Close blast 2
Targets: Creatures in blast
Attack:+16 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+5 damage, 5 OG damage, and immobilized (save ends)
Miss: Half damage and slowed UtEoYNT.

✦ Acrobatics DC 20 or Athletics DC 28: With an Acrobatics/Athletics check made as part of a move action, a character can enter the ossuary's space without triggering an opportunity attack. These squares are still difficult terrain.

* Bioluminous Mass (Hazard) Level 12 Large Blaster XP 700 (sq HI/3-4)
A glowing elemental biomass pulses randomly, consuming and releasing lances of energy.

Hazard: The mass occupies 2x2 squares and deals fire, force, lightning, or radiant damage (choose one or roll a d4). Its energy is attracted to moving bodies within range. Creatures can enter the mass's space. Hazard possesses Blindsight.

Initiative +6

When a creature enters a square within 7 squares of the mass's space, the hazard rolls initiative. The hazard also makes an opportunity attack against a creature that enters or starts its turn in the mass's space.

Standard Action or Opportunity Action Ranged 7
Target: One creature or the triggering creature
Attack:+16 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage of a type from the following list, and an effect determined by that type.
Fire: 1d8 extra fire damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 fire (save ends).
Force: The target is pushed 2 squares, knocked prone, and slowed (save ends).
Lightning: The target is dazed (save ends).
Radiant: The target is blinded (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.

✦ Acrobatics DC 20: With an Acrobatics check made as part of a move action, a character can enter the mass's space without triggering an opportunity attack.
✦ Arcana DC 14: A character adjacent to or within the mass's space can attempt an Arcana check as a move action. If the check succeeds and the mass's next attack hits, treat the attack as a miss. If check succeeds and the mass's next attack misses, the attack deals no damage.
✦ Arcana DC 20: A character within the mass's space can attempt an Arcana check as a move action. Results are as for an Arcana check as above. In addition, three successful checks cause the mass to dissipate, eliminating the hazard.
✦ Arcana DC 28: A character within the mass's space can attempt an Arcana check as a standard action. Results are as for an Arcana check as above. In addition, a character who makes a successful check can force the mass to attack any target in range.

* Illumination: The outlined yellow squares at the top and bottom of the map are illuminated fully by the luminescent Seethewater River and the Bioluminous Mass (Hazard). All other squares are lightly obscured and provide Partial Concealment to creatures unless the perceiver has Low Light Vision, Darkvision, or Blindsight.

* Corrupted Water: Provides Cover and is Difficult Terrain for Medium Creatures. Living creatures that start their turn in a sq of corrupted water suffer -2 to saving throws UtEoTNT.

* Islands/Elevated Terrain: Climbing from the water onto these surfaces requires navigating the slippery holds. Extra square of movement and Athletics DC 19 (14 +5) as part of a move action; Failure = move action is lost and creature is where they started.

* Fallen Pillar and Bases: Bottom left corner of the map. These can be leaped to following the jumping rules. However, these surfaces are slippery and require interacting with Balance (see Acrobatics entry) DC 18.

* Purified Surface Waterfall (top left): Entering any square of the waterfall and runoff to gain a special buff. You're protected from the corrupting aspects of the corrupted water. If you're in a square of the Corrupted Water, make a Saving Throw at End of Turn; Success and the Purified Waterfall buff holds...Failure and the Corrupted Water washes it away.

* Deathbringer Dracolich (Large, natural, magical beast, undead, dragon, Controller, Solo) = HP 492, AC 26, Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 24

* Wailing Banshee (Medium, shadow, humanoid, undead, Contoller, Standard) = HP 81, AC 24, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 24

* Place C, H, P, W in any of the 24 row, columns J-R and roll initiative! Don't forget to take +2 to Monster Knowledge Checks!

* Initiative & Starting Squares

Chanvati (C) r20+12=32 (Loan from the Past roll: 9 (once during encounter can replace an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, or a saving throw with that roll)
Wardenguard (W) r15+12=27 (Ambush Leader not needed)
Pa'avu (P) r14+11=25
Dracolich (D) = 24
Banshee (B) = 18
BLM = 13
Hazard (H) r2+8=10

Starting squares: C N24, H K24, P M24, W Q24. As a reminder, The Wardenguard has low-light vision (thanks, Rietka!)



Alright, all the vacations have resolved. Back to doing stuff!

Monster Knowledge (No Action) checks:
  • Chanvati Arcana (Shadow, Undead) vs Banshee, r13+19 +2 (buff) =34; Passes High DC
  • Chanvati Religion (Natural, Undead) vs Dracolich, r19+15 +2 (buff) =36; Passes High DC

Deathbringer Dracolich
Large natural magical beast (dragon, undead)
Level 12 Solo Controller XP 3500
HP 492; Bloodied 246 Initiative +10
AC 26, Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 24 Perception+14
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy) Darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Action Recovery
Whenever the dragon ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or dominating effect on it ends.

Instinctive Domination
On an initiative of 10 + its initiative check, the dragon can use a free action to use mesmerizing glance. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. If the dragon cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the dragon making the attack.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Bite (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 9 damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends).

Claws ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +17 vs. AC. If the dragon targets only one creature, it can make this attack twice against that creature
Hit: 3d6 + 9 damage.
Effect: The dracolich slides the target up to 2 squares.

Breath Weapon (necrotic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d12 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its next turn.

Minor Actions
Mesmerizing Glance (charm, psychic) ✦ At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Miss: If the target willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, it takes 15 psychic damage.
Effect: The dracolich slides the target up to 2 squares.

Triggered Actions
Bloodied Breath ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The dragon is first bloodied.
Effect (Free Action): Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.

Athletics +12, Insight +14


Wailing Ghost (Banshee)
Medium shadow humanoid (undead)
Level 12 Controller XP 700
HP 81; Bloodied 40 Initiative +8
AC 24, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 24 Perception+13
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing Darkvision
Immune disease, poison

The ghost takes only half damage from any damage source except those that deal force damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Spirit Touch (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 5 necrotic damage.

Death's Visage (fear, psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + 9 psychic damage.
Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).

Terrifying Shriek (fear, psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 6 psychic damage, the banshee pushes the target up to 5 squares, and the target is immobilized (save ends).

Athletics +8, Stealth +13


Bones welded by supernatural influence form a terrible silhouette in the shadows. The hateful mind of the DEATHBRINGER DRACOLICH reaches out instinctively at the minds of prey who dare enter its long-forgotten lair. The Wardenguard reels, flailing while the pair grab their heads...but they do not succumb.

* Instinctive Action: Mesmerizing Glance (R10, charm, psychic; does not grant OA as an IA) on W's Will: r(4) +15 = 19. Miss. If W willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, W takes 15 psychic damage. Effect: The dracolich slides W 2 squares to Hindering Terrain of S24. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW OPTION FOR PRONE IN R24. PLAYER OPTS-OUT. W in Corrupted Water.

LOCATION: D in 14S, W in S24
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: W in Corrupted Water.
CURRENT HP: 492/492

Opening his mind to echoes and disturbances in the Chronotope, CHANVATI does not fail to take in the gravity of the situation. An undead dragon! If he is to undo this ancient trauma, he must avoid one of his own in the present. And so he binds the creature to his telekinetic will, hurling it against the ghostly remnant of the grieving mother and into the vicinity of the bioluminescent mass, which pulses alive in response, lightning crackling from its bulk.

Then the Psion moves abruptly to his right, be it to avoid the dragon's wrath or in search of some keyhole to the Chronotope is anyone's guess.

* Standard: Living Missile Daily R10 vs D, ATK r11+17+2 Cunning Stalker=30 vs 26 Fort. Hit. D Immobilized (SE). Effect: While the target is immobilized or slowed by this power, you can use the Living Missile Attack power once per round.

* Minor: Living Missile Attack R10 vs D, Effect: Before the secondary attack, you slide the primary target 10 squares. Slides D S14 to P4 via Q7. Secondary ATK vs B, r14+17=31 vs 23 Ref. Hit. r(4,1)+8=13 damage. 13/2=6 damage (not Force) to B and B falls Prone. Half damage (6) to D. D's movement TRIGGERS BLM INTIATIVE AND OA VS D, r7+6=13. ATK vs D, r16+16=32 vs 24 Ref. Hit. r(1, 7)+7=15 damage and D Dazed SE (lightning)

* Move: 6 sq N24-M23-L23-K23-J23-I24-H23; 6 sq towards 20 necessary for Enter the Chronotope

LOCATION: C in H23, D in P4
DAMAGE: 21 to D, 6 to B
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: D Immobilized SE, Dazed SE, B Prone
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: BLM activates Initiative 13.

THE WARDENGUARD are seasoned warriors both. They can feel the psychic weight of this awful place; hate, loss, hunger in many forms. Yazadan and Rietka carefully pull themselves from the corrupted pool that pervades the place and assume a collective defensive thicket of spears.

* Starts Turn: In Corrupted Water; suffers -2 saving throws UtEoWNT. If moves nearer to D, takes 15 psychic damage.

* Move: 1 sq out of HT to R24.

* Standard: Total Defense; +2 all defenses UtBoWNT.

CURRENT HP: 116/116
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: CW; suffers -2 saving throws UtEoWNT. Total Defense; +2 all defenses UtBoWNT

PA'AVU cocks her head momentarily, listening to the whisper in her mind's ear from her gosb'tar, a hasty plea to distract the ghostly mother and cursed dracolich while he finishes his "task"--a task which takes him away from combat. With a low grunt to her Beloved Hound, the goliath jerks her chin toward Chanvati, trusting that Hazard will correctly interpret this gesture as her usual "protect the squishy one" command.

Then, she takes a deep breath and takes off, heading toward the stone wall on the opposite side of the cavern, away from Chanvati and the others. At the water's edge (water she would much rather not enter, if at all possible), she takes flight, landing on that stone wall. Retrieving one of her javelins, she peers into the gloom at the lost dragon, takes as careful aim as she is able, and lets the weapon go. She grimaces as it flies through a shadow cast by the creature's head, as dark as the creature but sadly only an illusion.

* Move: 5 squares from M24 to P19

* Move: Crane Wing [Movement Technique] (Enc): Effect: P makes an Athletics check (twice: Power Athlete) to jump with a +5 power bonus. P is considered to have a running start, and the distance of the jump isn't limited by her speed: r(5,2)+17+5=27 --> 5 squares cleared: P lands at V13, atop the stone wall.

* Minor: retrieves javelin

* AP: RBA vs. Dracolich: r(6)+19+2 Cunning Stalker -2 Partial Concealment = 25 vs 26 AC= Miss; Stonehide Action: gain +2 bonus to AC UEoPNT

SURGES: 11/11

Staggered by the combined assault of Chanvati and the Bioluminous Mass, the DEATHBRINGER DRACOLICH turns its ire to the living entity that dared draw near it. Pa'avu hears ancient whispers and feels inexorably drawn to the picture they paint. The clouding of her mind is a curiosity...a fog that feels impossible to penetrate...

Vaguely, from far away, the mind of the Stoneblessed realizes she is being pulled into the corrupt water and that the dracolich has her as she has seen in marionette shows past. She steels herself against the mind influence as best she can. The Stonefather will deliver her.

Back in the material world, the bone dragon wrenches itself free of the lightning and psionic restraints.

* Starts Turn: Dazed, Immobilized, Prone.

* Standard Action: Mesmerizing Glance (R10, charm, psychic) on P's Will: r(16) +15 = 31. P is dominated (save ends). Effect: P slides 2 sq into Hindering Terrain T15. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN V13. PLAYER OPT-OUT TO PRESERVE MARK OF THE BLESSED. P SUFFERS -2 SAVING THROWS UTEOPNT.

* End Turn: Action Recovery automatically ends Dazed. Saving Throw vs Immobilized; r(8) +5 = 13. Succeeds.

LOCATION: D in P4, P in T15
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: P is dominated (SE) and in Corrupted Water.
CURRENT HP: 471/492

The WAILING BANSHEE senses life; as it once was before a thousand agonies were delivered upon it. It reveals itself to Pa'avu; its suffering, its hideousness. Her mind, careening through corridors and down chutes, shunts away the visage of the undead mother...but it leaves a momentary scar on our Goliath heroine.

* Move: Fly (hover, phasing) 6 sq to R12.

* Standard: Death's Visage (R5, fear, psychic) vs P's Will; r(5) +15 +2 (CA) = 20. Miss. Effect: P takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: P takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Phasing, hover, insubstantial.

The BIOLUMINOUS MASS senses movement (prey?) and activates. It unfurls and pulses a coronal flare of radiant light, lashing the dracolich, which recoils as its supernatural senses singe.

* Standard: Bioluminous Attack (R7, r(4) = radiant) vs D's Reflex: r(12) +16 = 28. Hit. r(5, 4) +7 radiant damage +10 Vuln radiant = 26 radiant damage to D and D is blinded (SE).

DAMAGE: 26 radiant damage to D.
CURRENT: 0/3 Arcana Checks.

HAZARD takes a few steps forward, watching his Beloved fall into the water and whining anxiously. Then, with the resolution of being Her Hound, he prepares to protect his charge, despite his desire to swim across the fetid water to aid Her.

* Move: 4 Squares from K24 to L20

* Minor: engages Savage Protector mode: +2 AC, cannot use Bite, gains Snarl & Snap and Harrier attacks.

* Standard: Ready an Action: will use Snarl & Snap on first enemy who enters within Melee range

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Savage Protector (+2AC); Readied Action (Snarl & Snap)
SURGES: 11/11

D 445/492 Blinded (SE)
B 75/81
Enter the Chronotope and Alter the Past: C has 6 sq towards 20 necessary





The Psion opens his mind fully to the ectoplasmic reverberations that indicate a rending in the Chronotope. CHANVATI knows it is here somewhere! The key he must unlock to enter spacetime and undo the wrongs that echo in this place. Ignoring the snarling hound, the Wardenguard futilely struggling at the corrupted water's edge, faithful Pa'avu--currently fallen into thralldom to the wicked forces contaminating this place--the Psion carefully traces his steps toward the periphery of the purified waterfall. Surely those pellucid waters are a sign of lingering benevolence!

* Move: 6 sq H23-G23-H22-G22-G21-F22-F23; 12 sq towards 20 necessary for Enter the Chronotope

* Move: 6 sq F23-E23-E22-D-22-D21-E21-D20; 18 sq towards 20 necessary for Enter the Chronotope


THE WARDENGUARD are seasoned warriors both, and they push ahead out of the brackish water without hesitation. Rietka regards Pa'avu and her stricken state as she looks over at Yazdan. The graying hoplite nods in unspoken comprehension despite being out of his element. He looses a javelin from his back quiver, takes aim, and hurls it across the cavern in the direction of the Banshee, now scrambling to regain its feet after being assaulted by the flung dracolich. The shot goes wide. Yazdan's head lowers, eyes downcast. Rietka displays the faintest trace of a grimace across her otherwise steely face.

They prepare themselves for as benign an exchange as possible with the mind-influenced Pa'avu if it comes to it.

* Starts turn: In Corrupted Water; -2 Saving Throws UEoWNT.

* Move: 3 sq to R21.

* Standard: Javelin R15 vs B, ATK r5+17=22 vs 26 AC (buffed from Prone). Miss.

CURRENT HP: 116/116
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: In Corrupted Water (DT), -2 Saves UEoWNT


The fog in PA'AVU's mind is unfamiliar to the goliath who--despite her living as a slave-servant to the Audaseie family--has always had control over herself, if nothing else. This cloud is thick and as fetid as the water in which she stands, and the foreign presence of reptilian thoughts chills her stoneskin. She understands that It is in control, not Pa’avu.

Unable to move under her own power, the goliath is at least thankful that her allies are all too far away from her ... and harm. But, then she hears a chuckle in her mind's ear, and her muscles tense in readiness as her arms lift Velmech'ti high.

<Stop!!> she silently screams.

In the material world, the wardenguard breathe a sigh of relief that Pa'avu is able to stagger akwardly and regain her senses before a melee clash takes place!

* Starts turn: In Corrupted Water; -2 Saving Throws UEoWNT.

* Dominated Action: No creatures in charge range or melee at-will and would have to draw a javelin to heave it (which would be her action). Therefore, move action toward W. 3 sq (Difficult Terrain) to R18.

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Dominated. Mark of the Blessed 2d20 (-2 each for Corrupted Water); r(10, 15) -2 = succeeds. Saving Throw vs Banshee's Death's Visage; r(18) -2 = 16; succeeds.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Corrupted Water -2 Saving Throws UEoPNT.
SURGES: 11/11

The DEATHBRINGER DRACOLICH's supernatural senses scatter, confounded by the radiant onslaught of the glowing mass in its lair. For century upon century, the undead dragon has given the odd, dangerous creature a wide berth due to just such an interaction so very long ago.
Furious and single-minded, the dragon fixates on punishing the damnable mortal that flung the dragon into the glowing mass with its mind-magic. It flies toward its vague sense of the creature, hears the growls of the dog and attempts to beguile it. The menacing growls of the canine as it staggers this way and that to assert its trusted service to that of its beloved master, Pa'avu, tells the dragon that the stubborn mutt will not become thrall.
No matter...the human mind-mage will pay. Flying akwardly, it lands hard on the elevated area of the cave where the waterfall ponds and flows downward. Savagely flinging its rotted jaws this way and that, it finds nothing by air for a meal...

* Starts Turn: Blinded (SE), Prone.

* Move: Stand from prone.

* Standard: Action: Fly 8 sq and land in H12.

* Minor Action: Mesmerizing Glance (R10, charm, psychic) on H's Will: r(10) +15 -5 (Total Concealment from Blind) = 20. Miss. Miss: If H willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, H takes 15 psychic damage. Effect: The dracolich slides the target up to 2 squares to N18.

* (Free Action) Action Point for Standard Action: Charge (Fly 7 sq and then land) to E19 and MBA (Bite; M2, necrotic) vs C's AC: r(3) +17 -5 (Total Concealment from Blind) -4 (clumsy) +1 (charge) = 12. Miss.

* End Turn: Saving Throw vs Blinded; r(13) +5 = 18. Succeeds.

LOCATION: D in Q16, H in N18
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: If H willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, H takes 15 psychic damage.
CURRENT HP: 445/492
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 1/2 APs exhausted.

So much exquisite extinguish...just as its own life, and that of its child, was unceremoniously extinguished in this terrible place...

The WAILING BANSHEE flits phantom-like amidst the heroes. A reservoir of centuries-long torment is unleashed in a wail of such tortured sadness, such woe that Hazard, Yazdan, and Rietka find their minds and feet desperate to achieve distance from this terrible, tormented spirit.

Pa'avu, unflinching, only winces...perhaps drawing upon an experience with just such a haunted creature in the past to withstand the suffering-infused scream?

* Move: Fly (hover, phasing) 6 sq to P18.

* Standard: Terrifying Shriek (CBu5; enemies, fear, psychic) vs W/P/Hs' Will: r(10, 7, 20) +15 = Miss P, Hit W, and Crit H. (r7, 3) +6 = 16 psychic damage to W, 22 psychic damage to H and the banshee pushes the target up to 5 squares, and the target is immobilized (save ends). TRIGGERS SAVING THROWS FOR PRONE BEFORE ENTERING HINDERING TERRAIN OF CORRUPTED WATER. HAZARD r(14) SUCCEEDS. PUSHED TO K18 AND PRONE THERE BEFORE ENTERING CORRUPTED WATER. WARDENGUARD r(2) FAILS. PUSHED TO U24 INTO CORRUPTED WATER.

LOCATION: B in P18, H in K18, W in U24
DAMAGE: 16 psychic damage to W, 22 psychic damage to H
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H pushed to K18, prone, and immobilized (save ends). W pushed to U24, immobilized (save ends), and in Corrupted Water.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Phasing, hover, insubstantial, Terrifying Shriek on cooldown.

With no prey nearby, the BIOLUMINOUS MASS pulses and quivers futilely.


CURRENT: 0/3 Arcana Checks.

HAZARD shakes his shaggy head, as much to clear his mind as to shake off the various effects of the terrifying beings besetting the party. A glance back at the goliath reassures him that the strange and unfamiliar light has left her eyes, and his Beloved is once more, furiously and gloriously, herself.

Encouraged, the Hound pushes his way to his feet with fierce resolution and sheer determination, seeming to grow even larger in size as he rises. Teeth bared, he snarls a challenge to any who would attempt to assault the Merchant Prince.

* Starts turn Immobilized and Prone.

* Minor: Rabid Lunge (Enc): Effect: H's Melee Reach increases to Melee 2, and he ignores the effects of the dazed, immobilized, and slowed conditions UEoHNT.

* Move: stand from Prone.

* Standard: Ready an Action: Charge anyone who attempts to attack Chanvati.


CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Savage Protector (+2AC), Readied Action (Charge), Rabid Lunge (Reach Melee 2, & ignores Dazed, Immobilized, & Slowed conditions UEoHNT)
SURGES: 11/11

D 445/492
B 75/81
Enter the Chronotope: 18/20 sq traversed




The fierce hound growls and barks near the DEATHBRINGER DRACOLICH. Its ferocity is the perfect tool to muster against its allies.

A pull here, a tug there.

The canine resists. Very well. If it will pay with the breaking of its dull mind.

* Instinctive Action: Mesmerizing Glance (R10, charm, psychic; does not grant OA as an IA) vs H's Will: r(7) +15 = 22. Miss. If H willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, H takes 15 psychic damage. Effect: The dracolich slides H 2 squares to Hindering Terrain of K16. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN K18. PLAYER OPT-OUT. H SUFFERS -2 SAVING THROWS UTEOPNT.

LOCATION: D in E19, H in K16
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: H in Corrupted Water, if H willingly moves to a square nearer to or adjacent to the dracolich before the end of its next turn, W takes 15 psychic damage.
CURRENT HP: 445/492

CHANVATI looks up with terror at the looming skeletal dragon, all bleached bones and palpable malice. Its blind thrashings are gone now, replaced with a singular focus--upon him!

That's when it dawns on him: the Procession of the Equivals! Just as the psychonaut of the Chronotope holds their identity intact across time and space, so too can that psychonaut alter the flow around them, essentially manifesting the sought after rift in a place of his time and choosing. Well, that time is now and that place is as far away from the Dracolich as possible!

The Psion slips between space before the undead malevolence has a chance to react, re-apparating on the elevated terrain lit by the Seethewater, close to his allies. There! He has it! The echo of the foul deed committed in this place, the marring mapped out in his mind as the echoes of time play out across his mental landscape.

Without pause, Chanvati projects his mind into the rupture, simultaneously reaching out to connect his own mental apparatus with that of Hazard, Pa'avu, and the Wardenguard.

* Move: Dimensional Shortcut (Daily) Teleport 12 squares to P23 (including multiple unique squares--such as O23 and P23--as necessary for the prerequisite to Map the Temporal & Spatial Realm), History check made as part of this Move Action: r7+19=26 vs 20 DC. Success.

* Standard: Enter the Chronotope C Bu 5 (allies), Arcana check r6+19=25 vs 20 DC. Success. ENTER THE CHRONOTOPE RESOLVED.




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* SC level 12/Comp 1 = 700/2 = 350 apiece.


* Gain 1 Advantage forward for this conflict.

The world of the five heroes hurtles toward a temporal event horizon until it crosses that threshold, leaving this continuity behind. Within this new (old) space, which represents the timeline as it was perhaps some five hundred years ago or more, things are an admixture of the cavern just vacated but with some distinctive features that render the present (past!) environ at stark contrast.

Rays of sunshine blot the cavern floor as perhaps a quarter of the roof is open to the sky (surely the means by which the mother and her infant were cast down into the dragon's den). It appears this place is a sinkhole of some variety but the earthen wound above "healed" itself one way or another.

Where there was stagnant water, now there is verdant growth. It appears Bantouk must have undergone a climatic shift at some point in the fairly recent past. Where there was something of a greening then, now there is a bareness, desert swallowing whole these hallmarks of plant-flourish. Gnarly, crooked-trunked trees grope at the sides of the cavern and reach toward the sky. Moss and tangled vines reach downward from above and cover the floor.

It is teeming with life in sight, sound, and smell.

On that last...there is a scent. A rich, chemical scent that pervades your nostrils. No dragon can be seen...but there is a presence here...unmistakable...lurking...hidden...perhaps in plain sight?

Alright, here is how we start (as discussed):

1) Level 16 (level +4), Complexity 2 Skill Challenge. The dragon does not wish to be trifled with...certainly not by unwelcome guests. Parley? Deal? <scoff>! This is going to be a tough ask.

Goal: Convince the dragon of its terrible fate and to abandon that course when it comes to it, thus preventing the dark future of the dragon, the mother, and the infant.
DCs 16/22/31
0/6 Successes (1 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/1 Advantage as above)

2) You're going to have to coax the behemoth out of hiding. Honeyed words won't do the trick. If this is a glamour or transmutation, that will have to be dealt with. Otherwise, if its powerful, natural camouflage, locating the creature through mundane means and a visual confrontation will do the trick. Perhaps its both?

However you do so, its going to be against the HARD DC. If you're successful, you can begin the parley with your initial offering. If you fail, we're going straight to combat and I'll nest and mechanize the rest of the SC within the combat structure should you wish to continue to pursue that course. If not, its slay the beast (to ensure the terrible fate of the future doesn't materialize) or Intimidate vs HARD DC (of level 12; 28) after BLOODIED. Whomever earns that combat-initiating failure will suffer -2 defenses for the Round 1 of the combat (ending at the beginning of their turn in round 2)
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As the echoes of time multiply and reverberate, concatenate, retract, CHANVATI frees his extravagant piezoelectric topaz zills from a waistcoat pocket. If he is to battle wits with a dragon, he shall need every advantage at his disposal! Hastily, he percusses a flat rhythm. Then, in his sweet tenor, so quiet as to almost be under his breath, syllables stressed with the beat:

"Mind and tongue, supple and fit
Ancient drake I shall outwit."

He applies a pinch of residuum to his tongue, the better to infuse his words with arcane malleability.

* Chanvati expends 10 gp of residuum to perform the Glib Limerick Ritual.

The near constant (and sometimes distracting) psionic connection with her gosb'tar serving as an anchor for her mind in the new "Present," PA'AVU allows her body's senses to scan the fecundity of green surrounding them. Smell tells her of the presence of the now-living dragon, and the fact that such a jeweled entity is not immediately visible to sight gives her still more information. This must be a green dragon, adept at hiding in this verdant foliage, and does not this fact itself stir some deep memory from her own beforetime or even that of her kinfolk? Is it her l'pahb'gin that echoes with memory, perhaps with vibrations of one of the old stories listened to when she still lived among her fellow younglings?

As her mind continues to scan for that hidden memory, the goliath continues to sweep the landscape with eyes and ears and nose, without disregarding any vibrations her feet and bones and stoneskin may also sense. And ... there! Within the bluegreen leaves of one of the taller trees--straining for the light far above them all--there sit two glittering yellow gems, staring at them with cunning and malevolence.

Knowing that she must appear to still be searching in order to buy time for Chanvati to complete his own ritual of cunning, Pa'avu forces her eyes not to focus on what she has just seen and to continue their survey. Quietly--however--she urges the Wardenguard to "watch the sky for predators," while indicating with the tiniest movement of her pinky the direction she intends for them to "watch."

Meanwhile, behind them all, continues the percussive accompaniment of the Merchant Prince's zills...

* Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Perception check to find the Green Dragon hidden within the verdant green of the landscape: r19+19+2 (within 10 squares of Chanvati) = 40 versus 31 Hard DC/Success.

Continuing her ruse of searching for the dragon, PA'AVU instead searches within her ancestral memory for more information on the dragon. A dragon whose name she now recalls is Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi--a giantish name loosely translated as "Dragon of the Verdant Valley"--and who is a mighty opponent, indeed, if she remembers the legends correctly.

Wasn't this being the e'dahi that her people--the people of the y'Jıldajd'heri*--had forcefully removed from their land with their superior strength and determination? The legends recall a seared scar along its right wing, caused by a javelin burning with yanj'n paste. The legends also recall the sneering glare which somehow held fear as it retreated from a foe stronger than anticipated and a residence less comfortable than hoped for.

Hearing completion in the psion's ritual, the descendent of the y'Jildajd'heri people who had driven him away so many years ago meets the dragon's yellow eyes squarely and hits her right fist against her left palm. She is ready.

* loosely translates as "people of the verdant stoneskin," so-called both for their habit of living within forested lands whenever possible and for their defeat of the mighty Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi.

* We are using an advantage to make a success against the Easy DC count as a success against a Moderate DC.

* Pa'avu uses a Primary Skill Nature (Knowledge) check to remember "interesting and useful" information about the Dragon: r2+14=16 versus 16 Easy DC/Success.

@Manbearcat , the "interesting and useful" information is that Pa'avu's tribe of goliaths once drove off this dragon, inflicting the wound described above, and that the dragon chose to flee the physical strength of these opponents, preferring to use his cunning against the weaker and more foolish humans living in the city of Bantouk. The usefulness here could be the wound/scar, or it could be the dragon's overconfidence in its cunning. Or something else appropriate! Dealer's choice!

Goal: Convince the dragon of its terrible fate and to abandon that course when it comes to it, thus preventing the dark future of the dragon, the mother, and the infant.
DCs 16/22/31
2/6 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/0 Advantage)

The foliage whispers and crackles as the magical beast shrinks back into its obscuring grove, its yellow eyes still giving away its position. The sound of nostrils flaring and sniffing.

"I know you giant-blood. Your earthen musk betrays you. It would be fool's errand for your clan to send a motley crew such as this after me my own lair <its voice simmers and sizzles with threat and ire with these last few syllables>. Of course, your people do not trade in civilization's comforts so you could not possible spare the coin to hire on this feeble magic-user to conjure you into my domain as such. And, of course, your people detest such things."

A consternated, deep "hmmmm" burdened with affectation.

"That makes you...a rogue. Yes. Perhaps in-exile? No, that is not it. A thrall...yes...a thrall. The conjurer does not serve you. Despite all your him."

The sound of a draconic scoff.

"I thought your people were made of sterner stuff." (1)

There is the sense of a craning neck as foliage shuffles...panning to Hazard.

"Is that your pup? Here boy." <a howl that is disturbingly similar to Hazard's own, distinct canine offering> (2)

(1) is either to announce openly who you are or to rebuke him in kind and give away little. Regardless, if successful, you can make your next move in parley.

If you do nothing about (2), Hazard, charmed by the luring magic of Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi, will start in a square of my choosing (in Hindering Terrain or somewhere particularly problematic in terms of positioning) should things escalate to combat.

Everything is MEDIUM DC.


(1) PA'AVU smiles grimly at the e'dahi's vainglorious words and smug assumptions and steps forward, baring her sharp teeth and lifting her fist to palm still higher, a motion Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi should well remember from his rout by her people as one of power, threat, and victory--all in one. Clearly, she must cut to the chase, ever the situation when dealing with those who speak with a forked tongue.

"Weak am I? Yet I stand here with mighty comrades-at-arms, allies and friends, and you shamefully hide alone, behind subterfuge and leaves, afraid of physical combat," the goliath growls. "Together we serve each other, and together we will defeat you.

"Know this, Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi: I am your past defeat by the y'Jildajd'heri from which, wounded and afraid, you ran, and together we--my allies and I--will be your future doom here in Bantouk, if you do not heed us."

(2) HAZARD--distracted by the friendly howl from within the trees--begins to step forward, but his Beloved's low growl brings his attention back to Her and Her comrades. And yet there is still a pull. The Hound whines in desperate confusion, large shaggy head swinging back and forth between two magnetic poles.

(1) Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Intimidate check to remind and/or assure the dragon that she is one with those goliaths he fears: r11+14=25 versus 22 Moderate DC/Success.

(2) Hazard makes a Primary Skill Endurance check to withstand the pull of the dragon's power: r10+8=18 versus 22 Moderate DC/Failure.

"Oh," the dragon chides in its silk-tongued, bass-filled voice.

"You think me alone, do you?"

Eight megafungi animate with long, rotting tendrils!

* Skill Challenge continued...

Goal: Convince the dragon of its terrible fate and to abandon that course when it comes to it, thus preventing the dark future of the dragon, the mother, and the infant.
DCs 16/22/31
3/6 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/1 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/0 Advantage)

Secondary Skills (Any, Minor, Map); DC 16.

Reveal Your Past and the Dragon's Future (Encounter, History, Standard, CBu5); DC 22. Recharge on Failure

Flex Your Might (Encounter, Athletics or Arcana, Trigger - 5th or more Deathcap Strangler defeated during character turn, Free Action, Map); DC 22. Failure = Recharge and -2 defenses UtEoYNT.

Lay it on Thick (Encounter, Prerequisite - Successful RYP&tDF above, Bluff or Diplomacy, Standard, Cbu5); DC 22. Recharge on Failure.

Skill Challenge Success: Scene ends, future changes (with continuity-altering consequence TBD), dragon (now Ancient Wyrm) helps in encounter w/ The Dutchess of Cinders via Single-Use Power.

* Illumination: The sunlight from the sinkhole opening above, is sufficient to illuminate all squares.

* Knee-deep Water: The squares of water are challenging terrain. Medium creature Move Actions require Athletics DC 14. Fail by 4 or less and squares are difficult terrain. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in initiating sq.

* Dense Foliage (Green Outlines): Accessing these challenging and difficult terrain areas requires Athletics DC 20 for creatures. Failure by 4 or less and move action ends in sq immediately preceding entrance. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in sq immediately preceding entrance and character takes 5 damage from foliage. Success and target has superior cover.

* Venemous Moss (Blue Outlines): These squares are hindering and difficult terrain. A non-plant creature that enters the slippery square must succeed on a DC 20 Acrobatics check or fall prone. A non-plant creature that starts its turn in a venomous moss square takes 7 poison damage.

* Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi (Adult Green Dragon) (Large, natural, magical beast, dragon, Skirmisher, Solo) = HP 492, AC 26, Fortitude 22, Reflex 25, Will 24.

* Deathcap Strangler (Medium, plant, Soldier, Minion) = HP 1, AC 28, Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 24.

* Hazard: Make a saving throw for prone J10. Failure = Hazard begins in Venemous Moss sq I10. Regardless, Hazard begins conflict with -2 defenses Until Beginning of Round 2. Hazard's Save vs Hindering Terrain, r11. Saves, so Prone in square J10.

* Place C, P, W in any of KL, 10-11 and roll initiative and Monster Knowledge Checks! C in K11. H (prone, -2 def rd 1) in J10. P in K10. W in L10.

* Initiative & Starting Squares

The Wardenguard, r19+12 =31
Dragon Instinctive Flyby =29
Pa'avu, r12+11 =23
Chanvati, r5+12=17 +5 Ambush Leader (Wardenguard) =22 (Loan from the Past = r15)
Dragon (D) =19 (Dex 22)
Hazard, r11+8 =19 (Dex 14)
Minions (M) =15



* Pa'avu's Monster Knowledge Nature check (No Action) vs Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi, r9+14=23; exceeds Moderate but fails to meet Hard DC.

Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi
Large natural magical beast (dragon)
Level 12 Solo Skirmisher XP 3500
HP 492; Bloodied 246 Initiative +14
AC 26, Fortitude 22, Reflex 25, Will 24 Perception+13
Speed 10 (forest walk), fly 14 Darkvision
Resist 15 poison Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
keywords: charm, poison, psychic

Instinctive Flyby
Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can use a free action to fly up to his speed on an initiative of 10 + his initiative check. During the movement, Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks and can use bite or claw once at any point during the move. If Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi making the attack.

Standard Actions
Claw ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +17 vs. AC (If Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi targets only one creature, he can make this attack against it twice).
Hit: 3d10 + 4 damage, and Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can slide the target 1 sq and shift 1 square.

Breath Weapon (poison) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +15 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + 4 poison damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

Share the Mad Visions (psychic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 3d12 + 4 psychic damage, and Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi pushes the target up to a number of squares equal to the target's speed.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can shift up to his speed.

Minor Actions
Luring Glare (charm) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Close blast 10 (one creature in the blast); +15 vs. Will
Hit: Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi slides the target up to 3 squares.

* Pa'avu's Monster Knowledge Nature check (No Action) vs Deathcap Stanglers r9+14=23; exceeds Moderate but fails to meet Hard DC.

Deathcap Strangler
Medium shadow beast (blind, plant)
Level 12 Minion Soldier XP 175
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 28, Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 24 Perception+6
Speed 1, climb 1 Blindsight 5
Immune blinded, gaze, illusion, necrotic, poison

Spore Shroud (necrotic) ✦ Aura 1
Any enemy that willingly leaves the aura takes 5 necrotic damage.

Standard Actions

Standard Actions
(⚔) Grasping Tendril (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 9 necrotic damage, and the deathcap pulls the target into a square adjacent to it.

After the exchange between the Goliath and the Drake, there is barely a perceptible pause for reorientation between traversing the Chronotope and THE WARDENGUARD'S instinctive battle training kicking in.

"There, to the west! The great drake looms!" Yazdan points and alerts his charges. Chanvati spins his head to take note of the creature, and the Psion disarms the arcane enhancement to his guile in favor of battle preparation.

Meanwhile, Rietka withdraws a javelin from her quiver and hurls it with mighty force at the nearest animate vine, skewering and destroying it. She gives a satisfactory grunt.

"Scatter!" admonishes Yazdan. "Do not give that dragon a clear target for its breath!" Heeding his advice, he and Rietka circle past the knee-deep pool and dense foliage to spread targets for the dragon's advance.

* Minor: Retrieve stowed Javelin.

* Standard: Javelin R15 vs M M8, r15+17=32 vs 28 AC. Hit. DESTROYED).

* Move: 6 sq to H5 (avoiding any threatened squares).



The verdant murk of the dense foliage comes alive as EDJ'D'HA AIID Y'ZLV'DAHI explodes from its cover, takes to wing, and assaults the goliath and her best boy with vicious, draconic claws. The pair struggle to defend themselves from the ferocity and Hazard's sprawling effort leaves him slipping and sliding into the nearby venomous moss!

The dragon attempts to retreat, but the foliage of its lair defies the skulking effort! "Just as well...devour the human is a game I enjoy also...", as the large, majestic green turns ominously to face the merchant prince who is now the vanguard!

* Instinctive Action: Instinctive Flyby. Athletics to exit Dense Foliage r(7) +16 = 23. Succeeds. Forest Walk ignores DT. Fly 6 sq to K8 (cont below). Flies rows 7 & 8 triggering no OAs. Claw (M2) vs H and Ps' AC: r(9, 15) +17 (+2 CA vs H) = 28, 32. Hit both. r(10, 4, 2) +4 = 20 damage to H, and slides H 1 sq to Hindering Terrain I10 (Venemous Moss) and shifts 1 sq to L9. TRIGGERS H SAVING THROW VS I10 HT; r(6) fails. H in HT (Venemous Moss) of I10. r(4, 5, 3) +4 = 16 damage, and slides P 1 sq to J11 and shifts 1 sq to L10. Cont fly to P9; Athletics to enter Dense Foliage r(1) +16 = 17. Fails; ends in sq M9.

Instinctive Flyby
Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can use a free action to fly up to his speed on an initiative of 10 + his initiative check. During the movement, Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks and can use bite or claw once at any point during the move. If Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi making the attack.

Claw ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +17 vs. AC (If Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi targets only one creature, he can make this attack against it twice).
Hit: 3d10 + 4 damage, and Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can slide the target 1 sq and shift 1 square.

LOCATION: D in M9, H in I10, P in J11.
DAMAGE: 20 damage to H, 16 damage to P.
CURRENT HP: 492/492

PA'AVU--although stinging from the claw attack by Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi‐-allows herself the brief luxury of a smirk watching the dragon's failure to reenter the surrounding camouflage.

Then the thunder of rage enters her blood, and the Goliath lands a blow hammering the armored hide of the scaly beast. Her rage finds voice in a wolf's Howl, propelling Hazard out of the venomous moss--and toward one of the strange strangling plants--and herself to a strategic placement between Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi and one of his soon-to-be-deceased allies (another strangling thing). As she does so, she gives her Hound her usual low growl encouraging him to protect their squishy comrade.

A final venting of rage destroys the plant and still further bruises the dragon's hide. Pa'avu stands glaring at him, while she breathes into her l'pahb'gin which flows its protection into her stoneskin.

* Standard: Thunder Hooves Rage (Daily) Melee2 vs Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi: r5+19+2 Cunning Stalker =26 vs 26 AC/Hit. Damage: 2,6,2+10=20 Damage to Dragon; effect: P enters Rage of Thunder Hooves: P can move thru 1 or 2 enemies' spaces during her turn. When she does, her next ATK against that enemy during same turn deals 1[W] Damage.

* Move: Howl of Alpha Wolf (Enc) CBu5/1 ally: slides Hazard 2 sq from I10 to G11, P shifts up to 3 sq from J11 to L10.

* No Action: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows (Enc): Melee2 vs Dragon & M (N12): Trigger: P hits w/ATK during her turn; Effect: targets take Damage equal to 2 + CON (3), & cannot shift UEoPNT. M DESTROYED & Dragon takes 5 Damage & cannot shift.

* Minor: One w/the Earth (Recharge 6): P gains Resist5 All UEoPNT

LOCATION: P: L10; H: G11
DAMAGE: 25 to Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi; M (N12) DESTROYED
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi cannot shift UEoPNT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: OWtE: Resist 5 All (UEoPNT); THR: move thru enemy sq & do extra damage
SURGES: 11/11

CHANVATI marvels at Pa'avu's selfless bravery. Time and time again, slaves and bodyguards have been sacrificed for their master's well being. But to fling herself against a dragon in his defense is something of another order altogether!

He must do something clever before the dragon retaliates, tearing the Goliath limb from limb.

"Cunning, glorious Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi," the syllables roll off his tongue in the sibilant tongue of dragons, "you think us foes, intruders in your grand domain. And who could blame you, for such things seem. But this is a mistake. We do not come here from without and as enemies but rather from the Time Behind and as seekers of parley. For we have lived your future, and it is grim. We could continue to exchange blows. Perhaps you would vanquish us. But then your dark legacy will come to be: a series of successively more brutal sacrifices culminating in the death of an innocent mother and child, a curse rendered, your slow and wasting towards undeath, and the glory of your potential as a luminary among the ancient wyrms unrealized.

"Do not let this heinous tragedy come to pass. Heed these words from your future and count us allies and not foes!"

Not trusting the dragon to do the very thing he implores, the Psion disappears in a haze of cognitively-induced invisibility and shifts himself back, away from the looming threat.

* Standard: Reveal Your Past and the Dragon's Future, Primary Skill History check, r9+19 +2 (circumstance bonus I'm claiming here for using the Draconic tongue)=30 vs 22 Moderate DC. Success.

* Minor: Mind Shroud

* Move: 2 sq to K13

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Success 4 in Skill Challenge
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Superior Cover, Slowed
PP: 9/9

"No belong to me now," EDJ'D'HA AIID Y'ZLV'DAHI intones sharply, as Hazard is compelled nearer by the honeyed words of the powerful dragon.

"Tell me more, mind-mage." Its chest expands as its lungs fill and a great blast of chlorine gas envelops Chanvati, Pa'avu, and poor Hazard.
"Color me intrigued."

Just before it disappears into the obscuring canopy of the nearby dense foliage, the dragon gives Chanvati a sly, ironic wink as it deploys some of its own mental prowess, sending Chanvati's stalwart allies reeling from mad visions.

* Minor Action: Luring Glare (CBla10; one creature) vs H's Will: r(7) +15 +2 (CA) = 24. Hit. Slides 3 sq to J11.

Luring Glare (charm) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Close blast 10 (one creature in the blast); +15 vs. Will
Hit: Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi slides the target up to 3 squares.

* Standard Action: Breath Weapon (CBla5; creatures, poison) vs C's, P's, H's Fort: r(8, 12, 8) +15 (+2 CA vs H and -5 SC vs C) = 18, 27, 25. Miss C, Hit P and H. r(7, 4) + 4 = 15 poison damage. C takes 7 (half) poison damage and OG 5 poison (SE). P takes 10 (15-5) poison damage, and is slowed and takes OG 10 poison damage (SE). H takes 15 poison damage, and is slowed and takes OG 10 poison damage (SE).

Breath Weapon (poison) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +15 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + 4 poison damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

* Free Action (Action Point for Standard): Share the Mad Visions (CBu2) vs P's and H's Will: r(10, 13) +15 = Hit P and H. r(5, 4, 8) +4 = 21 psychic damage. P takes 16 (-5 resist) psychic damage and is pushed 6 sq to M16. H takes 21 psychic damage (H BLOODIED) and is pushed 2 sq to H13. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW VS HINDERING TERRAIN FOR PRONE IN I12; r(4) FAILS. H IN HINDERING TERRAIN OF VENEMOUS MOSS (H13).

Share the Mad Visions (psychic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +15 vs. Will
Hit: 3d12 + 4 psychic damage, and Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi pushes the target up to a number of squares equal to the target's speed.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi can shift up to his speed.

* Move: Enter Dense Foliage, 4 sq to Q9 (Forest Walk so ignores DT); Athletics check r(8) +16 = 24. Success.

LOCATION: D in Q9, H in H13, P in M16.
DAMAGE: 7 damage to C. 36 damage to H (BLOODIED), 26 damage to P.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: 5 OG poison to C (SE), slowed and 10 OG poison to H and P (SE), H in Venemous Moss.
CURRENT HP: 467/492
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Cannot shift UEoPNT, Dragon Breath on recharge, Share the Mad Visions on recharge, 1 AP exhausted, D in superior cover of Dense Foliage

Desperately shaking his large shaggy head to get the sibilant voice out of his ears, HAZARD struggles to his feet. Fighting off dizziness caused both by the poison burning into his paws from the moss and the poison dripping into his fur from the dragon's attack, the Hound remembers his Beloved's bidding. He must protect Chanvati, their squishy friend.

His resolution to fulfill Her command seems to fill his body with strength and rigor, despite being badly wounded. The somehow larger Hound leaps forward to guard and defend the merchant prince against a nearby strangling plant.

While doing so, Hazard feels a less sibilant voice enter his mind to focus the ferocious attack on the plant creature. The attack is so furious, in fact, that the Hound feels his triumph actually healing some of his wounds.

And with another shake of his enormous head, the effects of the poisons leave his body.

* Start of turn, takes 10 Ongoing Poison and 7 Poison from Moss.

* Move: Stand from Prone.

* Minor: Rabid Lunge (Enc): Effect: Melee Reach increases to Melee 2and H ignores effects of Dazed, Immobilized, & Slowed conditions UEoHNT.

* Free Action (Chanvati): Adept's Insight AUG1: r3+1=4

* Standard: Bite M2 as Charge Attack vs M (K16): move 2 squares to J14; r16+16+1 Charge +4 AI = 37 vs 28 AC/Hit; M (K16) = DESTROYED.

* Free Action: Furious Comeback (Enc): Trigger: H's attack damages an enemy; Effect: H spends a Healing Surge

* End of turn, Save vs Slowed & Ongoing Poison damage: r20/Success

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Rabid Lunge (M2)
SURGES: 9/11

The DEATHCAP STRANGLERS move like an interconnected organism, probing the air rhythmically in unison, grasping and pulling their prey into their necrotic haze of spores that surrounds them.

A duo assail poor Hazard while a trio hone in on the Wardenguard. These heroes of seen far worse than living plants so the collective effort of the deadly fungus yields little in the way of food!

M (F16)

* Standard Action: Grasping Tendril (M5, necrotic) vs H's Ref: r(5) +15 = 20. Miss.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Grasping Tendril (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 9 necrotic damage, and the deathcap pulls the target into a square adjacent to it.

* Move: 1 sq to G16.

M (F12)

* Standard Action: Grasping Tendril (M5, necrotic) vs H's Ref: r(9) +15 = 24. Miss.

* Move: 1 sq to G11.

M (F9)

* Standard Action: Grasping Tendril (M5, necrotic) vs W's Ref: r(2) +15 = 17. Miss.

M (H7)

* Standard Action: Grasping Tendril (M5, necrotic) vs W's Ref: r(3) +15 = 18. Miss.

* Move: 1 sq to I7.

M (J2)

* Move: 1 sq to K2.

* Standard Action: Grasping Tendril (M5, necrotic) vs W's Ref: r(19) +15 = 34. Hit. W takes 9 necrotic damage and is pulled 2 sq into Hindering Terrain (Venemous Moss) of J3. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN I4 OUTSIDE HT; r(17) SUCCEEDS. W IS PRONE IN I4.

LOCATION: G16, G11, F9, I7, K2
DAMAGE: 7 damage to W.

D 467/492 Cannot shift UEoPNT, Dragon Breath on recharge, Share the Mad Visions on recharge, 1 AP exhausted, D in superior cover of Dense Foliage
Goal: Convince the dragon of its terrible fate and to abandon that course when it comes to it, thus preventing the dark future of the dragon, the mother, and the infant.
DCs 16/22/31
4/6 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/1 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/0 Advantage)
RYP&tDF resolved, 3/5 DS's defeated for FYM.



Rietka and Yazdan, at the periphery of the scrum, recall their task: They are THE WARDENGUARD! That title may be ironic, but they take their charge seriously. And so charge they do, picking themselves up from the mossy, verdant bed to assault the animated vine swaying rhythmically, hypnotically in its cloud of spores. Yazdan's yeoman's work with his spear severs the deathcap's stalk; it collapses in a heap, and the two warriors step closer to their wards, Rietka slapping the older spearsman on the backside enthusiastically as they go.

Yazdan's cheeks redden.

* Move: Stand up from Prone

* Standard: Charge 2 sq to J6, Spear ATK vs M I7, r12+17+1=30 vs 28 AC. Hit. M I7 DESTROYED. Effect: The Wardenguard shift 1 sq, to J7

CURRENT HP: 107/116


As EDJ'D'HA AIID Y'ZLV'DAHI emerges with aerial suddenness from its shroud of overgrowth, it cranes its neck briefly to marvel at Pa'avu's fierceness and unflagging resilience (in a Darth Vaderian way); "unrelenting, I see...what an impressive beast you are...most do your beastly people proud."

In the midst of a psionically foiled flyby attack, its claws rebuked by magical shields, it says to Chanvati (in a Leonardo Dicaprio way); "go on, had my curiosity...but now you have my attention."

* Instinctive Action: Instinctive Flyby. Athletics to exit Dense Foliage r(6) +16 = 22. Succeeds. Forest Walk ignores DT. Fly 8 sq to I12 (cont below). Flies 2 sq away triggering no OAs. Claw (M2) vs C and Hs' AC: r(10, 4) +17 = 27, 21. Miss both (miss C due to Mind Shroud. Cont fly to D14; Athletics to enter Dense Foliage r(10) +16 = 26. Succeeds; ends in sq D14 w/ Superior Cover.

CURRENT HP: 467/492
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Cannot shift UEoPNT, Dragon Breath on recharge, Share the Mad Visions on recharge, 1 AP exhausted, D in superior cover of Dense Foliage

PA'AVU's lungs are assaulted with noxious fumes concurrent with her mind being bombarded with madness. These blend well to produce horrorific visions of familiar faces elongated in torment and dread, their cries echoing against her skin, trying to break its strong protection.

The goliath is momentarily distracted away from the battle at hand, but a cool bath in one of the surrounding pools brings her consciousness back into clarity. Her eyes snap open, her head shakes away any lingering fog, and she sneers at Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi as she takes in where she has been pushed.

A glance over to where Hazard stands shaking reveals to her the diminished confidence and quiet despair his mirrored attack has given him. Add the assault by these strangling plants? Hazard's Beloved has had enough of this nonsense!

With a Howl of rage, the goliath forcefully wades through the water back to shore. Attacking her chosen target places her strategically in a perfect location to defend her Hound (and--incidentally--Chanvati as well!).

Easily tearing the plant limb from literal limb, Pa'avu throws back her head and releases a triumphant roar. As the echoes reverberate against the cavern walls, causing the foliage to shake uncontrollably, the Child of the y'Jildajd'heri people stamps her massive foot, pounds her right fist into her left palm once more, and looks the dragon in the eye.

* Start of turn: Takes 10 Ongoing Poison damage - 5 Resist All = 5 damage; Roll to recharge OWtE: r3 = fails to recharge

* Minor: Earthen Renewal (Enc): Effect: spend 1 healing surge but gain no HP. Make saving throw against every effect that a save can end: r14/Succeed! No longer Slowed nor effected by Ongoing Poison damage

* Standard: Howling Strike as Charge M2 ATK vs M (G11): move 4 squares to I12 (Athletics +17 = Autosuccess vs DC 14 check); ATK: r12+19+1 Charge +2 Cunning Stalker = 34 va 28 AC/Hit. M (G11) DESTROYED.

* Free: Flex Your Might: Primary Skill Athletics check: r15+17=32 vs 22 DC/Success

* Minor: Iron Resurgence (Enc) M2: Target Hazard: Effect: H loses 1 HS & spends 2 Surges, plus H gains 11 THP (1/2 surge value)

* End of turn: Resist 5 all ends.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Success 5 in Skill Challenge
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: OWtE on cooldown; THR: move thru enemy sq & do extra damage
SURGES: 10/11

Still hidden from normal sensory apprehension by the sheer power of his mind, CHANVATI looks on as his bodyguard charges past him and demolishes another of the strange vines, culminating in an epic roar that shakes the very foliage around her in its blast.

<<Pa'avu, truly you are a hero for the ages!>> he thinks into her mind.

Then, he begins to speak to the mighty dragon hidden in the dense foliage. And falters. He opens his mouth. Closes it. Opens it, but no words. Just as he fears the immensity of the situation has gotten the better of him, he remembers the choker around his neck--what had once been a bracelet worn by a peacemaker of Pa'avu's people. "Silvery tongue and slippery speech" Pa'avu had described him that day when she retrieved it from the ice. Well, silvery and slippery I shall be, then!

Speaking aloud in his clear tenor now, "Edj'd'ha aiid Y'zlv'dahi, I tell you we come from the future. Your future. You can see through our deeds of might that I speak truly.

"In that future, you wasted away, your life a prolonged misery in undeath. Until, that is, you were laid low by a powerful servitor of The Burning Mountain, a Djinn called the Duchess of Cinders who ended the disgrace your legacy becomes. Unless, that is, you relent now. Let us be allies. Heed my words. Do not accept the sacrifice of the mother and child. Let us stand together centuries hence and defeat your mortal enemy together! What say you? You have a single chance to rewrite history ... and your legacy!"

Chanvati coughs, his lungs burning. He begins to turn a bit green.

* Beginning of turn: Takes 5 OG Poison damage

* Minor: Inspiring Word CBu 10 on P; P spends Surge and regains 25 +3d6 (1,6,3)=35 HP

* Standard: Lay It on Thick CBu 5 on D, Primary Skill Bluff check, r4+17=21 vs 22 Moderate DC. Fails. TRIGGERS: Free Action Choker of Eloquence Daily: Use this power when you roll a Bluff or Diplomacy check. Reroll that check, using the second result even if it’s lower. r8+17=25 vs 22 Moderate DC. Success. SKILL CHALLENGE RESOLVED.

* End of Turn: Save vs 5 OG Poison, r2. Fails.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Success 6 in Skill Challenge
PP: 8/9

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"...should your prognostications bear true, time traveler...I will spare this mother and her child...and I will see you in the future to repay my debt...:

The green dragon recedes into the gloomy bosom of its lair's verdant growth, its eyes like glittering yellow gems disappearing with it.

The Chronotope distends, distorts, collapses as the time travelers are shunt into a temporal event horizon. As they return to their present world, their surroundings are changed. The desolation of climatic shift still remains, but the putrid pools are replaced by clear water. A few scant rays of sun peak through chimneys in the ceiling, dotting the ground with illumination. There is no dragon. There are no infant bones. There is no mother, cursed and cursing her world by the sheer will of her loss and her hatred.


* Make saving throw for Chanvati and resolve any extra damage taken, take a Short Rest, earn a Milestone.


* SC level 16/Comp 2 = 2800/2 = 1400 apiece.


* See below:

You summon the present incarnation of the, now, Ancient Green Wyrm to repay its debt.
Single Use ✦ Arcane, Implement, Poison, Psychic, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Large dragon in an unoccupied space within range. The dragon has speed 7 (forest walk), fly 8 a +2 bonus to AC, and resist 10 poison. Any creature that enters a square adjacent to it or starts its turn there take 5 poison damage. You can give the dragon the following special command.

Standard Action: Bite (M2); targets one creature; +17 vs. AC; 2d10 + Intelligence modifier poison damage, and OG 5 poison (SE).

Standard Action: (Encounter) Breath Weapon (CBl5; creatures); +15 vs Fort; OG 10 poison damage (SE).

Intrinsic Nature: If you haven't given the dragon any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks the nearest enemy within its reach with Luring Gaze (CBu5; one enemy); +15 vs. Will; slide the target 3 sq. If no enemies are in range, it flies its speed toward the nearest enemy.

Staged Goals:
1) (4 successes) Locate and ingress into the subterranean bowels of the earth where Vezzuvu's volatile magma chambers threaten Bantouk and the Duchess of Cinder Lairs.
4/12 Successes (3 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/4 Secondary Skill Available/6 Advantages available)
Streetwise, Arcana, Athletics exhausted (as reminder...its been awhile!)


2) (6 successes) Navigate the hazards, perils, and denizens of Vezzevu's Depths. 1 situation/obstacle will be a combat with the denizens where either (a) defeat or (b) escape is Win Con for success.

The dragon's lair (this iteration at least) funnels toward a pair of egresses:

* An earthen wound in the huge cave floor leading deep into the bowels of the earth. Likely an ancient lava tube descending into a magma chamber, its now quite dormant as its payload is long since spent. The downclimb would be a significant affair of endurance, gear, and prowess. Its difficult to say how far down this goes before a rest or a landing can be found? Further still, swarms/colonies of elemental, insectoid, or beastly predators love to make such domains their launching pad for the hunt.

HARD DC if you go this route w/ injury (Healing Surge + Disease Track attack) on the line or a precarious encounter with a colony of predators.

* In the back of the cavernous lair, where the fallen pillars reside, there is an ancient shrine to the lost goddess of Travel...of Freedom (a concept not particularly championed in this modernity); Avandra. Though she has either abandoned this world on her own cosmological sojourn or was slain by some usurper lost to time, the ancient words and runes are still fresh, undefaced, and thrumming with power. If the unbelievably ancient runes can be transliterated (HARD DC), the Mistress of Travel surely endowed this place with teleportation magic, connecting it to another shrine (or perhaps multiples) within. Harnessing the prayer to deploy the magic is another matter, but the newly gained understanding of the ancient language, and perhaps the blessings of the goddess herself, should facilitate the ritual (MEDIUM DC after first is completed).

Failure in the first would definitely mean learning some terrible truth (Disease Track attack against Wisdom) and the latter would activate the ritual and send you some place you'd rather not be as a violation (with a free HARD DC tacked onto the attendant obstacle)!
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The strain of navigating the Chronotope in quick succession like this strains the Psion more than he cares to admit. As the heroes emerge in the present, changed timeline, he coughs and slouches against Pa'avu, whose great form steadies him.

"Gosb'tar, are you alright?" the Goliath asks with concern.

"Nothing," he wheezes, "nothing I can't handle." And he swoons a minute longer from the combined effect of the chloric breath of the dragon and the psionic exertion.

* * *

"What a fool, I've been, Pa'avu, Rietka, Yazdan! Don't you see! We are all slaves of one sort or another!"

CHANVATI runs his hand across the broken stones of the shrine, then across his shaved pate.

"I have never been what one might term the pious sort. Indeed, my own formidable mind and the mighty sword arm of Pa'avu have sufficed enough. Sufficed enough for me to willingly believe in my own control. But don't you see? These transmigrations of the Chronotope, this altering of the past and future belie any control whatsoever! When we act to undo some event unfavorable to our desires, we introduce some change. But we never control the adjacent fallout! Nerull, that black god thought long dead, pays us back tenfold for our hubris!"

"But perhaps here," he gestures again to the shattered altar, "here we find salvation ... of a kind. Perhaps the divine echo of this ancient goddess has power to foil the intercession of The Reaper and aid us in our journey to bring the fight to the agents of Vezzuvu."

The Merchant-Prince brings all his learning to bear on the ancient runes of the broken altar, piecing together what he can from the languages he knows ... and those he has only passing familiarity with in his study, hoping beyond hope to activate the latent teleportation magic his potent mind senses within.

It works! The runes begin to glow in a pattern resembling a woman's face with windswept hair!

<<Quickly now,>> the Psion thinks to himself, <<before the glyphs fade!>>

"Ancient deity," he speaks aloud in his clear tenor, almost a song offered in prayer, "though you had been lost to time, your memory lives on in this new instantiation. Aid us, desperate warriors seeking to free our city from the threat of destruction, in our hour of need. Send us to the doorstep of our great enemy, the Duchess of Cinders, Djinn Maleficent, and we will honor you in continuing to combat your ancient foe, Nerull, Time Reaper, Stasis in Shackles!" His voice rises to crescendo and the runes flash with blinding brilliance, accompanied by that familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach of space folding in on itself and his form reapparating elsewhere.

Chanvati needs 3 additional Saving Throws before he passes vs the OG 5 Poison damage (r6, 2, 11). He is reduced to 47/69 HP and spends a Surge during the Short Rest (now 6/7) to restore himself to 64/69.

Both PCs are now at 35,050 XP/39,000 necessary for L13, and each PC has 1 Action Point.

Chanvati makes a Primary Skill History check to decipher enough of the ancient language to enact the teleportation runes, r19+19=38 vs 29 Hard DC. Success.

Chanvati makes a Primary Skill Religion check to appeal to Avandra's direct intervention in facilitating his use of the teleportation ritual, r10+15=25 vs 21 Moderate DC. Success.

Also, I may be misreading my notes (it's been awhile, sadly!), but I believe the only Primary Skills used prior to this post are Streetwise and Athletics. History and Arcana were both used as Secondary Skills to discern the nature of the threats upstream vs downstream above. Correct me if I'm wrong, please!

Voidrunner's Codex

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