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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Rebels of Ralltiir.


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Rorworr moves to stand behind Set, grinning at the Gammorean in a way that's more intended to show all of the Wookiee's teeth than in any way look friendly.

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Arani Korden

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Pbartender said:
"He doesn't like you."

ooc: Must . . . resist . . . obvious joke . . .

Arani casually leans up against a nearby segment of the bar, and just as casually rests her hand on her blaster.

She gives Vor'en a little nod, and quietly adds, "Enjoy yourself."

ooc: Whatever happens, nobody start dancing. :p

Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Arani Korden said:
She gives Vor'en a little nod, and quietly adds, "Enjoy yourself."

Vor'en grins wolfishly under his mask, but gives only a slight nod to Arani in response. He walks past Set and Roworr, and makes as if to contiue onwards, an uninvolved party, but stops dead next to the beligerent trio. His head rotates to be perpendicular with the rest of his body, and he trains his eyes on that paticularly unnerving spot just behind the ear on the human, where one of the more convienient pressure points is.

"You don't want any trouble," he says dispasionately, the effect made all the more eerie by the light shining off of his inhuman mask. Not "We don't want any trouble"; "You don't want any trouble." His decidedly muscled bare arms, the blaster rifle and bowcaster adorning his utility belt, and his armor all ask pointedly for the three to consider buggering off to another part of the bar, or possibly the planet. He waits, perfectly still, for the three to move on, and if they do so he takes their place at the bar.


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The big creature is getting agitated and yells out some unintelligible gibberish.

"Don't insult us," the Human adds. "You just watch yourself. We're
wanted men. I have the death sentence in twelve systems."
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Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Pbartender said:
"Don't insult us," the Human adds. "You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence in twelve systems."

Vor'en leans in close to the human, eye-to-visor. He speaks softly. "There's a stormtrooper squad passing by outside. A smart man would stop bragging about how badly he's wanted before someone gets it into their heads to bring you to the attention of the authorities. Now go. Away."

Sith. I live through the clone wars, and still I have to deal with space-lane trash like this nerf-herder.

Intimidate +8.

Arani Korden

First Post
Vor'en Kurn said:
Vor'en leans in close to the human, eye-to-visor. He speaks softly.

Watching this, Arani visibly swells with pride. Seeing Vor'en get this far into the conversation without hitting anyone . . . it's enough to bring a tear to her eye. ooc: It doesn't bring a tear to her eye, but it's enough to.
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Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Arani Korden said:
Watching this, Arani visibly swells with pride. Seeing Vor'en get this far into the conversation without hitting anyone . . . it's enough to bring a tear to her eye. ooc: It doesn't bring a tear to her eye, but it's enough to.

And it's tough, let me tell you. But he does what he must.

Besides, narrative causality dictates that one of the Jedi take care of this paticular situation in the time-honored fashion...


First Post
Vor'en Kurn said:
"There's a stormtrooper squad passing by outside. A smart man would stop bragging about how badly he's wanted before someone gets it into their heads to bring you to the attention of the authorities. Now go. Away."

The Human leans close and replies almost inaudibly, "Someone could say the same about your Jedi..." He leers a knowingly sidelong glance toward Set and Dorn.


First Post
Well look at that, Voren of all people is trying diplomacy. You'd think he of all people would know how to deal with gutter womprats like these. Must be slipping, in his old age. Kelko sighs almost inaudibly as he draws his blaster and attempts to shoot the human in the leg. Putting these guys down fast and hard would discourage any other bullies.

Dorn Tavers

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Dorn leans against the bar near Arani, his hand casually resting on the blaster at his hip. He figures Set, Vor'en, and Rorworr have the situation well under control, but he is ready just in case things get uglier than expected.

Things getting uglier than expected...what am I thinking?? That's what always happens to us...

With that thought, the Jedi readies himself for the worst and keeps a close eye on the offensive human. Sure enough, a millisecond later Kelko whips out his blaster and fires. Dorn immediately activates Battlemind and draws his blaster, waiting until he gets a better read on the situation to actually shoot anybody.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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