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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Rebels of Ralltiir.

Vor'en Kurn

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Vor'en blinks in surprise as, for one of the few times in his life, he is not the first to resort to violence. "Stun," he reccomends in a casual manner, perferably before Kelko shoots. He sets about first disarming and then disabling his opponents, not drawing his own blaster just yet.

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First Post
Kelko said:
Kelko sighs almost inaudibly as he draws his blaster and attempts to shoot the human in the leg.

The rodent-creature seems to have been waiting for just such a reaction... He depresses a button on a small electronic device that had been previously hidden within its paws. A small shower of sparks erupts from a lighting fixture nearby, and all the lights in the bar simulataneously go out.

Kelko triggers the firing stud of his blaster into the darkness, but nothing happens... Either his blaster's charge has been drained somehow, or the gun itself has shorted out.

In in attempt to warn Kelko to not kill the belligerent thugs, Vor'en says something like, "Stu--UUUUUUUUUUNN!"...

...As suddenly the floor seems to drop away beneath your feet, as if you were on a turbolift that's decending just a bit too fast for its inertial compensators. Everyone's stomach turns about while they wobble about for balance on the receding floor, until everything comes to a lurching stop.

Still in complete darkness, you find yourselves crowded into a small room that is not more than four meters to a side.

Set Harth

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In a deeply sarcastic tone, Set's voice rings out into the darkness. "Great, Just Great. You made me spill my drink!" Set closes his eyes and opens himself to the Force to compensate for the darkness. Submerging himself into the Living Force [battlemind] Set prepares himself for anything.


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Rorworr yelps in surprise at first the lights going out, then the sudden decent.

"Everyone here?" He asks. "I sincerely hope this is some kind of bizarre welcoming ceremony from Deel, rather than anything more sinister..."
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Arani Korden

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Arani sits up and rubs her bruised head.

She stares into the darkness. "I'm here," she says. Then, after a moment she adds, "Whose hand is that?"

Vor'en Kurn

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"Mine, ma'am," says Vor'en, and pulls it away to reach for his blaster rifle. He points it upwards and tries the switch of the glow rod attached to the end. Failing that, he tries discharging a bolt into the wall at an upwards angle to provide some light. Assuming that doesn't work either....

"Rorworr, can you climb? Set or Dorn, can you provide light? Blasters seem shorted."


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Vor'en's glow rod produces a feeble light, before it fades as it drains the last of its power charge.

It in the brief illumination, everyone can see that the room in indeed no larger than a typical cargo turbolift. The walls are fairly smooth and constructed of industrial grade durasteel, with no control panels to be seen. The ceiling is tall enough so that Rorworr can just touch it with the tips of his claws and is similarly featureless. One wall only has a pair of double doors that are tightly closed.

Vor'en tries his blaster, but it too has had its power pack drained.

Within a half dozen seconds, the light is too dim to see by.

OOC: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Dorn Tavers

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Vor'en Kurn said:
"Rorworr, can you climb? Set or Dorn, can you provide light? Blasters seem shorted."

"Let's find out."

Reaching out to make sure that nobody is too close, Dorn takes out his lightsaber, holds it in front of him, and ignites it.

"Hopefully this will turn out better than the last time I used it..."


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Rorworr stumbles over towards the door. Once there, he tries to push, pull and drag it open, unsure as to how it moves.

"Someone must have been expecting us for some time to set all of this up." He grumbles.

Set Harth

First Post
"You know guys, this has Deel's sick sense of humor written all over it. If he's on the other side of that door, I'm going to carve off his lekku with my sabre," gummbles Set as he climbs to his feet in the glare of Dorn's lightsabre.

Voidrunner's Codex

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