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The Three Musketeers (2011)

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
A word of warning - Do not go to this expecting a retelling of the same old story that has been filmed so many times before (some closer to the original text than others), as if the air ships in the trailers weren't enough to tell you that in advance. :D

Anyway, stacking it up against other movies in recent times that take traditional material and reimagines it for the sake of making things fresh, I enjoyed it far better than Conan and maybe even a bit more than Sherlock Holmes. I'll add more later when I have some time to go into detail. Anyone else seeing this? Already have?

(Tag spoilers for those who want some details but don't want surprises ruined, please.)

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Moulin Rogue

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The critics are not being kind to this, I didn't think it was all that great a movie but I didn't think it was that bad, either. It's not a gritty reboot or anything like that, it's an action comedy with the Pirates of the Caribbean being the most ready point of comparison.

The sets and costuming are very good. The airships were cool. Some of the negative reviews said the movie was lacking in spirit but I thought the script (occasional anachronisms and all) and the performances by the main actors were just fine, with one big exception... the most prominent character is probably D'Artagnan and the actor playing him here is 19 years old. The actual Three Musketeers are all older and they clearly have a lot of adventures behind them and stories to tell, but they don't get as much screen time. D'Artagnan comes up a bit flat and I bet people will wish the movie spent more time with the actual Three Musketeers. There's a part where they split up and the movie follows what happens to D'Artagnan.... I won't spoil it, but I'll just say that what the Three Musketeers do next is way more interesting than what D'Artagnan does, and it leaves a plot hole because it doesn't explain how the Musketeers managed to do what they did.

And on a minor point, I thought the actress playing Constance was just plain bad. She doesn't have a lot of scenes or anything, but I mean she was so wooden it was distractingly bad.

There was also a comic relief servant character who didn't really add anything worthwhile. The most groan-inducing single scene for me involved a shot with this character on a balcony where the filmmakers decided they needed to literally show you something "funny" that had just been described moments earlier.

The action scenes have a lot of those "slow down and speed up" film tricks that everyone is probably sick of by now and will completely date this movie within a few years. You also get the usual scenes of the heroes plowing through small armies of disposable mooks and villains preferring to gloat over the characters rather than kill them when they have the chance. And I haven't seen a ton of swashbuckling movies, but it seemed to me that in places the mooks were being knocked sprawling even though the good guys hardly touched them, like in bad pro wrestling.

Reading back my own post it doesn't sound like I liked it very much at all, but I guess it was okay as a summer popcorn type of movie that happened to be released in the fall. If you have a rogue-themed campaign you might get some inspiration from a few of the scenes, as well. I did not see it in 3D but a number of scenes looked specifically filmed for 3D, so at least it doesn't appear to have been one of those after-the-fact jobs.


First Post
There was also a comic relief servant character who didn't really add anything worthwhile. The most groan-inducing single scene for me involved a shot with this character on a balcony where the filmmakers decided they needed to literally show you something "funny" that had just been described moments earlier.

That character, Planchet, is out of the books. There were two others....Grimaud, and a third (whose name escapes me). Largely they *were* the comic relief/sidekick role.



First Post
Seen it a month ago already. I found it quite entertaining.

Yeah, it is completely over the top and not even close to true to the books, but as with the latest Sherlock Holmes, it was fun. So why not.


Jan van Leyden

I wanted to see it with my wife, but the movie got canceled after only three weeks. :.-(

That was at least longer than Conan, which survived only one week...


First Post
I have not seen the film or read any reviews, but since it is from the same guy who does the Resident Evil films, I think it would be safe to wager my milk money that any scene denoting the slightest hint of aciton or danger devolves into gratuitious use of bullet time. Because as we all know, taking something fast and making it slow inherently makes it more exciting. Always.

"Oh, look, someone's just barely being missed by something again."


First Post
utter garbage

Complete Trash in my opinion. The plot was so utterly inane I couldn't get by it. I loved Sherlock Holmes too, even though they modernized it for the audience today, but this one. I felt like the writer didn't think I was smart enough to notice how stupid the whole thing was plotwise. The sword fighting was not even that good. The whole movie was made for two or three special effect shots and the whole milady super-hero feats. It is like they put so much into those few scenes there was nothing left for character development, plot, or anything else.


I rather enjoyed it. Although, it should be noted that I didn't have to pay for my ticket, which may adjust my opinion somewhat. :)

It's definitely not an adaptation of the book. On the contrary, it feels a lot more like the writers watched the previous movie adaptations, and then copied from them. This means that some bits end up quite close to the book (and these tend to be the best bits), while others come from the Sutherland/Sheen version, and still others seem to come out of nowhere.

At several points, the plot makes no sense at all.

It's definitely not a great film, or even a particularly good one. But despite that... yeah, I rather enjoyed it.

Had a big, detailed review all typed out and then I clicked to close the wrong open window and lost it all. Le sigh.

Short version is that it's adequate as an action movie in the same way that the Resident Evil movies are adequate as action/horror. It is an AWFUL adaptation of the original source material. It was not an original script so much as one that was cut/pasted using lines from dozens of other movies of all kinds. Lots of recycled dialogue. Okay fight scenes. Great effects - all LOOKING good, but simultaneously looking very NOT real, if you get what I'm saying. Shallow characterization in the script, too much wooden acting (though they all have so little to really DO or SAY anyway). Definitely over-the-top action and NOT swashbuckling.

I saw it in 3D. Well, it was SUPPOSED to be in 3D anyway. As soon as it started you could see something was totally WRONG about the 3D effects. About 20 minutes in I figured out that they had loaded the film backwards - which is to say that the left image was projected from the right, the right image was projected left and the polarizing glasses were causing the two images to overlap - any scene with deep background was bleeding through foreground images with foreground trying to bury itself in the background. Had to wear the 3D glasses UPSIDE DOWN through the whole movie to get the images to merge correctly. Went to complain but of course at that point there's nothing to do but let the film run its course and fix it for the next show. Of course the projectionist spent 10-15 minutes shutting off one projector then another while he tried to figure out how CATASTROPHICALLY he'd f'd up. Which, of course, forced us to keep taking our glasses off and on to see anything that didn't cause brain hemorrhaging.

And I STILL managed to find it reasonably enjoyable. Maybe I was just that entertained by the whole affair as a relative disaster.

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