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The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!


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That is no excuse for the enjoyment of the community. I'm excited that I may help in the moving of the Master Bard and the DM , but, as speaking for the rest of the listening audence, I want more story. Please.

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denmstrsn said:
That is no excuse for the enjoyment of the community. I'm excited that I may help in the moving of the Master Bard and the DM , but, as speaking for the rest of the listening audence, I want more story. Please.

I know...and I've been working on the story as promised. I should have a new update to post as early as tomorrow, or as late as Wednesday.

The heroes will be entering Maerimydra in the next update, so stay tuned, True Believers! :)


Ziona said:

I know...and I've been working on the story as promised. I should have a new update to post as early as tomorrow, or as late as Wednesday.

The heroes will be entering Maerimydra in the next update, so stay tuned, True Believers! :)

Horacio stays tuned


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The Gates of Maerimydra

The heroes traveled along the dark corridor in silence, each lost in different thoughts. None of them noticed the mushrooms they trampled as they moved along the path, and no one mentioned the smell of tilled soil that hung in the air. It seemed the gloom of the Underdark was weighing heavily upon them, so that none seemed to notice as the hours dwindled away.

Eventually, the silence was broken by Tark and Roedyn, who began discussing the circumstances that brought them into the deep regions of the world beneath the feet of the surface dwellers. Varr and Belasco began to trade stories of battle, while Ziona and Dent discussed their thoughts on finding Lox. Avangel traveled behind them, not speaking to anyone.

“I fear the torture they may have put poor Lox through,” said Ziona.

“He may only be a slave,” said Dent. “I know what you endured at their hands, but I was sold as a slave because they thought I could be useful, so let’s hope that they found a good use for Lox.”

“Listen,” said Avangel, breaking his silence. “The gates to Maerimydra are near…listen to the battle…”

The chatter came to a halt as the group stood quietly, listening to the sound of commotion and fighting. After a few moments, they began to discuss what their plan should be.

“The balance must be restored,” said Dent. “The followers of Kiaransalee have disrupted the order of the Underdark, and we must restore that balance.”

“We destroy them all,” said Avangel. “Every drow in Maerimydra will fall.”

“That will not restore the balance, Avangel,” said Ziona sternly. “We came here to solve a problem: the surface raids. The followers of Kiaransalee are responsible for them, and they must be stopped. They should be the target.”

“They want a slaughter, I’ll give ‘em a slaughter,” growled Varr. “They’ll all feel the frost in their bones!”

“The dwarf has the right idea,” said Avangel. “Every drow must die.”

“We can’t blindly kill those who are fighting against Kiaransalee. We fight against the same enemy,” said Ziona.

“That does not make us allies,” mumbled Belasco.

Ziona turned and looked at Belasco for a moment, knowing he would never trust her. She looked to the rest of her companions and spoke in a confident and calm tone.

“Kiaransalee is the greater of two evils. Her followers must be stopped. This was our goal at the outset…this is our goal now.”

Silence fell over them again. The smell of fire was growing strong in their nostrils, telling them that the city was burning. Screams and grunts filled the air, as well as clashing swords and the sound of armies marching.

“If everyone is in agreement with Miss Ziona,” said Tark, “then I think we should figure out a way to enter the city.”

“There is a gate at the end of this corridor,” said Avangel. “Though I’m sure it will be guarded.”

“Let us face the enemy now,” roared Varr. “There is no time to waste!”

The dwarf began sprinting down the hall without waiting for the approval of the group. Belasco pulled his hood up around his head and followed Varr, grinning. The dwarf was certainly one for action.

The rest of the group approached as Belasco began to speak with the three fire giants that were guarding the gate.


“What’re you want?” grumbled the first one.

“The city is closed…for renovations,” laughed the second.

“We’re here to help renovate!” said Belasco, his hands on the hilts of his swords.

“Kurgoth is always lookin’ for a few good lackies,” said the first. “What services you got to offer?”

“Redecorating,” laughed Belasco.

“Ehh, but…Kurgoth doesn’t take kindly to humans,” spat the second, looking at Dent.

“Good thing I’m only part human,” he said sourly.

By this time, Varr was becoming impatient. He thought he was rushing forward to fight, and now his allies were chatting with the enemy. Growing bored, he began to lean upon his axe as an elderly man leans upon a walking stick.

“You’re friend looks like he’s waiting for something…are we boring him?”

Dent looked to Varr and smirked.

“He’s waiting to start slaughtering.”

“That’s what we like to hear,” bellowed the first giant. His laughter woke the third giant, who was slumbering along the wall.

“Yeah…you can enter,” laughed the second giant.

As they swung open the gates and allowed the group to enter, they continued to laugh.

“Doesn’t mean they’re going to exit!”

“Not in one piece anyway!”

The Adventure Continues…


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Ziona is clearly working for Drow agents hoping to preserve their own infrastructure against the new threat. Clearly, she cannot be trusted and is EEEEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIILLLLLL to the core. If she's really a follow of Elistraee, wouldn't she be dancing nude way more often? Clearly a follower of Lolth, or even Ghaunadar, the disease god. Clearly. :D


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LuYangShih said:
Ziona is clearly working for Drow agents hoping to preserve their own infrastructure against the new threat. Clearly, she cannot be trusted and is EEEEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIILLLLLL to the core. If she's really a follow of Elistraee, wouldn't she be dancing nude way more often? Clearly a follower of Lolth, or even Ghaunadar, the disease god. Clearly. :D

Actually, there is a yearly ceremony where the followers of Eilistraee hunt in the nude, and they are known for being very free with their nudity, which has come into play a few times in game. (She usually sleeps in the buff for example...)

Ziona did wear a chainmail bikini (see the illustration by Doc Midnight for a visual), but after she was flayed alive by the drow, she lost all of her belongings. Now she's wearing an oversized chainshirt that fits like a chain dress. ;)

As for the "EEEEEEEVVVVVIIIIIILLLLLLL" side...I dunno about that. Guess you'll have to wait & see who turns on the group... :eek:

I have been working on the story hour, but with my new campaign & a second story hour, I've been trying to figure out a way to manage my time better. I promise not to make you wait too much longer for an update. :)


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Plus, anyone that calls Ziona evil is just plain crazy. She's raised me from the dead more time than Buffy's died. That's inclueding the altinate universe death.


First Post
Last night's session brought more death to the heroes... :(

I know, I know...I need to update, and I will...tomorrow. Tonight I have my campaign, but if I had known 2 out of 3 of my superiors here at work were going to be absent today, I would have brought my notes. (I think I'll bring them with me from now on, just in case...)

In the meantime, know that I have an update that is (almost) ready to go, and will be posted tomorrow (or even tonight if the session ends early enough).

As always, thanks for your patience. We're almost done with the module, which means we'll be leaving the Underdark...well, some of us... ;)

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