The WalkinG Dead 2.12 Better Angels (spoilers)

Remus Lupin

I don't think they have anywhere near 30 minutes. But I'd say throw as much heavy furniture against doors/windows as possible, stick your best shooters on the second floor to take out who they can (though with ammo running low hand-to-hand may work better, then make sure that everyone's got some good zombie bludgeoning tools strapped on.

Now would also be a good time for those heavy leathers we were talking about before!

PS., Hey Asmo, you and I are almost exactly tied for number of posts!

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I´ve not seen any spoilers for the next episode or read the comics; if you were in Rick's shoes, what would you do, with perhaps 30 minutes before the horde will reach the farm? What´s the plan?


I don't know about Rick, but I don't think it would take me more than a few minutes to get Maggie and Andrea (and maybe Doc Herschel) into the vehicle with the most gas and start scouting the next location. Maybe grab one of the supply sacks, if they have some ready to go.

Seriously, they are in a good situation to make a run for it since they recently moved from their outdoor camp and much of their gear is packed and ready to go. They made a big point of having a few people say things like 'throw my bags in the corner of the (blank) room' and such, IIRC, and Rick has all the vehicles lined up and pointed away from the house.

I think once a place has attracted some walkers it is pretty much no longer a safe place. Making a stand anywhere, let alone a residence/farm, is no way to allow the world to come to an end. They've seen cities and military facilities overrun. They can't believe they can hold off any sizeable force of walkers for long in a farmhouse with limited ammo. It's not even like this is a reality where they need only hold out until morning. This place is a target on walker radar for now and always. It's time to bolt, IMO.

Hand of Evil

I think the "flashes of zombies" was the zombies hearing / smelling the blood and sweat of Rick and Shane as they roamed, yelled and fought. Again, poor planning and action in a ZA world - have not secured their borders and out at night!


I´ve not seen any spoilers for the next episode or read the comics; if you were in Rick's shoes, what would you do, with perhaps 30 minutes before the horde will reach the farm? What´s the plan?


If I were Rick, I think I would try to lead the horde away from the farm. It appeared that they were still quite a distance away and were focused on the gunshot from Rick/Shane's fight and then the shot that killed zombie Shane. Granted some might stay and feast on Shane's corpse, you could conceivably lead most of them away through the large open field and woods surrounding the farm. It would give the house a lot more time to prep an evac.

I always thought it was stupid that they didn't fortify the farm more effectively (funneling via fences, ditches, berms, etc.) in anticipation of something like this happening. With the right strategy and work, they could hold off a horde for an extended period of time.


First Post
I´ve not seen any spoilers for the next episode or read the comics; if you were in Rick's shoes, what would you do, with perhaps 30 minutes before the horde will reach the farm? What´s the plan?


I'm guessing they have closer to 10 minutes instead of 30.

However, I would pile everybody into the RV and maybe one or two other cars and get out ASAP. Seal up the house if you have time - then, you can come back another time and get supplies with a fast in & out raid if the zombies are more scattered or have moved on...

Also, the comics handled things a bit differently regarding Hershel's farm. Shane had died much earlier in the comics and Sophia was alive, so the situation was much less volatile.
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First Post
If I were Rick, I think I would try to lead the horde away from the farm. It appeared that they were still quite a distance away and were focused on the gunshot from Rick/Shane's fight and then the shot that killed zombie Shane. Granted some might stay and feast on Shane's corpse, you could conceivably lead most of them away through the large open field and woods surrounding the farm. It would give the house a lot more time to prep an evac.

I always thought it was stupid that they didn't fortify the farm more effectively (funneling via fences, ditches, berms, etc.) in anticipation of something like this happening. With the right strategy and work, they could hold off a horde for an extended period of time.

Good point on Rick leading the walkers away. I might even run back to the farm and tell everybody to pack up - and then get on a horse to lead the walkers away, and tell them to meet 1 or 2 miles down the road.


First Post
I think the "flashes of zombies" was the zombies hearing / smelling the blood and sweat of Rick and Shane as they roamed, yelled and fought. Again, poor planning and action in a ZA world - have not secured their borders and out at night!

I think the zombie flashes were just them showing that Shane's brain was becoming zombie-fied.

Remus Lupin

Which make the possible horror of the zombies that much worse. Is there still some piece of "Shane" in "zombie-Shane" that is aware of what it's become, even if only in some fragmented way? It's one thing to see these as shambling reanimated corpses of which the "selves" that used to dwell there are no longer in residence. It's another thing if those "selves" are actually now the zombies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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