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The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle


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(meep! Serves me right for waiting to see what others are gonna do. :))

Whisper curses under her breath and with a flick of her hands sends another pair of the crazily weaving twin blasts at the same crab she hit the first time, then turns her attention to the foredeck and tries to see what's going on up there.

"Go on and help Seria and Midian," she urges Johan. "I'll try to help up front!"

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Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
Midian strains against the vise-like grip of the first giant crab. He grabs the pincher's in both hands and with a herculean effort, he pries the claws apart. He hears a pop from the crabs pincher as the sinews inside tear. He shakes the crab off for a moment but it attacks again and manages to latch onto him once again with the remaining claw.

The sailor at the wheel of the ship calls out that there is something in the water. At the front of the ship the sailor with the gaff suddenly shouts in surprise and flails the hook around at something unseen.

Midian struggles again, but this time can't manage to break free. Hearing that the sailor has seen something ahead, Midian reaches out with his mind, hoping Seeqir might be able to distract it, perhaps blinding it with his ink. He tries to send caution through their link, but can't quite suppress his own panic.

[sblock=OOC]Grapple check (1d20+4=21)[/sblock]

Mista Collins

First Post
Knowing she won't be able to break the grasp of the crab, Seria tries her hardest to attack the creature with her dagger she had drawn.

ooc: 1d20+3-4(for attacking with light weapon while grappled).


First Post
Knowing that her only hope is to kill the creature, Seria stabs the crabs "face" as hard as she can. Her efforts are rewarded with a spray of ichor. The crab spasms in pain but does not release its hold. Its jaws open wide as it leans in close to her face when suddenly twin bolts of force slam into it, shattering its carapace and sending crab meat flying. It slumps to the deck, releasing its hold on Seria. Midian struggles mightily against the crab, but this time he cannot break free. The pincher's of the crab crush down hard, pulping his arm and leg. To his relief, Johan untangles himself from the sails and moves across the deck to assist him. Ruoark charges across the deck, but the slippery boards unbalance him and his attack goes wide. Another mercenary climbs up the stairs and clears away more of the sail.

As you close on the sailors you can see the distortion clearer. It is centered on a form roughly six feet high. The sailors are jabbing the air wildly with their hooks but the darkness and the creatures invisible form make it hard for them to hit it. Suddenly, one of the sailors scream as the shape lunges forward. The magical field that hid it from view shimmers and fades. The creature is green in color, with darker stripes along its back like a tiger and paler on its belly. Four pairs of arms jut from its torso and a short, muscular tail with a crescent sharks fin extends from its rear. Its face has large, all black eyes and an over sized mouth filled with rows upon rows of pointed teeth. Its claws rake the sailor it has snatched and its jaws close over his face with a sickening crunch.
You sense that Seeqir is violently struggling with something in the water, and you still sense fear through your connection.

Seria attack and damage (1d20-1=19, 1d4=3)
Whisper Magic Missile (2d4 2=9)
Crab Constrict (2d6 2=6)

   |  |
  |    |
 |  XX  |
 | WO   |
 |  ####|
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 |      |
 |J     |
 |CMOR  |
 |  SC  |
  |  X | 
   |  |  

S : Seria
J : Johan
M : Midian
W : Whisper
X : Sailor

H : Stairs
0 : Mast
& : Fallen sail

Init Order
Bad Guys

You can climb over the sail with a full round action, but are flatfooted while doing so since you're navigating a tangle of rope and uneven footing.

Mista Collins

First Post
With a sigh of relief as the immediate danger of being eaten alive is gone, she lunges forward towards the nearest living crab in hopes of bringing it down.

ooc: 1d20+3 (1d4)


First Post
Seria slashes with her dagger at the crab nearby, but her weapon scrapes off the crustaceans hard shell. The mercenary across from her slams his sword down but merely staggers it for a moment before it resumes its attack. The crab holding Midian drags him another five feet closer to the railing. Johan hacks at it but can't find a chink in its armor. A second mercenary emerges up the stairway and charges Seria's crab, but misses with his attack. Whisper unleashes a blast of energy at the creature in front of her. The sailor carrying the gaff spears the creatures in one of the arms. The creature releases the sailor, his face a bloody ruin, and turns to face you. He rakes at both of you with his clawed finger tips, one arm raking the sailor across the chest. He gibbers at you in an unknown tongue, drops of the sailors blood flying from its lips.

You sense a sudden burst of pain through your empathic link with Seeqir. Whatever he is fighting in the water struck a deadly blow.

New Grapple DC to avoid being moved: DC20

   |  |
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 |  NX  |
 | WO   |
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 |  ####|
 |  ####|
 |      |
 |J     |
 |  SC  |
  |  X | 
   |  |  

S : Seria
J : Johan
M : Midian
W : Whisper
X : Sailor
N : Sharkman
R : Mercenary

H : Stairs
0 : Mast
& : Fallen sail

Init Order
Bad Guys

You can climb over the sail with a full round action, but are flatfooted while doing so since you're navigating a tangle of rope and uneven footing.

Crab vs Midian (1d20 8=20)
Merc vs crab (1d20 3=8, 1d6 1=6)
Johan atk vs crab (1d20 8=15, 1d8 3=4)
Seria attack vs crab (1d20 3=13, 1d4=1, 2d6=8)
Rouark (1d20 5=8, 1d8 3=7)
Sailor vs Sharkman (1d20 3=22, 1d8 1=4)
Sharkman vs Whisper and Sailor (1d20 1=4, 1d20 1=2, 1d20 1=7, 1d20 1=21)
sharkman claw (1d4 3=4)

Mista Collins

First Post
Seeing Midian getting dragged towards the railing, Seria takes a few steps away from the crab she is in melee with and attacks the crab that has a hold of Midian.


First Post
(OOC note, crab lacks Dex bonus while grapplin'. :))

Dismayed by the monster's resilience, Whisper backs up and launches another pair of magic bolts at the four-armed beast. Even as she did, she could feel her magic powers starting to ebb dangerously. How many more blasts did she have in her? Two? Three? Enough?

She very much hoped it would be enough...

Voidrunner's Codex

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