The easiest way I've found to not have your Bard feel like a "Wizard with a Guitar" or your Ranger feel like a "Wizard with a Bow" is to actually give your characters personalities that are not the same as the personalities you give your Wizards when you play them.
I have never once seen a Ranger at any of my tables feel like a "Wizard with a Bow" because nobody plays their Ranger like a Wizard. Wizard characters tend to have personalities in one direction... Rangers have personalities, interests, and foci in a different one. Out on adventure the Ranger character's attentions are on certain things, the Wizard's attentions are on other things. During downtime the Wizards tend to do wizardly things, the Rangers do rangerly things. And neither of those things are remotely similar.
So even if a Ranger's class features are put in the PHB under the Spells mechanical format, when you are playing the game you can just do your Ranger actions like Ranger actions and don't emphasize the whole "I'M CASTING A SPELL, LOOK AT MY WIGGLY FINGERS AND BOOMING VOICE SPEAKING IN A WEIRD ARCANE TONGUE!" thing.