D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.

A brand new trailer for the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie has just been released! The movie comes out March 31st. This trailer very much highlights the tongue-in-cheek nature of the movie and is filled with one-liners. The trailer also gives us a good luck at the Red Wizards of Thay, along with the mimic, the owlbear, and other iconic D&D monsters.


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Reeks of Jedi
It looked fine aside from the villain looks goofy and that fight scene at the start was very dumb. Like cartoon level of dumb action. I have no belief that she's barbarian. If she didnt use cartoon physics, it might b more believable. Maybe

Alt title: Sentinels of the Sword Coast.

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I'll do you one better: I'm paying to see Ant-Man and theater hopping. That way the theater gets most of the ticket price (since it'll be late in the film's run) and I get to troll Paramount by posting a photo on Twitter of a ticket stub for a major competing studio's movie.
Nothing shows your hatred of money-grubbing evil corporate overlords who hate their fans like buying a ticket for a Disney movie...

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