Thieves World


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Ya, the VP/WP system is perfered since it is more lethal, and handles healing better. My only problem with it is there is no subdual damage in it.

Grim and Gritty was posted in one of the Asgard magazines.

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Mr Fidgit

First Post
more on S'Danzo cards...

Lance of Air, Seven of Ships, Five of Ores, the Whirlwind, the Warfleet, the Iron Key, the Orb, Quicksilver, Acorn, Ocean, Emptiness (no picture descriptions)

(b10 pg220-1) the cards are called Amashkiki, 'The Guideposts of Vision'

The Termagant, old S'Danzo seeress, ”I take it you know that among the amashkiki there are five families [suits]: fire, ore, wood, water and air, as correspond to the five elements from which the universe was made. Each family is led by its Prime and defended by its Lance. There are, of course, cards which do not fall into the families...”

“The Lances defend. They are rigid, sharp-edged, defined. The Primes, though, are the start of things. And also the ends. Magicians like the Prime cards because they mean everything, you know. The appearance of a Prime simplifies the reading, she may have told you this; two Primes and it practically shouts. Five Primes is absurd...”

by the Termagant's examples, the Seven of Ships and the Lance of Ships (in the earlier post) are probably the Water cards

Mr Fidgit

First Post

the first post was from Lady of Fire, by Diana L Paxson (Book 9)

the second, Seeing is Believeing (But Love is Blind), Lynn Abbey (book 10)


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Hmm, I wonder if they got together to try to not step on each other's toes with the cards.

New version of the Hawkmask and Hellhound posted in the other thread.


First Post
Stepson prestige clas also psted. All these are now 5 level varieties. I think that works much better for these three classes.


SF Site has a series of interviews with the new authors of the new Thieve's World series, as well as a review of the first book and an interview with Lynn Abbey. Interesting reading.


First Post
Very interesting read, thanks for pointing that out. It looks like some of the things I diodn't like in the first series will be hopefully changed in this new one.

Mr Fidgit

First Post
Dragongirl said:
Blasphemy!! The dog yet lives!!!
just finished book 12, no revenge for Tyr :(

three more cards...

Lady of the Forest - woman 'spirit with cobweb wings'

Lady of the Stones - woman sitting at a stone-weighted loom

Fifth of Air - 'scattering of petals floating away from a bouquet' (b12p221)

Voidrunner's Codex

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