Thieves World

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Mr Fidgit

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Crothian said:
There are people who live and prosper in Sanctuary making an honest living.
Mr Fidgit said:
exactly one.
ok, our total now rises to the amazing, incredible, unbelieveable total of three honest people in Sanctuary (by book 9)

Rahi - “tinker who did a small side business in small arms, knives, and the like”, He was an “astonishing phenomenon, an honest tradesman”

Gonfred - “a goldsmith with a reputation for honesty”
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Mr Fidgit

First Post
no, i'm just trying to be a good reasearch assistant :D
Dragongirl said:
Guess I should start reading my TW books again, thank goodness my reading book collection is huge. If I do, do you want me to take notes on what I find interesting?
speaking of R.A.'s, where's Dragongirl? she's slackin'!

(hope everything's o.k.....)


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I was able to pick up two more TW books today. Fianlly got a paperback copy of number 9, and City on the Edge of Time a Tempus book.


First Post
Mr Fidgit said:
i just finished #9 (and took notes...)

i really don't like that character:rolleyes:

Cool on the notes part. I think 6 out of my 7 Sanctuary novels focus on him. Janet Morrus wrote a lot about the guy. He's not a very likible character.

So, who are your favorite characters?

Mr Fidgit

First Post
well...i liked the four-part trinity, until they were murdered

i liked Illyra until her child was murdered

..i'm sure i'll think of more later. i just don't like that such a despicable character is not only written about, but focused on and glorified

Voidrunner's Codex

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