Thieves World

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Mr Fidgit

First Post
Dragongirl said:
You rang?
i was just hoping everything was fine-and-dandy

Dubro hasn't really been focused on too much in books 5-9, and it seems like Walegrin is just coming to the forefront of some of the stories in 9 (maybe there will be more in 10-12...)


First Post
Jubal is more active in the early books. Torchholder did what he had to do (or so he felt). I was never a fan of hi8s until I read Sanctuary which really does him justice. When you finish reading 1-12, I'll lend it to you.

Mr Fidgit

First Post
i may have asked this before, so i'll apologize in advance (sorry! :D)

do you think using a VP/WP system would better reflect the lethality of Sanctuary and TW? (i've also seen people post about a grim and gritty system, but i've never read any rules on it)

i just know there are plenty of examples in the books where people were held at bay by a single crossbow, or dying from one solid hit from a weapon (even daggers)

Voidrunner's Codex

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