Thieves World

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Divination rules posted over their. I did it as a new exclusive skill that only S'Danzo women get as a class skill. Others can choose a feat to get the skill as a cross class skill.

Mr Fidgit

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interesting fact - there were only 5 original Hellhounds, and they didn't choose that name, it was given to them by the townsfolk of Sanctuary (lovingly, i'm sure :p)

Arman, Bourne, Quag, Razkuli and Zalbar


First Post
Mr Fidgit said:
interesting fact - there were only 5 original Hellhounds, and they didn't choose that name, it was given to them by the townsfolk of Sanctuary (lovingly, i'm sure :p)

Arman, Bourne, Quag, Razkuli and Zalbar

Ya, Tempus comes in later. Zalbar's the leader. I think it's Razkuli that ends up dead.

"The towns people have already taken to calling you Hellhonuds. Be sure that title refers only to the your vigor with which you persue your duties and not your viciousness."

The Prince


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Going back to Mr. Fidgit's comment about the relative ages of some of the characters. I think that relates to the nature of Magic in Sanctuary. Someone earlier said that this was a Low-magic environment. I am not so sure. Magic is not overt in Sanctuary certainly. But it is present... And present in subtle ways that fool even the everyday inhabitants of the city. Also the great thing about an anthology is that there are multiple forms of magic happening all at once. Which allows you, Crothian, as the compiler of this adventure the pleasure of reconciling them.


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Eldritch said:
Going back to Mr. Fidgit's comment about the relative ages of some of the characters. I think that relates to the nature of Magic in Sanctuary. Someone earlier said that this was a Low-magic environment. I am not so sure. Magic is not overt in Sanctuary certainly. But it is present... And present in subtle ways that fool even the everyday inhabitants of the city. Also the great thing about an anthology is that there are multiple forms of magic happening all at once. Which allows you, Crothian, as the compiler of this adventure the pleasure of reconciling them.

On the age issue. Enas Yorl is immortal through the Curse. He actually wants to and does try to end his own life, but he cannot. Lythande's order seems to be ageless. They are trained to face down chaos during the end of the world, so if they can't live that long it sort of defeats the purpose of the Order. Myrtis is keep young by Lythande. They have an arrangement.

I call it a low magic world because magic is a pipe dream for most people. However, the magic that is there can be considered on lines with Epic Levels. There is nothing, it seems that magic cannot do. It's just very rare. THere are many kinds and I'm slowling working on it.

Right now though, I'm completeing the Hell Hound prestige Class.

Mr Fidgit

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a partial list of S'Danzo divination cards (from book 9)

Forest Primeval - sunlight shining through trees in full bloom (green leaves)

Zenith - the noonday sun - (Lalo added a cityscape to the bottom of this card, and it came to represent Sanctuary)

The Lance of Ships - the Narwhale - a card of good fortune and changeability, upside down represents misfortune, or good fortunes disappearing

Two of Ores - Steel - image of swords pointing in one direction (towards or away from the person who's getting their fortune told - swords toward you indicate death, swords away mean doom for your enemy)

Quicksilver - the Card of Shalpa -

The Face of Chaos - image of a man and woman distorted 'as if in some fever dream'

The Zigurrat - image of a disintegrating tower

The Lance of Winds - images of storms and tornadoes

Justice - image of three robed and hooded figures pointing at a man kneeling

Eight of Flames - the Lady of Fire - 'who's touch can warm or destroy' (the goddess Dyareela)

Seven of Ores - Red Clay - represents craftsmen potters

The Archway - image of a massive gate with an unknown mystic symbol carved in its keystone. beyond the gate is plush greenery

Three of Flames - images of three nondescript people holding torches in a long tunnel, with one end of the tunnel dark, and the other bright

Mr Fidgit

First Post
S'Danzo divination - its been written several times that the S'Danzo (or at least Illyra) doesn't worship any gods (ilsig, rankan, or otherwise), but they do follow 'the pattern'

Illyra -

“When I read [the cards], the querent and the cards and I are all linked in the Pattern and the cards that come up reflect his relationship to it. The Pattern is the Cause; the cards are the effect. My Seeing only translates to the querent what is already there.”

it sounds like this would directly apply to divinations using tea leaves, bones, stones, etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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