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This is a Troll [meta-thread]

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First Post
Quotes everyone that talked about Hivemind thread, mixes up their names and opinions, post half-hearted attempt to explain Hivemind that only Hiveminders can understand, makes obscure ENWorld in-joke, fails to reply to root beer question, ignores topic, blathers on a bit more about Hivemind, invites everyone to join in the thread, vaguely insults someone who has made a comment about OT threads, uses :D smiley repeatedly until other posters want to make me eat it, leaves.

Tom Cashel

First Post
I have not read past the the third post of this thread but I am angry! Yes, I am flat-out apoplectic and I'm ranting--ranting, I tell you! I am railing against all of you for feeding the troll and I am bad-mouthing the troll himself in a futile show of ill-tempered one-upmanship. Finally I am adding a wink to placate Henry the Moderator. ;)

Darrin Drader

Post nothing new to the thread, but suddenly realize that my troll has claimed a new victim with Tom Cashel. Laugh hysterically and cruise over to Fark.com.


First Post
Evil Drow were around long before Barq's Rootbeer. But the OBVIOUS relationship between Good Drow and "The New" Coke prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Good Drow are a Bad Idea.

(LOL at own joke :p )
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First Post
Reads the initial post and scratches head, honestly confused as to how someone can be so painfully misguided. Continues to read the thread, growing more irritated by the moment by insults being flung about by the participants. Wonders why everyone can’t just get along?

Finally succumbs to urge to reply. Picks out Tom Cashel’s post to reply to, on the basis that it’s relatively recent and thus is fair game. Posts long, reasonable-sounding response to Tom Cashel’s post, explaining how subject of Baerendur’s original diatribe isn’t as bad as all that, indicating numerous logical errors in Tom Cashel’s rant, and generally trying to calm things down. Unfortunately, writes post in a prose style so redolent with self-satisfied intellectual arrogance that it only makes things worse.

Sends off post in the delusion that this has somehow Made A Difference.


First Post
Wastes valuable moments of his life monitoring this pointless troll in the fruitless hope of finding just the right response that will vindicate his point of view. A point of view that he isn't even sure that he remembers.

Does not get his 15 minutes of fame this time. Again. Goes back to his miserable existance.


First Post
I declare myself the winner, I base this on the fact that "I like me". Now that I have won I feel it is sensless to continue, but I do anyway. Smiley face laced insults for all my worthy subjects and the leg of a Black Angus tossed to the troll.

Agree with new coke being bad but disagree with the stereotyping of Good Drow as flash in the pan gimmicks like Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Clear or even Pepsi twist, strike that, they are flash in the pan marketing blunders, glad I could change you to my point of view. Compare Baraendur to failed soft drink marketing gimicks, add smile to lessen the blow:p

Silver Moon

Originally posted by MerricB Blathers about how stupid people are who use ALL CAPS.


Realizes that MerricB is a good target to get a rise out of so quotes him, states that ALL CAPS is a sign of high intelligence for all people who live above the equator, and that Cheers is the name of a bar.

Makes one last attempt to derail the thread, writing a very long paragraph that manages to tie together the phrases "J.R.R. Tolkien was an overrated children's author", "2nd Edition is clearly superior to 3rd", "Timothy Dalton was the best James Bond", and "Should Gilligan have chosen Mary Ann or Ginger?"

Sits back, and waits to see if anyone will take the bait.

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