Yes, that's true. Personally, with the exception of Kalashtar, I see all of those as non-specific to Eberron, in spite of their origins there, simply because I can easily see constructs, part-lycanthropes, and shapeshifters in most settings. The specific look and lore belong exclusively to Eberron, but they are easy enough (to me) to file the serial numbers off of and use. Though it's true of Kalashtar too, in that they're just psychic humans at their core, but you really have to drop the name Kalashtar to do it. (Unlike Warforged, Shifter, and Changeling, which are generic and descriptive enough to keep).For the record, Shifters are one of the new races from Eberron. They started in the 3e campaign book and appear again in Eberron: Rising from the Last War in 5e before going to MotM. The other Eberron original races are Changelings, Kalashtar, and Warforged.
But yes, credit where credit is due. Eberron. I think Eberron is a fantastic setting but I've barely ever used it.