thoughts on telepathy (ha!)


This is not a proposal. These are my ideas on how to run telepathy PCs and are rules that I will likely use in my own adventures. Other DMs are free to steal ideas as they'd like. My reason for creating this thread is two-fold: first, so I can have an easy place to reference rules on telepathy for my adventure(s). Second, to help codify - if only for myself - how this "rules light" game mechanic works in a more explicit way to avoid confusion.

These rules are generally based off the way telepathy works in the X-Men comics, with some balance and practical considerations thrown in for D&D.

General Rules

- Telepathy is as common as magic or martial powers that are impossible for normal people to achieve. While impressive, it is generally reacted to as such, and NPCs will behave in a way befitting their exposure and background.

- Telepathy is a one-on-one conversation. Unless granted otherwise by a power or feat, broad-band communication (talking to two or more creatures simultaneously) isn't possible. However, very basic-level feelings can be "broadcast" if desired (for example: anger). These should be nothing so complicated that they couldn't also be discovered by looking at a creature.

- A telepath does not have to initiate a conversation to hear someone speak to him telepathically, however he does have to be actively listening for that creature to speak to him. Unless otherwise granted by a feat/power, a telepath can only actively listen to one creature at a time. However, a telepath can change who he is listening to at any time as a free action.

- Telepathy is two-way, but the opposing party does not have to participate. Anyone - even a small child - can keep a telepath from reading their thoughts. However, no one can block a telepath from talking to them without concentrating to do so. Some creatures may have special powers to allow them otherwise.

- Telepathy takes as long to communicate as speaking.

- Carrying on two different conversations at the same time is just as difficult as a regular person trying to talk to two different groups at the same time (for example, over two different phones). This is especially true as it is not possible to "listen" to two different people at the exact same moment.

- If you do not know if a creature is there, you cannot initiate a conversation or actively listen to it. Similarly, because a creature does not have to participate, telepathy does not assist in finding hidden creatures or other similar tasks.

Group Mindlink

This feat changes some of these rules.

- This feat enables all creatures within range to use the telepath as a conduit for communication. This does not allow simultaneous communication - people speaking telepathically on top of each other are just as difficult to understand as two people speaking at the same time.

- A telepath with this feat may choose at any given moment as a free action which allies within range are benefiting from this feat. All creatures benefiting from this feat are aware of who else is benefiting.

- All creatures benefiting from this feat may chose to speak to all other creatures benefiting from this feat at the same time (i.e. broad-band communication is possible within the group).

- A telepath with this feat and all benefiting creatures are now considered to all be actively listening to each other unless they wish not to be. A creature may choose to not actively listen to any number of other creatures. The telepath may continue to choose to actively listen to one additional creature outside this group.

House Rules

These rules are extra stuff I made up that seems interesting to me. The first one directly contradicts the compendium's definition of telepathy (which effectively means that you can't communicate telepathically through a window, for example, or if you walk around a corner).

- Telepathy works through most barriers, but you need either line-of-sight or line-of-effect to a creature in order to initiate a conversation or start actively listening. If a telepath is already in a conversation or actively listening to a creature, they do not need line-of-sight or -effect to continue to do so (but they must maintain range as dictated by their telepathy description). Some magical or psionic barriers may prevent telepathy.

- If a telepath wishes to speak to multiple creatures simultaneously, they must exert a tremendous effort. It costs 1 healing surge to send a short message to any number of creatures (not just allies) in range at the exact same time (the telepath chooses the creatures to receive the message).

- A telepath may force a creature to hear them with great effort. For the cost of 1 healing surge, they may send a message to a creature that is concentrating in order not to hear them.

Suggestions/comments welcome!

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
All I have to say is Psionic Power better have a feat to give human Psions telepathy as a language, instead of this stupid once per encounter, freaking shoulda been a at will grumble grumble grumble grumble.........


First Post
At least it gives an interesting. As a free action, you can send a 25 words speech to someone. So to the ever coming back question: Can I speak in combat and how much? That could be a guideline. Nothing official, but it would give the idea that someone cannot tells the whole Bible in a round of combat.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
....grumble grumble and wizards get at-will for their cantrips grumble grumble...

...grumble grumble and don't get me started on MEMORY TO MIST didn't they say before the 4e launch they were specificically NOT giving psion style powers to wizards so psions would have a place in the game! grumble grumble grumble....


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The recent Dragon article on Kalasthars pretty much cemented that telepathy is one-to-one communication.


Two things:

Send Thoughts is only useful in that it allows a much larger range than any of the telepathic races I've seen. Heck, a shardmind psion already can communicate with anyone up to 5 squares away: but they can 1/enc do that 4x as far. I can see why they didn't make it at-will as it is (rather powerful), and I think it's obvious why they didn't just make it at-will and restrict the range (overlap with races). Still, I agree a better solution should have been there.

stonegod: Hilariously, I have not seen that article. I will have to check it out! Sounds like the Dragon writers have been wrestling with the same problems since telepathy came to the forefront. Man, I wish they would just bother to think things through sometimes... :)


First Post
evilbob, I told the telepathic PC in my game pretty much the same things you said in your original post. However, I did tell him he could broadcast to multiple targets, but that it was not selective - anyone within range would hear what he said. I also noted that, since the communication is not instant, if he wanted to play "telephone operator" and relay stuff between PCs for an extended silent discussion, alert observers would have a good chance to guess what was going on. Finally, I warned him not to assume that telepathic communication could never be intercepted. In almost all cases that would be true, but unusual powers or items (read: story reasons) might allow a third party to "listen in".

Voidrunner's Codex

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