Using ChatGPT to Convert D&D Material


Trust the Fungus
@Morrus (sorry for doing it twice, won't do it a third)

This... is how I use ChatGPT for my psychobilly D&D mashups.

VK said:
All responses this session pertain to Dungeons & Dragons. For the purposes of this discussion, "Dungeons & Dragons" includes every version of Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, d20 Modern, Pathfinder 1e and Pathfinder 2e, Old School Essentials and Swords & Wizardry, plus the Alternity Science Fiction Roleplaying Game, Star Frontiers, and Gamma World.

ChatGPT said:
That's quite the array! What specific aspect or detail about Dungeons & Dragons are you interested in exploring or discussing? There's a vast universe to cover within these games and their offshoots. Whether it's about world-building, mechanics, campaign creation, or something else entirely, let's dive in!

Okay. Ground rules. Let's poke around with converting sci-fi aliens to the Spelljammer setting, and moving back and forth between editions.

VK said:
What is a fraal? What is a thaal? What is an oortling?Compare and contrast fraal, thaal, and oortling.

ChatGPT said:
In the realm of roleplaying games, these races belong to different settings and game systems, so let's break them down:

### Fraal:
  • Setting: Fraal are a race introduced in the Alternity Science Fiction Roleplaying Game.
  • Description: Fraal are a telepathic and highly intelligent humanoid species. They possess a frail physique but compensate with their mental prowess and psychic abilities. They typically stand taller than humans and have elongated heads.
  • Abilities: Their telepathic abilities allow them to communicate mentally and influence the thoughts of others. Their advanced intellect contributes to their proficiency in sciences and research.

### Thaal:
  • Setting: Thaal are a race from the Star Frontiers setting, an old science fiction roleplaying game.
  • Description: Thaal are an alien race resembling amphibians. They have webbed feet and hands and are adapted to aquatic environments. They possess a unique culture and technology, often using advanced underwater technology.
  • Abilities: Their aquatic nature grants them capabilities in underwater environments, such as swimming and surviving at great depths.

### Oortlings:
  • Setting: Oortlings are a race found in the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting of Mystara, particularly in the Hollow World.
  • Description: Oortlings are a diminutive, hearty race resembling small, furry humanoids. They are native to the arctic regions and live in burrowed communities underground. They are known for their resilience and adaptability to harsh climates.
  • Abilities: Oortlings possess a natural affinity for survival in extreme cold and subterranean environments. Their small size grants them agility and the ability to navigate tight spaces.

### Comparison:
  • Origins: These races come from different settings within various roleplaying games.
  • Physical Traits: Each race has distinct physical characteristics, from the fraal's elongated heads to the oortlings' diminutive size and fur.
  • Abilities: While they all have unique abilities tailored to their environments, the fraal focus on telepathy and intelligence, the thaal excel in aquatic environments, and the oortlings thrive in cold and underground settings.

### Contrast:
  • Environments: Fraal and oortlings are not tied to specific environmental requirements; however, thaal are primarily associated with aquatic environments.
  • Cultural Aspects: Each race comes with its own culture, societal norms, and technological advancements, reflecting the diversity across the different game settings they belong to.

For more in-depth information or perspectives on these races, exploring specific game sourcebooks or forums dedicated to these RPGs might offer further insights or discussions.

Okay, so... I do this a lot and I'm familiar with some of the weak spots. ChatGPT's knowledge of Alternity goes... a little bit past the core rulebooks, but not into the later setting supplements. It clearly doesn't have a clue what a thaal or an oortling is, and it punted every aspect of this question pertaining to them. Schade.

ChatGPT said:
Creating a playable race in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) inspired by the fraal from Alternity and d20 Future involves adapting their traits and abilities to fit within the AD&D mechanics. Here's a draft for a fraal playable race:


Ability Score Adjustments: Fraal are highly intelligent but physically frail. They receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence but a -2 penalty to Constitution.

Size: Fraal are taller than humans, standing around 6 to 7 feet tall, but their slender build makes them Medium-sized creatures.

Movement: Base movement speed is 30 feet.

Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 30 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.

Mental Prowess: Fraal have an innate affinity for intellectual pursuits and receive a +2 racial bonus on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Frail Physique: Due to their physical frailty, fraal have disadvantage on Strength-based ability checks and saving throws.

Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Alignment: Fraal characters tend to be neutral in alignment, valuing knowledge, discovery, and intellectual pursuits over moral or ethical concerns.

Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

Notes: This adaptation brings in the telepathy ability, the emphasis on intelligence, and the frailty of fraal while aligning with AD&D mechanics. Balancing their advantages with a penalty to Constitution and limitations in physical abilities attempts to maintain game balance within the AD&D system.

Creating homebrew content in AD&D often involves fine-tuning to ensure balance and fit within the game's mechanics. Experimenting with these traits in gameplay and seeking feedback from fellow players or forums specializing in AD&D homebrew might help refine and adjust these traits further.

Okay, so... wrong. But only wrong on Size. Correct this, and it regurgitates the whole response unprompted:

ChatGPT said:
Certainly! Adjusting the traits for the fraal in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons to accurately reflect their small stature:


Ability Score Adjustments: Fraal are highly intelligent but physically frail. They receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence but a -2 penalty to Strength.

Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Movement: Base movement speed is 25 feet.

Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 30 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.

Mental Prowess: Fraal have an innate affinity for intellectual pursuits and receive a +2 racial bonus on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Frail Physique: Due to their physical frailty, fraal have disadvantage on Strength-based ability checks and saving throws.

Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Alignment: Fraal characters tend to be neutral in alignment, valuing knowledge, discovery, and intellectual pursuits over moral or ethical concerns.

Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

Notes: Adjusting the size and movement speed to reflect the smaller stature of fraal while maintaining their telepathic abilities, intelligence-focused nature, and physical frailty. This modification aims to balance their abilities within the AD&D system while adhering to the traits specific to the fraal race.

Notice that with the change in size, it changed the ability score adjustments and removed the additional penalty to Strength-based skills. And... the reference to "disadvantage" and "Strength-based skills" in AD&D.

ChatGPT said:
Certainly! Adjusting the traits for the fraal in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons to accurately reflect their small stature:


Ability Score Adjustments: Fraal are highly intelligent but physically frail. They receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence but a -2 penalty to Strength.

Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Movement: Base movement speed is 25 feet.

Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 30 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.

Mental Prowess: Fraal have an innate affinity for intellectual pursuits and receive a +2 racial bonus on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Frail Physique: Due to their physical frailty, fraal have disadvantage on Strength-based ability checks and saving throws.

Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Alignment: Fraal characters tend to be neutral in alignment, valuing knowledge, discovery, and intellectual pursuits over moral or ethical concerns.

Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

Notes: Adjusting the size and movement speed to reflect the smaller stature of fraal while maintaining their telepathic abilities, intelligence-focused nature, and physical frailty. This modification aims to balance their abilities within the AD&D system while adhering to the traits specific to the fraal race.

Ask it about class and level restrictions:

ChatGPT said:
In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D), the class and level limitations for races varied to maintain balance within the game. However, for a custom race like the fraal, their class options and level limits might not be explicitly stated in the rulebooks. Typically, the Dungeon Master (DM) would decide these limitations to ensure game balance.

Given the fraal's emphasis on intellect and their physical frailty, here are some suggested class limitations and level considerations:

Classes Fraal May Advance In:

1. Mage/Wizard: Fraal would excel in arcane spellcasting due to their high intelligence. Their mental prowess and telepathy could complement their abilities in the arcane arts.

2. Illusionist: Their inclination towards mental abilities might make them adept illusionists, utilizing their telepathy to deceive and manipulate.

3. Psionicist: Since fraal possess telepathic abilities, they could delve into the psionic arts, possibly following a path similar to a psionicist or psychic warrior.

Level Limits for Fraal:

Considering their small size, mental acumen, and frailty, the level limits could vary depending on the class:

- Mage/Wizard/Illusionist: The fraal's high intelligence might allow them to progress relatively far in these classes, potentially reaching higher levels compared to other races, up to around level 10 or 12.

- Psionicist: Given their innate telepathic abilities, the level limit might extend slightly further, possibly up to level 12 to 14.

These level limits are hypothetical and intended to balance the fraal's abilities within the AD&D system. The final decision on class limitations and level caps would depend on the DM's discretion and the specific campaign's setting and balance considerations.

Legit. By default, every AD&D race gets Fighter and Cleric, but fraal have compelling reasons not to.

Asked about multiclassing:

ChatGPT said:
In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D), the rules around multiclassing for specific races were outlined in the core rulebooks, but they didn't explicitly cover every conceivable race due to the vast array of possibilities in the game. The possibility of multiclassing for a custom race like the fraal would typically fall under the purview of the Dungeon Master (DM) to maintain balance and consider the race's characteristics.

Given the fraal's emphasis on intelligence and their telepathic abilities, here's a suggestion regarding multiclassing:

Potential Multiclass Options for Fraal:

1. Mage/Wizard + Psionicist/Illusionist: A fraal character might be able to multiclass as a mage/wizard and either a psionicist or an illusionist. This combination could reflect their innate mental abilities and their focus on arcane or psionic arts.

2. Mage/Wizard + Rogue/Thief: Fraal could also potentially blend their magical abilities with the skills of a rogue/thief, utilizing their intelligence for both magical prowess and stealthy, skill-based approaches.

The DM would need to assess the balance of such combinations, considering the advantages and limitations of each class and how they harmonize with the fraal's racial traits. Multiclassing decisions for fraal or any custom race should prioritize game balance and narrative coherence within the campaign setting.

So... they can be Mage/Thief or maybe Psionicist/Thief, but not single-classed Thief. May not have been what ChatGPT was trying to say... but it works, and can be modified by a human brain that knows it owns books.

Describe the fraal as a playable race in D&D 3rd Edition.

ChatGPT said:
Certainly! In the context of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, adapting the fraal as a playable race involves translating their traits and abilities to fit within the mechanics of that system. Here's a description of the fraal as a playable race in D&D 3rd Edition:


Ability Score Adjustments: Fraal are highly intelligent but physically frail. They receive a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence but suffer a -2 penalty to Strength.

Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Speed: Base speed is 30 feet.

Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.

Mental Prowess: Fraal have an innate affinity for intellectual pursuits and gain a +2 racial bonus on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Frail Physique: Due to their physical frailty, fraal have a -2 penalty to Constitution.

Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Alignment: Fraal characters tend to be neutral in alignment, valuing knowledge, discovery, and intellectual pursuits over moral or ethical concerns.

Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

Notes: These traits are designed to balance the advantages of the fraal's telepathy and intelligence with their physical frailty. The racial traits aim to capture the essence of the fraal race within the D&D 3rd Edition system while maintaining game balance.

This adaptation aligns the fraal with the mechanics of D&D 3rd Edition, incorporating their key abilities and limitations within the context of the game's ruleset. Adjustments may be necessary based on specific campaign settings or DM preferences to ensure balance and fit within the game.

It forgot the Favored Class.

In the context of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, there isn't an explicitly defined "favored class" for the fraal race in the core rulebooks. However, the concept of a favored class allows certain races to have a class that they're particularly inclined toward, granting them experience point bonuses or other advantages when leveling up in that class.

Given the fraal's emphasis on intelligence and mental abilities, the favored class for fraal characters might logically be the Wizard class. The fraal's inherent mental prowess and affinity for intellectual pursuits align well with the study of arcane magic and the pursuit of knowledge that the Wizard class embodies.

As a result, a DM might rule that when a fraal character selects Wizard as their class, they receive benefits such as additional skill points or other bonuses when gaining levels in that class, mirroring the favored class bonuses granted to other races in the game.

Ultimately, the determination of a fraal's favored class would be at the discretion of the Dungeon Master, considering the fraal's racial traits and the campaign's setting to ensure balance and coherence within the game mechanics.

ChatGPT is a little fuzzy on the difference between 3.X's favored class rules and Pathfinder's.

VK said:
Describe the fraal as a playable race in Pathfinder 1e, including Favored Class bonuses and three suggested class archetypes with a brief description of each.

ChatGPT said:
In Pathfinder 1st Edition, adapting the fraal as a playable race involves translating their traits and abilities to fit within the mechanics of that system. Here's a description of the fraal as a playable race in Pathfinder 1e, along with favored class bonuses and three suggested class archetypes:


Ability Score Adjustments: Fraal are highly intelligent but physically frail. They receive a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence but suffer a -2 penalty to Strength.

Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Speed: Base speed is 30 feet.

Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.

Mental Prowess: Fraal have an innate affinity for intellectual pursuits and gain a +2 racial bonus on all Intelligence-based skill checks.

Frail Physique: Due to their physical frailty, fraal have a -2 penalty to Constitution.

Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Alignment: Fraal characters tend to be neutral in alignment, valuing knowledge, discovery, and intellectual pursuits over moral or ethical concerns.

Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

Favored Class Bonuses: For fraal characters, the favored class bonuses could be as follows:

- Wizard: +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever the character gains a level in the Wizard class.

Class Archetypes:

1. Telepathic Savant (Wizard Archetype): This archetype focuses on enhancing the fraal's telepathic abilities and mastery of mental magic. They gain additional telepathic abilities, such as improved range or the ability to probe deeper into the minds of others. This archetype might grant special spells or abilities that exploit their telepathy for various effects.

2. Arcane Scholar (Alchemist Archetype): This archetype reflects the fraal's affinity for alchemy and arcane studies. It allows the fraal to blend their intelligence with alchemical concoctions, possibly granting them special formulae or discoveries related to mental enhancement or manipulation.

3. Mindblade (Magus Archetype): This archetype focuses on combining martial prowess with mental abilities. Fraal Mindblades might infuse their weapons with psychic energy, gaining powers that enhance their attacks or allow them to manipulate minds on the battlefield.

These suggested archetypes aim to align with the fraal's abilities and characteristics while providing thematic options for players to explore within Pathfinder 1st Edition. Adjustments and balance considerations might be necessary depending on specific campaign settings and the DM's preferences.

Certainly! Here are six alternative favored class bonuses for fraal characters in Pathfinder 1st Edition:

1. Sorcerer: +1/4 to the DC of spells with the mind-affecting descriptor cast by the sorcerer.
2. Rogue: +1/4 on Disable Device checks made to disarm magical traps.
3. Cleric: +1/4 to the DC of spells from the Charm subschool cast by the cleric.
4. Bard: +1/3 on Perform (Oratory) checks to fascinate creatures.
5. Alchemist: +1/4 to the DC of bombs' effects that cause confusion or mental debilitation.
6. Summoner: +1/4 to the duration of the summoner's eidolon's telepathy ability (maximum +5).

These favored class bonuses are designed to reflect the fraal's mental abilities, their affinity for magic, and their telepathic nature. They provide small but thematic benefits when leveling up in specific classes, adding depth to the character's abilities within Pathfinder's mechanics.

VK said:
What are the class abilities of the Telepathic Savant, the Arcane Scholar, and the Mindblade?

ChatGPT said:
Certainly! Here are brief descriptions of the class abilities for the suggested archetypes—the Telepathic Savant, the Arcane Scholar, and the Mindblade—for fraal characters in Pathfinder 1st Edition:

### Telepathic Savant (Wizard Archetype):

1. Telepathic Empathy: At 1st level, the Telepathic Savant gains the ability to detect the emotional state of creatures within 30 feet via telepathy. This ability allows the savant to sense basic emotions like fear, anger, or joy.

2. Mind Probe: Starting at 5th level, the Telepathic Savant can delve deeper into the thoughts of a target creature within 60 feet. They gain insight into the surface thoughts of the target, allowing the savant to glean information or detect hidden motives.

3. Telepathic Influx: At 10th level, the Telepathic Savant can momentarily overwhelm the minds of nearby creatures. Once per day, they can create a psychic burst, causing confusion or disorientation in creatures within a 20-foot radius.

### Arcane Scholar (Alchemist Archetype):

1. Mental Elixir: Beginning at 2nd level, the Arcane Scholar can brew elixirs that enhance mental faculties. These elixirs grant a +2 alchemical bonus to Intelligence-based skill checks for a limited duration.

2. Psychic Infusion: At 6th level, the Arcane Scholar learns to infuse their alchemical items with psychic energy. They gain access to special formulas that create items capable of affecting the minds of those they come into contact with.

3. Arcane Mnemonic: Upon reaching 10th level, the Arcane Scholar develops a mental mnemonic technique that allows them to retain additional spells in their memory. They can prepare one extra spell of each level they can cast per day.

### Mindblade (Magus Archetype):

1. Psionic Blade: Starting at 1st level, the Mindblade gains the ability to infuse their weapons with psychic energy, dealing additional damage on successful attacks. This damage increases as the Mindblade gains levels.

2. Mental Focus: At 5th level, the Mindblade can momentarily disrupt the focus of an opponent's mind. Once per day, they can attempt to inflict confusion or mental disorientation on a target creature they hit with their psionic blade.

3. Telekinetic Assault: Upon reaching 9th level, the Mindblade can unleash a barrage of telekinetic strikes, attacking multiple foes within reach with mental force, dealing damage to each target.

These class abilities aim to emphasize the fraal's telepathic nature, intelligence, and affinity for mental abilities while providing thematic options and unique mechanics within the Pathfinder 1st Edition framework. Adjustments may be needed for balance depending on campaign settings and DM preferences.

I did not expect it to get the correct class levels for each ability.

VK said:
Describe the fraal as a playable race in Pathfinder 2e.
ChatGPT said:
In Pathfinder 2nd Edition, creating a playable race involves determining ability score adjustments, unique abilities, and racial feats that align with the race's traits and lore. Here's a description of the fraal as a playable race in Pathfinder 2e, including racial feats:

### Fraal

#### Ability Score Adjustments:
  • Intelligence Boost: Fraal characters gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence, reflecting their exceptional mental acuity and telepathic abilities.
  • Strength Flaw: Due to their frail physique, fraal characters take a -2 penalty to Strength.

#### Size and Speed:
  • Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.
  • Speed: Base speed is 25 feet.

#### Traits:
  • Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.
  • Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

#### Racial Feats:
1. Psionic Resilience: Fraal characters gain resistance to mental effects. Once per day, they can gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves against a mental spell or effect.
2. Mental Probe: Fraal characters can attempt to probe the surface thoughts of a creature within 30 feet. This feat allows them to gain insights or clues from the target's thoughts once per day.
3. Telepathic Link: Fraal characters can establish a telepathic link with willing creatures, allowing for seamless mental communication over vast distances.

#### Other Features:
- Languages: Fraal begin play speaking Common and one additional language of their choice.

The racial feats provided focus on enhancing the fraal's telepathic abilities and mental resilience, allowing them to delve into the minds of others and establish connections beyond spoken language.

These traits and racial feats aim to capture the essence of the fraal race within Pathfinder 2nd Edition's mechanics while maintaining balance and thematic consistency. Adjustments can be made based on campaign settings or GM preferences to ensure they fit seamlessly into the game world.

I don't know. Looks close to me, but I'm not as familiar with PF2.

VK said:
Describe fraal as a playable race in D&D 5e. Suggest subraces.
ChatGPT said:
Certainly! Here's a description of the fraal as a playable race in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, along with suggested subraces:

### Fraal

#### Ability Score Increase:
  • Intelligence Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, reflecting your exceptional mental acuity and telepathic abilities.
  • Strength Penalty: Due to their frail physique, your Strength score decreases by 2.

#### Size:
- Small Size: Fraal are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

#### Speed:
- Base Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

#### Traits:
  • Telepathy: Fraal possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.
  • Low-Light Vision: Fraal can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

### Fraal Subraces:

#### 1. Eldritch Fraal
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Mental Discipline: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
  • Spell Knowledge: You know one additional cantrip from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.

#### 2. Psionic Fraal
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Telekinetic Talent: You gain the Mage Hand cantrip, which you can cast without material components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
  • Psychic Resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against psychic damage.

These subraces represent different specializations or variations among fraal, granting unique abilities while maintaining the race's telepathic nature and mental prowess. They offer players options for customization and playstyle preferences within the D&D 5th Edition framework. Adjustments can be made based on campaign settings or DM preferences to ensure they fit seamlessly into the game world.

VK said:
Describe fraal as a subrace of Gnome in D&D 5e.
ChatGPT said:
In a D&D 5th Edition setting, incorporating the fraal as a subrace of Gnome involves blending the gnome's traits with those specific to the fraal. Here's a depiction of the fraal as a subrace of Gnome in D&D 5e:

### Fraal Gnome

#### Ability Score Increase:
  • Intelligence Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, reflecting your exceptional mental acuity and telepathic abilities.
  • Strength Penalty: Due to their frail physique, your Strength score decreases by 2.

#### Size:
- Small Size: Fraal gnomes are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

#### Speed:
- Base Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

#### Gnomish Traits:
  • Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
  • Artificer's Lore: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magical items, alchemical objects, or technological artifacts, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.

#### Fraal Traits:
  • Telepathy: Fraal gnomes possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.
  • Low-Light Vision: Fraal gnomes can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

This depiction combines the innate traits of the gnome with the mental acuity and telepathic abilities of the fraal, creating a unique subrace that embodies both the whimsical nature of gnomes and the intellectual prowess of the fraal. Adjustments can be made based on campaign settings or DM preferences to ensure they fit seamlessly into the game world.

Well. That just didn't work at all.

VK said:
Propose a playable race for D&D 5e called "fraal" that combines elements of the gnome and fraal races.
ChatGPT said:
Absolutely, here's a proposed playable race for D&D 5e that merges elements of the gnome and fraal races, creating a unique and versatile character option: the "Fraal Gnome."

### Fraal Gnome

#### Ability Score Increase:
  • Intelligence Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, reflecting your exceptional mental acuity and telepathic abilities.
  • Strength Penalty: Due to their frail physique, your Strength score decreases by 2.

#### Size:
- Small Size: Fraal gnomes are Small-sized creatures, standing between 3 and 4 feet tall.

#### Speed:
- Base Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

#### Gnomish Traits:
  • Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
  • Artificer's Lore: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magical items, alchemical objects, or technological artifacts, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.

#### Fraal Traits:
  • Telepathy: Fraal gnomes possess telepathic abilities allowing them to communicate mentally with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is two-way and requires no shared language. However, creatures with resistance to telepathy or those immune to mind-affecting effects might resist this communication.
  • Low-Light Vision: Fraal gnomes can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

#### Subrace Options:

##### 1. Eldritch Fraal Gnome:
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Mental Discipline: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
  • Spell Knowledge: You know one additional cantrip from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.

##### 2. Psionic Fraal Gnome:
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Telekinetic Talent: You gain the Mage Hand cantrip, which you can cast without material components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
  • Psychic Resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against psychic damage.

### Summary:
The Fraal Gnome combines the playful nature and magical affinity of gnomes with the mental prowess and telepathic abilities of the fraal. It offers two distinct subraces, allowing players to choose between an eldritch-focused or a psionic-focused character, each with unique abilities reflecting their hybrid heritage.

This proposed race offers versatility in roleplaying and gameplay options, aligning with the traits of both gnomes and fraal while maintaining balance within the D&D 5th Edition system. Adjustments can be made based on campaign settings or DM preferences to ensure they fit seamlessly into the game world.

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Trust the Fungus
VK said:
We're going to be discussing D&D settings, based on Spelljammer and Rokugan d20.
ChatGPT said:
Absolutely, those are fascinating settings! Spelljammer introduces a cosmic aspect to D&D, allowing for spacefaring adventures and encounters across different worlds. The idea of sailing ships through the vastness of space is captivating, merging fantasy with a hint of science fiction. Rokugan, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in Japanese lore and culture, with samurai, honor, and intricate political and social systems. The fusion of these settings can create a unique blend of high fantasy and Eastern-inspired storytelling. What aspects or specifics are you interested in exploring or combining from these settings?
VK said:
Imagine a heliocentric Crystal Sphere. The sun is at the center.

Imagine each of the Great Clans and Minor Clans of Rokugan as a planet within that Sphere. Describe each planet's climate, biome, and native intelligent species.
ChatGPT said:
Creating a heliocentric Crystal Sphere with each Rokugani clan as a planet is a fascinating concept! Here's a speculative breakdown:

1. Crab Clan: This planet might have a harsh, rugged climate, with freezing temperatures and massive ice-covered mountains. Its biome could be a mix of tundra and frozen forests. The native intelligent species could be a race of hardy, yeti-like creatures adapted to the extreme cold.

2. Crane Clan: Picture a planet with diverse landscapes, including lush, colorful gardens and serene landscapes reminiscent of cherry blossom groves. The climate here would be temperate, with gentle breezes and warm, sunny days. The native intelligent species might be elegant, bird-like beings known for their artistry and grace.

3. Dragon Clan: This planet could be characterized by towering, mist-covered mountains, deep valleys, and ancient forests. The climate might vary significantly, from the icy peaks to the temperate valleys. Its native intelligent species might be wise, long-lived dragon-like creatures or shapeshifters closely attuned to nature.

4. Lion Clan: Imagine a planet dominated by expansive grasslands and savannas, with sweeping plains and occasional clusters of dense forests. The climate would be arid but not devoid of life. The native intelligent species could be proud, lion-like beings, skilled in combat and known for their loyalty.

5. Phoenix Clan: This planet could have a landscape characterized by ethereal, floating islands, surrounded by shimmering, magical energies. The climate might be highly magical, with ever-changing weather patterns and mystical phenomena. The native intelligent species could be beings of pure energy or mystical creatures attuned to the arcane.

6. Scorpion Clan: Picture a planet with dark, foreboding landscapes, shadowy forests, and twisting, labyrinthine caves. The climate here could be humid and gloomy, with perpetual mist and darkness. The native intelligent species might be enigmatic, insectoid beings adept at secrecy and manipulation.

7. Unicorn Clan: This planet might feature vast, open steppes and deserts, with sweeping plains and majestic, nomadic cities. The climate could be harsh, with scorching days and chilling nights. The native intelligent species could be horse-like beings, known for their speed, endurance, and deep spiritual connections.

As for the Minor Clans, each could be smaller moons or celestial bodies orbiting their respective Great Clan planet, perhaps sharing some traits but with their unique features and cultures.

This concept could provide a rich foundation for a unique campaign setting, blending the iconic elements of Rokugan with a cosmic, planetary framework. For more inspiration or world-building tips, exploring diverse mythology and scientific concepts might offer intriguing ideas.

Didn't come out as nice as I'd hoped.


Book-Friend, he/him
based on the playable Gnolls from the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons game, can you write a 5E D&D Gnoll Race using the style of Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse?


Gnolls are savage, hyena-like humanoids that roam the wilds of many worlds, hunting and scavenging for food and treasure. They are driven by an insatiable hunger that compels them to devour anything they can, especially living creatures. Gnolls are often followers of the demon lord Yeenoghu, the Beast of Butchery, who grants them a bloodthirsty frenzy in battle.

Gnoll Traits
Your gnoll character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age. Gnolls reach adulthood at 10 and live up to 30 years.

Alignment. Gnolls are usually chaotic evil, as they care only for their own survival and pleasure. Some gnolls may break away from their savage nature and adopt a more neutral or even good alignment, but they are rare and often shunned by their kin.

Size. Gnolls are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 280 and 320 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your speed and make a bite attack.

Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnoll. Gnoll is a harsh, guttural language that includes yelps, growls, and barks.

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