Thread Game: Change/Add/Subtract a Letter, Ruin a D&D Creature

Like the title says. Change one letter, add one letter, or subtract one letter to ruin a D&D monster!

Like the title says. Change one letter, add one letter, or subtract one letter to ruin a D&D monster!


Some examples:

Orcus => Porcus
Demogorgon => Depogorgon
Asmodeus => Asmopeus​

Post yours in the comments!

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Anybody else remember the threads on the old WotC forum where they were changing the names of the 3.5 splatbooks and feats? That was fun.

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Staff member
Green Slime => Preen Slime (living hair gel for giant kind)

Darkmantle => Dorkmantle (creature that preys on your psychic trauma derived from discussing its hobbies)

Ettin => Bettin (Giant, 2-headed compulsive gambler)


Staff member
Displacer Beast => Displacer Yeast (a 4th dimensional fungus essential to exotic breads and beers)

Displacer Beast => Misplacer Beast (a fey squirrel-like creature that steals and hides your stuff, then forgets where it put it)

Hybsil => Hybasil (a cousin of that fey, magically altered to be part minty flora)

Efreet => Efleet (among the fastest of all djinn, they only grant wishes to those who can catch them)

Ki-Rin => Hi-Rin (creatures of the celestial hierarchy responsible for greeting and employment opportunities)
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Displacer Beast => Misplacer Beast (a fey squirrel-like creature that steals and hides your stuff, then forgets where it put it)
Sorry for the digression, but that would actually be quite an amusing monster, one players would dread (in a similar way that fighters fear rust monsters). You would have to make it adorable and defenceless so PCs weren’t tempted to beat the life out of it.


Staff member
Sorry for the digression, but that would actually be quite an amusing monster, one players would dread (in a similar way that fighters fear rust monsters). You would have to make it adorable and defenceless so PCs weren’t tempted to beat the life out of it.
Big eyes and plush fur would be a must. And the players find out they’re cursed Kender...


Staff member
Wood Elves => Wood Gelves (bow-wielding sentient gummy denizens of the forests)

Dwarves => Dwaves (Masters of the short boards)

Halflings => Halflongs (halfling/dachshund people)

Orcs => Irks (touchy humanoids who are mildly peeved at all times)


Staff member
Aasimar => Baasimar (the celestial sheep that some outsiders count to fall asleep)

Erinyes => Eirinyes (mini-Furies who- one day every year- go around pinching people not wearing green)

Tieflings => Thiefling (the offspring of evil outsiders and Kender)

Death Knight => Heath Knight (a mystic warrior who defends sacred lands, with a body of living plants animated by the mind of a warrior who sacrificed himself to do so)

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