ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign


Bonds of Forced Faith, pt. 1

After reliving the experience of one of Stanfield's many deaths, we suddenly find ourselves in different personalities than before. Among them are King Lorcan, inhabited by Carlyle, who is accompanied by Green Knight Dame Melissa, inhabited by Auryn, as well as Harkover Lee and a Godhand called Tomas Masarick. The four of them are on their way to the estate of the “Mayor” of Flint, who is actually Stanfield, reincarnated.

All four are welcomed by Stanfield who seems to be both desperate and relieved that the King is finally taking matters in his own hands. Lorcan promises that he has heard the cries of the citizens of Flint, which is why he came to fight the witches with his own hands. Carlyle however understands the King's inner workings and sees that Lorcan is tired of his job and seeking for a successor as well as the fact that the Kings feels the need to prove his worth one more time.

Stanfield ignores any subtle twitches of the King however as he has far more important matters at hand. He introduces himself as the representative of the desperate people of Flint who are currently being terrorized by a coven of witches. The witches, he explains, have established their domain atop the “green hill” which is now dubbed “Cauldron Hill” or “Witch Hill”. They had been in hiding for several decades at first, but became much bolder over time. He tried to take care of their looming presence, but had been killed thrice so far. So he is quite thankful that King Lorcan finally listened to his pleas for help.

The King replies that it is his job as Sovereign of Risur to take care of powerful, magical foes and that the brave citizens of Flint will be able to live in peace again soon. Tomas Masarick adds that he has joined the King's quest as Crisillyir has to take its responsibility this case of witch infestation as the “Comtessa”, one of the witches, is a former Crisillyiri who got exiled for her blasphemous acts. He adds that, had she been burned at the stake as usual and not treated with mercy, the people of Flint would have been safe from her heinous acts. Especially as he suspects that she is currently using magic that she stole from one of the most forbidden vaults of his home nation: The Crypta Heraeticorum.

(Oh my... this place is coming back again and again)

Tomas briefly explains that one of the rituals she stole is one that'd give her the ability to tie her own life force to that of others, thus making her really hard to kill. Stanfield confirms that the Comtessa is wielding strange magic unknown to Risuri mages and adds that she is also very capable in the field of Blood Magic per se. He then explains the abilities of her fellow witches Deliria, who is a skilled illusionist, and Pernicity, who can summon and command both Fey and Undead.

Lorcan is eager to get this job done, but Stanfield insists to wait for Rachel Lang, a Skyseer who would be their guide to the Hill and who appears to be running late. But before the woman arrives, the group witnesses one very unusual event: The arrival of a Danoran steam vessel in Flint Harbor.

As no one expected the Danoran's arrival, King Lorcan sends a slightly piqued Dame Melissa as his emissary to look for the Danoran's intentions and hail them while the rest continues their wait for Rachel Lang. Auryn senses that Dame Melissa is a bit torn by feeling a sense of pride to be chosen as Lorcan's emissary and her fear that King Lorcan and Harkover Lee might be discussing something important in her absence. She also gets a sense of rivalry from Melissa towards Lee, which she finds a bit amusing given the fact that she knows more about the true nature of the King's advisor.

When she arrives at the harbor, Dame Melissa is surprised to see a single Tiefling Lady leaving the enormous ship. She introduces herself in a very friendly and formal manner as Amielle Latimer, member of a scientific community which wishes to establish a collaboration with Risur and leave the nation's squabbles in the past. She adds that she knows about the King's mission to deal with the nasty witches and stresses out that she has important information that may be crucial to the mission's success. Dame Melissa is very much skeptical at first, and so are the risuri bystanders, but she is willing to listen to this information and share it with King Lorcan and the rest of the crew.

So Dame Melissa takes Amielle to the Mayor's estate where she introduces herself once again. She then quickly explains that she knows about the lunar eclipse that's taking place this evening, an event which is casually called as a “blood moon”. Amielle adds that on top of this bad omen, there are also various stellar and planetar constellations that would greatly empower any skilled wielder of blood magic.

Stanfield agrees to this assessment as his reports show hints that the witches would be working on some grand ritual which may be connected to the eclipse.

“Well isn't that great... the Crisillyiri and Danorans seem to know more about our local problems than the Risuri scholars.”, Lorcan remarks snarkily. “And where the bloody hell is this Skyseer? I don't remember that 'making the king wait' is a local Flintish custom, Mayor Stanfield...”

“I don't wish to add oil to the fire, my King, but the connection between a 'bood moon' and a 'blood witch' are quite obvious, don't you think?”, Dame Melissa adds with a sigh.

But before the Green Knight can add any more sass to her statement, she is interrupted by a loud explosion. Then the small group can see a grand column of smoke coming from the harbor and all of them hurry to the front door of the estate. From the front window, they can see that the smoke is actually coming from the Danoran ship and Amielle Latimer is horrified to see her beautiful vessel in flames.

She urges the party to rush to the harbor, but the moment they open the front door, they are confronted by a bunch of Flinter citizens. The murmur something about having a witch in a boat when suddenly one of them takes out a knife and slits his own throat.

As the group watches in terror as the man falls over and dies, the blood gushing from his neck takes on the form of a beautiful woman with lush locks. She calls herself the “Red Comtessa”, Lady of Cauldron Hill. The Comtessa explains that she came to congratulate King Lorcan to his birthday and adds that this birthday will mark the day of his retirement as he has never taken the needs of his citizens seriously, lest of all the citizens of Flint. People she deeply cares for. Which is why from now on, she will be Queen of Risur.

As she utters these words, Dame Melissa cuts off the blood-witches' head.

“Impertinent bitch should watch her bloody mouth”, she spits out and nods to King Lorcan. As the woman's figure dissolves to a puddle of blood again, Harkover Lee points out that there is indeed some ruckus coming from the direction of Parity Lake, which might be related to the “witch in the boat” the crazed people mentioned earlier. Lorcan agrees that all of this is troublesome news and that they should definitely look into this “witch” report. After all, order has to be restored and Parity Lake could be a good starting point.

(Dame Melissa pulling the same move on the Comtessa's image as Cuin and Tinu did on Pilus' clones during our WotBS campaign in adventure #11. Every time he tried to give a speech they just cut him in half :D)

The group now consisting of King Lorcan, Dame Melissa, Harkover Lee, Roland Stanfield, Amielle Latimer and Brother Tomas hurries towards Parity Lake where they see a group of Flinter locals who are busy firing burning arrows at a boat. Stanfield is shocked to see that the person they are firing at is no one else but Rachel Lang, the missing Skyseer.

King Lorcan calls out to the citizens and states that, should there be a dangerous witch in this boat, it would be his job as King to deal with this mistress of the occult. Which is why they should take cover and leave everything else to him and his entourage. Some of them back down immediately, but several others, including husky Pete, have to be pushed by Dame Melissa to give their King the necessary attention.

One by one the people of Flint withdraw and the team boards one rather small ship to get closer to Rachel Lang. Just when everyone is ready to go, Pete turns into a witch and signals a group of trolls that were hiding among the other abandoned boats to attack the party. Tomas is the first to react. He instantly jumps at the witch and buries her in wild punches. To his horror, the still present crowd takes some bruises from his attacks despite being a good distance away. Few of them run away in panic, but almost twenty people appear to be frozen in awe despite being hurt.

Tomas remembers this effect as part of the ritual Bonds of Forced Faith and he informs the others that attacking the woman could be lethal to the innocent citizens she bound herself to. The witch, who calls herself sister Deliria, laughs in amusement and throws an anti-firemagic-curse at Harkover Lee, but Tomas redirects the curse at himself. Now it is Harkover who grins at the witch and releases a massive firebolt-volley at the trolls.

“You know what they say about these trolls... they burn quite well”, he says and signals the King and Dame Melissa that he has their backs. King Lorcan then jumps at one of the trolls and engages him in melee combat while Dame Melissa buries her spear in the head of another one. Meanwhile, Tomas tries to grapple the witch but isn't really successful. Amielle tries shooting at the trolls but doesn't do much harm while Stanfield duplicates and fires more magic at them.

As soon as the swampy creatures are dealt with, Dame Melissa summons her stag mount, teleports behind Sister Deliria and catches her with a net. She then nods to Tomas and points towards the lake. The Godhand then grabs the witch and drowns her in the lake. To everyone's relief this doesn't cause more harm to the enchanted citizens of Flint. Moreso, the enchantment wears off the moment the witch dies. King Lorcan calms them down and promises to take care of the whole witch problem for them so they can all go back to sleep.

Roland Stanfield then signals Rachel Lang that she may now safely return to the shore and meet up with the group. Rachel asks her company to row her back and is really grateful for this swift rescue. She apologizes for being late to the appointment, but y'know, there wasn't really much she could have done against this angry mob. She repays the rescue by healing Stanfield's wounds and then talks about the vision she had most recently: In this vision, she saw victory for the King, but that victory happened after the witches' ritual. Which is why they should wait till morning for their attack on the witche's lair atop Cauldron Hill... unless they want to risk a calamity that is.

Now this is a real quandary as the group is faced by two contradictory advices. King Lorcan tries to listen to his gut and feels that he'd rather go with the traditional Risuri Skyseer who had served her city for years than with the Danoran “scientist” and the foreign religious zealot. Dame Melissa, who seems to be opposing King Lorcan for nothing else than to stand out herself, argues that it might still be necessary to climb the mountain as soon as possible. After all, this is a “blood moon” and the witches will be able to draw power from their ritual.

Rachel Lang understands and agrees to their plan as long as the King orders her to lead them. King Lorcan finally agrees and Rachel offers them a protective ritual including blood, herbs and milk. They gratefully agree, but then Dame Melissa is overcome with a quick sting in her head. In what appears to be flashes of images scattered through time, she understands that these are also components of a witches' ritual.

(Tiz had it be Auryn's presence that acted as the catalyst for Dame Melissa to unlock the knowledge Auryn had previously gained from Mayor Macbannin. Wibbly woobly timey stuff of two people connected to the fey and bound by the Arc of Reida's planar magic. Which was way more awesome than the really well rolled nature check)

Dame Melissa takes Roland Stanfield aside and shares her fear that Rachel might somehow be bewitched or even in league with the witches and the Mayor discreetly checks the Skyseer for unusual magic. Unfortunately, he cannot find any illusions on the woman. So both Mayor and Green Knight are not really sure on how to act: Either they'd accuse an innocent woman of witchcraft or they might doom them all by letting a witch put a spell on them all.

Then, all of a sudden, an old fisherman walks by. He takes a curious look at Dame Melissa's stag and tries to pet the steed's head. And to Melissa's surprise, the stag rears his head towards the stranger.

“What a beautiful creature. Take good care of him”, the fisher man says and continues his walk. Without any warning, the stag then leaps at Rachel Lang and lowers its antlers, ready for attack. In return, Rachel Lang tries to throw a curse at King Lorcan, but Tomas is ready to intercept this curse once again.

“Careful, King Lorcan, she's a witch!” Dame Melissa shouts and charges towards Rachel. Tomas then trips Rachel with his hooked chain and King Lorcan hacks at the witch. Rachel understands that fighting here would be futile, so she transforms into a raven and tries to fly away. But she is stopped by a well-placed rapier stab from Amielle Latimer and a jab from Dame Melissa's lance.

After Rachel Lang's death, King Lorcan turns towards Roland Stanfield and demands an explanation why their trusted guide would turn out to be a traitor to Risur. Lorcan calls this a “conspiracy of witches” which has taken roots in the heart of Flint and through which the witches were able to gain information about Stanfield, his plans and his weaknesses. Stanfield is very much embarrassed by all of this and vows that he had no idea that his trusted Skyseer would be one of the coven.

Dame Melissa the ever sarcastic one points out that she now understands why the witches have had such an easy time killing the poor Mayor again and again. She then takes King Lorcan aside and whispers that, should every Danoran turn out to be as informed and clever as this Amielle Latimer, Risur would have a lot to catch up to.

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Was it just the two players for Dame Melissa and King Lorcan, or did you have anyone else playing?

Also, I'm curious about the fisherman. Coincidence? Nicodemus in disguise? Some manifestation of Triegenes? Cultural reference I'm not getting?


Don't worry, he will return with more explanation in part 2. He's an old friend :)

We split the party's characters into two batches, but Auryn and Carlyle specifically entered Melissa and Lorcan. I had Stanfield and Tomas while Carlyle's player had Harkover Lee and Amielle.
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Bonds of forced faith pt. 2

The group now finally starts their ascent to Cauldron Hill. Dame Melissa, being the only one with a steed, takes it as her job to scout ahead and look for signs of undead. After a while, she spots a person bound to a stake, rides a bit closer and hears faint moaning. So she returns to the group and warns them of the danger ahead. The rest of the group advances towards the presumed corpse with all proper caution. As soon as he sees the face of the now-undead person, Stanfield exhales a short gasp as this is one of the people who accompanied him during his last expedition.

The King kills off the undead with a precise shot of his bow and then promises Stanfield to take care of all the witches' victims as soon as the immediate danger is dealt with.

The path is getting much harder to traverse now, so King Lorcan calls upon his royal connection to the land to ease it up for the rest of the group. Meanwhile, Harkover uses his super strength to help here and there without drawing too much attention on how he's done that. Tomas makes good use of his undead radar, and combined with Stanfield's very good eyesight, they can spot a group of specters approaching before they can really see what's going on. So all of the group manage to find a good hiding place (built and reinforced by King Lorcan) in time and they let the undead fly past them.

This way, the team reaches a small plateau where they see shining flames in the distance. Knowing that this must either be the hideout of one of the witches, a trap or both, they decide to stay hidden and watch the scenery from afar. After a while, they spot more corpses bound to burning stakes and dancing dark fey who tend the flames. And then they see a young witch, sitting on top of a cauldron, humming a silly song. Tomas is about to charge at the witch when Stanfield spots more cages with hostages and he urges the Godhand to reconsider his plans as he doesn't want him to sacrifice his citizens.

The team discusses their strategy and finally settle on Lorcan going in first with a silencing shot and having Tomas then drag her away from the hostages. Fortunately, Lorcan's shot is on mark and Tomas manages to wrestle the witch down. But then, to his surprise, the ground turns out to be made of burned corpses coming alive. And the corpses begin to grapple him as well. Meanwhile, the dark fey all gang up on the poor Godhand and throw their barrages of flames at him. Amielle understands that this situation is looking very dire for Tomas, so she throws a grenade at the fey and undead. Stanfield splits up again and summons his loremaster to unleash a barrage of spells at the fey while Dame Melissa singles out other fey to mow down with her steed. Harkover Lee uses a dispel on the Witch after he saw that she isn't really impressed by fire magic, but he only manages to unravel her spell of youthfulness. Which makes the witch turn rather old and seemingly more appropriate for her presumed age.

(oh my, the creepy kid witch archetype)

Tomas remains stalwart in pinning down the witch, Sister Pernicity, and Harkover Lee rushes to his aid, bringing along a rope to tie her up. Meanwhile, the rest of the party deals with the fey and undead. Harkover and Tomas then drag the witch out of reach for her Bonds of Forced Faith ritual and King Lorcan decapitates her without harming the hostages. Stanfield frees them all and asks them to take shelter in Pernicity's hut and stay hidden until the Red Comtessa has been dealt with. They are really grateful to see both their Mayor and their King coming to their aid and do as they've been told.

Being confronted with that many undead, Tomas offers to anoint the weapons of his comrades with holy water from the channels of Alais Primos. Amielle si a bit skeptical at first as she fears that the water may ruin her gunpowder, but she still agrees to dip her bullets in the holy substance. The weather now turns bitterly cold and Dame Melissa protects all of the more vulnerable people with her endure elements spell. King Lorcan continues to support the ascent with his earth magic and after what feels like an eternity the group finally arrives at the top of Cauldron Hill.

They all know that this is where the Red Comtessa, mastermind behind all this, has established her lair, and so they approach with stealth and caution. Stanfield summons his loremaster who casts a spell to scout the location from all sides. He then shares what he learned through his magic with the others: First, there are more fey, which will most likely mean more fire. There are also several witches dancing around a cauldron, which might be part of the Comtessa's ritual. A chimera-like creature guards the witches, and he describes the beast as a lion with a snake-like mane.

(that one sounds... oddly familiar)

Stanfield continues to state that the Comtessa holds more people captive who are being guarded by specters. So the group discusses all possible options and decide to go all out on the Red Comtessa as this might be the only chance to stop her. Especially Stanfield knows that this is payback time and he cannot hold back after all he and Flint have lost. So he summons all of his incarnations and offers to team up with Tomas against the fey and the specters. Lee is ready to unleash a fiery barrage on the witches without harming the Comtessa as he doesn't want to harm the prisoners.

That's actually all the planning they need before they spread out as Amielle is more of an independent agent anyway (she also swears to not harm the prisoners) while the King and Dame Melissa will take on single targets one by one.

The actual battle starts with one surprise fireball from Harkover Lee which turns all of the dancing witches to cinders. This tells the Comtessa that her guests of honor have finally arrived. So she orders the fey to attack whoever comes close. She then spots Amielle and Harkover Lee and throws a lightning bolt into their general direction. Amielle is able to roll aside, but Harkover gets hit by the full blow and withdraws. Meanwhile, the fey throw their fire at the King, Tomas and Dame Melissa who retaliate in melee combat. Melissa then sees that being too close to the others may be too much of a risk, so she charges at the chimera while Stanfield harasses the fey from a distance. He directs his counselor to support the group and lets his warrior go into melee as well.

Tomas sees that Harkover Lee is badly burnt from the lightning bolt and heals him with his healing fist. Lee recovers and continues his rain of fire on the fey. Amielle stays at a safe distance and shoots at the fey with her revolver, but with little success. Melissa keeps her one-on-one with the snake-maned lion, but she takes some blows and bites in the process. King Lorcan and the Stanfields engage in a heavy battle with the fey and the Comtessa tries to bring down the King with a curse. But she didn't expect the intervention of Tomas, who takes the full effect upon himself.

(We should call him Tomas the martyr at this point... he intercepted every single curse in this adventure. Most times he made his save, but he wasn't too lucky in the final battle.)

“Damn your bloody gods of the Clergy! They shall all rot in hell!” she screams.

Tomas ignores her curses and teams up with Dame Melissa and Amielle Latimer to put an end to the chimera. Stanfield and Harkover Lee withdraw again and agree to free the prisoners first as they might have to fight the Red Comtessa directly. Together, they eliminate the specters and Harkover Lee shatters the risuric knot with one of his spells.

The Red Comtessa tries to curse the King again, this time with a stunning curse, and Tomas intercepts again. Unfortunately, he takes on the full effect once again and falls to the ground. Things aren't looking too well for the team right now as the cauldron all of a sudden seems to gain a consciousness of its own and starts hopping down the Hill.

But then, a storm rises seemingly from out of nowhere and a single lightning strikes the Hill. With the roaring thunder that follows, a huge stag steps on the top of the Hill. He rears his head and lightning emerges from its body, imbuing the weapons of the Green knight and King Lorcan. Another flash strikes Harkover Lee's chest, invigorating his magical abilities. Melissa's stag turns its head towards the mythical creature which is when Melissa realizes that this fey stag must be connected to the man she saw earlier. Auryn however instantly realizes the true nature of the “Old Stag”, giving Melissa the uncanny feeling that this one would be somehow a kind of guardian spirit.

The stag then turns to the group of frightened captives, who have since been released by Stanfield and Lee. It calms them down somehow and leads them away from the site of battle.

(Yeah, this is no one else but a prior incarnation of the Storm Fey known as Old Stag or Guardian of the Threshold. The fisherman was the human form he was reincarnated into at the time, the stag is his spirit form and his magic is tied to lightning. He obviously may not interfere directly in this case which is why he resorts to influencing and empowering)

Harkover Lee uses his replenished magic to throw a final fireball at the fey, which is enough to kill them off. He then tries to dispel the moving cauldron but isn't successful. Amielle and Melissa then try to stop the cauldron together: Amielle starts by throwing a grenade at the thing which sends it flying through the air. Dame Melissa throws her lance at the flying cauldron, the lightning that surrounded her weapon strikes the object and the cauldron falls down the cliff with a bang. Meanwhile, King Lorcan fights against the pillars at the ritual site which seem to come alive as well.

The Red Comtessa is very much surprised by this turn of events. She throws another lightning bolt at King Lorcan, but he isn't too impressed. As soon as the prisoners are out of sight, the group agrees to take on the Comtessa together. They kill her and then disassemble the moving pillars one by one.

King Lorcan and the rest are very much intrigued by the sudden appearance and disappearance of the mysterious stag.

“The presence of the Fey must be really strong here, and they didn't like what the witches were doing”, Dame Melissa guesses.

They move down the Hill after a long, hard battle and rescue all of the previously captive citizens of Flint. The first group they find, the ones guided by the stag, explain that the creature vanished into a gust of wind after they arrived at a safe distance from the battle, but they also don't know more about it.

After being finally rid of the witches and their dark magic, King Lorcan is finally able to celebrate his birthday. He uses it as an opportunity to step down from his role as King and names Dame Melissa his successor. Stanfield promises to never forget what the King had done for him and Flint that day and he openly thanks Lorcan for his support.

The memory then ends and we all find ourselves back inside the Navras Opera house, slowly recovering from the experience we just had.

(So that's our Bonds of Forced Faith!

I must say that it would work really phenomenal as a standalone adventure, especially with a larger group. Many of the playable characters have really creative power suites that are unique to them and don't stick to y'olde character class restrictions... which I totally love! I fear that Amielle might have gotten the short end of the stick, which wasn't too bad in our case, but she could need a bit of a beef up in comparison to the others. Also, we kept the party rivalry pretty civil and I know it would be much more fun in a one-shot. That last battle was really intense as well... we had a streak of bad luck, so Tiz helped us out a bit with the Stag... he just didn't want to re-write his canon with a dead Harkover Lee ;) )

(As written, Harkover has a contingency spell that teleports him away so his attendants can heal him, explicitly so that it doesn't create a temporal paradox.)


the Stag and the Matriarch

Kasvarina is very much surprised and confused by this memory event as she doesn't remember being part of this expedition, even though she somehow knows Amielle Latimer. To explain what could have happened, Carlyle theorizes that the Arc's power could be not solely limited to people, but could also extend to places. After all, he knows certain spells that can connect him to events that happened in a certain place in the past. And if Kasvarina, the current wearer of the Arc, was having a strong, emotional memory that connected her with the man who built the Opera, a house that is known for its recording properties, the link could probably arc over to Flint as a whole.

As to why the time of the Witches was chosen, he guesses that it might have something to do with that being the event that tied all of Flint's citizens together in a communal memory. Oh, and he'd have it ingrained in the memory of his part self as well. Kasvarina seems satisfied by this explanation, but chooses to remove the artifact from her head for now.

We then talk about each of our experiences and we finally find our that each of us shared the experience of a different person: Gabriel inhabited King Lorcan while Auryn connected with Dame Melissa and Kasvarina was linked to Amielle Latimer. We don't know why each of us ended up in these personae, so we discuss their intrinsic personalities and what we've learned about them.

Gabriel puts his hat in the ring first as he states that King Lorcan was a very conflicted man, but also one who lived for his royal duty despite all odds and circumstances. He says that the King was in a very depressed state as he was losing the backing of the general populace of Risur after his losses in the second Yerasol War. So his quest to defeat the Witches was actually a gambit to set things right one way or the other: either by succeeding and restoring the faith of the people in him before passing the crown or by dying a heroic death. He'd still consider him a good monarch despite his flaws. Then he adds that this case, for the first time ever, made him question the system of royal power in Risur:

“I always believed that the fact that a King is only as strong as the support he is given by the Risuri would ensure a just rule, but the case of King Lorcan revealed a fatal, exploitable flaw. One that the Comtessa was almost able to abuse when she was the one who tried to offer 'protection' to the citizens of Flint. It only takes one really skilled demagogue to bring a Monarch to fall and I shiver when I think about this possibility”.

(And yes, he had the Obs in mind as he knew that Nicodemus was one charismatic leader.)

Auryn is next to talk about her experiences with Dame Melissa Amarie. She first explains the concept of the Green Knight to Kasvarina and then adds that this particular Green Knight seemed to be really close to her King. A relationship that isn't a given, as the current King is much more closely tied to his adviser than to Dame Jillian.

(we omitted his name as we didn't want to push Kasvarina nose first into the fact that this adviser could be the very same “Harkover Lee” from 200 years ago which would most certainly raise more questions)

Other than that, Dame Melissa very much seemed like a career-driven woman who definitely wanted to become Queen. Auryn got the feeling that this is what Melissa Amarie had been working towards over decades. She doesn't condemn this drive as she herself had been taught to be ambitious and the best version of herself, so she'd rather laud the Green Knight's determination. However, Melissa was way too focused on herself, which is what might have easily caused her to lose the essence of what being Queen truly means: To be a paragon and protector of your people. And this is what Lorcan managed to show her by his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of his people. She then adds that the fight against the witches and the help of Amielle Latimer and Tomas had shown Melissa that following a strictly traditional risuri path could lead to a dead end.

Kasvarina then says that she didn't learn too much from Amielle, but she did get that the Tiefling was sent on a mission and that this involved showing off the evolving danoran technology to Risur in a non-hostile way. We tell Kas that we know that the Amielle of now would be a ghost in league with the Obs, so that would make perfect sense.

Kas then asks about the strange stag and states that she had never seen any creature with these kinds of power. Auryn explains that the Stag is one of the many forms of one of Flint's guardians, and that the old man who whispered to Dame Melissa's steed was the human incarnation of this guardian.

“He is undeniably a fey creature, how strange...” Kasvarina says.

“And he has close ties to the Unseen Court, even if they are the one who exiled him to the Waking lands in the first place”, Auryn adds.

She then tells Kasvarina about Vekesh and what he could have meant when he scolded her for the “perversion of his name”: After all, Kasvarina is said to be the founder of the group called the Vekeshi, a group that has done so much more than simply defending and bringing home eladrin women. By seeking revenge, Vekesh would have been under the impression that these “Vekeshi” who used his name and cause as a pretext would lead his efforts of restoration and peace ad absurdum as following the path of revenge was the last thing that he'd wanted.

She thinks about the Flinter circle for a while and then states that it would have been both Vekesh's influence and the guidance of the Guardian that influenced the more peaceful path of the Vekeshi of Flint.

“I still don't understand why I would have turned completely against my and Vekesh's ideals... but alas, I'm tired and I need rest.”, Kasvarina whispers, being totally worn out by the experience. We respect the Matriarch's restraints and Gabriel spontaneously invites her to be a guest in his home. So we all call it a day and return to our home in Stray River.

The next day, we all share a good breakfast and then Auryn excuses herself as she has to visit a dear old friend of hers who has been suffering from ill health for quite a while. Gabriel agrees to show Kasvarina more of Flint for the time being.

So Auryn heads off to the Dawkins' estate and is instantly invited to a second breakfast by Milena. Morris joins his wife this time, indicating that his condition has increased a lot since last time. Auryn is very glad to see him getting better, but he warns her through subtle hints that things might just turn worse as the source of his problem is still looming around.

(of course he's talking about the Obs and their ritual that is about to shatter the planar boundaries)

Aruyn and Morris Dawkins then retreat to the Dawkins' beautiful garden to discuss the recent turn of events. She tells Morris that she and Carlyle are on the lookout for more information regarding the ritual and the Obs which is why they are trying to restore her ancestor Kasvarina's memories about the Obs' schemes, who is currently suffering from amnesia.

Dawkins is very much shocked to hear this name spoken out loud after so many years.

“So she returned to Flint despite being expelled and warned to never return back here?!”

Now it is Auryn who is really surprised by her friend's reaction.

“Expelled? How? When? And even if, I doubt that she remember that event. She barely remembers...anything about the past five centuries. But she wants to sets things right.”
“That's what she always claims. She and her ways are dangerous. Too dangerous.”

“She is harmless. Even less my ancestor and more of a sister, in desperate need for guidance.”

Dawkins sighs finally, takes Auryn's hands and squeezes them gently.

“I trust your judgment. But please, be careful . If she would do anything that could harm the Vekeshi or you, then I'd doubt I would hold back a second time.”

Auryn thanks Morris for his trust and apologizes for the trouble she and Kasvarina already caused.

“But, you know, she is my family after all. And I'd do anything to help her find a new path and a new self. Just like you are part of my family and I'd do anything should you ever need my help.”

Dawkins seems really touched by her last words as Auryn is the closest person to thins incarnation, besides Milena of course. He tells her that there might be a time when he'd really need her help as this incarnation only has a few decades left at best, and she will be still in her prime when the cycle starts anew. Morris explains that he is always being reborn as a baby boy without any knowledge of his past lives, and that the Vekeshi will be without a leader in this time. Which is why he'd ask her to lead the covenant of Flint in his absence.

“I know that your ideals and mine align, and you'd be able to keep the spirit of the true Vekeshi alive. As for me, my next self will be guided by dreams once I come of age. So I will already be a young man when I finally realize who I truly am.”

Auryn is very much touched by Morris' trust in her abilities and she promises to take good care of the Vekeshi of Flint. She also vows to find him again in the future and that their friendship will last for longer than one lifetime.

(Anyone else feeling the Dax/DS9 and Avatar vibes here?)

Before Auryn leaves again, Morris recommends her to visit the charred rocks should she really wish to restore Kasvarina's memories. After all, this was the place where he fought her last time before he banned her from ever returning to Flint. He doesn't know what she had done next, but she could have been headed to Shale. Auryn thanks Morris for this valuable information and returns home to Carlyle's house.

(so it seems like our friendly neighborhood Stag had quite the history with Kasvarina... who would have guessed that? Also, I really like how Tiz expanded the story of Navras and the Fey Guardian here.)


Yeah, I recently re-read the Book 7 recaps, and they were awesome. I love the party dynamic and the way NPCs are realised. My love may be selfish, as I find inspiration in the specifics and they provide a sense of comfort (that everything will turn out okay, players will have fun, and there will be a story to write about).


Thanks you two. I have one recap in the making (which will be both a bit original and emotional as well as the end of session #50), but it isn't fully finished yet.
Will post it soon :)

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