TMP related question


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I need to request a favor regarding an idea that's been tossed around in my head. How is the best way to discuss this? Email, boards, a mixture of the both?

I'm sure you've posted this before, but I can't seem to find your contact information -_-;

Or I'm just being lazy. Either way, thanks for the repeat info.

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First Post

The Alley, this alley has no description, also I thought it was a combat room, is the Alley a combat room, or is it another place characters are allowed to congregate and RP at?

If so will there be a combat room in place some time?


First Post
The Alley is [NOT just a] combat room. People [do not have to] avoid RPing there [even] if it's not directed related to combat.

EDIT: Gabe has corrected me, see below! Thanks, Gabe! I was remembering the old original design. :)
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Foppish Technocrat
Actually it's a combination combat/outside room so it can be used for roleplay not directly related to combat provided it takes place in that alleyway and you are aware that combat can start at there at any time and has the "right of way" so to speak.

Laura Jarron

~muttered darkly~

Magi_Gabriel said:
Actually it's a combination combat/outside room so it can be used for roleplay not directly related to combat provided it takes place in that alleyway and you are aware that combat can start at there at any time and has the "right of way" so to speak.

In character: Don't remind me. I still can't breathe.

Out of character: Fortunately, it being an alleyway there's dumpsters. Those can be pretty good cover against small-arms fire if you can't get back in the club for some reason.


First Post

It went from a TMP related question, to what seems to be an anti-smoking and drinking campaign. Though I know it has nothing to do with it, but... its early... and I predict!

Next time, we are going to be rolling some die for how many tequila shots Laura is going to take before Gabriel gives into his urge to break out a smoke. o.o

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