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To be a psion in a non-psionic world


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I'm planning for my next character to be a psion (savant or nomad). Both the alternating DMs I play under say that's fine with them even though as yet they don't use psionics in their world.

Now, I don't expect them to start using psionic NPCs and monsters just because of me, which means that mostly, psionic combat will be out. I'd like to replace the psionic combat modes by bonus feats every two levels or so, but I haven't played or run psionic characters yet, so I'm finding it difficult to judge whether that will be balanced. Some of the psionic feats look pretty strong to me.

Have you replaced psionic combat in your game? Using feats or other abilities? With what success?

I'd be grateful for any comments.

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Since you're asking for my opinion, and you can ignore it:

I dont think you should be able to "replace" some of the stuff. Choose something else if you're wanting a more powerfull character. As it is, you should be slightly more powerfull than a standard character (thats why there is psi combat, to create some weakness that a psi must cover, and hence moderate their strengths).

On a side note, if you do drop psi combat, and your DMs/GMs do throw in an illithid "just" for you... what're you going to do? Loose ?

You'd then say its not fair because you dont have psi combat.


Maybe multiclass appropriately, and see if your DM will let you pick up feats in your other appropriate classes.


PS: Dont think i'm flaming you. Its just my opinion that I dont like all those PrC and custom classes that try to be "more" powerfull than any standard class... _without reason_.

Emphasis on the "without reason".


I agree with Tim.

From what I've seen of Bruce C.'s posts Psionic combat is supposed to be a balancer for the class, not a special ability.

Psionic combat is both frustrating and irritating to deal with. Be glad you won't have to do too much of it and leave it at that (my advise).

Without the threat of psionic combat most psions do quite well. if you want to do a bit of min-maxing add a few levels of psionic warrior. since they can take psionic feats as bonus feats you should do quite well.


First Post

My initial post must have been really unclear. If so, my apologies.

I am not at all interested in min-maxing.
Perhaps I should have stressed that. As I only GM most of the time, and for a group of players who are anything but min-maxers, the thought hadn't even occurred to me.

Thanks for trying anyway, guys.

Now, let me try to rephrase my question.

I am about to play a psionic character in a campaign that has been running for some time, in a homebrew world run by two alternating GMs. Their world does not have psionic NPCs in it, and it does not have a "psionic" feel. (I know because I have played a couple of sessions with a guest character.)

Nevertheless, both GMs told me that it would be okay for me to play a psion in their campaign.

I greatly appreciate that. They could have said no. I know from my own experience how difficult it can be to integrate a PC with a different style or feel into an ongoing campaign.
I don't want to "disturb the atmosphere" more than I have to. The kind of "magic" a psion works has a decidedly different feel from classic fantasy, I think we all agree on that.
Further, I don't want to make the GMs feel they have to accommodate for me by working in special "psionic combat" challenges for me on top of all the rest.

So I am going to suggest that I drop the whole psionic combat stuff. And my question to you in this situation is:

Did you ever do this in any game you ran or played in? If so, did you replace psionic combat with anything else? Feats? How did it work out?

MTIA for any replies to my reworded question.


The best thing you should do is take a look at the feat resculpt mind. I don't remember if it's on WotC's web site, Monte's web site, or in If Thoughts Could Kill... but it allows a psion to sacrifice his attacks and defenses for bonus feats. I'd say that's the most balanced method of doing what you describe.

Essentially, you take the feat (min. lvl something like third), then you have the option of changing other psionic combat modes into psionic feats. Works very well.

Sounds like you'll be having fun!
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In my campaign, I eliminated Psionc Combat, and give Bonus Feats at 1, 5th, 10, 15 and 20th level, similar to a Wizard.

Psionic Warriors are not in play yet, but I might consider them giving Bonus Feats like a Fighter, but that probably would be too much...

Some Psionic Combat Modes can be quite powerful - especially mind-blast. If you`d play a Telepath, you will love that, I think. :)

Mustrum Ridcully


That's Latin for "cool"
Moronic question time!

Why is it that terrible to leave psi combat in if everyone else is non-psi? All it does is ability damage. By the time the psi-guy wacks the beastie down wouldn't the rest of the party have killed it long since?


First Post
Thank you, Piratecat, Mustrum_Ridcully - that's the sort of advice I'm looking for.

Replacing psionic combat with feats looks like a cleaner solution to me, somehow.
Yet, on the other hand ... if other people follow my example, that campaign may slowly shift from non-psionic to psionic over time. In which case it would be a pity to prematurely have got rid of the psionic combat rules. Hmm.
I'll have a closer look at the resculpt mind feat and think some more.

Either way, I fully intend to have fun. :)
If psionics is as cool as I think now, I may start using psionics in my own campaign.

Keep it coming, please, I'm still reading!


First Post
I'll second P-kitty's suggestion of Resculpt Mind. Requirement is Psion level 3 and it allows you to replace any psionic combat mode with a psionic or metacreation feat. Later on you regain the lost modes at the same rate after 11th level (something like that). I'll see if I can find the link and edit it in.

It's a powerful feat, but at least there's an opportunity cost and since Psions tend to be a wee bit underpowered vs wizards and sorcerers, I think it's fairly balanced.

Just giving away free feats is probably too powerful, as the Psion would get ten bonus feats, which is on par with a Psychic Warrior or a Fighter. With Resculpt Mind he spends one feat to gain five bonus feats over 7 levels.

- edit -
Resculpt Mind [Psionic]

Prerequisites: Psion only, manifester level 3rd+

Benefit: Instead of gaining a new psionic combat mode when you go up a level, you instead choose any metapsionic feat, gaining it as a bonus feat. You now choose to gain a metapsionic feat or a psionic combat mode at each level you normally qualify for a new psionic combat mode (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th).

You still have the option of gaining four of the five the psionic combat modes you gave up for bonus metapsionic feats, at levels 13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th, respectively. You may not give up psionic combat modes for bonus metapsionic feats at these higher levels.

There're a lot more here (including this feat) http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/psi/psi20020426b
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First Post
I think that over at Monte's board, Bruce said that a psion without combat modes and bonus feats instead would be best with his bonus feats at very 5th level. WotC's PsiHB board has an FAQ that helps too.

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