To Catch a Crimelord, or Down the Rabbit Hole (garyh judging)


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ooc: Thanks Renau1g. I've been making a lot of mistakes lately. Sorry yet again Renau1g. Johnmeier1, I think our evil DM takes great pleasure out of our characters beating the crap out of each other.

Also, since Kruk hit Georg, feel free to attack him. Georg has CA on him until the end of Kruk's next turn due to his BRASH attack on Georg. :) Be nice though, he's only got 13 hp left. Of course, we could both attack the boss instead. lol

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Lord Sessadore

Raiyek's face is grim as he tries to make the final strike on the huge zombie, but the last hit the paladin took still has him off balance and his sword misses the mark.
[sblock=OOC]Ren, did you account for the resist 1 all? Looks like you took the roll as-is, but I don't know if you accounted for the resist when making the roll or not. Also, is our healing just being negated, or is it actually healing Kadaj instead? Can we tell either way?

If Brutus is still alive on my turn (Which is what I assume for the fluff and stat block. If otherwise I'll change it.):

Standard: 1d20+8=10 vs. AC, 1d10+7=9 radiant damage. There may be a bonus or two on that, but I'm sure it still misses. Grr.
Move: none.
Minor: none.

If Brutus is dead before my turn:

Move: to E6. (Hopefully this is outside Kadaj's aura - is there any way to tell that right now, before I take my next action?)
Minor: if I'm still inside Kadaj's aura and know it, none. Otherwise expend Healing Flood's regen effect to regain 11 hp.
Standard: Charge to K7 and Ardent Strike vs. Kadaj (using same rolls as the attack vs. Brutus above): 1d20+8=10 vs. AC, 1d10+4=3 damage. Again, there may be extra bonuses on that, but I'm sure it still misses.[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 3
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:23, Fort:16, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:23/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges Left:0/11
Resist 1 all, Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands (1/3)

Piercing Smite
Strength from Valor
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry

Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]Ren, did you account for the resist 1 all? Looks like you took the roll as-is, but I don't know if you accounted for the resist when making the roll or not. Also, is our healing just being negated, or is it actually healing Kadaj instead? Can we tell either way?

No I didn't account for it. My apologies for the continual miss of that LS. I have you at 12 hp now. Thanks for keeping me on the ball. Healing is just being negated, Kadaj's wounds do not appear to be healing nor does he appear any stronger (You passive perception would note this)[/sblock]

OOC isn't dominated dazed so no move and attack?

Yes, although he can charge I believe. I'll work it out and see, but perhaps not. If he can charge it just hits you john, do you want to use Staff of defense if the attack hits?[/sblock]


First Post
Lily focuses her shadow to slide greasily across the grass to munch on the enormous zombie. The shadow sends the zombie onto its back and Lilth appears next to Kadaj.

vs ref (1d20+5=22) it had 1 hp left so didn't roll damage. If they are adjacent to Lith, then Lily and allies gain a +1 to hit and +5 to perception checks. [/sblock]

Carolina steps forward and hurls the dagger at Kadaj, the blade causes a cut over his eye and leaves the enemy unable to see.

[sblock=Carolina]Move: to current spot
Standard: Blinding Barrage against Kadaj - vs ac; dmg (1d20+11=26, 2d4+6=10) hits for 10 and target is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Georg strains against his immoble legs. He eyes Kruk for a moment, wondering what Kadaj's touch did to him. Sorry Kruk he mutters and slams his staff into the ground. A wave of thunder ripples towards the dwarf and their enemies. Kadaj and Kruk are caught in the blast.

After the attack from Mr. X, Kruks eyes become dark and his body enters into a trance. Ignoring the blast from Georg, Kruk moves slowly towards Georg and attack. His axe falls right towards Georg, who just pushes it aside with his staff. After his attack, Kruk shakes his head and blinks his eyes. "What...what happened to me?" Looking at Georg now, who has a concerned look on his face "Kruk, is that you?".Kruk states "Yes...What have I done!" The wizard smiles and says "Nothing friend. Now let's put an end to this foul fiend!" Kruk nods to Georg and turns to face Kadaj. "You'll pay for that!"

Raiyek's face is grim as he tries to make the final strike on the crimelord, but the last hit the paladin took still has him off balance and his sword misses the mark.

After the elf charges over the zombie, it somehow stands up and slams his fist into Kruk's head, nearly dropping the dwarf.

Kadaj just dodges the blade of Raiyek and he reacts instinctively, grabbing onto the elf's arm and flows dark energy into him.

You are dominated (save ends)
vs will (1d20+3=21) [/sblock]

[sblock=Unlocked Monster Stats]
Kadaj - Will is higher than 18, Fort lower than 20, AC is lower than 23
Man in Plate - Fort is higher than 14, AC is 21, Ref is 17, Will is lower than 19 - dead
Zombie (large) - Ref is 15, Fort is higher than 20, AC is 18

[sblock=Monster Actions]
Brutus uses Rise Again then attacks Kruk - vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=22, 2d8+4=12)

Kadaj moves forward and uses touch of corruption on Raiyek - vs will (1d20+3=21)

Havastav - Used disrupting Strike - bloodied
Kadaj - used Hurl into Darkness & touch of corruption - blinded TENT (Carolina); -38 hp
Brutus - used Zombie smash; -35hp, bloodied

Lily - 24/26 - regen 2 if bloodied <- you're up
Carolina - 14/29 - bloodied
Raiyek - 23/39 -
Kruk - 1/48 - regen 2 if bloodied, bloodied
Georg - 10/30 - regen 2 if bloodied, bloodied, immobilized (save ends)

Init (raiyek, carolina, grim, lily, kruk, georg, baddies) (1d20 3=19, 1d20 6=21, 1d20 4=8, 1d20 1=17, 1d20 1=11, 1d20 1=5, 1d20 4=23)[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain Features]
Light source is Dim Lighting so if you lack low-light vision or don't have another lightsource, enemies have concealment from you. Difficult terrain is noted on the map. The ring next to the priest is where the column of darkness is coming from. [/sblock]
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Georg glances at Kadaj and doesn't notice anything amiss about his touch. He seems befuddled by the zombies resurgence. Remembering the earlier fight, he aims his staff at the creature, causing a burst of fire to envelop it. Stay dead you foul thing! Georg finally seems to be able to move but can't get very far.

[sblock=OOC] Minor: Arcana 1d20+9=13
Standard: Scorching Burst 1d20+6=22 (vs Brutus Ref) for 1d6+5=6 fire damage
Save vs immobilize 1d20=13

Status: bloodied, regeneration 2 while bloodied
Init: +1 Speed: 5 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 16 NAD:13/14/14
HP: 10/30 Surges: 6/9 Surge Value: 7 AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:10 Wis:14 Con:16 Int:18 Cha:10

Scorching Burst

Burning Hands (used)
Second Wind (used)
Staff of Defense (used)

Guardian Blades (used)
Horrid Whispers (used)

Full Character Sheet

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