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To the noble BORN 6/9/08 (finished)


"The morning comes early, and I will up with the dawn, whether we leave then or not. Thank you for the meal your Grace." replies Kerin to Count Hathwick who stands and heads to his room.

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"Well, Xaros, there is something on my mind if truth be told, though it's merely a puzzle. I'll likely explain it to you tomorrow, once we're on the road. As for me, as soon as my father the Count retires, I believe I shall as well. I'll likely nurse the rest of my wine in front of the fire for a bit though. A large, open fire is a pleasure we can't really afford on the trail, as every ill-intentioned creature for miles would see it and come. We might even draw the ire of a druid."

Rayburn finished the last of his wild boar, and sets down his fork and knife.

"I'm not in the mood for candied yams, I will join if others are wont to indulge. After all, when will I have such a chance again? Not for weeks. I'd also heard the small folk often have sweet tooths. I would not want Lily to feel unwelcome in a desire to dessert, after all."


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Zaset said:
I'll likely explain it to you tomorrow, once we're on the road.

"Very well, i look forward to it. I do enjoy puzzles. And on that note, i believe i shall retire as well. M'lords. Companions. A fine night to you all." After draining his goblet, he sets off for his room.


Zaset said:
"I'm not in the mood for candied yams, I will join if others are wont to indulge. After all, when will I have such a chance again? Not for weeks. I'd also heard the small folk often have sweet tooths. I would not want Lily to feel unwelcome in a desire to dessert, after all."
"Oh no, I couldn't eat any more after all that. Perhaps for the banquet on our triumphant return, I'll have the foresight to save room for dessert. Well... as the dinner is coming to a close, I'll retire to my room. Good night, gentlemen." With that, Lily excuses herself from the table, incredibly eager to get the itchy dress off and put a nightgown on.


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"It seems my compatriots have all left to wait upon morning. I'd best be going as well; I'd not want to be holding us up come the morning."

With that, Rayburn drains his wine, stands up, and pauses.

"If you forgive my impudence, father, you never did answer my question on your research. Though that is, of course, your prerogative. By your leave."

With that, Rayburn leaves to prepare for the morning.


Well son, I have certainly not stood still in my learning, studies etc, since the wars, but don't expect me to show up out of thin air to rescue you. Or to claim a Valysian Staff should one turn up. You will have to peddle its moving runes elsewhere.

The night passes uneventfully in soft beds.
The next day starts overcast and with the threat of rain. The servants load up your horses and the Count's Court assembles to see you off.
Farewell Brave Scions, may your road carry you to the fountain of Fortune, to danger, wisdom, wealth etc.
a man steps up and whispers in the Count's ear, some of you recognize the face or rank of the Knight lieutant Ballio de Thiburn.
Right, Off you go then.
he turns and heads back into the fortress.

Rayburn's Persuasion Skill check 17+7=24. Opposed by 23. kn Arcane 18 (Staves created by 12th level wizards, Valyasian's were the first human wizards, but your missing something.)


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"Herein begins our tale of heroic adventure! What good fortune that this company can boast of an accomplished Bard! Not only does he witness the heroic deeds, but partakes in them as well! Makes for a much more beliveable story than that of one who was not present, for sure. I'd best start composing the ditty now, the verses will come when the action does."

Perform check (1d20+9+2=12)

OOC: Lol, nat 1 on the roll.

Xaros strums his mandolyn but fumbles somewhat. " I appologize, that's not how the ditty should begin. I guess i'm still somewhat hung-over."


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Rayburn approaches Xaros.

Do you know, I actually thought of taking up the mandolyn? I'd never have made a bard, but I've been told I've the fingers of a bard or a thief, when the one isn't the other. Perhaps it's merely out of tune.

Here, he mutters something under his breath while trying to act as though he's helping Xaros tune his instrument:

[sblock]Xaros, I was distracted last night because I had no idea where my familiar was. She was up to no good. I found 8 dead rats waiting for me on my pillow. I'm lucky she didn't leave them in my father's room, though he's apt to have his warded."[/sblock]

"There, perhaps that's better?"
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"Aye, it's looking good now."

[SBLOCK=Rayburn]"I don't know what disturbs me more, the attitude of your familliar or that your home suffers from an infestation of rats. Perhaps it intended to remind you that rats will be the least of your discomforts in the wild."[/SBLOCK]


The five of you ride the rest of the day, and although rain threatens, it never does more than get dark and windy. Although he starts out poorly, Xaros warms up and the trip seems to fly by with his songs. Jason is also more than willing to share his own stories of actual combat,
asking if rest of you have faced real foes, outside the training field.

By evening it seems to be passing, you reach another small village at dusk. Kerin and Jason are the only ones familiar with long rides, so everyone else is getting a little saddle-sore by the end of the day. The village has perhaps 2 dozen buildings in a cluster, and has two Inns. You ride up to the Green Dragon a large one story wood building with a barn and hitching post outside. Several horses are already tied there. Rapid hoofbeats come from behind you, and your are hailed by Geoffry, Jason Aurelius' squire.

"My Lord, your we received news that your brother has suffered an accident, and your father demands your immediate return."

Voidrunner's Codex

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