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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)


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SeldomSeen said:

Actually what I was trying to do was make a joke common to another board I frequent where one makes a statement and then tells the truth in a footnote.

Well there you go, I don't visit any other boards, what with only having room for one in my life at a time.

Malford touched the red glowing thing, but the blame was laid to rest on Lester's very deserving shoulders.

Poor Lester, he made one little mistake and even after all this time you guys still won't let him live it down. Sure he set an uber god free who went on to conquer the universe, but still!

Haha. I hope some later adventuring party stumbles across this pocket plane and wonders why the hell there is a 30ft sheltered hole in the ground. I almost wish Drelvin had enough time to dig all the way through.

I must have been really tired, because I completely overlooked that bit.

Anyway, any particular reason? Reach China? See if there was a bottom? Because it was there?
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the Jester

The Simulacrum Wars (first battle)

Stepping carefully, our heroes pass through Marius the Chronomancer’s gate and into the center of the plane of Time.

The Citadel of Eternity- they’ve seen it before, but not been within it. Except for Marius himself, of course, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. It’s a grand structure made of what looks like silvery metal or stone of some kind (“actually, it’s solidified time,” Marius will tell them later). The sweeping halls curve off, with large rooms here are there. Who made this place? What strange, primeval god or force crafted the walls that bend the winds of time around them? Who knows? It may have been at the beginning of time or even before (if such a concept even has meaning); for now it’s irrelevant.

Our heroes stalk the halls invisibly. Perhaps the most useful of the invisibility spells is Malford’s group invisibility, which allows the group to walk unseen and unheard by everyone except each other. From room to room they follow Marius, looking for other Marii. For the simulacra.

“Why does he need us, anyway?” Sybele whispers to Thrush. “If these simulacra are more powerful than he is, how are we going to have a chance against them?” At the head of the party, Marius the Chronomancer smiles grimly to himself. It all makes sense; they’ll see soon enough.

No ersatz Marius comes out to greet them from the first few places that Marius declared to be very likely; but soon enough, as the party creeps along through the eerie fortress, they open a door and find themselves facing not one, but two, Marii.

For an instant (if instants have meaning on the plane of Time) everyone freezes, but then everyone blurs into motion.

It’s immediately obvious that they know our heroes have arrived, for the two false Marii act before anyone else has a chance to. The first- let’s call him Marius the False Chronomancer, though he calls himself merely Marius the Chronomancer, just as does his progenitor- disappears quickly. The second- call him Marius the Willmaster- fires off a quickened disintegrate that blasts Marius (the real one) for a shuddering amount of damage.

Worse yet, two whirling tornados of shining silvery sand zip towards the party. Those who were together in Bile Mountain fought one of these things before- chronal repeaters, a strange sort of time golem. Grim thoughts flash through several of our heroes.

But before anything else happens, the real Marius fires a disintegration beam at the invisible Marius. There’s a howling scream as it discorporates. Malford mass hastes the entire group, and our heroes move in on the remaining adversaries. Horbin tries a lower resistance on one of the repeaters while Telemundo readies a counterspell against the remaining false Marius. Unfortunately, he can’t counter what the Willmaster casts- and a hole gets blown through Lester’s torso! He screams in pain, staggering, and a volley of quickened magic missiles shoot into him as well, nearly driving him from the air. Then, without even missing a beat, the Willmaster teleports out.

“How’d he do that?!” Malford yells. He just cast two quickened spells at once...!*

There’s no time to talk about it, though, as the first chronal repeater seems to split into two wavering forms, spilling scintillating sand everywhere, and flanks Horbin, tearing into him with its powerful slams again and again! The other one seems to split into three images, attacking Horbin, Angelfire and Drelvin and landing terrible blows on each of them. “What’s this?” Drelvin cries as the creature smacks at his leg.**

But our heroes fight back, despite the fact that their weapons seem to slip past the repeaters as if they aren’t there about half the time. Grunting, Angel throws everything into a deadly power attack that lands heavily on one of the constructs, and in a spray of temporal sand it explodes. The other falls to Marius’ deconstruction.

“Not a bad start,” Telemundo comments wryly, but Marius snorts.

“One of them got away. Now the master of this place will know we’re coming. We must hurry.”

“Maybe we should come back another time?” Horbin wonders, but Marius shakes his head severely.

“Then it would have all the time it needs to prepare for us, no matter how little time we spend away. Its control of the time stream here far exceeds mine on the demiplane I took you all to.”

“How many of these simulacra are there?” Malford asks.

“Three that I fashioned to be greater than myself,” Marius replies, “and they may have made more even greater than themselves. And who knows how many others, lesser than the ones I made but possibly roughly as powerful as myself. Not to mention lesser ones, or those created by other wizards tricked by my duplicates into making the same mistake I made.” He takes a deep breath. “Let’s go. There are many places they could be, but I doubt whether the usurper of my Citadel will shirk from a confrontation; I wouldn’t. But we mustn’t give him the time to prepare for us.”

And he leads the way further into the Citadel of Eternity, our heroes following behind, full of misgiving.

*Thanks to the Multispell Epic feat.

**Don’t forget Drelvin’s theme song! Drelvin- he lost his leg!

Next Time: A bridge over troubled energy! Pseudonatural enemies, both greater and lesser! And, of course, a false Marius!

the Jester

Bridge Over Troubled Sands

The party’s expedition soon leads them around a corner and before a 10’ wide bridge over a seething pit full of seething radiant energy and churning silver sand that looks like it wouldn’t be much fun to fall into. The bridge goes across the gap, but it’s blocked. Standing upon it in an aspect of guardianship are a shuffling mass of creatures writhing with strangely-suckered tentacles. Their forms seem to shift and melt as our heroes watch; they stand one moment like four-armed white apes, and the next moment they seem to bend and twist like a licorice whip pulled on a hot day. Clearly the leader, one of the creatures stands out from the rest: a 10’ high ape-like creature sprouting more thick tendrils, cruel hooks on them. It’s hard to see its form; it seems to blur and shift. Worse yet, standing behind the group of pseudonaturals is another Marius.

At least the big one doesn’t have four arms.

It appears the pseudonatural creatures have been forewarned, for they spring into action, hooting like gorillas, before the party has much of a chance to do anything. Their suckered tentacles shlep forward, questing for Material plane flesh. The two-armed one becomes even harder to see, and suddenly the Marius (the Willmaster) that the party drove off previously acts, unleashing a chain lightning at the group followed by an enervation at Orbius! There’s a certain instant hazard as our heroes are all bunched up, but so are the pseudonatural monkey-things, and Marius the Chronomancer (the party’s ally in this case) blasts them all with a lightning bolt, then follows it up with a quickened magic missile at the simulacrum. The missiles blast through harmlessly. “Projected image!” the real Marius shouts. “There’s a false Marius here somewhere!” He looks around for his false self to no avail.

The Eye, groaning from the burden of negative energy that’s been slapped on him, fires another lightning bolt and mostly clears the bridge. Only the two-armed pseudonatural beast shrugs it off; and only two of the four-armed pseudonaturals survives the blast. The first doesn’t last long, however; Angelfire rushes forward with a loud battle cry and smashes into it, knocking it off the bridge and down into the seething energies below. There’s a horrible loud squeal that cuts off suddenly as the churning sands of time destroy it utterly!

It’s only been seconds since the start of the fight and already it seems to be almost over. Cursing silently to himself behind his illusory wall, Marius the Willmaster fires an empowered enervation at Orbius, hoping to take him out! Again the crackling black ray strikes home and the Eye of Boccob sags against the wall, coughing as he feels his very life being suppressed. Where is that Marius? Orbius thinks wildly, and spends a moment to look for him. Thanks to his piercing clarity, he spots the illusory wall- and thanks to the Rary’s telepathic bond the group cast upon first arriving, he cries out a mental warning.

The last pseudonaturals are attacking Angelfire. The ‘biggun’ slams at him with brutal force, landing several blows on the scarlet Coilite. The other pseudogirallon grabs hold of him, trying to hurl him from the bridge, and the two struggle for a moment; then, with Drelvin the Archer’s aid, Angelfire hurls the ape-thing down! It grasps desperately at the edge of the bridge, hanging by a finger, but a swift arrow from Drelvin solves that and it plummets with a screech into the seething sands below. Even as he does so, Horbin the Holy unleashes a destruction spell and the pseudonatural dire ape is blasted into dust! Telemundo fires a finger of death at the projected image, but it fails to have any effect.

But now that most of the group knows where the illusory wall is, things are turning rapidly. Malford launches himself into the air, flying across the gap to where the phantom wall is, and casts a glitterdust through it. Surprised, Marius the Willmaster grunts as he’s dazzled and blinded. Then the L hurls himself through it and, with a single word and a pointed finger, unleashes a flame arrow at the blinded simulacrum.

Now Marius the Willmaster is staggering back, almost beaten. No! he thinks wildly. Not like this! I’m as powerful as the progenitor, I can’t go down like this! Must escape...! He casts his most powerful magic- a time stop- and suddenly an incendiary cloud appears, roiling with flaming red vapors.

“Enough!” the real Marius cries, and he damages the creature with a disintegrate. It doesn’t finish the Willmaster, however; though sorely wounded, he’s still standing. But not for long. He sinks to one knee as a volley of the Eye’s magic missiles zips into his chest, and then Sybele is flying forward, arrows zinging from her bow and sinking deep into the simulacrum’s chest. The second shot finishes it; it bursts into a pile of rapidly-melting snow.

The group pauses.

“Are we done yet?” Sybele asks plaintively.

“No,” Marius the Chronomancer answers shortly. “We still must deal with the usurper.”

Next Time: The confrontation with Marius the Usurper!


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I have relocated the thread, and am now subscribing again!

Good stuff, Jester! Much fun, as always. Boy, when this lot go epic there's going to be some serious carnage...:D

the Jester

Welverin said:

how about an update? it's been a week you know.

Thanks! I'll be updating again soon- just got done with Day One of the birthday celebration, tonight I go with some friends for another night of par-tay, then towmorrow we game!

But soon, soon...


First Post
the Jester said:

Thanks! I'll be updating again soon- just got done with Day One of the birthday celebration, tonight I go with some friends for another night of par-tay, then towmorrow we game!

Day one? What is this a full week affair?


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Jester, there is a thread in General Discussion about Chaos Powers that you should take a look at. I think you could give the guy a lot of good advice. It should still be on the first page.

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