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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)

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the Jester

Talix said:
Woot, new thread, and I'm still here! :D

Good story stuff. Did you not allow the character's (Lester's?) arm to grow back with Regeneration, a much cheaper spell? Not that I'm complaining - I loved that sidebar, and the wish for another drink was truly awe-inspiring in its casualness. :eek: :D

Thanks again for sharing the story!

Heh... actually, it was a limited wish, but still...

As for Lester's arm, it wasn't hacked off; it was removed by the touch of Chaos, such that his body reconfigured as if it had never had a second arm. So he couldn't regrow it- that would be akin to casting regenerate on a human so as to grow a third arm.

Originally posted by djrdjmsqrd
...how about stats in a RG? As always, good.

Well, I do have a RG thread that I'll be posting to once I introduce a few bad guys from the plane of Arba here shortly... er, well, you'll see! ;)

My RG thread is pretty much only for npcs and dm stuff- I've tried to encourage the players to post their stats in the past, but so far they've all been lukewarm to the idea. I will say that several of the characters have advanced another level or two as of last night's game, however, and I still encourage them all to post their character sheets- or at least the non-secret parts of them.

Thanks for the feedback- I'll definitely try to post another update sometime this week!

the Jester

The Tunnel into the Mountain

"Sure," says Drelvin the Archer, and extends his hand. In a burst of rainbows, God-King Malford the Magnificent appears, one hand clasped to Drelvin's, the other holding a card. The shimmering around them both ceases and they stand together for a moment in the rain.

"Good morning," Malford calls to the party. "Sleep well?" He's well-dressed in fresh clean clothes fit for a... well. You know.

Shortly, the false Malford reports in, telling him of the stranger's visit the night before. "And another thing," the construct rails, "I want some kind of benefits. You should at least make them treat me better- especially Drelvin!"

"Hm, I'll see what I can do," Malford replies, scratching water from his beard. Then he sighs. "Watch out for the Queen," he mutters, "I think she's on to us!" He passes the simulacrum his hat of disguise and the trump he confiscated from Lester. "This way you'll be able to get back in touch with me at need." The construct nods, and shortly departs, after which the party breaks camp and heads along the road. They're nervous; who knows when any of their enemies will strike again, from the Bile Lords to Felenga?

The rain lightens as they travel down the mountain road, clearly of dwarven make. It's well-cobbled with stones that, despite little upkeep for hundreds of years, show little sign of coming loose. Soon enough the group rounds a bend and sees the road leading directly into a tunnel into a mountain.

"Hmm," Malford muses, and casts an illusion that cloaks the entire group as ogres, himself as an ogre mage.

They enter the tunnel; here the road shows more obstructions, for stones have fallen from the braced ceiling and lie scattered upon it. As they progress, they find themselves in gloomy darkness. Malford uses his gnomely might to produce dancing lights, but they provide precious little illumination. Grumbling softly to himself, the God-King casts a mass flight spell upon the entire group and they keep moving. Soon a side passage appears to either side, and the party halts to debate, as adventurers do, which way to go.

Left it is. Following a brief passage, they find a descending shaft. And Malford's keen eyes spot a tiny eyeball floating from the shaft, unconnected to anything else. He zaps it with an acid arrow and it bursts in a stinking cloud of vapor.

And rushing up and out comes a weird creature- hard to see in the darkness and the shaft, it seems lumpy and gross. And at the tips of its many tendrils are the eyes of its previous victims.

Next Time: In case anyone forgot how tough the party is, a brief battle! A talk about the moons and what's on them! And more gnomes!


First Post
Re: The Tunnel into the Mountain

the Jester said:
Left it is.

This didn't involve rolling dice at all did it?

Is the weird creature another Jester special or something I'm just not recognizing?

Don't think I missed the reference to the simulacrum wars or didn't or it's subsequent disappearance!

the Jester

Re: Re: The Tunnel into the Mountain

Welverin said:

This didn't involve rolling dice at all did it?

Is the weird creature another Jester special or something I'm just not recognizing?

Don't think I missed the reference to the simulacrum wars or didn't or it's subsequent disappearance!

I don't recall the group rolling dice, they just started exploring with the 'closest passage' technique. The creature is from the FF- it's an ocularon, which I like the concept of (it takes your eyes!!). And as for the simulacrum wars- well, it's going to be a little while until that plot thread fully matures, but rest assured that it isn't forgotten...


First Post
Re: Re: Re: The Tunnel into the Mountain

the Jester said:
And as for the simulacrum wars- well, it's going to be a little while until that plot thread fully matures, but rest assured that it isn't forgotten...

So did you just mention it prematurely or are you just cruelly taunting us?

the Jester

Stealer of Eyes

Misshapen, paranoid, disgusting- the ocularon rises on the fumes within it, hissing and wheezing, eyeballs everywhere on its moist tendrils. In the shadows cast by the dancing lights and everburning flames the party bears, it's hard to get a good look at it- but Drelvin's sure it's trouble. So he fires a trio of arrows with uncanny accuracy and smirks to himself as they all sink deeply into its lumpy flesh. Then everything goes dark. Cursing, unable to see, Angelfire readies to strike at anything that attacks him.

There's the sound of a blade being pulled from its scabbard and the hissing of it slicing through the air, and the light returns in a brilliant circle as Malford swings his blade overhead. The strange monster squeals again as Drelving takes another trio of shots at it, again sinking arrow after arrow fletching-deep into the hideous creature. It rushes forward, hissing like boiling water, its precious fluids dripping out of it messily and giving off strange vapors. It bats at Drelvin with its tendrils. The first tentacle blow grabs on to him but he squirms free; then it gets a good solid hold on him and starts to scrabble at his eyes! Drelvin cries out- he can see that the beast's tentacles have eyeballs skewered on them already. "It wants my eyes!" he cries out in a near-panic- without eyes he can't shoot!

Then scarlet Angelfire is there, whirling his deadly falchion with all the ruthless strength and accuracy he's become known for.* The tentacle holding the archer is severed in a spray of noxious gas and weird fluid, and Drelvin pulls out his blade, Shastruth- a formidable weapon with the powers of an evoker of some might bound within it. The archer slashes at the monster, and it quivvers and falls to the ground. It's still shuddering and is clearly still alive, so Angelfire slashes at it again to be sure- and the eye stealer explodes in a blast of toxic vapors! Drelvin gags and vomits as he and Angelfire stumble away from it. "Ohhh," the archer groans, feeling himself weakened from the gas, "I think I'd better go get restored." And using his trumps, he does just that, returning to Var for some healing before trumping back to the rest of the group.

The others, meanwhile, descend the ocularon's shaft to a pool of water about three feet deep. A search finds several bodies with their eyeballs removed- no doubt those were what the creature's tendrils bore- as well as about a thousand gold coins and a set of five finely-crafted dolls of spicewood. "I'll take these for the kids," Malford the Magnificent comments, and nobody argues. Ascending back to the cave wherein the dead ocularon lies, the gnome also takes samples of its blood and intestines- "You never know what'll be useful," he comments to the rest of the party.

"Say," says Angelfire, "maybe you'd be interested in these?" He pulls out a bag of rocks he's had for over five years now. "They're moon rocks."

"Hmm," says Malford noncommitally, halting the conversation for a moment to respond to Drelvin's trump contact and bring him through to the group again. Then he looks over the rocks. "They look like rocks to me," he comments, then offers Angelfire a bridge for them.

Drelvin asks what's so special about them; told they're from a moon, he asks, "You've been to a moon?" At Angelfire's nod, he inquires, "How many gargantua did you see there?"

"How many what?"

"You haven't been to a moon! Everyone knows that's where gargantua come from!"**

The conversation continues for a few moments, Angelfire trying to sell the moon rocks, Malford dubious as to their authenticity, and Drelvin just making trouble. The whole time, Lester is urging them to get back on track- he really can't dawdle, after all. Finally, in good spirits, the group moves back to the road and forges ahead. The check a few side paths briefly but find only bats.

The road heads deep into the mountain, and soon a strange, acrid smell greets them. "Yuck," Malford comments, frowning. After all, his sensitive gnomely nose is more easily offended than those of lesser, smaller-nosed folk. Soon enough the group finds the source of the stink- a weird creature, bubbling out of its own crusty skin, standing guard at a bridge crossing. It has no face; in fact, it barely holds a shape. Weird greenish sludge churns within a carapace-like husk of purplish-black.

"Greetings," it burbles in a horrible voice. "You come at last."

*Two crits in one round- OW!

**Drelvin's first adventure was a fight with a baby gargantuan whose egg had fallen from a moon.
The nature of moons in Cydra: Since the world is not a planet, but rather takes place on the inside surface of a gigantic air bubble, moons obviously don't orbit it. Instead, the average human will see two or three moons during their lifetime. Moons tend to cross from one side of the horizon to the next. A quick moon will take as little as 3-4 months to cross the sky; a slow moon, such as the one Angelfire (Angel at the time), Zeebo, Sheva, Sybele, et. al. visited, will take as long as a couple of years. They come irregularly and vary in size, color, and even shape (though most appear spherical from the ground). Moons are often portentious.

Next Time: Conversation at the bridge, the town of Mud, and the phrase "I blame Lester" comes up again! Oh, and don't forget the gnomes!

Voidrunner's Codex

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