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To War Against Felenga (FINAL UPDATE POSTED!)

the Jester

Felenga Vs. Acererak!!!

A few days ago...

Felenga stands, puissant and mighty, before the terrible entrance to Acererak’s Fortress of Conclusion. The composite undead with his phylactery sewn into its chest follows him. He does not know what to expect, but he is certain that he can handle... whatever it is.

And, equally, he is certain that he can persuade Acererak to aid him in destroying those interloping adventurers. Rage kindles in Felenga’s cold breast. Oh, yes; they will die. The next time he confronts them he will hit them with a disjunction of his own, and a quickened wail of the banshee; those that survive will fall quickly to his vast powers. Oh, yes. And if the demilich accompanies him- why, together they can destroy the group quickly and with infinite finality.

The gate into the Fortress of Conclusion is another great green face, but this one’s mouth is an actual gate rather than a void of blackness. Felenga pushes his way through.

Awaiting him is a winter-wight, its skull crackling with black flames, the rest of its body sheathed in gritty ice. “Welcome,” it hisses. Then it cackles maniacally. “What an... interesting choice you have made, Felenga! To come here...” It pauses dramatically. “You seek the aid of Acererak, eh?”

“Take me to your master,” Felenga sneers. “I have little patience, and perhaps less time. And this matter presses on your master as much as on me.”

The winter-wight laughs again, long and loud. “My ‘master,’ eh lich? I think you misapprehend the situation here!” The ice cracks and shifts as the winter-wight raises a hand and gestures. Felenga is astounded as the winter-wight lays the sign of the devourer upon the wall.

You are Acererak? But...”

“My status is more complicated than you know,” the winter-wight says smugly. “Come, lich, I will show you something.”

Felenga reluctantly trails along as the winter-wight leads them to a corner and then greater teleports them both into a 50’ diameter circular chamber. Felenga’s eyes widen in surprise.

The floor, excepting a walkway around the edge of the room, is cut away. Utter blackness is evident through the hole- it’s an opening into the Void of the Negative Energy Plane. Above this, resting on a huge metal tripod that straddles the hole, is a humungous gem. Felenga instantly recognizes it as some sort of phylactery. It’s a multi-faceted gem of immense size, and each facet holds a silently-screaming, ghostly form- a soul.

Not quite all the facets- most. There are three empty ones.

“Tell me what it is that you want,” Acererak the winter-wight chuckles.

His gaze lingering on the phylactery, off-balance, Felenga answers, “There are adventurers of surpassing puissance coming for you, Acererak. Surely you know this. They are enemies of mine as well, but they will seek you out and destroy you as well.”

“I have encountered them,” the winter-wight confirms insouciantly.

“Yes, and they drove you off! Surely you have had enough of a taste of their power to know how dangerous they are! And surely you realize just how far along they are in your little gauntlet!”

“Oh, yes.” Acererak’s skull yawns. “Get to the point.”

“Together we can destroy them! We can scry them out, empower ourselves with our mightiest magicks, and gate to them while they sleep. They will not be able to survive.”

“Fool,” Acererak says flatly. “Your vision is so limited that you have not looked at what is before you. I am tempted to destroy you for your short-sightedness. I will not help you.”

Before another instant passes, Felenga blasts the winter-wight before him to oblivion. It is clear that things will come to this; it is only a matter of time. The key is to move first, ruthlessly exterminating the other. After all, it will be a temporary death of a week or less. But it will give Felenga time to get his bearings and come to an understanding of what Acererak is doing here.

A quickened lower resistance, a time stop, several volleys of empowered and maximized seeker missiles, a heightened disintegrate- the winter-wight is destroyed. Felenga turns his attention to the phylactery. If he chose, he could destroy Acererak forever.

“Fool!” comes that same gritty voice. Felenga turns to see a skull, bejeweled in the eyes and teeth, floating towards him. It seems to be descending from a hidden area above. “As I told you, my status is complicated!”

Felenga struggles to retain his composure, but surprise is pounding through him. How could he have reformed so quickly? A magic jar? But-

The skull cackles. “Much as it amuses me to watch the stupefied look on your face, I shall enlighten you, lich.”

Felenga doesn’t wait for enlightenment; he casts. Several of his most powerful wards spring into place, including a prismatic sphere, but the demilich only talks, seemingly careless of Felenga’s preparations. The Dark One grows angry. I am an Angel of the Apocalypse! he rages. How dare you treat me so disdainfully?!

“I seek a grand apotheosis,” Acererak rants. “You see, lich, my ambitions are higher than your silly desire to destroy those adventurers. I am testing them- refining them, like a rarified oil.” The skull cackles, light glinting from its gemstone encrustations. “And when they get here, they will be the final souls fuelling my apotheosis!”

Felenga think, Keep talking, fool, as he casts a fire shield and a quickened stoneskin.

“And what is my apotheosis, you ask?” Acererak continues. “I will join myself with the Negative Energy Plane itself! My essence, my being will be all of undead-kind! Anywhere an undead exists, I will be there. Anywhere I wish to be, I can shift my consciousness into. As you can see, my goals transcend mere godhood.”

Felenga casts ghostform and another quickened lower resistance at Acererak. Surely the fool will realize he must fight now!

But Acererak keeps talking, paying Felenga no heed at all, making him all the more furious. “All I need is three more souls to achieve the critical number- but the souls must be refined, powerful souls- souls of incredible perseverance and ceaseless power. My entire gauntlet, from the Tomb of Horrors to the City That Waits to my Fortress of Conclusion, is designed to ensure that the souls that make it here arrive prepared and powerful, and ready for absorption!”

Felenga casts a quickened displacement and begins summoning a terrible creature.

“In any event,” Acererak rambles, “as to the apotheosis- if I were to help you to destroy those adventurers before they arrived here, I could not use them as my ‘fuel,’ if you will. So instead, I will add you to the phylactery. A powerful lich such as yourself is just perfect, and will certainly add a little flavor. And, as you’ve probably figured out by now, the lattice of power generated by the Phylactery of the Apotheosis is sufficient to allow me to switch my consciousness into any undead within my Fortress- such as that winter-wight earlier...”

The skull lands on the ground.

Felenga’s mouth finishes, “Or yourself, of course. And though your fitful preparations to assault me were amusing, if I allowed you to finish summoning something like that, you might actually damage the Phylactery. And we can’t have that.”

Acererak, firmly in control, aborts Felenga’s spell. “Now into the phylactery we go!” he says cheerfully.

Next Time: All right, where were we- oh yeah! The Darkweaver!

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Wow! I always love to hear about the stuff that goes on in the background we don't get to see. And I always love to see arrogant punks like Felenga get put in thier place, even if it gets done by the bad guys.



First Post
the Jester said:
“Fool,” Acererak says flatly. “Your vision is so limited that you have not looked at what is before you. I am tempted to destroy you for your short-sightedness. I will not help you.”

Ha SNAP! Take that! Slaps Felenga open-handed

Those liches are such egomaniacs.

Too bad Sybele was all tied up when the party met Acererak, I would have loved the deragtory, pedantic ramblings about apotheosis.

the Jester

The Darkweaver

“Well, this is the place,” Orbius says nervously.

To recap:

The party stands in the chill black air of Moil, the City That Waits, a demiplane teetering on the edge of the Negative Energy Plane. The tower of the Darkweaver- whatever that is- is before them. They must enter it to free the phantom flyer, which will take them to the Fortress of Conclusion where they can fight Acererak, the demilich of the Tomb of Horrors.

Scratched in the stone of the tower’s door is a message in the party’s native tongue. The people of Moil (our heroes have determined) spoke Abyssal. Ergo...

“Someone’s been here before us,” muses the Eye.

“Right, well, let’s go kill the darkweaver!” urges Lester.

“Hold on a second,” Horbin cautions. “We don’t want to go in unprepared.”

I hope it’s undead, thinks Patyn.

Thrush draws his sword.

Sybele scratches her butt.

“All right,” Orbius declares, “I’m sending my scry sensor in. Let’s see... hallway... whoa, it’s dark. I should be able to see better... hmph. Something weird’s going on in there.” He frowns, unnerved, then casts mass darkvision. Even so, he cannot see far in the tower.

“All right, why don’t we teleport inside the tower somewhere and try to hit it from an unexpected direction?” Sybele suggests.

“Good idea!” Lester beams at her. “Orbius, can you mass teleport us?”

“Yes- I’m putting my sensor in a large open space now. I’ll be able to send everyone else first, but I’ll have to trump in separately afterward.”

“No problem,” says Thrush. “And then hopefully we can find this thing quickly.” He grins wickedly.

Orbius casts his mass teleport and sends the party in, but he immediately becomes aware that something’s gone wrong. His scrying sensor, inside the tower, in the space where the party should have arrived, shows no sign of them. A mishap, he thinks bleakly. Hopefully it’s not too bad... He pulls out Lester’s trump but, after a moment’s concentration, discovers that he cannot make contact.

Growing worried, Orbius reluctantly teleports in alone. He materializes in a black hallway that seems to be choked with tangible strands of darkness and gloom. Slowly he starts exploring, sticking to the left hand wall.

“Left to live,” he breathes.*


“Where’s Orbius?” asks Lester after a time. “Why hasn’t he made contact yet?”

Sybele says, “Maybe this tower blocks trumps. Or these... strands.”

The party is in a hallway of black stone. Eerie strands of blackness, like darkness made manifest, twist in the air like webbing. Their caress is oily.

Ten Buck Tom says, “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Horbin asks worriedly.

Sybele uses her control sound power to shout, at the volume of a lion’s roar, “ORBIUS!!!”

“Surely, if he’s nearby, he’ll hear that and try to follow the noise. We might as well explore the nearby area,” suggests Thrush. The party has already spread out a little. Their visibility, even with the darkvision they all possess, is only about ten feet. It’s dark, unnaturally so.


Orbius does indeed hear something. It’s clearly a loud yell, probably his name-

He hears something else, skittering towards him, and turns to see a horror from some insane nightmare. A dark form, spider-like but with horrible tentacles instead of legs, and black eyes everywhere, the darkweaver emerges from the gloom and lunges to attack the Eye.

Orbius screams and instinctively greater teleports away, heading towards the noise.


“What was that?” Ten Buck Tom looks wary, almost panicky.

”I heard it too,” confirms Angelfire as she manifests animal affinity to gain the strength of a tiger.

“Me too,” Sybele adds, manifesting an extended displacement. “That way!” She points.

“Let’s go!” Thrush draws his blade and starts moving in. Lester draws upon his new powers as a contemplative of Malford** and casts greater aspect of the deity. Then he starts moving after Thrush. The others join them, manifesting and casting a variety of buffs and defenses as they go.


Orbius redirects his scrying sensor. He still doesn’t see his friends, but he can hear stuff starting to go down back in the direction of the darkweaver. It’s so dark! He looks in on the lair with his sensor, then summons a huge air elemental. As it arrives he immediately begins another summoning.


Ten Buck Tom casts daylight upon his rapier and moves forward. It still doesn’t illuminate much of anything, but it pushes the strands back another 10’. As he moves in he casts a dancing lights and sends them ahead.

The party finds a central area, somewhat larger than the hall, and at about this time Londo first realizes he can’t go backwards. “Watch out!” he cries, “I don’t think we can go out!”

Patyn cries, “It’s a trap!”

Then the darkweaver strikes, aiming a blow downward at Angel- who is straining to move backward with all her might, and therefore not entirely ready for the blow- from the ceiling. But it misses, and all of our heroes have been on edge waiting for it. There is a swift burst of motion as Angelfire’s falchion slices up and strikes it with terrible force, knocking it from the ceiling; and as it drops, Thrush and Lester hack at it. The force of our heroes’ blows destroys the monster.***

“Whew!” breathes Lester. “That wasn’t so bad. Let’s search around and see if we can find anything...”

As Lester speaks, the tower shudders ominously. Fortunately for our heroes, they almost immediately find a lever in the ceiling. “There we are!” Angel chuckles, and pulls the lever.”

As the tower shudders again, Horbin says, “Let’s get out of here.” He casts a gate to Var, and the party goes home to rest. About a minute after they leave, the darkweaver’s tower shakes briefly and then collapses into the Void below.

*This is a common invocation in my games. The players like to always follow the left-hand path. “Left to live” is the catchphrase.

**As a contemplative, Lester took the Mysticism domain.

***Angel got a crit on it right away, and under my ‘colorful critical hit’ system (which adds special fx to crits without increasing their damage) rolled a knockdown. When it fell through the L’s and Thrush’s threatened areas and they got AoO’s on it, it was all over.

Next Time: What will happen when our heroes confront the Mask of the Devourer??

the Jester

Expect a flurry of updates in the next three days, especially in this story hour- we're building to a big phat climax here.

As of the next update (for purposes of levels), the party lineup is as follows:

Rex (dragon disciple 10/ranger 1/fighter 1/sorcerer 1/monk 5)
Sybele (fighter 8/egoist 10/warrior of chaos 2)
Angelfire (psychic warrior 14/cleric 4/templar of Coila 4)
Ulla (druid 7/shifter 10/warshaper 1)
Jezebel (rogue 5/wizard 7 half-dragon)
Londo (fighter 6/cleric 1/blackguard 10)
Horbin (cleric 21)
Lester (elementalist 14/warrior of chaos 4/contemplative 2/divine oracle 1/paraelementalist 1)
Orbius (wizard 7/divine oracle 10/archmage 2)
Sir Maxwell (paladin 12/knight of the chalice 5)
Thrush (fighter 21)
Payton (paladin 8/hunter of the dead 10)

It's rare that all the pcs are there, but good lord!

Granted, there's one genuine npc, one npc/guest player character, and three cohorts, but- good lord!
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First Post
That's one seriously nasty set of PC's. And because the players have grown with them, each one will be tactically aware of how good they are. Wow.

It's nice to see that the melee fighters aren't overshadowed by the casters, which is a complaint you often see on the boards.

the Jester

The Phantom Flyer

Is it beneficial or baneful for us to take the wand that is held in the icy room with us to the Fortress of Conclusion?


“All right,” says Angelfire with a small smile. Now for the really important one. She casts another augury.

Is it beneficial or baneful to destroy or get rid of the Mask of the Devourer before going to the Fortress of Conclusion?


Angel sets out to find Patyn. She’s grinning at the irony.


Jezebel, Sybele’s daughter by the steel dragon Kel, shows up at about noon the day after the fight with the darkweaver. She and her mother embrace while Thrush looks on and smiles warmly. Then Jezebel turns to Orbius and gives him a big, lingering, tight, close hug that leaves the divine oracle pleasantly flustered. Sybele winks at him, and he becomes incredibly uncomfortable. Our Orbius is a little old-fashioned when it comes to the lady folk.

“It’s good to see you!” Sybele gushes, and she and her daughter spend several hours catching up. When dinner comes, Sybele asks Jezebel if she wants to adventure with them. “We’re mixed up in some extremely dangerous stuff, as you can tell,” Sybele says (referring to the tales she told Jezebel over the last few hours). “So it’s very dangerous. But I’d love to be able to spend some time with you...”

“Um, okay,” Jezebel responds. She smiles shyly at her mother. She would like to get to know her better- after all, Jezebel was kidnapped by Marius as a babe and raised in a fast-flowing timestream, so while less than a year passed for Sybele, Jezebel grew into a teenager. Now they hardly knew each other.

Besides, Mom and her friends might be really helpful if any of the githyanki come after me, she added mentally. And really, how much more dangerous can whatever they’re doing be than githyanki?


Dinner was served at six that evening, and the Queen graced the party with her presence, so they were relatively well-behaved. She was clearly growing tired of Lester’s ceaseless obnoxiousness, so our heroes found it just as well when the dishes were cleared away and a gate back to Var could be summoned.

The plan was well-laid, and everyone but Londo knew it. As soon as they got to Moil, on one of the bridges that connected the towers, the party bushwhacked him. Thrush, Sybele and Ulla all pinned the struggling, surprised Londo to the bridge. Hands scrabbled at the Mask.

”NO YOU DON’T!!” the Mask roars, and a great wave of fear rolls out from it, washing over everyone- but our heroes are strong of will. None falter; none flee.

Angelfire grins as she reaches for the Mask, and the yawning chasm of its mouth snaps forward to attempt to devour her. She leaps aside, and the Mask’s maw snaps shut on air alone. Angel springs back in and grabs the Mask at its bottom, along the top of Londo’s neck. Londo is struggling, clearly trying to resist it.

Then Angel tears it free, ripping it from Londo’s face- which is torn and bleeding and seems to have lost a layer or two of skin- and hurling it off the bridge. The Mask wheels and falls through the blackness. ”NOOOOOO....!”

Londo grunts. “Thanks,” he croaks, wiping his bleeding face.


The Tower of Morning, wherein the party has seen the Wand of Days, proves not quite empty; the party encounters a Moilian specter, capable of draining their life energy much like the Moilian zombies they’ve encountered. Indeed, it also has the same characteristic cold aura. Jezebel, Ulla, Thrush and Patyn all end up momentarily frozen in ice; but Sybele’s mass concussion blasts them free, and Patyn’s undead slaying abilities finish the specter forever.

In this combat Jezebel learns an important lesson. “I can’t fight your opponents!” she exclaims. “I’m going to have to focus on helping you fight your opponents.”

They find the room with the panels displaying different times of day and depress the one that indicates sunrise. Then they return to the icy chamber that holds the Wand of Days and claim it.

“A good day’s work!” Thrush exclaims cheerily.

“Yep, and I’d say it’s time to rest,” Sybele suggests. “Let’s go back to the Dreaming Tower and take some more lucidaphen! Maybe we can learn some more information!”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Patyn says.

“What do you mean?”

“I think that you’re already displaying signs of addiction. I don’t think this ‘lucidaphen’ is as harmless as it looks.”

“We can take care of ourselves,” says Thrush. “We appreciate your concern, but we can handle ourselves.”

He shrugs. “I’m just pointing out what I’m seeing.”

“We appreciate your concern,” Thrush repeats.

As the others take the drug, Patyn and Rex watch from aside. “At least we can stand guard,” Rex shrugs.


A little scouting reveals that the last set of bars (other than the ones that the hourglass they found previously trips) are gone. Our heroes flip the aforementioned glass, wait an hour and flip it again. Then they return to the base of the tower of black ice, where they previously fought a winter-wight, and the bars are down. In the dark alcove, some sort of leathery-skinned, tentacled beast slithers back and forth.

And it wears a saddle, big enough for a dozen men to ride.

“I guess we know what happens next,” says Thrush.

Next Time: At last... the Fortress of Conclusion!

the Jester

Through the eternal night of the Negative Energy Plane our heroes fly on the back of the weird phantom flyer. Blackness is above and below, and to all sides. Their conversations are subdued; the plane around them is oppressive with nothingness.

This is the Void. Lester shudders.

For an interminable period they wing their way through the darkness. The phantom flyer is silent, tireless, faceless. After a time our heroes grow tired, and rest; and many of them again indulge in lucidaphen. They found a considerable supply of it in the Tower of Dreams, but much of it appears spoiled to some extent. Nonetheless, our heroes continue to consume it, eagerly searching after prophetic dreams. To some, nothing comes; to some, strange, hard to understand visions. Ulla and Londo see death and traps, and shiver.

The flight continues, hour after hour, until our heroes grow tired again. “A commune I did said that this will take a long while,” Lester tells them wanly.

“At least we’re protected from the effects of the plane,” Orbius says with a shudder.

“What would that do?” asks Horbin.

“Suck the life right out of us.”

“...I see.”


Days pass, though they are marked by no sun, no light, no clock. Our heroes are restless; were it one alone, she might go mad from loneliness. As it is, tempers fray during the journey, but nobody comes unglued. The fact that they all know that they can escape via gate or any number of other methods is reassuring and helps them keep their minds intact.

Finally, after a monotonous, seemingly-endless journey that sees everyone sleep at least a half dozen times- most doze a lot as well- a distant speck resolves against the utter blackness everywhere around them. It is directly ahead of them, and clearly, it is where the phantom flyer is taking them.

Slowly it grows in their vision, until they are close enough to see it; and by that time- by the time that darkvision or lightsources reach it- it becomes apparent that it is another great green face, like the one in the Tomb of Horrors that the party followed to Moil, the City That Waits.

Only this time, instead of a void, the mouth houses a door. There are no visible discouragements against taking it; as the phantom flyer settles on the ledge that extends before the mouth like a great tongue. At the rim of the ledge, before the doorway, is a lantern shedding a dim emerald light hanging on an iron post. Beside this, on the door itself, is an inscription:

Fortress Of Conclusion.

The party stretches and takes a few moments to work the kinks out of their long-immobile bodies. Then, almost reluctantly, they turn to the door.

“This is it,” says Lester.

Thrush opens the door.

Next Time: Desatysso’s Renewing Reward- the most horrible trap of all!

the Jester

The first door into the Fortress of Conclusion opens to them uncontested; there is no trap, no deadly spell that triggers to cast them into the Void.

This may be the only door that they shall find so easy...

Almost immediately the Fortress opens up into a 30’ square room. The plastered walls are covered with weird scenes and glyphs; the floor and ceiling, too, are covered with bizarre art pieces in a disorganized mess of insectoid dragons, long tentacles, ant-like humans, and other disturbing imagery. Opposite the entry, another arch leads out.

“Freaky,” breathes Lester.

“Let’s go,” urges Rex, and the group moves through the room without disturbing anything. Ahead they can see into another chamber-

“Oh my god,” Sybele gasps. She, a hardened adventurer, almost vomits.

A 20’ square chamber opens up from a short hall beyond the painted room. In the ceiling, in the corner, a metal hook has been affixed to the ceiling. Dangling from this, head down, is a human, battered and thin, with a look of agony on his face. He wears a tattered robe. Worst of all, he is sewn up. His eyes and mouth are stitched shut; his arms have been sewn to his sides and his legs have been sewn together.

Our heroes start as a low, inarticulate groan of pain issues from the figure, and Orbius gasps, “He’s alive!”

The form jerks, as if suddenly aware of them, and a voice telepathically speaks in their heads. Release me from this horrible bondage, I beg you! Kill me! I’ve lost all track of time, but it seems an eternity since I, Desatysso, entered this most accursed of places!

Sybele draws her sword. “Orbius, Horbin- can you get him down from there?”

A few failed spells ensue.

“I don’t know if you should just kill him,” Orbius says hesitantly.

“He’s in agony, and has been for who knows how long,” Sybele answers. She steps up and stabs Desatysso through the heart.

Thank you... ahhhhhhh....

Desatysso’s agonized form relaxes as he dies, and for an instant Sybele feels a fierce burning pride at having done the right thing.

Then the stitches start to move.

“Wait...” she says, but it’s too late.

They squirm free of Desatysso’s body, then move like bugs to Sybele, his killer; and in seconds they crawl up her body. She thrashes and screams.

The stitches are quick and horribly efficient. Sybele jerks and shrieks as her legs are stitched together and her arms are sewn to her sides; and then her screams stop as the stitches reach her mouth, and then, most horrible of all, her eyes; and with a sudden jerking motion she ends up hanging from the hook, head to the floor, in unbelievable agony.

Next Time: Can our heroes rescue Sybele from this horrible trap?? Or will all efforts be futile??

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