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Toasterferret's Council of Thieves


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Maurea's response

Maurea takes a moment to compose herself before speaking. Her confidence was slightly shaken by the wide variety and emotion of responses. Maybe this was not the call to action she had been waiting for. Maybe this strange group was nothing more than a disorganized underground movement; she would be careful, there were many ways to throw your life away in useless gestures.

The gnome seems harmless enough, even full of kindness and goodness. Noa was a different story, he is full of pain, anyone could see that. If Maurea was to work with him, and she secretly hoped she would, perhaps this pain could be healed. She would do her best to restore him to full sanity if given the chance. Virgil seemed a bit of an odd duck, yet endearing in his own way. His obvious discomfort at speaking indicated roots of deep shyness. Shyness that Maurea had seen a thousand times in beginning acolytes. This shyness tends to fade away as a person finds themselves, and disappears when they come into their own power. She would watch him, perhaps even foster him along.

"May the light of Sarenrae guide you all. My name is Maurea, and I come to you from far to the East. My home is a convent dedicated to Sarenrae where I have served many years as a scholar, healer, and administrator. While I am new to this city, and find it odd to be suddenly called upon to upset the current balance of power, I am hopeful that the diabolist taint can be washed away."

"That being said, I have some reservations about acting without knowing the plan. Perhaps you, Janiven, can shed some light upon what you would like us to do?"

Maurea settled back, her armor clinking, she would never get used to all the noise this new armor caused. or the noise of the city for that matter. She said a quick focusing prayer under her breath and smiled at them all in turn.

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Janiven nods to each of you in turn. At Maurea's query she replies...

"There are a variety of tasks that I feel you could help us with, such as--"

Before Janiven can finish her sentence, a frantic pounding is heard at the door. leaping from her chair, Janiven rushes to the door and peers through the window. She immediately unlocks and opens the door, and a frightened teenager stumbles into the tavern, half out of breath. The glisten of sweat on his brow and his tussled hair indicate that he has been running quite hard.

"Morisimo! What's going on?!" Janiven asks, a tone of urgency in her voice, while she re-locks the front door
“They’ve got Arael!” he calls out, then immediately doubles over in a fit of coughing brought on by his long run. Janiven’s face grows grim as she comforts Morosino and asks him to explain himself; in a moment the lad recovers enough to spurt out, “The dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There’s a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it in here; they’ve already surrounded us!”
At that point, the sound of clanking armor advancing on the tavern becomes apparent.

"Damn!" Janiven curses, looking back toward the group. "I'm sorry to involve you like this but we need to get out of here now!"
A pounding is heard on the tavern door.

"Order of the Rack! Open this door!" a booming voice calls out.

Janiven and Morosino swiftly move behind the tavern’s decrepit bar, where they lift up a heavy trap door in the floor. "Come with me if you want to live!" Janiven calls out, as Morosino drops through the trap door and into the city sewers...


First Post
Leonixx hardly has time to register the newcomer and process the information before they are already fleeing through the trapdoor. He leaps off his chair and scurries after them, snatching up his backpack on the move and wasting no time to hop down into the trap door himself. as he jumps down, his mind snaps to a spell he learned.. and how it may hinder the oncoming foes.. and smirks.

Chanting, he peeks over the rim of the trap door waves his stubby arms, a thin layer of a slick greasy substance, much like a puddle of oil, appears in front of the door the banging was coming from. Hopefully this would hold off the pursuers long enough to ensure an escape.

While still unsure of the intentions of these 2, they were much better options than the Order of the Rack pounding on the door to the tavern. he says a short prayer to noone in particular and goes over his other spell incantations... it had been a while since he needed to use them.


First Post
Maurea's hand instantly goes to the hilt of her beloved scimitar, one of the best perks of being in the Sisters Militant of Sarenrae. Pushing her body to move as fast as it was able she leaps from her chair and rushes to a window to look upon the enemy. She had been avoiding the Order of the Rack ever since she came to this damned city. Deciding that her lot has been thrown in with this group, she follows the lead of Janiven after making sure that all others would be able to get down the hole.


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Vigil's response

Vigil's heart rate had first picked up with the pounding on the door, and was still beating in his chest, telling him something was about to happen. As he listened to the boys quick story, he was caught up in a mix of emotions and thoughts.

Vigil's sized up the situation, and quickly passed on the idea of sticking around. He hadn't committed any crimes, that he was aware of anyway, but that wouldn't matter to the Hellknights, and he didn't want to go through that ordeal again. Especially if they were surrounded.

A little disappointed, Vigil followed Maurea down the trapdoor.

He knew the value in a cleric, be she a fighter or a healer, and the puddle in front of the door was evidence enough that the gnome would be useful. He'd seen what angry, passionate men like Noa could in the right situation. It seemed he'd be waiting a little longer to demonstrate his own value to the group.

"Noa!" he cried, unsure what exactly the man was thinking or why he hadn't yet moved towards the hole. "Time to go!"


First Post
Noa felt a rage rising inside of himself as the knights of The Order began banging on the door. THIS was how it was going to end for him? Caged like a rat?
Perhaps this had all been a setup to dispose of him after he had survived the night before. Glancing with growing anger toward Janiven and the adolescent, he felt his tensing fist slacken slightly as he came to decide that they had not brought this upon him intentionally.
Well, he thought, if I'm going to die, it might as well be fighting The Rack. With this he drew a short, wide, heavy bladed sword from the scabbard at his belt.
Just then, Janiven ran past him, leading the young lad to a trapdoor in the floor. An escape route! Perhaps he wouldn't die here after all. And so it seemed when she beckoned them all to follow.
Just then the the armored woman who has declared herself a Sister of Sarenrae ran to the window, and Noa nearly ran after her to pull her back. Fortunately, she turned quickly and headed for the exit, just as the entranceway was covered in a thick oily substance, seemingly from the young gnome as he staggered backward toward the hole in the floor.
Next he knew, the awkward man who called himself Vigil was calling to him from the exit, coaxing him to follow.
"All in good time, my friend," he said as an idea crept to him. Quickly as he could, he upended the table onto its side and slid it across the floor. Swinging his blade over his head, he severed a leg from the table, then with all of his strength he pushed the table across the floor until it reached the edge of the oily liquid at which point he showed as hard as his body would allow, forcing it to the door.
Now that there was one more obstacle in the way of the encroaching soldiers, he tore a small section of his sleeve from his tunic, and tied it around the broken table leg. Withdrawing a small flint from his belt pouch and striking it against his sword, he set the cloth aflame.
Just as it seemed the door would hold against The Order no longer, he tossed the makeshift torch onto the pool and dove for the trapdoor entrance, taking one last glance as he shoved Vigil forward and closed the trapdoor behind them.


As Noa dives through the trapdoor, the whoosh of wood and oil catching flame sounds from above, followed by the sound of the door breaking in, and shouts of surprise. As Noa locks the door, Janiven beckons to the group to follow.

A quick glance at your surroundings indicates that you are in a hewn stone hallway, 20 feet long and 5 feet wide. Janiven stands at the end of the hallway, holding open a simple wooden door.

As the last of you enter through the door, Janiven shuts it and places a wooden bar through the handle to hold it shut. On the other end of the door you find yourself in the sewers of Westcrown. The sewer ceiling is but 5 feet high, and the tunnels are 10 feet wide. Down the middle of the tunnels runs a trench through with murky water flows.

Janiven pulls out a long metal rod, which begins to glow, shedding light equivalent to a torch. She then looks carefully at the wall to her left before pulling out a marked brick. She sighs with relief
Good, they are still here... she remarks, pulling out a small sack. You hear the telltale clink of glass from inside, as she holds it open to the group. "It's a ways to the hideout and we may not be able to stop with those Hellknights behind us. These should help should anyone get injured. There should be enough in here for three apeice... She pulls out three small vials of amber colored fluid before passing the bag to the group.

Several yards from the door you came through, the tunnel splits abruptly to the right and the left. Not wasting any time, Janiven points to a small marking of a sword, scribbled on the wall pointing left. “Arael and I made these marks a few months ago when we explored the sewers. We marked all the intersections so our people could find their way through the sewers to our hideout.”

Without missing a beat, Janiven and Morisimo stride down the leftward tunnel. The sounds from the direction of the tavern grow louder, and the light grows dimmer as she strides out of view.

[sblock=devious_sauce] thanks for the catch, haha. fixed. [/sblock]
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But momma always said don't take potions from strangers...

Vigil took the bag from Janiven and pocketed his three vials. He wasn't sure what was in them, but hopefully he wouldn't have to find out.

Bending down to fit under the short ceiling, he quickly took off after Janiven and Morisimo, demonstrating a nimble quickness that betrayed the bumbling impression he'd first made. As much as he hated walking in the sewers, he hated standing in the sewers in the dark much more, and didn't want to get left behind.

Vigil's hands reached up to his shoulders and seemed to unwrap something from around his shoulders and waist as he was running. "Weapon's out if you can still move quickly, I'd bet," he yelled back to the group. "They never give you no potions for nothing!"


First Post
Noa took the nearly empty bag as it was handed to him, as he was last in line. Tucking it in his belt, he glanced back when the commotion from above the trapdoor seemed to increase.
"Alright, you all go ahead. I'll watch our backs. And Iomedae help any who chase us closely enough to get within my reach." Crouching low and staying just within sight of the last of the group, Noa kept an eye and an ear to the rear.


First Post
Leonixx struggles to hold the large sack but retrieves his 3 vials before passing it back.

"Blech i thought this place would remind me of home, but its more like the latrines...."

He flinches slightly as Vigil mentions weapons... he had been able to hide his... emotions about weaponry during the display at dinner but his nerves are on edge and he noticeably trembles.

Anyone can clearly see this small gnome is completely unarmed.

he takes a spot between the well armed male and the priestess, hoping to be shrouded from any observers by the taller folk's armor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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