D&D General Tolkien Week (September 22 to 28)


Tolkien Week is happening now, starting from Sunday September 22.

The American Tolkien Society began it in 1978, and many fans around the world celebrate it with Tolkien movie marathons, book readings, and Hobbit-style feasts.

Heh, D&D players can celebrate Gandolf the Dexterity Paladin.

Maybe in your games − make a cameo appearance of some Tolkienesque treat.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Is it because of Bilbo’s birthday being september 22, or is there some real world reason for this particular week?

I'd love to put something tolkienesque into the Zeitgeist 5e game I'm running tomorrow. The group is on Axis Island (1st book) and had just entered the outer fortress.

I don't want to put something in that's too much of a red herring or too blantantly obvious. But it should be clear enough, that this is very much a Tolkien thing.

Ideas so far:
-- A Black Rider appearing in the town, disappearing around a corner. If I play on the emenating fear thing, the group should get it. I'd rather have something more interactive.
-- Have a "Gandalf" appear just as the group approaches the inner fortress (before opening the sea gate, mind) yelling "Flee fools!" in his best Moria-style. Very much on the nose.
-- Have a little hobbit appear out of thin air, groping for the ring that just fell of his finger, putting it back on and disappearing. Again, not interactive at all.
-- Have one char (idealy the percieved "weakest" stumble upon a ring of invisibility. Play strongly on the Tolkien theme, seeing Sauron's eye, world turning black and white, all the Peter-Jackson-visuals. The ring would disappear after the session (or at the end of the story arc). VERY interactive, might wreak havoc on balance, but so far still my favorite.

Any other ideas?


I'd love to put something tolkienesque into the Zeitgeist 5e game I'm running tomorrow. The group is on Axis Island (1st book) and had just entered the outer fortress.

I don't want to put something in that's too much of a red herring or too blantantly obvious. But it should be clear enough, that this is very much a Tolkien thing.

Ideas so far:
-- A Black Rider appearing in the town, disappearing around a corner. If I play on the emenating fear thing, the group should get it. I'd rather have something more interactive.
-- Have a "Gandalf" appear just as the group approaches the inner fortress (before opening the sea gate, mind) yelling "Flee fools!" in his best Moria-style. Very much on the nose.
-- Have a little hobbit appear out of thin air, groping for the ring that just fell of his finger, putting it back on and disappearing. Again, not interactive at all.
-- Have one char (idealy the percieved "weakest" stumble upon a ring of invisibility. Play strongly on the Tolkien theme, seeing Sauron's eye, world turning black and white, all the Peter-Jackson-visuals. The ring would disappear after the session (or at the end of the story arc). VERY interactive, might wreak havoc on balance, but so far still my favorite.

Any other ideas?

I would go with the ring of invisibility. No one would miss the reference. Probably, let them keep it too − tho that would depend on the campaign.

I did the ring thing, and it went well. Not toooo much distraction from what was going on, a solid pinch of RP (the paladin trying to convince the rogue who "found" the ring to hand it over for safekeeping after he concluded it's not a goodly aligned item), someone immediately said "Oh, like in the Lotr-movies" (but most people missed it).
And since I had reminded everyone at the start of the session, that it's Tolkien week I feel like I did my due ;)

Not to see how I'll continue the story of the ring, but that's not something that needs discussed in this thread :)

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