Tomb of Gyzaengaxx from Luke Gygax

This collector's edition boxed adventure and campaign is an homage to Gary Gygax and other creators.

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Coming from Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo is an adventure created as a tribute to D&D co-creater Gary Gygax. A boxed set, it includes books, poster maps, handouts, cards, and more, and encompasses both an adventure and a campaign setting.

The set is designed for various systems, including OSE (Old School Essentials), D&D 5E, and others.

The adventure itself is 60 pages, for 6th-8th level characters and tasks the PCs with discovering what happened to the long-missing archmage, 'Garold Gyzaengaxx' (no relation of course). The full set contains a 120-page setting book, a GM reference book, a 100-page lore book, and more.

Hear now of the horrendous, historic, and somewhat hilarious opening of the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx — what was once a keep where the great wizard, Garold Gyzaengaxx held sway. But some years past, Garold disappeared, and the keep became a place of much terrifying rumor. Indeed, many deadly monsters, puzzling traps, magical maladies, dark characters, and a most intriguing mystery may be found herein.

The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx is on Kickstarter now. The PDF version of the adventure comes in at $55, with the physical version at $65. The campaign setting is $135 digital or $150 physical. And for both, you're looking at $185 digital and $200 physical. There's also higher level pledges which come with autographed versions, and a seat at a convention game with the authors. It's not cheap, but you do get a ton of stuff. The Kickstarter has passed a quarter million dollars already with nearly a month left to go.

The set appears to be full of 'easter eggs' and nods to D&D's history, and even has NPCs based on various game creators--Ed Greenwood, Erol Otus, Tim Kask, Peter Adkison, and many more.


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Reeks of Jedi
What is in that campaign setting box that is worth $140? The adventure with all the hand outs and maps etc is a mere $60. What can possibly be in there worth more than double the cost of the main adventure?

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Front Range Warlock
What is in that campaign setting box that is worth $140? The adventure with all the hand outs and maps etc is a mere $60. What can possibly be in there worth more than double the cost of the main adventure?

The $140 level tier includes a physical copy of the setting book and a physical copy of an "explorer's guide" not included in the $60 tier - but it also does not include the actual adventure (you'll have to pledge $190 to get it all in physical and digital format). Frankly, the reward tiers don't make much sense to me unless they're simply designed to drain wallets, which I realize is a cynical view... but i just can't think of any other reason to split up the content like that.


Reeks of Jedi
The $140 level tier includes a physical copy of the setting book and a physical copy of an "explorer's guide" not included in the $60 tier - but it also does not include the actual adventure (you'll have to pledge $190 to get it all in physical and digital format). Frankly, the reward tiers don't make much sense to me unless they're simply designed to drain wallets, which I realize is a cynical view... but i just can't think of any other reason to split up the content like that.

I can only assume they are making sure to cover the stretch goals costs. Plus if you sign up on their website and pledge you get even more stuff.

$200 is high for sure but they do seem to be handing out a lot in the extras department. Of course it all comes down to, will you play/run it all?


I can only assume they are making sure to cover the stretch goals costs. Plus if you sign up on their website and pledge you get even more stuff.

$200 is high for sure but they do seem to be handing out a lot in the extras department. Of course it all comes down to, will you play/run it all?
I think of this in terms of you can buy a 5E adventure today for $70 new and then a resource guide for another $70 and then extra for the add-ons. This roughly balances out the cost vs. the 'normal' costs that folks are comparing it against.

I think there is also a bit of nostalgia in order to have an adventure with so many folks that have influenced the RPG world (of which I'm willing to pay a bit more for... :) ). I also acknowledge my bias here, but I also appreciate that there is no AI art, printed and published in the US and also a small producer. I'm happy to support the little guy.

Also, looking forward to running it.
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This looks interesting. A project by Luke Gygax and his family as an homage to the old school dungeon crawls of his father, Gary Gygax.


Part of the fun style this adventure ofers, in the name itself, a potential Spelling Bee challenge.

The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Mega-Adventure and the Gyzaengaxx Environs Campaign Setting Box Set will bring many tales that GMs and players will truly love. The adventure is challenging, lampoony, mysterious, and grimdark... and is set in a most intriguing and dangerous regional territory and filled with many monsters, magicks, and marvelousness that harken back to the history of TTRPGs. Together the adventure and setting will provide many hours of gaming fun for your table! You can use these materials in Gooey Cube's World of Zyathé or Gaxxworx's World of Okkorim, or adapt them for use in your own world as you desire!

Materials designed to enthrall players while also dramatically cutting GM prep time!​

Like all our creations, The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Adventure and The Environs of Gyzaengaxx Campaign Setting will bring an incredible array of adventures for your table to immerse and enthrall your players. Plus our adventures and settings are always filled with full-color event and encounter Art Handouts, amazing NPC Portraits, stunning full-color Maps, fantastic Magic Item Cards, game-enhancing Gooey Rewards Cards, and so much more. All designed to help make your life easier as a GM and to help you run more experiential and fun games for your players!


I sincerely hope to see some hype on this at GaryCon.
If it weren't for taxes, some unexpected home and car repairs, and GaryCon, I would be backing this right now.
Maybe after hearing more about it from Luke and the Gang, I'll be more inspired to shift my budget around.

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