D&D General Classic Adventure Themed Dice Sets From Beadle & Grimm's


Beadle & Grimm's, known for it's luxury version of official Dungeons & Dragons adventures, is set to release a selection of dice sets themed around various classic modules, including The Temple of Elemental Evil, Ravenloft, and White Plume Mountain. Each set comes in a box designed to look like th original adventure module, along with collectible coins and art.

The sets include Ravenloft, Tomb of Horrors, Vecna Lives!, White Plume Mountain, Temple of Elemental Evil, and Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.

Each has a felt-lined box, a standard dice set along with an oversized d20, two collectible coins, and four cards featuring artwork and information from the adventure.

The full set of 6 dice sets will set you back $178--but you will be able to buy them separately at a later date. The site says that the $178 bundle includes a $45 saving, so presumably the full price of $223 means that the individual sets will sell for around $37 each.


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Claiming it's collectible makes it so. People will buy it for the purpose of collecting them.

And my car analogy is exactly the same. The word "usable" in your answer is doing a ton of work right there. Aren't the dice usable? If you buy a car for the wheels, the wheels work as well, you just don't need the car... That's why instead you buy wheels, just the same as you'd buy just the dice.

They are not overcharging for anything. Because nobody else is selling the same product. And that's my point and why I call statement like yours disingenuous. If they were selling only the dice for 37 usd then you'd be right. But that's not what they are selling so you are just plain wrong.

And for that matter. I personally don't see the value so I won't buy them, but what I'm not doing is getting mad and claiming its "just dice" when they are not.

Also I wouldn't call someone foolish for buying it, but I would call out someone as disingenuous for claiming the product is "just dice".
You really shouldn't make it personal by calling someone disingenuous. A moderator has already pointed out that this is against board rules.

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Claiming it's collectible makes it so. People will buy it for the purpose of collecting them.

And my car analogy is exactly the same. The word "usable" in your answer is doing a ton of work right there. Aren't the dice usable? If you buy a car for the wheels, the wheels work as well, you just don't need the car... That's why instead you buy wheels, just the same as you'd buy just the dice.

They are not overcharging for anything. Because nobody else is selling the same product. And that's my point and why I call statement like yours disingenuous. If they were selling only the dice for 37 usd then you'd be right. But that's not what they are selling so you are just plain wrong.

And for that matter. I personally don't see the value so I won't buy them, but what I'm not doing is getting mad and claiming its "just dice" when they are not.

Also I wouldn't call someone foolish for buying it, but I would call out someone as disingenuous for claiming the product is "just dice".
Okay, you are far more dedicated to this argument than I am but my stance is what it is.

The word, "disingenuous," includes an assertion that people know better, but are purposely pretending not to - in other words, lying. Please don't do that.
I'm sorry? How can you watch a product that clearly it's not "just dice" and pretend the price point is just for "the dice"?

They know better and you too.

The product is called a "Collector's dice set". Not a Collectors art set, or collector's coin set. So, the focus is on the dice. If you are paying for production value, the dice should, perforce, be high production value. But they aren't.
The focus is on the dice as product but what makes it collectible, special even, it's the whole package. You're paying for the production value of the package.

If for any reason you are disappointed on the content and production values, you may very well express so. But, again, claiming it's 37 usd for "just dice" is blatantly false, and so disingenuous.

You really shouldn't make it personal by calling someone disingenuous. A moderator has already pointed out that this is against board rules.
I'm sorry but If you see my original comment it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.

They weren't the only one that had alluded at the price being just for the dice.

In any case, English is not my first language so if there is a word to express that someone seems to be purposely describing something unaccurately, I'll be glad to learn it.

My issue is claiming it's "just dice" when it's not.

I agree that's very expensive. I wouldn't buy it either but whomever buys the sets I'm pretty sure it's not "just for the dice".

You're misrepresenting the product.
I think you may be taking the comments a little too litterally. Folks know quite well that there is other stuff in the box, but for them, it has a null value because it's repurposed art ready available to any who owns the book to go with those dice AND a chromed token that has no purpose. So, to them, it is "just for the dice"; the rest is inconsequential babbles to inflate the price.

I think you may be taking the comments a little too litterally. Folks know quite well that there is other stuff in the box, but for them, it has a null value because it's repurposed art ready available to any who owns the book to go with those dice AND a chromed token that has no purpose. So, to them, it is "just for the dice"; the rest is inconsequential babbles to inflate the price.
It's hard not to take the written word as anything but "literal".

Then again, value and worth are subjective but the product description and price are not.

Stating "it's just dice" is false, I don't see any other way to go about it. If they only want the dice and everything else holds no value to them, then this product is not for them and that's fair. But there are people who may find it valuable or worth it and that's fine as well.

I've already said my piece about B&G's expensive collectable stuff.

I hope the fans who buy them are just as happy with them as they are their 5th ed B&G expensive collectable adventures.

Not for me…however…I love Ravenloft and might have purchased if the product was the same set, minus the “coin”, and if the dice 1) could actually be read, I.e. had a better contrast between numbers and dice color, and 2) had a cool Strahd theme logo on the highest numbers on all the dice. Something to set it apart from every other red dice set I own.

Then it might have been a purchase. Games Workshop charges $35 for 16 d6s, but those have the faction logo on the ‘6’, so they at least have some additional appeal, if that’s your thing.

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