Tomb of Gyzaengaxx from Luke Gygax

This collector's edition boxed adventure and campaign is an homage to Gary Gygax and other creators.

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Coming from Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo is an adventure created as a tribute to D&D co-creater Gary Gygax. A boxed set, it includes books, poster maps, handouts, cards, and more, and encompasses both an adventure and a campaign setting.

The set is designed for various systems, including OSE (Old School Essentials), D&D 5E, and others.

The adventure itself is 60 pages, for 6th-8th level characters and tasks the PCs with discovering what happened to the long-missing archmage, 'Garold Gyzaengaxx' (no relation of course). The full set contains a 120-page setting book, a GM reference book, a 100-page lore book, and more.

Hear now of the horrendous, historic, and somewhat hilarious opening of the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx — what was once a keep where the great wizard, Garold Gyzaengaxx held sway. But some years past, Garold disappeared, and the keep became a place of much terrifying rumor. Indeed, many deadly monsters, puzzling traps, magical maladies, dark characters, and a most intriguing mystery may be found herein.

The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx is on Kickstarter now. The PDF version of the adventure comes in at $55, with the physical version at $65. The campaign setting is $135 digital or $150 physical. And for both, you're looking at $185 digital and $200 physical. There's also higher level pledges which come with autographed versions, and a seat at a convention game with the authors. It's not cheap, but you do get a ton of stuff. The Kickstarter has passed a quarter million dollars already with nearly a month left to go.

The set appears to be full of 'easter eggs' and nods to D&D's history, and even has NPCs based on various game creators--Ed Greenwood, Erol Otus, Tim Kask, Peter Adkison, and many more.


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Alphinius Goo

I'm cautiously optimistic. Cautiously for the reasons that Retreater mentions. To me, a lot of the Gooey Cube stuff is more style than substance and it usually isn't a cheap buy, either. Not as bad as Beedle & Grimm's stuff, but also not in line with the rest of the industry's pricing for stuff. You can grab a handful of DCC, Kobold Press adventures or even a full Kobold Press or WotC campaign for much less, even in full-color hardcover format.
Hello JD! Nice to meet you! We do know that our materials are more premium. But we also believe that the art handouts, magic item cards, NPC portraits, and other such things do add to the game. As an author of more than a few of our adventures I would invite you to spend a bit of time with our tales if you have not had the opportunity to do so. We spend much effort and time to try to bring great tales and I would be pleased to demonstrate that to you if you would not mind. On our web site... there is a free adventure entitled Darktide's Night which is a little tale that is fairly representative of our materials. Please get that as I do think you will find it an enjoyable little story. I would love to hear your opinion after you have checked it out. Good or ill.

Alphinius Goo

I'm looking forward to it. I've been impressed with the quality that Gooey Cube provides and agree that is somewhere between 'basic' and 'Beedle and Grimm'. The adventures are well written, the support is great, and the art and add-on's are appreciated. With respect to this Kickstarter, I like the homage to Gary and the fact that a lot of luminaries will have cameos.
Thank you for the kind words, Purple. As you may know... we work very hard to make enthralling tales and then wrap a marvelous "tool set" around them to make the tale more enthralling and immersive for players while helping to cut the GMs prep time. I do think that Gyzaengaxx is going to be wonderful and am so excited to work with Luke on it. Cheers!

Alphinius Goo

What is in that campaign setting box that is worth $140? The adventure with all the hand outs and maps etc is a mere $60. What can possibly be in there worth more than double the cost of the main adventure?
Hi DarkCrisis! The box set will have about double (or more) of the content of the adventure. Beyond this it also comes with a marvelous "explorer's guidebook" which will be at least 100 pages of content with much artwork therein. We have squeezed the price point as much as we can while still providing what we believe is a true premium experience for players and GMs. I hope you will consider backing. It is going to be wonderful. Cheers!


Hi General! We do produce more premium materials... but we believe that the game experience and the lessening of prep time for the GM is worth it. Sadly... we don't have an army of writers and editors. Indeed... this little company is our "side business".... but it is a lot of fun and we love the community we are building. And I truly believe our products are wonderful with much passion, care, and effort put into creating them.

I was initially drawn to the alumni attached to the image and thought that these people were somehow involved in the writing and editing of the product. If they aren't, then who is doing the writing and editing on the book?

As a superbacker it takes more than just some puffery and shiny baubles to convince me to back a project these days. I look for solid design, good writing and exceptional editing.

Is this adventure a sandbox setting or does it have a linear plot driving it forwards? Are there going to be plain text versions of the handouts in a text file?

Forgive me if you think I'm being critical of your campaign, I'm not; I ask similar questions to creators no matter what the pledge levels are like.

Alphinius Goo

I was initially drawn to the alumni attached to the image and thought that these people were somehow involved in the writing and editing of the product. If they aren't, then who is doing the writing and editing on the book?

As a superbacker it takes more than just some puffery and shiny baubles to convince me to back a project these days. I look for solid design, good writing and exceptional editing.

Is this adventure a sandbox setting or does it have a linear plot driving it forwards? Are there going to be plain text versions of the handouts in a text file?

Forgive me if you think I'm being critical of your campaign, I'm not; I ask similar questions to creators no matter what the pledge levels are like.
Hello General! Not at all, my friend. Your questions are quite reasonable. I have backed quite a few Kickstarters myself and I know that not all are as they seem. The Adventure will be authored by Luke Gygax and me — with some help from our Gooey Cube team. Luke and I both have done much authoring and I am a writer for my career (going on 40 years now). The adventure is a little sandboxy at the beginning with the exploration of a tower and then a dungeon following.

The campaign setting is very sandboxy as it will have more than a few locations set forth as well as at least a few "mini-dungeons" therein. The campaign will be authored by Luke, me, and our gooey team — with the community having an opportunity to submit ideas that may or may not be included. These will have significant editorial oversight to ensure quality.

We are looking at having at least some of the Legends be a part of those contributions but we do not know how that will work as of yet and which of them would even want to participate. Some have expressed interest in contributing and, as you might expect, we are excited about that. We shall see how it pans out after the Kickstarter is complete.

The handouts we provide almost always support an area or encounter. As such, the description of said locality supports the image on the handout and vice-versa.

I do believe that we at Gooey Cube produce some very magnificent materials. If you go to you can get a few freebies there to show you a bit of what we do. I hope you will do so. And thanks for the great questions!!

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