Tomb of Gyzaengaxx from Luke Gygax

This collector's edition boxed adventure and campaign is an homage to Gary Gygax and other creators.

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Coming from Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo is an adventure created as a tribute to D&D co-creater Gary Gygax. A boxed set, it includes books, poster maps, handouts, cards, and more, and encompasses both an adventure and a campaign setting.

The set is designed for various systems, including OSE (Old School Essentials), D&D 5E, and others.

The adventure itself is 60 pages, for 6th-8th level characters and tasks the PCs with discovering what happened to the long-missing archmage, 'Garold Gyzaengaxx' (no relation of course). The full set contains a 120-page setting book, a GM reference book, a 100-page lore book, and more.

Hear now of the horrendous, historic, and somewhat hilarious opening of the Tomb of Gyzaengaxx — what was once a keep where the great wizard, Garold Gyzaengaxx held sway. But some years past, Garold disappeared, and the keep became a place of much terrifying rumor. Indeed, many deadly monsters, puzzling traps, magical maladies, dark characters, and a most intriguing mystery may be found herein.

The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx is on Kickstarter now. The PDF version of the adventure comes in at $55, with the physical version at $65. The campaign setting is $135 digital or $150 physical. And for both, you're looking at $185 digital and $200 physical. There's also higher level pledges which come with autographed versions, and a seat at a convention game with the authors. It's not cheap, but you do get a ton of stuff. The Kickstarter has passed a quarter million dollars already with nearly a month left to go.

The set appears to be full of 'easter eggs' and nods to D&D's history, and even has NPCs based on various game creators--Ed Greenwood, Erol Otus, Tim Kask, Peter Adkison, and many more.


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Alphinius Goo

I thought healing to be nerfed too when I first came to 5E. Single-source in-combat healing can't get you ahead of the curve like you could in prior editions, but in 5E healing is coming from a wide range of sources - often from different angles at once, not just the cleric, and not just from upleveled Cure Wounds spells. Topped with HD healing between fights, the game does have more than enough ways to recover from combats and such.
Truly I still believe it to be nerfed. And even more problematic is that many do not wish to play clerics. This is all explained in our "Gooey Philosophy" which can be downloaded for free from our web site. You can also get some other freebies including a little Gooey Cube Adventure entitled "Darktide's Night"... give it a look if you have a chance, Stormonu. Cheers!!


Reeks of Jedi
Truly I still believe it to be nerfed. And even more problematic is that many do not wish to play clerics. This is all explained in our "Gooey Philosophy" which can be downloaded for free from our web site. You can also get some other freebies including a little Gooey Cube Adventure entitled "Darktide's Night"... give it a look if you have a chance, Stormonu. Cheers!!

You don’t need a cleric because because there are so many healer/ing options.

My current group didnt have a cleric for awhile and healing fell the Articifer. A bard would also work. Druid. Paladin and Ranger. Plus all the other ways to heal. Oh and let’s not forget subclasses options.

5E has more healing than any other edition, it seems. Healing and darkvision lol

Truly I still believe it to be nerfed. And even more problematic is that many do not wish to play clerics. This is all explained in our "Gooey Philosophy" which can be downloaded for free from our web site. You can also get some other freebies including a little Gooey Cube Adventure entitled "Darktide's Night"... give it a look if you have a chance, Stormonu. Cheers!!
That defends how you define nerf. In combat healing is nerfed in that healing magic is a tactically weak move. Out of combat healing is busted because it's so plentiful you almost never run out of it.

Alphinius Goo

That defends how you define nerf. In combat healing is nerfed in that healing magic is a tactically weak move. Out of combat healing is busted because it's so plentiful you almost never run out of it.
Yes indeed. This I agree. It takes some of the "tenseness" out of the game which I do miss from the old days. We do play it a bit differently at my table to keep some of that in play.


Reeks of Jedi
Yes indeed. This I agree. It takes some of the "tenseness" out of the game which I do miss from the old days. We do play it a bit differently at my table to keep some of that in play.
My table has started using that under 0 HP you are out of the fight even if healed or stabilized. You are KOed until after the fight. Unless you roll a D20 each round and on a 20 you wake up at 1HP

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