[Trailer] Last Airbender: what's the appeal?


First Post
The problem with the trailer is that its tone is way too heavy. There's not a smile to be found, and that alone distances it from the animated series.

This should be billed as a movie that's epic, but is also full of warmth and fun. Basically, the sort of things that make Disney's animated films smash hits. Instead, we have something that looks too youth-oriented for grown-ups and too morose for kids.

All three seasons of the animated series are now on Netflix Watch It Now. Well worth it if you can come to terms with the main characters being kids. First season is not quite as good as the rest (the second season introduces some great characters to the cast), but really can't be skipped.

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First Post
The problem with the trailer is that its tone is way too heavy. There's not a smile to be found, and that alone distances it from the animated series.

This should be billed as a movie that's epic, but is also full of warmth and fun. Basically, the sort of things that make Disney's animated films smash hits. Instead, we have something that looks too youth-oriented for grown-ups and too morose for kids.

I think that gets to the heart of the problem... They're marketing the wrong movie to the wrong audience. They're focusing on the epic action and the heavy drama in the ads and trailers, and leaving out all the rest.

Perhaps instead of "memorable" a better word choice would be "discernable".

At least in the ads... In the show, at least, there were multiple love interests for each of the main characters, the world was vast and detailed, and the villains were as just as complex personalities as the good guys.

The latest trailer (I got to see it before Toy Story 3), touches on the love interests and the villains in just this manner, but unfortunately you wouldn't notice it, unless you'd already seen the cartoon and were paying close attention.


I think that gets to the heart of the problem... They're marketing the wrong movie to the wrong audience. They're focusing on the epic action and the heavy drama in the ads and trailers, and leaving out all the rest.


pbartender said:
At least in the ads... In the show, at least, there were multiple love interests for each of the main characters, the world was vast and detailed, and the villains were as just as complex personalities as the good guys.

Hopefully the trailer is just doing a poor job representing the movie and it isn't that they decided to make the movie all epic action and such. It could be a good movie if they stay true to the series.


All three seasons of the animated series are now on Netflix Watch It Now. Well worth it if you can come to terms with the main characters being kids. First season is not quite as good as the rest (the second season introduces some great characters to the cast), but really can't be skipped.

Thanks for the tip. I watched the first couple of episodes. It's not in my, admittedly narrow, wheelhouse regarding the type of animation I enjoy. I will probably watch a handful of the episodes more if people could steer me toward some with more epic battles and interesting creatures and such that might appear over the three seasons (TIA). The whole hidden destiny set up gets overused in tv and movies, has for a long time, though I fully understand it is a tried and true plot. The style of humor displayed in the first couple of episodes it is little too eye-rolling for me, too, though I also understand that fits with that style of animation. It didn't draw me in when I first encountered it with the original Speed Racer cartoons when I was younger so I doubt watching more is going to adjust the vibe for me. I'll probably enjoy the darker live-action movie with all of the effects, though, so I'm still planning to see that.


First Post
I think that gets to the heart of the problem... They're marketing the wrong movie to the wrong audience. They're focusing on the epic action and the heavy drama in the ads and trailers, and leaving out all the rest.

And I think that's why I'm even more pessimistic about the live-action movie, because I'm seriously starting to doubt 'the rest' made it into the movie at all. How many movies has Shyamalan written/directed that had any sort of bright, lighthearted, fun and cheery moments? His stuff has always been so quiet and somber, bordering on depressive. I'm really worried he sucked out all the fun and turned Aang into some brooding, morose, reluctant hero/child-savior who sulks and angrily rants about his unwanted destiny, made Katara into a snotty, exasperated bitch, and Sokka into a solemn, humorless warrior.

Quite frankly, after The Happening, I don't know how the hell Shyamalan still has a career. (Well, I mean, I guess because that turd still turned a profit and that's all movie studios care about.)


I don't care for anime, but I'm watching the animated show on Netflix Instand streaming and I just love it. It's surprisingly funny and touching. Add in untraditional heroes (inuit culture) and good action, and I'm sold.

The movie? I dunno. Casting all white folks irks me a little, and I see no sign of the humor. i'll wait and check reviews.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
I will probably watch a handful of the episodes more if people could steer me toward some with more epic battles and interesting creatures and such that might appear over the three seasons (TIA).
Hmm, epic battles?

S1 Ep 7, The Spirit World, Winter Solstice: Part 1 (Not much action but the story continues over to part 2 that has some awesome action, you might want to skip if only because all episodes begin with that "Previously on Avatar . . .")
S1 Ep, 8, Avatar Roku, Winter Solstice: Part 2
S1 Ep 19, The Siege of the North: Part 1
S1 Ep 20, The Siege of the North: Part 2

There's a lot of Season 2 with cool action
S2, Ep 1, The Avatar State (. . . more of a plot point but we see Aang achieve avatar state for the first time)
S2 Ep 3, Return to Omashu
S2 Ep 5, Avatar Day (Avatar Kyoshi is full of awesome)
S2 Ep 6, The Blind Bandit
S2 Ep 8, The Chase
S2 Ep 10, The Library
S2 Ep 11, The Desert (First time we see scary angry Aang)
S2, Ep 13, The Drill
S2 Ep 19, The Guru
S2 Episode 20 The Crossroads of Destiny

S3 Ep 5, The Beach (The fight with "Sparky Sparky Boom Man")
S3 Ep 6, The Avatar and the Fire Lord
S3 Ep 7, The Runaway
S3 Ep 10, The Day of Black Sun, part 1
S3 Ep 11, The Day of Black Sun, part 2
S3 Ep 18-21, (Finale)


First Post
Thanks for the tip. I watched the first couple of episodes. It's not in my, admittedly narrow, wheelhouse regarding the type of animation I enjoy. I will probably watch a handful of the episodes more if people could steer me toward some with more epic battles and interesting creatures and such that might appear over the three seasons (TIA).
I pretty handily loathe the whole "chosen one" power fantasy that Hollywood has indoctrinated us to accept as a cornerstone of all great epic adventures. That's why Harry Potter never really gained any traction with me. But, Avatar overcame my biases. This is not a show that one steps back from in order to marvel at the intricacy of the plot.

Like I said, season one is not when the awesome kicks in full throttle. Episodes 7-13 contain a goodly amount of action, and the two-parter season finale is pretty good. But I'd wager most adults who like it got into it during season two. So, since you've got Netflix, you could just skip to season two and then go back to previous episodes if desired.


First Post
Hmm, epic battles?

S1 Ep 7, The Spirit World, Winter Solstice: Part 1 (Not much action but the story continues over to part 2 that has some awesome action, you might want to skip if only because all episodes begin with that "Previously on Avatar . . .")
S1 Ep, 8, Avatar Roku, Winter Solstice: Part 2
S1 Ep 19, The Siege of the North: Part 1
S1 Ep 20, The Siege of the North: Part 2

There's a lot of Season 2 with cool action
S2, Ep 1, The Avatar State (. . . more of a plot point but we see Aang achieve avatar state for the first time)
S2 Ep 3, Return to Omashu
S2 Ep 5, Avatar Day (Avatar Kyoshi is full of awesome)
S2 Ep 6, The Blind Bandit
S2 Ep 8, The Chase
S2 Ep 10, The Library
S2 Ep 11, The Desert (First time we see scary angry Aang)
S2, Ep 13, The Drill
S2 Ep 19, The Guru
S2 Episode 20 The Crossroads of Destiny

S3 Ep 5, The Beach (The fight with "Sparky Sparky Boom Man")
S3 Ep 6, The Avatar and the Fire Lord
S3 Ep 7, The Runaway
S3 Ep 10, The Day of Black Sun, part 1
S3 Ep 11, The Day of Black Sun, part 2
S3 Ep 18-21, (Finale)
These are all good choices. Not to pick nits, but I'd say we all get a pretty good look at Aang in scary avatar mode first in The Siege of the North.

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