[Trailer] Last Airbender: what's the appeal?


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I'm skipping my planned comment and just going to post the director's response...

M Night Shyamalan in his own words on The Last Airbender race controversy


Not saying I think he is racist but he sounds like he's a little full of himself.

"You're coming at me, the one Asian filmmaker who has the right to cast anybody I want, and I'm casting this entire movie in this color blind way where everyone is represented."

What makes him special?

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I think the saddest part is, according to CHUD.com, the estimated expensive of the movie is around $280 million. So, even if the movie is as brilliant and fun and awesome as it deserves to be, it'll likely have to make at least $330 million in the theaters for Paramount to front a similar bankroll for the next two movies. And going up against a monster like Twilight...it doesn't look good. They might have done better to wait until November or December.

Again, not just Twilight, but Toy Story 3 just came out AND Despicable Me comes out next week (although I think Steve Carrell sucks). This has the smell of flop sweat all over it regardless of its quality.

The only two reviews on RT are from minor players, but both said it was rotten.


Again, not just Twilight, but Toy Story 3 just came out AND Despicable Me comes out next week (although I think Steve Carrell sucks). This has the smell of flop sweat all over it regardless of its quality.

Yep - regardless of quality of the movie, the timing for the release is quite poor with some of the movies it will be going up against.


M Night Shyamalan in the linked interview said:
The art form of Anime in and of itself is what's causing the confusion. The Anime artists intentionally put ambiguous features on the characters so that you see who you want to see in it. It's part of the art form.

Do the anime fans in this thread agree with this assessment?


Not saying I think he is racist but he sounds like he's a little full of himself.

"You're coming at me, the one Asian filmmaker who has the right to cast anybody I want, and I'm casting this entire movie in this color blind way where everyone is represented."

What makes him special?

I believe that is meant to be read as 'a director/filmaker can cast anyone they want' and the he 'happens to be an Asian filmmaker' etc. I don't think he is claiming any special right based on who he is, just laying out the situation for the people who are pointing the "racist" finger in the direction of the film and toward him by default. However, I can see how it might be read in a way that would make you post the question that you did.


You can pretty much get ATAB on Amazon for about $26 each season, which IMO is better than going to the movies. You get 20 half-hour episodes per season.

A better entertainment value, IMO. :)


You can pretty much get ATAB on Amazon for about $26 each season, which IMO is better than going to the movies. You get 20 half-hour episodes per season.

And for people that are curious but not sure they want that investment, they are available for streaming on Netflix.


First Post
Do the anime fans in this thread agree with this assessment?

No, I think that's a load and an extremely weak-ass explanation. I might have had more respect for M. Night if he came out and said, "Look, there aren't enough quality Asian/Indian/foreign actors who speak English well enough to make casting them in this big budget project practical. It's a very limited pool to be drawing from, so I opted to go with predominantly white American actors. Plus, since I'm making this for an American audience first and foremost, and white faces will sell better." I'd still think he's a douche, but at least he'd be an honest one.

Although, he can't use the argument that a Western audience wouldn't respond well to an unknown Eastern cast. Because, quite honestly, aside from Dev Patel and Aasif Mandvi - two of the very few non-white dudes in the cast - I don't know who the hell the other actors are! If you're going to go with virtual unknowns anyway, why not bring more Asian actors into the fold?

Though, in fairness, I think the argument that this is racism is only exacerbated by the fact that this is coming on the heels of Prince of Persia, another movie that seemingly chose to use as many non-authentic actors as humanly possible.

And am I the only one who suspects that even if Mako were still alive, Shyamalan wouldn't have offered him a role - any role - in the film?


More reviews coming in, from better reviewers, and with more brutality.

Ebert: The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented

Burr: The Last Airbender is dreadful, an incomprehensible fantasy-action epic that makes the 2007 film The Golden Compass, a similarly botched adaptation of a beloved property from another medium, look like a four-star classic.

Lemire: The Last Airbender is a joyless, soulless, muddled mess, but the worst part of all doesn't come until the very end. That's when it makes the clear suggestion that two more such movies are in store for us.

Voidrunner's Codex

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