[Trailer] Last Airbender: what's the appeal?


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The cartoon is great, if you have any interest in seeing the movie just watch the TV show. I hope the movie is good but the more I read the less that seems to be true.

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More reviews coming in, from better reviewers, and with more brutality.

Ebert: The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented

Burr: The Last Airbender is dreadful, an incomprehensible fantasy-action epic that makes the 2007 film The Golden Compass, a similarly botched adaptation of a beloved property from another medium, look like a four-star classic.

Lemire: The Last Airbender is a joyless, soulless, muddled mess, but the worst part of all doesn't come until the very end. That's when it makes the clear suggestion that two more such movies are in store for us.

Wow! Brutal. I guess I might have to pretend the movie doesn't exist to like I do the Matrix sequels.


First Post
I had been hoping the trailers had been clumsily redubbing in the actors lines to fit the trailer format. Sadly, it now sounds like those clunky deliveries are really part of the movie.
Keith Phipps said:
(Star Noah Ringer, who plays a messianic figure who might unite the warring forces, delivers his lines as if reading a book report, and his older co-stars don’t fare much better.)

WTF did they do to Appa's face :eek:

And crashing this up against Eclipse? Wasn't a decent chunk of the show's success from its cross gender appeal? How myopic do the meddling executives have to be to ignore that?


First Post
Yeah, that's pretty rough... Though, I think Ebert has gone senile, because he tends to trash great movies while praising stuff that's only mediocre, so I tend to dismiss him out of habit. It's not sounding promising though.

So, apparently, the runtime is only 103 minutes. Yeah... I'm betting that's half the problem right there. Trying to cram almost 7 hours of story, character development, and action into less than 2 hours? Sure, there's definitely stuff that could be trimmed, side stories that aren't essential to the main plot, but what the hell were they thinking? At the very least, the movie should have been 150 minutes, though preferably closer to 180. Hell, every Harry Potter film - a fair comparison, since it's another series primarily aimed at a younger crowd but with an appeal to people of all ages - was over 2 hours, with most hitting 2 and a half hours. And they really thought they could be The Last Airbender in under two?

It's spiteful, I know, but I'm seriously hoping this movie is such a colossal financial failure that M. Night Shyamalan is never allowed to direct again.


More reviews coming in, from better reviewers, and with more brutality.

Burr: The Last Airbender is dreadful, an incomprehensible fantasy-action epic that makes the 2007 film The Golden Compass, a similarly botched adaptation of a beloved property from another medium, look like a four-star classic.

Wow. The Golden Compass was awful, if that statement is even remotely correct this movie could be a disaster. And they spent 280 million to make a movie that is only 105 minutes long? Really?

If this movie tanks I would imagine it would kill M.Night's career. I just don't get it - I thought both 'Sixth Sense' and 'Unbreakable' were brilliant, but the guy hasn't been able to create a decent movie since...


First Post
Wow. The Golden Compass was awful, if that statement is even remotely correct this movie could be a disaster. And they spent 280 million to make a movie that is only 105 minutes long? Really?
Supposedly Suki and the earth kingdom arc of book one got cut from final release.
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Wow it's totally getting savaged at RT. Even Eclipse is at 51% (67% for Top Critics) and TLA is at like 7%.


Wow it's totally getting savaged at RT. Even Eclipse is at 51% (67% for Top Critics) and TLA is at like 7%.

Yeeesh!! 7%? Looks like this will be Netflix'ed for us unless the brave folks on this message board that actually go see it in the theatre say it has some redeeming qualities.

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