Traveller Open Content - New Programme on the Way

Mongoose Publishing has announced that the Traveller sci-fi RPG will be moving away from the Open Gaming License (OGL), and adopting Paizo's upcoming new Open RPG Creator License (ORC). In light of recent events, Mongoose Publishing is going to be introducing a brand new Traveller Open Content programme, allowing gamers and publishers to build their own projects using the most recent...

Mongoose Publishing has announced that the Traveller sci-fi RPG will be moving away from the Open Gaming License (OGL), and adopting Paizo's upcoming new Open RPG Creator License (ORC).


In light of recent events, Mongoose Publishing is going to be introducing a brand new Traveller Open Content programme, allowing gamers and publishers to build their own projects using the most recent edition of Traveller rules.

We will be working with existing Traveller OGL publishers to build a new SRD based upon the Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022, using their feedback to ensure best utility, and a logo licence will be made available to clearly mark compatible products.

At this time, we are looking to the ORC licence to maintain openness, now and in the future.

The current TAS programme on Drivethru, which allows the publishing of material set in the official Charted Space universe, will continue to run separately, but alongside, Traveller Open Content.

More news as it develops!

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Mongoose wasn't using WotC's game system in any way AFAIK, just using the OGL as a tool to enable content sharing.
It's funny because during the 3e d20 era Mongoose was one of the companies I associated with massive amounts of d20 OGL output. I still have quite a few of their books on my shelf. But they also are one of the companies that didn't go back to the well when Wizards came back hat in hand to publishers after the 4e GSL debacle and asked them to come back on board for 5e.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's funny because during the 3e d20 era Mongoose was one of the companies I associated with massive amounts of d20 OGL output. I still have quite a few of their books on my shelf. But they also are one of the companies that didn't go back to the well when Wizards came back hat in hand to publishers after the 4e GSL debacle and asked them to come back on board for 5e.
Yes, we're talking about Traveller.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
That’s not Traveller.
No, it's Mongoose, who as I said has been a long time ally 3rd party of WOTC with the OGL. What point are you making about my saying, "Mongoose was a long time business ally publishing under their license, which not just benefitted them but also benefitted D&D. Because learning D&D meant you learned the basic mechanics of so many other RPGs like some of Mongoose's?"


Well, that was fun
Staff member
No, it's Mongoose, who as I said has been a long time ally 3rd party of WOTC with the OGL. What point are you making about my saying, "Mongoose was a long time business ally publishing under their license, which not just benefitted them but also benefitted D&D. Because learning D&D meant you learned the basic mechanics of so many other RPGs like some of Mongoose's?"
OK 🤷

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